Bibliothèque - Quality Palliative Care in Long Term Care


Bibliothèque - Quality Palliative Care in Long Term Care
seniors health knowledge network/ réseau d’echange
des connaissances pour la santé des personnes âgées
Palliative Care in Long Term Care: Quality of Life and Death of Residents / Soins palliatifs en
soins de longue durée : qualité de vie et la mort du résident
Cordner Z, Blass D, Rabins P, V, Black BS. Quality of life in nursing home residents with advanced
dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2010 Dec;58(12):2394-400. Abstract
Hall S, Opio D, Dodd RH, Higginson IJ. Assessing quality-of-life in older people in care homes. Age
And Ageing 2011 Jul;40(4):507-12. Abstract
Khader F. Quality of Life in the Nursing Homes in Jordan: Perspectives of Residents. Care
Management Journals 2011 12(4):149-162. Abstract
Meyer J, Heath H, Holman C, Owen T. Moving from victim blaming to an appreciative inquiry:
exploring quality of life in care homes. Quality in Ageing 2006 Dec;7(4):27-36. Abstract
Mukamel D, Caprio T, Ahn R, Zheng N, Norton S, Quill T, Temkin-Greener H. End-of-Life Quality-ofCare Measures for Nursing Homes: Place of Death and Hospice. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2012
Apr;15(4):438-46. Abstract
Munn JC, Zimmerman S, Hanson LC, Williams CS, Sloane PD, Clipp EC, Tulsky JA, Steinhauser KE.
Measuring the quality of dying in long-term care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2007
Sep 1;55(9):1371-9. Abstract
Parker D, Hodgkinson B. A comparison of palliative care outcome measures used to assess the
quality of palliative care provided in long-term care facilities: a systematic review. Palliative
Medicine 2011 Jan;25(1):5-20. Abstract
Roscoe LA, Hyer K. Quality of life at the end of life for nursing home residents: perceptions of
hospice and nursing home staff members. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management 2008;35(1):19. Abstract
Siegert RJ, Gao W, Walkey FH, Higginson IJ. Psychological well-being and quality of care: a factoranalytic examination of the palliative care outcome scale. Journal of Pain & Symptom
Management 2010 Jul;40(1):67-74. Abstract
10. Trotta RL. Quality of death: a dimensional analysis of palliative care in the nursing home. Journal
of Palliative Medicine 2007 Oct;10(5):1116-27. Abstract
11. van der Steen JT, Gijsberts MJ, Knol DL, Deliens L, Muller MT. Ratings of symptoms and comfort in
dementia patients at the end of life: comparison of nurses and families. Palliative Medicine 2009
Jun;23(4):317-24. Abstract
12. van Soest-Poortvliet MC, van der Steen JT, Zimmerman S, Cohen LW, Klapwijk MS, Bezemer M,
Achterberg WP, Knol DL, Ribbe MW, de Vet HC. Psychometric properties of instruments to measure
Topic – SHKN/RCSPA Reading List (November 2012)
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seniors health knowledge network/ réseau d’echange
des connaissances pour la santé des personnes âgées
the quality of end-of-life care and dying for long-term care residents with dementia. Quality Of
Life Research: An International Journal Of Quality Of Life Aspects Of Treatment, Care And
Rehabilitation 2012 May;21(4):671-84. Abstract
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Topic – SHKN/RCSPA Reading List (November 2012)
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