
Compiled by
Christopher T. Baglow
I) Works by St. Thomas Aquinas on Scripture - Latin Editions and Corresponding
English Translations. (All of the Latin editions listed below are contained in
database form with both reading and search capacities on Roberto Busa, S.J., ed.,
Thomae Aquinatis opera omnia cum hypertextibus in CD-ROM, Editio secunda.
Licosa-Editel: 1996.)
1) Expositio super Isaiam ad litteram. Vol. XXVIII, Leonine Edition. Rome: 1974.
“Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah.” Translated by Matthew Rzeczkowski.
In Thomas Aquinas, The Gifts of the Spirit: Selected Spiritual Writings. Ed.
Benedict Ashley. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1995: 87-91. (On Is 11.2.)
2) Super Ieremiam et Threnos. In Vol. XIV, Parma Edition, 577-667; 668-685.
Parma: 1863. (No published translation.)
3) “De commendatione et partitione sacrae scripturae” [Principium “Rigans montes
de superioribus” and “Hic est liber mandatorum Dei”]. In Vol. I, Opuscula
theologica, ed. by R. Verardi, 435-443. Turin: Marietti, 1954.
"The Inaugural Sermons." In Thomas Aquinas, Selected Writings. Ed. and trans. Ralph
McInerny. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998: 5-17. (Includes both inaugural
"Inaugural Lecture (1256)." In Albert & Thomas: Selected Writings. Ed. and trans.
Simon Tugwell. The Classics of Western Spirituality. New York: Paulist Press,
1988: 355-60. (Includes the first inaugural lecture.)
4) Expositio super Iob ad litteram. Vol. XXVI, Leonine Edition. Rome: 1965.
The Literal Exposition on Job: A Scriptural Commentary Concerning Providence.
Translated with an introduction by Martin D. Yaffe and Anthony Damico.
Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989.
5) Glossa continua super Evangelia (Catena Aurea). 2 vols., ed. by A. Guarienti.
Turin: Marietti, 1953.
Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels Collected out of the Works of the
Fathers by S. Thomas Aquinas. 4 vols. Translated by John Henry Newman.
Oxford: Parker, 1841-45; reprinted in 7 vols., Albany, NY: Preserving Christian
Publications, 1993-96; reprinted in 4 vols., London: St. Austin Press, 1997.
Catena Aurea. Translated by M.F. Toal. Mercier Press, 1955; reprinted in 4 vols. as The
Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, Chicago: Regnery, 1957-63; Swedesboro,
NJ: Preservation Press, 1996.
6) Lectura super Matthaeum. Turin: Marietti, 1951. [Includes spurious text in nos.
444-582 and 603-610; cf. MS Basel, Bibl. Univ. B.V. 12 for complete text of
the commentary].
"From the Lectures on St. Matthew." In Albert & Thomas: Selected Writings. Ed. and
trans. Simon Tugwell. The Classics of Western Spirituality. New York: Paulist
Press, 1988: 445-75. (On Mt 6.5-15.)
7) Lectura super Ioannem. Edited by Raphael Cai. Turin: Marietti, 1952.
Commentary on the Gospel of John. Translated by James A. Weisheipl and Fabian R.
Larcher. Albany, NY: Magi Books, 1980. (Part 1; contains lectures on John 1-7.)
Commentary on the Gospel of John. Translated by Fabian R. Larcher. Petersham, MA:
St. Bede’s Publications, 1999. (Part 2; contains lectures on John 8-21.)
8) Super Epistolas S. Pauli Lectura. Vol. I-II, ed. by Raphael Cai. Turin: Marietti,
1952. [Includes spurious text in Vol. I, nos. 336-582 of In I Cor.].
Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Translated by Fabian R. Larcher.
Albany, NY: Magi Books, 1966.
Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. Translated with an introduction by
Matthew L. Lamb. Albany, NY: Magi Books, 1966.
Commentary on St. Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians and the Letter to the
Philippians. Translated by Fabian R. Larcher and Michael Duffy. Albany, NY:
Magi Books, 1969.
“Exposition of Paul's Epistle to Philemon.” In Ralph McInerny, ed. and trans., Thomas
Aquinas, Selected Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998: 812-21.
"Selections from Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on Romans." Translated by Eugene F.
Rogers, Jr. In The Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Classic and
Contemporary Readings. Ed. Stephen Fowl. Blackwell Readings in Modern
Theology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997: 325-35. (Parts of the commentary on
Romans 9-11.)
“Commentary on Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians.” Translated by Matthew
Rzeczkowski. In Thomas Aquinas, The Gifts of the Spirit: Selected Spiritual
Writings. Ed. Benedict Ashley. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1995: 21-78.
(On 1 Cor 12-13.)
"From the First Lectures on St. Paul" and "From the Commentary on Romans." In Albert
& Thomas: Selected Writings. Ed. and trans. Simon Tugwell. The Classics of
Western Spirituality. New York: Paulist Press, 1988: 433-38. (On 1 Cor 14.1315, 1 Tim 2.1, and Rom 8.26-27.)
9) Postilla super Psalmos. In Vol. XIV, Parma Edition, 148-553. Parma: 1863.
St. Thomas's Commentary on the Psalms. Translated by Hugh McDonald, Stephen
Loughlin et al. E-text, and
/Translation.html, with mirror site at
ATP/index .html. (In progress; Latin and English.)
“Commentary on the Psalms of David.” Translated by Matthew Rzeczkowski. In
Thomas Aquinas, The Gifts of the Spirit: Selected Spiritual Writings. Ed.
Benedict Ashley. Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1995: 95-133. (Prologue, and
commentary on Ps 45.)
II) Secondary Works
Aillet, Marc. Lire le Bible avec S. Thomas. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 1993.
Arges, Michael. “New Evidence Concerning the Date of Thomas Aquinas’ Lectura on
Matthew.” Medieval Studies 49 (1987): 517-523.
Arias Reyero, Maximino. Thomas von Aquin als Exeget. Einsiedeln: Johannes Verlag,
Ausín, S. “La providencia divina en el libro de Job. Estudio sobre la ‘Expositio in Job’
de Santo Tomás de Aquino.” Scripta Theologica 8 (1976): 477-550.
Baglow, Christopher T. “Modus et Forma”: A New Approach to the Exegesis of Saint
Thomas Aquinas with an Application to the Lectura super Epistolam ad Ephesios.
Analecta Biblica 149. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Press, 2002.
_____. “Sacred Scripture and Sacred Doctrine in St. Thomas Aquinas.” In Aquinas on
Doctrine: A Critical Introduction. Edited by Thomas G. Weinandy, Daniel A.
Keating, and John P. Yocum. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2004.
Basevi, C. “La justificatión en los comentarios de Pelagio, Lutero y santo Tomás a la
epistola a los Romanos.” Scripta Theologica 19 (1987): 113-176.
Bataillon, L.-J. “Les sermons de saint Thomas et la Catena Aurea.” In St. Thomas
Aquinas 1274-1974: Commemorative Studies. Vol. I. Edited by A. Maurer.
Toronto: 1974: 67-75.
_____. “Saint Thomas et les Pères: de la Catena à la Tertia Pars.” In Ordo sapientiae et
amoris. Edited by C.-J. Pinto de Oliveira. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires,
1993: 15-36.
_____. “De la lectio à la praedicatio. Commentaires bibliques et sermons au XIIIe
siècle,” Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 70 (1986): 559-575.
_____. “La diffusione manoscritta e stampata dei commenti biblici di san Tommaso
d’Aquino.” Angelicum 71 (1994): 579-590.
Bellemare, R. “La Somme de Théologie et la lecture de la Bible.” In Colloque
commémoratif saint Thomas d’Aquin 1274-1974. Vol. V. Ottawa: 1974: 257270.
Benoit, P. Inspiration and the Bible. Translated by Jerome Murphy-O’Connor and M.
Keverne. London; Melbourne; New York: Sheed and Ward, 1965.
Berceville, G. “L’étonnante alliance: Evangile et miracles selon saint Thomas d’Aquin.”
Revue Thomiste 103 (2003): 5-74.
_____. “Exégèse biblique, théologie et philosophie chez Thomas d’Aquin et Luther
commentateurs de Rm 7:14-25.” Recherches de science religieuse 91 (2003):
_____. “L’Expositio continua sur les quatre Evangiles de saint Thomas d’Aquin (Catena
Aurea): le commentaire de Marc.” Mémoire de D.E.A., 1988, deposited at Le
Berchtold, Christoph. Manifestatio Veritatis. Zum Offenbarungsbegriff bei Thomas von
Aquin. Münster: LIT-Verlag, 2000.
Berger, David. “Die Quellen der Summa theologiae: Die Heilige Schrift.” In David
Berger, Thomas von Aquins Summa theologiae. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, 2004: 67-75.
______. “Sacra doctrina - Die zentrale Bedeutung der q.1 der Ia der Summa theologiae
des Aquinaten” Gregorianum 84 (2004).
Bermudez, Catalina. “Hijos de Dios por la Gracia en los comentarios de Santo Tomás a
las cartas paulinas.” In Storia del tomismo. Studia Tomistici 45. Vatican City:
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1992: 78-89.
_____. “Predestinazione, grazia et libertà nei Comenti di San Tommaso alle Lettere di
San Paolo.” Annales Thelogici 4 (1990): 399-421.
Biffi, Inos. “I misteri della vita Cristo nei commentari biblici di San Tommaso
d’Aquino.” Divus Tomas 79 (1976) : 217-254.
Billy, Denis J. “Grace and Natural Law in the Super epistola ad Romanos lectura: A
Study in Thomas’ Commentary on Romans 2:14-16.” Studia Moralia 26 (1988):
Black, C. Clifton. “St. Thomas’ Commentary on the Johannine Prologue: Some
Reflections on Its Character and Implications.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly
48 (1986): 681-698.
Blanche, F.-A. “Le sens littéral des Écritures d’après saint Thomas d’Aquin.” Revue
Thomiste 14 (1906): 192-212.
Blanco, A. “Word and Truth in Divine Revelation. A study of the Commentary of St.
Thomas Aquinas on John 14,6.” In La doctrine de la révélation divine de saint
Thomas d’Aquin. Edited by Leo Elders. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana,
1990: 27-48.
Boadt, Lawrence. “St. Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical Wisdom Tradition.” Thomist
49 (1985): 575-611.
Bouthillier, D. “Le Christ en son mystère dans les Collationes du Super Isaiam de saint
Thomas d’Aquin.” In Ordo sapientiae et amoris. Edited by C.-J. Pinto de
Oliveira. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 1993: 37-64.
Boyle, John F. “St. Thomas Aquinas and Sacred Scripture.” Pro Ecclesia 4 (1996): 92104.
Callan, Charles J. “The Bible in the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas.”
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 9 (1947): 33-47.
Caprioli, P. M. “Il sacerdozio di Christo nella Somma Teologica e nel commento Super
Epistolam ad Hebraeos.” In Storia del tomismo. Studi Tomistici 45. Vatican
City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1992: 96-105.
Castagnoli, Pietro. “Regesta Thomistica: Saggio di chronologia della vita e scritti di S.
Tommaso d’Aquino.” Divus Thomas 30 (1927): 704-724; 31 (1928): 249-268.
Cessario, Romanus. The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from
Anselm to Aquinas. Petersham, MA: St. Bede’s Publications, 1990. (Cf. Chapter
Two, “Figures of Other Realities,” 27-51, which is an extensive study of
Christological and soteriological themes in the commentaries on Job, the Gospel
of John, the Letters of Saint Paul and Hebrews.)
Chardonnens, D. “L’espérance de la résurrection selon Thomas d’Aquin, commentateur
du Livre de Job. ‘Dans ma chair, je verrai Dieu.’” In Ordo sapientiae et amoris.
Edited by C.-J. Pinto de Oliveira. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 1993: 65-83.
_____. “Dei providentia circa hominem. Providence divine et condition humaine selon
l’Expositio super Iob ad litteram de Thomas d’Aquin. Diss., Fribourg, 1995.
_____. L’homme sous le regard de la providence: Providence de Dieu et condition
humaine selon l’Exposition littérale sur le livre de Job de Thomas d’Aquin. Paris:
J. Vrin, 1997.
Chenu, M.-D. “Lecture de la Bible et Philosophie.” In Mélanges offerts à Étienne
Gilson. Toronto/Paris: 1959: 161-171.
_____. “La loi ancienne selon S. Thomas.” Revue Thomiste 61 (1961): 485-497.
_____. Toward Understanding St. Thomas. Trans. A.-M. Landry and D. Hughes.
Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1964.
_____. “Théologie symbolique et exégèse scolastique aux XIIe-XIIIe siècles.” In
Mélanges J. de Ghellinck. Vol. 2. Gembloux: 1951: 509-526.
Cipriani, S. “Riflessioni esegetiche su super S. Ioannis Evangelium Lectura di S.
Tommaso.” In Atti del VIII Congresso Tomistico Internazionale. Vol. I. Vatican
City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1981: 172-188.
Cirillo, A. Cristo Rivelatore del Padre nel Vangelo di S. Giovanni secondo il Commento
di San Tommaso d’Aquino. Diss., Angelicum, 1988.
Coggi, R. “Le caratteristiche fondamentali dell’esegesi biblica di san Tommaso.” Sacra
doctrina 35 (1990): 533-544.
Colosio, Innocenzo. “La lode divina nel commento di S. Tommaso ai Salmi.” Rassegna
di Ascetica e Mistica 25 (1974): 179-194.
Colunga, A. “Los sentidos de los Salmos según S. Tomas.” Ciencia Tomista 39 (1917):
_____. “La vida eterna en san Juan según los comentarios de san Alberto Magno y santo
Tómas.” Ciencia tomista 65 (1943): 121-143.
Congar, Y-M. “Le sens de l’économie salutaire dans la théologie de S. Thomas.” In
Festgabe Joseph Lortz. Vol. I. Baden-Baden: B. Grimm, 1957: 73-122.
_____. “Tradition und Sacra Doctrina bei Thomas von Aquin.” In Kirche und
Ueberlieferung: Festgabe J.R. Geiselmann. Edited by J. Betz and H. Fries.
Freiburg: 1960: 170-210.
_____. “Sur la trilogie: Prophète-roi-prêtre.” Revue des sciences philosophiques et
théologiques 67 (1983): 97-115.
Conticello, C. G. “San Tommaso ed i padri: La Catena aurea super Ioannem.” Archives
d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 65 (1990): 31-92.
Corbin, Michel. “Le Pain de Vie. La Lecture de Jn 6 par S. Thomas d’Aquin.”
Recherches de Science Religieuse 65 (1977): 107-138.
Cuéllar, Miguel Ponce. La Naturaleza de la Iglesia según Santo Tomas. Estudio del
Tema en el Comentario al “Corpus Paulinum.” Pamplona: Ediciones
Universidad de Navarra, 1979.
Cueppens, Franziscus. “Quid S. Thomas de multiplici sensu litterali in s. Scriptura
senserit?” Divus Thomas 33 (1930): 164-173.
Dahan, Gilbert. L’exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval, XIIe-XIVe siècle.
Paris: Cerf, 1999.
_____. “Thomas d’Aquin commentateur de la première épître aux Corinthiens.” In
Thomas d’Aquin, Commentaire de la première Epître aux Corinthiens.
Translation by Jean-Eric Stroobant de Saint-Eloy. Paris: Cerf, 2002: i-xxxvii.
_____. “Saint Thomas d’Aquin et la métaphore. Rhétorique et herméneutique.”
Medioevo 18 (1992): 85-117.
Daly, Mary S. “The Notion of Justification in the Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas
on the Epistle to the Romans.” Diss., Marquette University, 1971.
Davies, Brian. “Is ‘Sacra Doctrina’ Theology?” New Blackfriars 71 (1990).
Decker, Bruno. “Sola Scripture bei Thomas von Aquino.” In Universitas: Dienst an
Wahreit und Leben (Festschrift für Bischof Dr. Albert Stohr). Vol. III. Mainz:
Matthias Grünewald, 1960: 117-129.
_____. “Schriftprinzip und Ergänzungstradition in der Theologie des hl. Thomas von
Aquin.” In Schrift und Tradition. Essen: 1962: 191-221.
Denifle, H. “Quel livre servait de base à l’enseignement des maîtres en théologie dans
l’université de Paris?” Revue Thomiste 2 (1894): 149-161.
Di Marco, A. “San Tommaso e la pluralità dei sensi biblici nella problematica odierna.”
In Atti del congresso internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino nel suo settimo
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Dondaine, A. Preface to Expositio super Job. Tom. XXVI, Opera Omnia, by Thomas
Aquinas: 420-430.
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Thomas Aquinas.” In Creative Biblical Exegesis: Christian and Jewish
Hermeneutics through the Centuries. Ed. Benjamin Uffenheimer and H.G.
Reventlow. Sheffield, England: JSOT Press, 1988: 39-54.
Elders, Leo J. “Aquinas on Holy Scripture as the Medium of Divine Revelation.” In La
doctrine de la révélation divine de saint Thomas d’Aquin. Ed. Leo Elders.
Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1990: 132-152.
_____. “Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den Bibelkommentaren des Thomas von Aquin.” In Im
Ringen um die Wahrheit. Ed. Remigius Baumer et al. Bierbronnen:
Hochschulverlag der Gustav Siewerth Akademie, 1997: 35-52.
_____. “La relation entre l’Ancienne et la Nouvelle Alliance selon saint Thomas.”
Revue Thomiste 100 (2000): 580-602.
_____. “St. Thomas and the Bible.” In Aquinas’s Sources: The Notre Dame Symposium.
Ed. Timothy L. Smith. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’s Press, forthcoming.
_____. “Les citations de saint Augustin dans la Somme théologique de saint Thomas
d’Aquin.” Doctor Communis 40 (1987): 115-167.
Emery, Gilles. Trinity in Aquinas. Ypsilanti, MI: Sapientia Press, 2003.
Eschmann, I. T. “The Quotations of Aristotle’s Politics in St. Thomas’ Lectura super
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Ferraro, G. “Il tema dello Spirito Santo nel Commento di San Tommaso d’Aquino
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Tommaso d’Aquino nel suo settimo centenario. Vol. 4. Naples: 1976: 41-59.
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_____. “San Giovanni Crisostomo come fonte di san Tommaso. La sua esposizione dei
testi pneumatologici nel commento del quarto vangelo.” Angelicum 62 (1985):
_____. Lo Spirito e l’ora di Cristo: L’esegesi di san Tommaso d’Aquino sul quarto
vangelo. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1996.
_____. “La pneumatologia di san Tommaso d’Aquino nel suo commento al quarto
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(1989): 193-263.
_____. “L’ora di Cristo e della Chiesa nel commento di san Tommaso d’Aquino al
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_____. “Aspetti di penumatologia nell’esegesi di S. Tommaso d’Aquino dell’espistola ai
Romani.” Euntes docete 36 (1983): 51-78.
Froehlich, Karl. “Aquinas, Thomas.” In Historical Handbook of Major Biblical
Interpreters. Ed. Donald K. McKim, 85-91. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity
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doctrina 20 (1975): 7-67.
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Thomas Instituut, 1981: 38-84.
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Ed. Werkgroep Thomas van Aquino. Utrecht: Thomas Instituut, 1986: 34-72.
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_____. “La Théologie de Saint Thomas d’Aquin dans le rayonnement due Prologue de
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84 (2003): 500-509.
_____. “Thomas’s Authority for Identifying Charity as Friendship: Aristotle or John
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Kühn, Ulrich. Via caritatis: Theologie des Gesetzes bei Thomas von Aquin. Göttingen:
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Lamb, Matthew. Foreword to St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to
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_____. Scripture and Metaphysics: Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology.
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centenario. Vol. 4. Naples: 1976: 9-28.
MacGough, A. C. Los signos del cuarto evangelio según santo Tomás de Aquino. Diss.,
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Mahoney, I. D. J. The Spirit of God and the sons of God. The power of the Holy Spirit in
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