University of Lorraine (France) Institute of Business Administration


University of Lorraine (France) Institute of Business Administration
University of Lorraine (France)
Institute of Business Administration (ISAM-IAE)
25, rue Baron Louis
F-54000 Nancy
Office phone : +33 3 72 74 41 703
[email protected]
“Habilitation” in Business Administration
[French qualification to supervise Ph.D. students]
Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg (France)
Ph.D., Marketing (« doctorat en sciences de gestion »),
University of Grenoble II, Graduate School of Management (ESA),
Doctoral Programme, University of Grenoble II,
Graduate School of Management (ESA), France
Master of Business Administration, Studies at:
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (France), ESCP
University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA (United States)
University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany)
German: mother tongue
English: fluent
French: fluent
Spanish: intermediate level
Professor of Marketing, University of Lorraine, Nancy (France),
Institute of Business Administration,
Associate Professor of Marketing
Strasbourg University (France), Graduate School of Management
Lecturer, University of Savoie, Chambéry (France)
Research Assistant (to Professor Usunier),
University of Grenoble, Graduate School of Management (France)
Marketing Assistant (part-time),
Stuttgarter Messe- und Kongreßgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart,
Assistant / Senior Consultant, Andersen Consulting, München,
Director of the Master Programme in “Marketing and Sales”, Institute of Business
Administration, University of Lorraine, since 2005.
Member of the Scientific Board (Law, Economics and Business Administration) of the
University of Lorraine, since 2012.
Member of the Administrative Board of the Institute of Business Administration,
University of Lorraine, since 2001.
Member of the extended Executive Committee of the French Marketing Association in
charge of the doctoral dissertation competition (“prix de these”), since 2016.
Expert at the (French) Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education
(Haut Conseil de l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur,
HCERES), since 2010.
Head of the research group in marketing at the CEREFIGE research centre, University of
Lorraine (2005-2014)
Member of the extended Executive Committee of the French Marketing Association in
charge of the annual international conference, 2010-2014.
Member of the research and pedagogical committee of the Doctoral School in Law,
Economics and Business Administration at the University of Lorraine, 2001-2013.
Director of Research, ICN Business School, 2005-2008 (holding a key role in the
preparation and obtention – in 2007 - of EQUIS accreditation by the ICN Business
Expert at the French Ministry of Research and Technology (evaluation of French research
centres or programmes at the Master level), 2003-2007
Member of the Evaluating Commission of Swiss Professional Business Schools, 20032006.
Director of the Research Centre in Financial Economy and Management (GREFIGE),
University Nancy 2, 2001-2005 (comprising approximately 100 researchers at the end of
the mandate).
Director of the Pre-Doctoral Programme in Business Administration (“D.E.A. sciences de
gestion”), 2000-2003.
Member of the Scientific Board of the University of Nancy 2, 2002-2006.
Member of the Administrative Board of the ICN Business School, University of Nancy 2,
Responsible for International Affairs at the Institute of Business Administration,
University of Nancy 2 (1999-2001).
International Marketing
Introduction to Marketing
Market Research
International Marketing (MSc, MBA, EMBA)
Marketing Communications (MSc, MBA, EMBA)
Sports Marketing (MBA)
Marketing (MBA)
Sponsorship-Linked Marketing (MBA)
Online Teaching:
(author of two online teaching modules – in French language – on the platform for higher
education in France – AUNEGE, last update 2013)
“International Marketing Strategy” see at:
“The International Marketing Environment”, see at:
Visiting Positions and Courses Taught:
University of Bayreuth, Germany, International Marketing (November 2015)
University of Indonesia, Indonesia, International Marketing Management (April/May, 2013)
University of Bayreuth, Germany, Innovative Below the Line Communications (April 2012,
December 2013, November 2014)
California State University, Northridge, Sports Marketing (January-June 2010)
University of Freiburg, Germany, International Marketing in France and Germany, several
invitations between 2000 and 2013
Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark, Sports Sponsorship (OctoberNovember 2007)
University of Bern, Switzerland, International Marketing (April-May 2002)
Bloomsburg University, USA, Introduction to International Marketing (April 2001)
Boston College, USA, selected marketing lectures – no full course (March-April 1996)
Communication Effects: Sponsorship-linked Marketing, International Advertising Strategy
Consumer Behavior: Comprehension and Memory Processes
International Marketing: Country-of-Origin Effects, Internationalization of SMEs, Cultural
Influences on Marketing Policies and Programmes
Doctoral Dissertation:
« L'efficacité du parrainage sportif au sein de la communication de l'entreprise », thèse
pour le doctorat ès sciences de gestion
[English translation: “The effectiveness of sports sponsorship as a communications
January 1994, (Chairperson: Jean-Claude Usunier)
University of Grenoble, Graduate School of Management (France)
Recipient of the “Paul Nicolas Prize”, sponsored by the French Academy of Commercial
Science for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of marketing in 1994.
Refereed Journal Articles:
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Mathieu Kacha, Christian Derbaix, Olivier Corneille and Björn
Walliser (2014), Implicit sponsorship effect for a prominent brand, European Journal of
Marketing, 48, 3/4, 785-804.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca, Björn Walliser (2013), “Foreign market-related knowledge
absorption and the international financial performance of SMEs, Management
International, 17, 4, 178-193.
Koromyslov, Maxime, Björn Walliser and Elyette Roux (2013), Marques françaises du
luxe : effets de la délocalisation de la fabrication et du design sur les évaluations des
clients, Management International, 17, 3, 36-48.
Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Melanie Stallings Williams, Björn Walliser and Mark Bender
(2013), Bavarian Blondes Don’t Need a Visa: A Comparative Law Analysis of Ambush
Marketing, Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, 21, 1, 1-35.
Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Björn Walliser and Franck Valencia (2012), Les stratégies
juridiques et marketing pour lutter contre le pseudo-parrainage, Gérer & Comprendre,
210, décembre, 15-23.
Haapio, Helena, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Björn Walliser and Katri Rekola (2012), Time
for a Visual Turn in Contracting?, Journal of Contract Management, 10, Summer, 49-57.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca, Björn Walliser, Hartmut Holzmüller and Xiaoling Guo (2011),
Capturing Institutional Home Country Conditions for Exporting SMEs, Journal of
Business Research, 64, 12, 1303-1310.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2011), Le contrôle des effets
du parrainage sur l’audience : l’intérêt des mesures implicites de restitution mémorielle,
Décisions Marketing, 62, April-June, 7-18.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2011), Consumer consideration
of sponsor brands they do not recall: Taking a wider look at memorization effects of
sponsorship, International Journal of Advertising, 30, 2, 259-281.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2011), The process of export information
exploitation in French and Romanian SMEs, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
Development, 18, 2, 311-330.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2010), The impact of entry modes on
export knowledge resources and the international performance of SMEs, Management
International, 15, 1, 73-86.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca, Björn Walliser and Xiaoling Guo (2007), Capturing the
Relevant Institutional Profile for Exporting SMEs: Empirical Evidence from France and
Romania, International Management Review, 3, 3, 16-26.
Walliser, Björn (2006), Trente ans de recherche en parrainage : quelle évolution et quels
résultats ?, Revue Française de Gestion, 32, 163, 45-58.
Walliser, Björn, Mathieu Kacha and Raluca Mogos Descôtes (2005), Legitimizing public
authorities as sponsors: an inquiry into the factors related to the perception and
memorization of their sponsorship, International Review on Public and Non Profit
Marketing, 2, 1, 51-58.
Walliser, Björn et Raluca Mogos Descotes (2004), An Exploratory Inquiry into the
Acquisition and Use of Export Information by French SMEs and its Relationship to
International Performance, FACEM Pesquisa (one of the leading Brasilian business
journals), 7, 1, 97-107.
Walliser, Björn (2003), L’évolution et l’état de l’art de la recherche internationale sur le
parrainage, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 18, 1, 65-94.
Walliser, Björn (2003), An international review of sponsorship research: extension and
update, International Journal of Advertising, 22, 1, 5-40.
Walliser, Björn and Philippe Nanopoulos (2002), Déterminants et importance de
l’association durable des sponsors à l’événement : le cas de la Coupe du Monde de
Football 1998, Revue Française du Marketing, 186, 89-108.
Walliser, Björn and Fabienne Moreau (2000), Comparaison du style français et allemand
de la publicité télévisée, Décisions Marketing, 19, 75-84.
Davoine, Eric, Björn Walliser and Jean-Charles Riera (2000), La formation
professionnelle initiale en France et en Allemagne. Une analyse des mécanismes de
confiance et de méfiance à travers deux études de cas, Revue de Gestion des Ressources
Humaines, 37, October, 57-75.
Walliser, Björn (1999), Schwerpunkte und Problemfelder internationaler Marktstudien
aus der Sicht kleiner und mittlerer Marktforschungsinstitute in Deutschland und
Frankreich, planung und analyse, 1/1999, 63-67.
Walliser, Björn (1997), A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Perimeter and Outdoor
Advertising: What Sponsorship Can Learn From Outdoor Advertising, Australia-Asia
Marketing Journal, 5, 3, 19-28.
Walliser, Björn and Sabine Urban (1997), Allemagne-Chine: une gestion stratégique
(1997), Décisions Marketing, 10, January-April 1997, 35-44.
Walliser, Björn (1997), Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Markenbekanntheit und
Wiedererkennung bei der Bandenwerbung, Marketing - Zeitschrift für Forschung und
Praxis, 19, 1, 43-52.
Walliser, Björn (1996), Le rôle de l'intensité des émotions éprouvées par le téléspectateur
dans la mémorisation des parrains, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 11, 1, 6-19.
Walliser, Björn (1995), Les déterminants de la mémorisation des sponsors, Revue
Française du Marketing, 150, 1994/95, 83-95.
Walliser, Björn (2010), Le parrainage. Sponsoring et mécénat, 2nd ed., Paris : Dunod,
collection « Les topos », 128 p.
Walliser, Björn (2006), Le parrainage. Sponsoring et mécénat, Paris : Dunod, collection
« Les topos », 128 p.
Froehlicher, Thomas and Björn Walliser, editors (2003), La métamorphose des
organisations. Design organisationnel : créer, innover, relier (The metamorphosis of
organisations), Paris : L’Harmattan, 420 p.
Walliser, Björn (2002), Le marketing international, e-book (online):
Walliser, Björn (1995), Sponsoring. Grundlagen, Kontrolle, Wirkung, Wiesbaden: Gabler
Verlag, 222 p.
Usunier, Jean-Claude and Björn Walliser (1993), Interkulturelles Marketing. Mehr Erfolg
im internationalen Geschäft, Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 292 p.
Online Teaching Modules:
Walliser, Björn (last update 2013) “International Marketing Strategy” at:
Walliser, Björn (last update 2013), “The International Marketing Environment”, at:
Contributions to Collective Publications:
Walliser, Björn (2015), Congruence effects in sports marketing. Determinants, measures,
and outcomes of fit or misfit, in: Routledge Handbook of Sports Marketing, S. Chadwick,
N. Chanavat and M. Desbordes (éds.), Routledge: London and New York, 15-27.
Walliser, Björn and Jacquelyn Novak (2014), Le marketing des fédérations
sportives internationales : objectifs, moyens et structures, in Christopher Hautbois (ed.),
Le marketing des fédérations sportives, Paris: Economica, 29-46.
Jouny, Julien and Björn Walliser (2014), La Fédération Internationale de Volleyball
(FIVB) et sa campagne « FIVB Heroes », in Christopher Hautbois (ed.), Le marketing
des fédérations sportives, Paris: Economica, 256-272.
Walliser, Björn and Saskia Faulk (2008), Politique de communication : Cas « Lenovo »,
in : Sylvie Hertrich and Ulrike Mayrhofer (eds.), Cas en marketing, Cormelles-LesRoyal: Editions EMS, 131-148.
Walliser, Björn (2004), Le parrainage sportif des collectivités publiques, in : Michel
Desbordes (ed.), Stratégie des Entreprises dans le Sport, 2nd ed., Paris : Economica, 133159.
Walliser, Björn (2003), Sport advertising: a review of perimeter advertising effectiveness,
in: Flemming Hansen and Lars Bech Christensen (eds.), Branding and Advertising,
Copenhagen Business School Press, 189-204.
Davoine, Eric and Björn Walliser (2002), La construction de la confiance entre les
acteurs du modèle allemand de formation professionnelle initiale, in : Thomas
Würtenberger, Dieter K. Tscheulin, Jean-Claude Usunier, Dominique Jeannerod and Eric
Davoine (eds.), Wahrnehmungs- und Betätigungsformen des Vertrauens im deutschfranzösischen Vergleich, Berlin, Arno Spitz, 311-328.
Walliser, Björn and Eric Davoine (2000), La construction de la confiance entre les
acteurs du modèle allemand de formation professionnelle initiale, in : Jean-Claude
Usunier (ed.), Confiance et performance. Un essai de management comparé
France/Allemagne, Paris : Vuibert, 101-118.
Urban, Sabine, Ulrike Mayrhofer and Björn Walliser (1999), "Alliance Capitalism" in
Irland, in: J. Engelhardt and W.A. Oechsler (eds.), Internationales Management.
Auswirkungen globaler Veränderungen auf Wettbewerb, Unternehmensstrategie und
Märkte, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 139-154.
Walliser, Björn and Thomas Froehlicher (1998), The Reaction of German Consumers to
French Nuclear Testing, in: Ingo Balderjahn, Claudia Mennicken and Eric Vernette
(eds.), New Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behavior Research, Stuttgart:
Schäffer-Poeschel, Basingstoke: MacMillan, 219-236.
Walliser, Björn (1995), Le marketing en Allemagne, in: L´Allemagne, FOREXPORT,
National Center of Distance Learning (CNED), French Ministry of Education, IV.1IV.50.
Refereed Proceedings:
Alina Simion et Björn Walliser (2014), Les attributs discriminants du parrainage en ligne.
Le cas du parrainage des évènements virtuels, 13ème Journée de recherche en emarketing, Université Paris 1, September 12.
Julien Jouny, Elodie Rivière et Björn Walliser (2014), L’impact du parrainage sportif sur
le public interne des PME parrains, 30th international conference of the French
Marketing Association (AFM), Montpellier, France, May 14-15.
Mogos Descôtes, Raluca, Björn Walliser and Olli Kuivolainen (2012), The Impact of
SME’s Degree of Internationalization on their Tacit Export Knowledge and the Financial
Export Performance in a Period of Global Economic Recession, 38th Annual Conference
of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), University of Sussex,
December 7-9.
Koromyslov, Maxime and Björn Walliser (2012), Le luxe français est-il délocalisable ?
Les effets négatifs de la délocalisation de la fabrication ou du design pour les marques,
28th international conference of the French Marketing Association (AFM), Brest, France,
May 9-11 (« Best paper award »).
Berger-Walliser, Gerlinde, and Björn Walliser (2012), A Visual Perspective on Proactive
Inter-Firm Contracting, Pacific South West Academy for Legal Studies in Business
Annual Conference, Palm Springs, USA, February 16-18.
Berger-Walliser, Gerlinde, Melanie Stalling Williams and Bjorn Walliser (2011), Legal
Aspects of Ambush Marketing: A Comparative Approach, Academy of Legal Studies in
Business (ALSB) Annual Conference, New Orleans, August 9-13.
Walliser, Björn, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Melanie Stallings-Williams (2011), Le
cadre juridique de l’ambush marketing: une approche comparée, State of the Art in Sport
Management Research (Etat de la Recherche en Management du Sport), Strasbourg
University, Strasbourg, France, June 16-17.
Koromyslov, Maxime and Björn Walliser (2011), Les conséquences négatives de la
délocalisation du luxe pour les marques, 1st International Colloqium « Luxe et
Contrefaçon : Défis, Enjeux et Perspectives », Wesford University Geneva and Institute
of Brand Research (Institut de Recherche sur la Marque), Geneva, Switzerland, June 911.
Mogos Descôtes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2011), International marketing knowledge
absorption and the financial performance of SMEs in export markets, Annual Conference
of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Coral Gables, Florida, May 24-27.
Berger-Walliser, Gerlinde, Melanie Stalling Williams and Björn Walliser (2011), Legal
Aspects of Ambush Marketing: A Comparative Approach, Pacific South West Academy
for Legal Studies in Business Annual Conference, Palm Springs, USA, February 17-19
(winner “Best Paper Award”).
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2010), The double impact of
sponsorship: Conscious and nonconscious awareness of the brand–event link, FrenchAustrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour : “From Smart Shopping to
Luxury, from Aldi to Dior: Consumption Styles in the Early 2000”, University of
Saarbrücken, Germany, September 29 – October 1.
Mogos Descôtes, Raluca, Björn Walliser, Hartmut Holzmüller and Xiaoling Guo (2010),
Capturing the Home Country Conditions for Exporting SMEs: Scale Development and
Implications, 2010 AMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, IESEG School
of Management, Catholic University of Lille, France, July 21-24.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2010), The impact of entry modes upon
export knowledge resources and the international performance of SMEs, 39th European
Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2010), Recognition without
recommendation and recommendation without recognition: An analysis of explicit and
implicit sponsorship memorization effects, American Marketing Association, Winter
Marketing Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States, February 19-22.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2010), Sport sponsorship
effects on spectators’ consideration sets: impact with and without brand-event link
recognition, in: Margaret C. Campbell, J. Jeffrey Inman, and Rik Pieters (eds.), Advances
in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVII.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2009), Sport sponsorship
effects on spectators’ consideration sets: impact with and without brand-event link
recognition, North American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research
(ACR), Pittsburgh, PA, United States, October 22-25.
Herrmann, Jean-Luc, Mathieu Kacha, Björn Walliser and Denis Bettinger (2009), Sport
sponsorship impact on spectators’ implicit memory, 38th European Marketing Academy
(EMAC) Conference, Nantes, France, May 26-29.
Mogos Descôtes, Raluca, Björn Walliser and Hartmut Holzmüller (2009), Measuring
Institutional Country Profiles for Exporting SMEs: An Emic/Etic Scale Development
Approach, 38th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Nantes, France,
May 26-29.
Walliser, Björn, Jean-Luc Herrmann, Mathieu Kacha and Denis Bettinger (2009), „I
don’t remember the brand but I recommend it to you” – taking a wider look at
memorization effects of sponsorship, 4th International Research Days on Marketing
Communications, “Marketing Communications in a Hypermodern Society”, Aarhus
Business School, Aarhus University, Denmark, March 26-27.
Usunier, Jean-Claude, Bruno Kocher, Brigitte Müller and Björn Walliser (2007), The
standardization of international advertising: an analytic review, 36th European Marketing
Academy (EMAC) Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 22-25.
Raluca Mogos Descôtes and Björn Walliser (2006), Exploring the Institutional Profile of
Exporting SMEs: Scale Development in the Romanian Context, 33rd Conference of the
UK Chapter of the Academy of International Business, April 6-8.
Walliser, Björn, Mathieu Kacha and Raluca Mogos Descôtes (2005), Legitimizing public
authorities as sponsors : an inquiry into the factors related to the perception and
memorization of public authorities as sponsors, IV International Congress on Public and
Non Profit Marketing, Jerez de la Frontera, Espagne, May 26-27.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca, Björn Walliser and Mathieu Kacha (2004), Une étude
exploratoire entre la perception des informations relatives aux marchés étrangers, les
ressources informationnelles internes et la performance internationale : le cas des TPE du
Grand Est de la France, CIFEPME (Congrès International Francophone en
Entrepreneuriat et PME), Montpellier, France, October 27-29.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser, (2004), Une étude exploratoire sur le rôle
médiateur des réseaux dans le processus d’acquisition de l’information à l’export. Leur
relation avec la performance internationale des PME, 17th Journées Nationales des IAE,
University of Lyon 3, September 13-14.
Walliser, Björn and Patrice Laroche (2004), What do we really know about sponsorship
memorization? A meta-analysis of the determinants of sponsorship recognition, 33th
European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Murcia University, Murcia, Spain,
May 18-21.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2004), An Exploratory Inquiry into the
Acquisition and Use of Export Information by French SMEs and its Relationship to
International Performance, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Academy of
International Business (AIB), UK Chapter: “International Business in an Enlarging
Europe: Integration, Coopetition and Collaboration”, University of Ulster, April 23-25.
Mogos Descotes, Raluca and Björn Walliser (2004), Evaluating the French SMEs
Behaviour in Terms of Export Information Acquisition and its Relationship to
International Performance. The Mediating Role of some of the Company’s Resources and
Characteristics, SIMPEC, 5th Biennial International Symposium, Brasov (Romania), May
Walliser, Björn (2002), Evolution et état de l’art de la recherche internationale sur le
parrainage, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the French Marketing
Association, Lille, May 22-24, 131-156.
Björn Walliser (2002), Sport advertising: a review of perimeter advertising effectiveness,
First international conference on research in advertising, Forum for Advertising
Research, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, May 2-3.
Eric Davoine, Björn Walliser and Jean-Charles Riera (2000), La formation
professionnelle initiale en France et en Allemagne : une analyse des mécanismes de
confiance et de méfiance à travers deux études de cas, Proceedings of the 11th Conference
of the Association Francophone des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), Paris, France, Ecole
Supérieure de Commerce, November 16-17.
Walliser, Björn (2000), The Standardization of Cross-National Advertising Strategy : A
Review of the Empirical Literature, Proceedings of the 29th European Marketing
Academy (EMAC) Conference, Berend Wierenga, Ale Smits et Gerrit Antonides (eds.),
Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, Erasmus University, May 23-26, 2000.
Walliser, Björn and Philippe Nanopoulos (2000), Qui a gagné la Coupe du Monde 1998 ?
Déterminants et importance de l’association durable des sponsors à l’événement,
Proceedings of the 16th international conference of the French Marketing Association,
(AFM), Montreal, May 18-20.
Walliser, Björn (1999), Computer Sperm Meeting Bloody Toothbrush. A Comparison of
French and German Television Commercials, Proceedings of the 28th European
Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, May
11-14, 1999.
Walliser, Björn and Philippe Nanopoulos (1999), Les effets durables de la Coupe du
Monde de football en terme de parrainage, Proceedings of the 4th Research Day of the
University of Burgundy (France), November 25, Marketing des activités culturelles, des
loisirs, du tourisme et du sport, Marc Filser and Dominique Bourgeon-Renault (eds.),
Université de Bourgogne, CREGO, Dijon, France, 158-172.
Walliser, Björn and Jean-Claude Usunier (1998), The Standardization of Advertising
Execution: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Proceedings of the 27th Annual
European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Per Andersson (ed.), volume 2,
International Marketing, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19-23, 517-536.
Walliser, Björn (1997), What Sponsorship Can Learn From Outdoor Advertising. What
Does it Mean for Integrated Communications, in: European Society for Marketing
Research, ESOMAR (ed.), New Ways for Optimising Integrated Communications, Paris,
April 16-18, Amsterdam: ESOMAR, 1-17.
Walliser, Björn, Thomas Froehlicher and Ron Edwards (1997), What Test Bombs Can
Do to Your Business: The Commercial Impact of French Nuclear Testing on French
Subsidiaries in Germany and Australia, Competitive Paper, 23rd Annual Conference of
the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stuttgart, December 14-16, 1997.
Walliser, Björn and Thomas Froehlicher (1997), The Effects of French Nuclear Testing
on French Subsidiaries in Germany and Australia and Their Reactions, Competitive
Paper, 14th Annual Conference of the Euro-Asian Management Studies Association
(EAMSA), “Asian Firms Looking Towards the Global Market”, Metz, France, October
23-25, 1997.
Walliser, Björn and Thomas Froehlicher (1996), The Commercial Impact of French
Nuclear Testing on French Subsidiaries in Germany, Workshop Paper, 22th Annual
Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stockholm,
Sweden, December 15-17, 1996.
Froehlicher, Thomas and Björn Walliser (1996), Interfirm Cooperation and Social
Networks, Working Paper, First Euro-Conference: European Management in Face of
Knowledge Driven Competition, Porto, Portugal, September 19-21, 1996.
Walliser, Björn and Thomas Froehlicher (1996), The Reaction of German Consumers to
French Nuclear Testing, Working Paper, French-German Workshop on New
Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behavior Research, Universität Potsdam,
September 26-27, 1996.
Walliser, Björn (1995), Le rôle de l´intensité des émotions éprouvées par le téléspectateur
dans la mémorisation des sponsors, in: A. Jolibert, R.A. Peterson and A. Strazzieri (eds.),
First International Research Seminar on Marketing Communications and Consumer
Behavior, La Londe les Maures, 6-9 June 1995, IAE Aix-en-Provence, 592-610.
Walliser, Björn and Sabine Urban (1995), Germany and the Chinese Market, Working
Paper, 21st Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA),
Urbino, Italy, December 10-12, 1995.
Walliser, Björn (1994), Les déterminants de la mémorisation des sponsors, in: E.
Vernette and J.-L. Giannelloni (eds.), Le sponsoring: quelle efficacité, Second Regional
Research Seminar of the French Marketing Association, CERAM, Université de Savoie,
Chambéry, March 18, 1994, 47-68.
Walliser, Björn (1993), Modèle explicatif de l´influence du sponsoring sur le spectateur
d´un événement sportif, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the French
Marketing Association, (AFM), Marseille, May 13-14, Paris: French Marketing
Association, 417-435.
Walliser, Björn (1992), The Memorization of Perimeter Board Advertising with and
without Supplementary Classic Advertising, in: European Society for Marketing
Research, ESOMAR (ed.), ESOMAR Research Day, Sponsorship Europe ´92 Conference
Proceedings, Monaco, December 2-4, Amsterdam: ESOMAR, 249-259.
Other Publications, Case Studies, Study Reports, and Presentations:
Frazer, Renaud, Jean-Luc Herrmann, Mathieu Kacha and Björn Walliser (2015),
Country-Of-Origin (COO) information and product evaluations: the role of country
stereotypes, country-related product associations, and country-related affect, FrenchAustrian-German Workshop on Consumer Behaviour (Poster), Bayreuth, Germany, 2627 November.
Walliser, Björn (2015), Der Kunde als König, ‘le client est roi’ – Unterschiede zwischen
dem deutschen und französischen Marketing, Universität Mannheim – Romanisches
Seminar, Ringvorlesung Ökonomien der Romania, Mai 2015.
Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Bjorn Walliser (2012), Who Really Cares About Fighting
Ambush Marketing?, Pacific South West Academy for Legal Studies in Business Annual
Conference, Palm Springs, USA, February 16-18.
Corneille, Olivier, Jonathan Dedonder, Christian Derbaix, Jean-Luc Herrmann (session
chair), Mathieu Kacha and Björn Walliser (2011), Special session “Influence without
conscience: the example of sponsorship effectiveness” (original title: “Influence sans
conscience : l’exemple de l’efficacité du parrainage”), 27th international conference of the
French Marketing Association (AFM), Bruxelles, May 18-20.
Walliser, Björn (2008), Petit traité de marketing à l'usage des artisans, Lons le Saunier,
La Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat du Jura.
Harding, Claire, Björn Walliser and Gerlinde Berger-Walliser (2008), Avago
Technologies – Strategic Trade Show Management, case study n°: 508-052-1, European
Case Clearing House, ECCH, Cranfield University (23 p.).
Harding, Claire, Björn Walliser and Gerlinde Berger-Walliser (2008), Avago
Technologies – Strategic Trade Show Management, teaching note, n°: 508-052-8,
European Case Clearing House, ECCH, Cranfield University (11 p.).
Walliser, Björn (2005), « Dialogos » et « Entrevistas », in : Valencia Summit 2005 : New
Trends in Management of Major Sport Events, noos institute, éd., 173-174 et 278.
Walliser, Björn (2005), computer-based online teaching module on International
Marketing, Institute of Business Administration, University of Nancy 2.
Walliser, Björn and Raluca Mogos (2003), La performance internationale des PME, in :
Walliser et al. (eds.), Les déterminants de la performance des PME : une approche en
termes de ressources et de comportements managériaux, rapport intermédiaire, Contrat
de Plan Etat-Région, PRST Dynamique de développement des espaces régionaux et
européens, Action 4, Compétitivité, Entreprises, Espace et Environnement, Module 1.
Walliser, Björn and Eric Davoine (2000), La construction de la confiance entre les
acteurs du modèle allemand de formation professionnelle initiale, presentation at the
conference “Une approche comparée France-Allemagne de la confiance entre acteurs
économiques” organized under the patronat of the FNEGE and the Confederation of the
Universities of the Upper Rhine (EUCOR), Strasbourg, Pôle Européen de Gestion et
d’Economie, March 29, 2000.
Walliser, Björn and Eric Davoine (1999), Formation professionnelle et confiance: une
comparaison implicite entre la France et l'Allemagne, presentation at the conference “Les
déterminants de la confiance, une comparaison franco-allemande”, Frankreich-Zentrum
of the Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg i. Br. (Germany), May 7-8, 1999.
Walliser, Björn and Fabienne Moreau (1999), Comparaison du style français et allemand
de la publicité télévisée, Working Paper, Center of Applied Management Studies
(CESAG), 98 11 1 / 11, Strasbourg: Université Robert Schuman.
Walliser, Björn (1998), Do we really understand why sponsorship works? We know how
but why, 7th Annual Conference of the European Sponsorship Consultants Association
(ESCA), The sponsorship business - new trends and challenges, The Dormy, England, 1-2
October 1998.
Froehlicher, Thomas, Valérie Malnati, Ulrike Mayrhofer, Philippe Nanopoulos, Sabine
Urban and Björn Walliser (1998), Les localisations industrielles en Irlande. Perspectives
d'évolution, Study for the French Ministry of Industry, Strasbourg: Université Robert
Schuman, CESAG.
Walliser, Björn (1997), The Role of Animals in Advertising - An Exploratory Study
Comparing Print Advertisements in France and Germany, Working Paper, Center of
Applied Management Studies (CESAG), 97 06 7, Strasbourg: Université Robert Schuman,
Walliser, Björn (1996), La place du sponsoring dans le mix de communication de
l'entreprise, Global Communication Magazine, Institut Supérieur de Communication et
Publicité (ISCOM), n° 13, February-April 1996, 4-5.
Alle Emotionen unter Kontrolle, Interview in: Marketing und Kommunikation,
Switzerland, July-August 1996, 32-37.
Urban, Sabine, Valérie Frohly, Philippe Nanopoulos and Björn Walliser, "L´Allemagne
et le marché chinois" (1995), Study for the French Ministry of Industry, Strasbourg:
Robert Schuman University, Strasbourg, 147 p.
Walliser, Björn (1990), Le sponsoring sportif - un instrument de communication efficace
?, Master Dissertation, D.E.A. es sciences de gestion, Université Pierre Mendès-France,
Grenoble II, Ecole Supérieure des Affaires, 91 p.
Die deutsche Automobilindustrie - ein Blick in die Zukunft. Delphi Studie (1988), Arthur
Andersen and Horst Wildemann (eds.), Frankfurt: Arthur Andersen & Co. (with the
collaboration of David Crow, Dagmar Fischer and Björn Walliser).
Organization of conferences / workshops:
(Co-)Chair of the 8th International Research Days on Marketing Communications: Sport
Marketing and Sponsorship, Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg, Seeburg (Austria), April
7-8, 2016.
(Co-)Chair of the 7th International Research Days on Marketing Communications,
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Wolfsburg, April 18-19, 2013.
(Co-)Chair of the scientific committee and organizer of the 6th International Research
Days on Marketing Communications, CEREFIGE Research Center, University of
Lorraine and University of Braunschweig, Nancy, March 29-30, 2012.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and of the organizing committee of the 5th
International Research Days on Marketing Communications: Below-the-line
Communication, ICN Business School & CEREFIGE Research Center, University Nancy,
March 25-26, 2010.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and of the organizing committee of the 3rd
Research Days on Marketing Communications: Below-the-line Communication, ICN
Business School, Aarhus School of Business, French Marketing Association, CEREFIGE,
March 27-28, 2008.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and of the organizing committee of the 2nd
conference of the North East of France on Marketing Communications, Université Nancy
2, ICN Business School and GREFIGE-CEREMO, March 31-April 1, 2006.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and of the organizing committee of the 21st
International Conference of the French Marketing Association, Université Nancy 2, May
17-20, 2005.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and organizer of the 1st conference of the
North East of France on Marketing Communications, Université Nancy 2, GREFIGE,
March 26, 2004.
(Co-)President of the scientific committee and organizer of the 3rd conference The
Metamorphosis of Organizations, Université Nancy 2, GREFIGE, October 23-25, 2002.
Editorial Review Board:
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM) – France
Décisions Marketing (DM) – France
La Revue Européenne de Management du Sport – France
FACEF Pesquisa - Brazil
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer (occasional):
European Journal of Marketing
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
European Sport Management Quarterly
Journal of Business Research
Conference and other Ad Hoc Reviewing:
Annual Conference of the French Marketing Association (AFM), since 1995
Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), since 2004
Biannual French-Austrian-German Workshops on Consumer Behaviour, since 2010
French Marketing Association and Chamber of Commerce Paris, Member of the
evaluation committee “Best marketing case study of the year”, since 2012
International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris / Venice, since 2009
Research Conference in Sport Marketing: Focus on Sponsorship, Warsaw Sport
Marketing Center, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon, Portland,
Oregon, June 21-22, 2012.
Workshop State of the Art of Research in Sport Management (Etat de la Recherche en
Management du Sport), Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, June 16-17, 2011.
Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2011
Colloquium on “Ecoute des marches: méthodes et résultats », Université Robert
Schuman, IECS, Strasbourg, December 7, 2007.
Colloquium on Social Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development "Entre les
Apports de la Recherche et les Limites de la Pratique : Quelle évolution pour la RSE ?",
Agadir, April 9-10, 2007.
World Congress Scandinavian Association of Management / International Federation of
Scholarly Associations of Management, 2004.
Marketing Sensoriel Research Day, CERAM Sophia Antipolis and French
Marketing Association, June 3, 2002.
Journées des IAE, 2002
Austrian Science Fund (FWF), 2010
Scientific Committee Member:
Annual Conferences of the French Marketing Association (AFM), since 2011.
2nd International Conference on Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable
Development, ICN Business School, CEREFIGE, Université Nancy 2, November
4-6, 2009.
International workshop on meta-analysis in economics and management,
CEREFIGE, Université Nancy 2, October 17-18, 2008.
5th conference The Metamorphosis of Organizations, Université Nancy 2,
GREFIGE-CEREMO, November 23-24, 2006.
Conference Social Responsibility of Companies, Université Nancy 2, GREFIGECEREMO, March 17-18, 2005.
4th conference The Metamorphosis of Organizations, Université Nancy 2,
GREFIGE, October, 2004.
2nd International Research Conference in Marketing of the Tunisian Association
of Marketing, Avril 2-3, 2004, Hammamet (Tunisia).
(Co-)President of the scientific committee of the 3rd conference The
Metamorphosis of Organizations, Université Nancy 2, GREFIGE, October 23-25,
Doctoral dissertations and “habilitation” committees:
Member of the annual doctoral colloquium of the French Marketing Association
(AFM), Brest, May 8-9, 2012
Participation at approximately 3 doctoral dissertation / habilitation committees
(“jury de soutenance”) per year at (mostly French) universities.
(Total: 37 committees since 2000)
French Marketing Association, AFM (since 1993)
European Marketing Academy, EMAC (with interruptions since 1996)
Association of German Management Professors (with interruptions since 1996)
“Best paper award 2012”, 28th International Conference of the French Marketing
Association (AFM), Brest, France, May 9-11, 2012, for the paper “Le luxe français est-il
délocalisable ? Les effets négatifs de la délocalisation de la fabrication ou du design pour
les marques », co-authored with Maxime Koromyslov.
“Honorable Mention” (runner up), Graduate Research Category, 2012 W. Gregor
Macfarlan Excellence in Contract Management Research and Writing Program, National
Contract Management Association 2012, for the paper: “Time for a Visual Turn in
Contracting?”, co-authored with Helena Haapio, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Katri
Pacific Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business “Best Paper Award” 2011, for
the paper “Legal Aspects of Ambush Marketing: A Comparative Approach”, co-authored
with Gerlinde Berger-Walliser and Melanie Stalling Williams.
"Paul Nicolas Prize", sponsored by the French Academy of Commercial Science for the
best doctoral dissertation in the field of marketing in 1994.
Recipient of the „Grand Prix de la Recherche“ 2003, sponsored by the Société
Industrielle de l’Est for outstanding research contributions in the Lorraine Region
Home Addresses:
Home Phone:
26 Chemin des Brigeottes
F-54130 St. Max
+33 3 83 29 01 07
Revised: April 2016

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