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Gaertner von, A.; Ott, S.; Campe, A.; Hackbarth, H.; Schalke, E.
Influence of different keeping and training factors in dogs on their behaviour in a standardized behaviour test
16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of
Veterinary Clinical Ethology - ESVCE, 2010 Hamburg
Gaertner von, A.; Ott, S.; Campe, A.; Hackbarth, H.; Schalke, E.
Agreement between dog behaviour in a behaviour test and owner perception of dog everyday life behaviour
16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of
Veterinary Clinical Ethology - ESVCE, 2010 Hamburg
Ott, S.; Campe, E.; Hackbarth, H.; Schalke, E.
Development of an standardized behaviour test to evaluate the influence of dog-owner relationship and dog-owner attachment on
the behaviour of the dog
16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of
Veterinary Clinical Ethology - ESVCE, 2010 Hamburg
Ott, S., A. Knipf, D. Thiesen-Moussa, H. Hackbarth, und E. Schalke:
Evaluierung eines Trainingsprogramms für den polizeilichen Vernehmungsbegleithund
15. Internationale Fachtagung zum Thema Tierschutz, 25.-27. Februar 2010, Nürtingen
Ott, J.; Hackbarth, H.; Schalke, E.
Development of a standardized behaviour test to evaluate the influence of dog-owner relationshio an dog-owner attachment on the
behaviour of the dog
2nd Canine Science Forum, 2010, Wien
Schalke, E.; Ott, S.; Müller, J.; Hackbarth, H.
Stress levels in dogs when being trained in a wild boat enclosure
2nd Canine Science Forum, 2010, Wien
Ott, S.; Gaertner von, A.; Hackbarth, H.; Schalke, E.
Influence of different keeping and training factors in dogs an their behaviour in a standardized behaviour test
2nd Canine Science Forum, 2010, Wien
Schalke, E., S. Ott, Y. Salgirli, I. Böhm, und H. Hackbarth:
Comparison of stress and learning effects of three different training methods: electric training collar, pinch collar, and quitting signal
7th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, 28-31 Oktober 2009, Edinburgh, Großbritannien
Schalke, E., A. Knipf, S. Ott, und H. Hackbarth:
Requirement profile for police questioning assistance dogs
1st Canine Science Forum, 5.-9. Juli 2008, Budapest, Ungarn
von Gaertner A. M., E. Schalke, S. A. Ott, und H. Hackbarth:
Assessment of a bullterrier bloodline regarding possible hypertrophic aggressive behaviour
6th International Veterinary Behaviour Meeting, 17-20 Juni 2007, Riccione, Italien
von Gaertner, A. M., E. Schalke, und H. Hackbarth:
Einfluss der Hund-Halter-Bindung auf das Verhalten des Hundes
39. Internationale Tagung "Angewandte Ethologie", 22.-24. November 2007, Freiburg i. Br.
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