Auslandspraktika in afrikanischen Unternehmen Internships with


Auslandspraktika in afrikanischen Unternehmen Internships with
Auslandspraktika in afrikanischen
Im Rahmen von Welcome to Africa werden folgende Praktikaplätze in klein- und mittelständischen
Unternehmen im Bereich Entrepreneurship und Development, Textilproduktion, Filmproduktion
und Media for Development u.a. angeboten, auf die sich MA-Studierende der African Studies,
Gobal Studies und MBA SEPT (neben selbst gewählten Praktika) bewerben können. Bitte wenden
Sie sich bei Interesse entweder an Ute Rietdorf ([email protected]), Claudia Böhme
([email protected]) und an die Organisationen. Studierende sind für die Organisation
des Praktikums selbst verantwortlich. Schließen Sie bei erfolgreicher Bewerbung vor Ort eine
Praktikumsvereinbarung mit dem jeweiligen Unternehmen. Stipendiaten sind verpflichtet nach
dem Praktikum einen Praktikumsbericht in Form eines Study Abroad Report abzugeben. Weitere
Informationen und Formulare finden Sie unter:
Internships with African Companies
Within the Welcome to Africa program we offer the following positions for internships in small
and medium sized companies in the areas of entrepreneurship and development, textile
production, film production and Media for Development for students of MA African Studies,
Global Studies and MBA SEPT. If you are interested please contact Ute Rietdorf ([email protected]), Claudia Böhme ([email protected]) and the person in charge given below.
Students are self-responsible for the organization of their internship. If your application was
successful you have to enter into a training agreement with the respective institution. Upon
completion of the internship students are obliged to hand in an internship report in form of a
1. Hero Textiles
Hero Textiles is a small-/medium-sized company located in Dar es Salaam.
c/o Hellen Tusiime
[email protected]
2. 21st Century Textiles
21st Century Textiles is the largest and most modern textile company in East and Central Africa
and also the largest employer in Tanzania’s textile sector. This company is located in
Morogoro, 200 km west of Dar es Salaam.
c/o C. S. Munisi
Production Manager
[email protected]
3. Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development
A consulting firm that undertakes several projects with the World Bank, ILO, DANIDA,
Governments, NGOs etc. The Company also offers short and long term training courses in
entrepreneurship and business management.
c/o Dr. Donath Olomi
[email protected]
4. Tanzania Association of Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI)
This is a member based organization working largely on policy advocacy and promotion of
microfinance business in Tanzania.
PTF Building
Plot 54A, Uporoto Street
Kinondoni area near ESRF offices
c/o Ms. Winnie Terry
[email protected]
5. Game 1st Quality Production
Game 1st Quality Production is a full service television, audio and audiovisual production
company in Dar es Salaam. They are specialized in the production and distribution of Swahili
feature films.
981 Mazengo road
Upanga, Dar es Salaam
c/o Mtitu Gabriel
Company Director
[email protected]
6. Media for Development International Tanzania-Swahiliwood
Media for Development International is a media company which seeks to promote
development through communication, by providing socially conscious programming to
Tanzania and Africa at large. This company produces films, videos, television, radio serials and
music. The Swahiliwood project aims at capacity building in the context of making films. The
project will produce and distribute three feature films.
Plot 174/175 Msasani “B”
Dar es Salaam
c/o John Riber
7. Adama University, Entrepreneurship Development Centre, School of
Business & Economics
Adama Science and Technology University – School of Business and Economics (SoBE) is bound
to develop leaders to drive organizational performance in Ethiopia and International Business.
By studying at SoBE, students will learn to plan, to use resources, to organize processes, to
motivate and to lead employees as well as to control and improve business performance.
P.O. BOX 1888
Adama Science & Technology University
Adama, Ethiopia
c/o Shidiru Ayalew
[email protected]