Dear all: Pursuant to my email below, please note that the Second


Dear all: Pursuant to my email below, please note that the Second
From: Lachance, Christian [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 10:05 AM
To: 'Pierre Audet ([email protected])'; 'François Viau ([email protected])'; 'GUY,
SEBASTIEN ([email protected])'; 'Perreault, Jocelyn ([email protected])'; 'Bernard
Boucher ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; 'Abitan, Sandra'; 'Morissette, Julien
([email protected])'; 'Jean Fontaine ([email protected])'; 'Jodoin, Vanessa
([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: Benchaya, Gilles; Adessky, Andrew; Ferland, Denis; Lavery Lepage, Gabriel
Subject: RE: Service - 500-11-047847-146 - In the matter of the Notice of intention to make a proposal
of Mexx Canada Company
Dear all:
Pursuant to my email below, please note that the Second Motion for an Extension of Time to File a
Proposal will be heard on January 26, 2015 in room 15.10 at 9:00 am.
Christian Lachance | Bio
1501, av. McGill College, Suite 2600
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3A 3N9
T 514 841 6576
F 514 841 6499
[email protected]
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This e-mail may contain confidential information which may be protected by legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please
immediately notify us by reply e-mail or by telephone (collect if necessary), delete this e-mail and destroy any copies.
De : Lachance, Christian
Envoyé : January 21, 2015 6:32 PM
À : 'Pierre Audet ([email protected])'; François Viau ([email protected]); 'GUY,
SEBASTIEN ([email protected])'; 'Perreault, Jocelyn ([email protected])'; 'Bernard
Boucher ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; 'Abitan, Sandra'; 'Morissette, Julien
([email protected])'; 'Jean Fontaine ([email protected])'; 'Jodoin, Vanessa
([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc : 'Benchaya, Gilles ([email protected])'; 'Andrew A. Adessky CA, MBA
([email protected]) ([email protected])'; Ferland, Denis; Lavery Lepage, Gabriel
Objet : Service - 500-11-047847-146 - In the matter of the Notice of intention to make a proposal of
Mexx Canada Company
Dear all:
Please find attached the Second Motion for an Extension of Time to File a Proposal. Said
motion will be heard by the Honorable Louis Gouin J.S.C. on January 26, 2015 at a time and in
a room to be determined by the Court and communicated to the Service List.
Kind regards,