Events 2009 - IBF Luxembourg


Events 2009 - IBF Luxembourg
15, 2007
Der Finanzplatz Luxemburg - Status quo 2007
speech by Walter Koob, KPMG
July 10th,
Hot market and excess liquidity in Real Estate
speaker: Vincent Berchet, Property Partners
October 9, Exchange Traded Funds - DIE neue Assetklasse?
Speech by Thomas Meyer-zu-Drewer, Lyxoxr ETFs
June 12th, Quo vadis Depotbankstandort Luxemburg? -Strategien und Trends im Umfeld Custody
Solutions-Fachtagung Tagungszentrum der RBC DEXIA Luxembourg
May 3, 2007 Die Kapitalgesellschaft in der Vermögensverwaltung
Presentation by Hans-Joachim Gernert, legal advisor
March 20,
Geldwäschebestimmungen um jeden Preis?
presentation by Solange Krieger-Faust
27, 2007
Kapitalmarkt und Medien Wie Finanzmedien funktionieren, was Journalialisten von der
Branche erwarten und umgekehrt.
Speech by Dr. Frank-Bernhard Werner
13, 2006
Das ABBL Extranet
presentation by Fernand Grulms, member of the executive committee of ABBL.
28, 2006
Der Finanzplatz Luxemburg baut seine Stellung als Plattform für grenzüberschreitende
Dienstleistungen weiter aus
speech by Walter Koob of KPMG
October 10, The real estate market in Luxembourg 2006
speech by Mr. Vincent Bechet, Partner, Property Partners and Mr. Patrick
Kersten,Managing Director, Synapse Internet Services.
July 13,
June 15,
Guided tour to the Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam)
Investment Performance Measurement - a tough taskPresentation by Monica Cordillo, fintelect S.A.
Mai 30, 2006 Personal Taxation - What's new for 2006?
Presentation by Karl Horsburgh from Horsburgh & Co., Luxembourg.
Mai 16, 2006 Die neue Luxemburger Abgeltungssteuer auf Zinsen im nationalen und internationalen
Presentation by Rüdiger Jung, general secretary of ABBL.
March 14,
Wertpapierdienstleistungsrichtlinie - MiFID und deren Auswirkungen auf den
Luxemburger Finanzplatz
Presentation by Odile Renner, Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers S.à.r.l., Luxembourg
21, 2006
Fonds-Rating Heute und Morgen- Erwartungen und Herausforderungen
Presentation by Armin Schmatz, rating analyst Telos GmbH.
Der Finanzplatz Luxemburg - die Durststrecke ist vorbei ?
Presentation by Walter Koob, Partner KPMG Luxembourg
Respekt vor den selbstregulierenden Kräften Presentation by Jo Buekens, president of
the Luxembourg association of Ostéopathes
September The real estate market in Luxembourg - status quo and future outlook
Presentation by Mr. Bechet, PropertyPartners and Mr. Kersten, Athome:
July 2005
winetasting - Caves Bernard Massard
Mai 2005
IFRS - Convergence of Valuation, Accounting and Risk,
Presentation of Mr. Fiedler, Fernbach Software and Oliver Scharr, Nord LB
April 2005
Designing a successful Luxembourg tax policy within the EU framework"
Presentation by Roger Molitor, Partner, KPMG Lux and Rüdiger Jung, ABBL
March 2005 Presentation of the Media Landscape of Luxembourg with Christian Stoehr of the Group
Saint-Paul S.A.
Concepts for the promotion of the financial center of Luxembourg Round Table
Discussion with Alain Mestat - Banque Privée E. de Rothschild
7, 2004
"Der Finanzplatz Luxemburg - Weichenstellungen für die Zukunft"
Presentation by Mr Walter Koob, Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers, Luxembourg
10, 2002
"Die Luxemburger Finanzindustrie im Sog der Börsenentwicklung und der
Konzernstrategie der Mütterhäuser".
Presentation by Mr Walter KOOB, Partner of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg.
12, 2002
"Die Presse im Dialog mit der Wirtschaft - die neue Wirtschaftsredaktion des Tageblatt
stellt sich vor"
Presentation by Mr. Wyrwich, Chief editor of Tageblatt, Luxembourg
September "Steuersparende Gestaltungen im Bereich der Vermögensnachfolge!".
11, 2002
Presentation by Mr. Hugo Meichelbeck, Qualified Tax Consultant and Partner of Rödl &
June 27,
"Lettres de gage": A young market grows up - The attraction of the Luxembourg covered
bond market
Presentation by Mr Reinolf Dibus, Chief Executive Officer of the Europäische
Hypothekenbank S.A.
June 14,
"Immobilien, Recht und Steuern auf Mallorca - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der
bekannten Ferieninsel"
Presentation by Mrs Ursula Muller-Breitkreuz, representative in Mallorca of Rödl &
Partner Germany, member of the Spanish-German Chamber of Commerce in Mallorca
April 19,
"Der Kunde, eine anonyme Grösse?".
Presentation by Dr. Otto Maran, Managing director of Facit Marketing Forschungs
April 9, 2002"The euro and European Integration - An Austrian Viewpoint".
Presentation by Dr. Klaus Liebscher, Governor of the Austrian National Bank, introduced
by Mr. Yves Mersch, Governor of the Central Bank of Luxembourg.
March 8,
21, 2002
Wine tasting diner
"Pension Funds in the Luxembourg Financial Center"
Round Table discussion coorganized with the Luxembourg association of financial
analysts (ALGAFI) with Mrs. Campill (CSSF), Mr. Grulms (Pecoma), Mr. Wictor (IGSS),
Mr. Wiron (Commissariat aux Assurances) and Dr. Yves Wagner from BGL as
January 31, "The European Union has to wake up - a precondition for a strong euro -"
Presentation by Mr Jacques Santer, Member of the European Parliament, Honorary
Member of IBF Luxembourg
27, 2001
"Die Luxemburger Finanzindustrie unter dem Einfluss der turbulenten
Globalisierungstrends - Analyse der wichtigsten Änderungen am Finanzplatz"
Presentation by Mr. Walter Koob, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Luxembourg.
June 26,
"EU Enlargement - state of play and prospects"
Presentation by Mr Günter Verheugen, Member of the European Commission
June 25,
"Customer Segmentation - the important tool in Private Banking"
Presentation by Prof. Georges Canto, Professor at the University of Lyon, Bank
Marketing Consultant ,Editor, France.
May 30,
"Private Equity & Hedge Fund Investment"
Presentation by Mr Scott Reid and Mr Steve Wesson, both Managing Director of Auda
Advisor Associates LLC, New York, USA; and Mr Dirk Söhnholz, Managing Director of
Feri Private Equity GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany.
March 28,
"The New Economy in Europe"
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Norbert Walter, Chief Economist of the Deutsche Bank AG,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
20, 2001
"Will Europe's economy take off and match the growth rates experienced by the USA?"
Presentation by Dr. Alfred Steinherr, Chief Economist of the European Investment Bank,
13, 2000
"The impact of the Feira and Brussels decisions on the future of the Luxembourg
financial centre"
Presentation by Mr Lucien Thiel, General Manager of the Luxembourg Banker's
October 10, "Institutional Reform of the European Union"
-co-organized with the Central Bank of LuxembourgPresentation by Mr Hans-Gert Poettering, President of the EPP Group of the European
Parliament, Mr. Jean-Victor Louis, European University Institute, Florence and His
Excellency Mr Gunnar Lund, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the European
September "Private Vermögensverwaltung am Beispiel der liechtensteinischen Stiftung"
20, 2000
Presentation by Mr Klaus Böhler, Director of Juricon & Euromanagement, Liechtenstein
July 1, 2000 Traditional IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle.
June 15,
"Vermögensverwaltung - der Markt, die Leistungen, das Honorarsystem und deren
Trends" Presentation by Dr. Rainer Konrad, Director of the PIM Consulting AG,
St.Gallen, Switzerland.
May 11,
"Private Equity Investments" Presentation by Dr. Rüdiger Braun, Managing Director of
SBS Wagniskapital GmbH, Germany.
April 12,
"Outlook on the Swiss Market" Presentation by Mr René Müller and Dr. Peter Grauer,
both Partners at CommCept Ltd, Switzerland.
March 22,
"The New Age of Investment Management for the Millennium" Presentation by Mr Daniel
W. Drake, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer and Mr Theodore J. Lucas,
Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Middlebury Capital Partners
International LLC, United Kingdom.
February 1, "Global economic and market outlook for the year 2000" Presentation by Mr Stephen
Hobbis, vice president of J. P. Morgan, London.
8, 1999
"Challenges in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe"
Presentation by Mr. Georges Heinen, Alternate Executive Director of the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, London.
October 13, "The role of the International Monetary Fund in the changing world and markets"
Presentation by Mr. Johann Prader, Alternate Executive Director of the International
Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.
October 7, "Polishing the image of the financial centre"
Presentation by Mr. Lucien Thiel, Director of the ABBL (Association des Banques et
Banquiers Luxembourgeois).
September "Veränderungen der steueroptimierten zur renditorientierten Kapitalanlage"
29, 1999
Presentation by Mr. Frank Hertfelder, Leiter of Debis Fondsmanagement GmbH, Daimler
Chrysler Capital Services.
April 29,
Wine tasting and dinner at Restaurant Speltz, Luxembourg, with Mr. Abi Duhr,
March 25,
"Statistics for the conduct of the single monetary policy"
Presentation by Mr. Eugenio Domingo Solans, member of the Executive Board of the
European Central Bank.
February 4, "The winning cards of the financial centre in the euroland"
Presentation by Mr. Luc Frieden, Minister of the Budget.
October 7, "Perspektiven der Deutschen Banken am Finanzplatz Luxemburg"
Presentation by Mr. Walter Koob, Audit Director, Price Waterhouse Coopers,
July 21,
"Wie investieren in volatilen Märkten? - Sind die Fonds der Stein der Weisen ?"
Presentation by Mr. Stefan M. Hamm, President of the CURAM AG, Zug / Switzerland.
July 1, 1998 "How to beat the stock exchange indexes"
Presentation by Mr. David Robert Netherton, Director at Dresdner RCM Global Investors,
London, UK.
Mai 14, 1998 "Asienkrise und die Auswirkungen auf China: Ein in Peking lebender Journalist schaut
hinter die Kulissen"
Presentation by Mr. Peter Seidlitz, Handelsblattkorrespondent für Asien in Peking, China
March 18,
"Recent developments at the Prague Stock Exchange"
Presentation by Mr. Jiri Franc, General Secretary of the Prague Stock Exchange.
17, 1997
1997 Christmas reception and exhibition
"The Human Factor - the individual in the Mirror of Contemporary Art" at Hypobank
International S.A.
November 5, 1997 "Die Einführung des Euro, eine organisatorische Herausforderung für die Banken"
Speech by Paul Kreutz, Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband e.V..
June 6, 1997
Traditional IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle
April 7, 1997
Visit of the exhibition of "Didier Bay"
"Sédiments (1969 - 1997)" at the Casino Luxembourg
"Forum d'art contemporain".
Januar 22, 1997
"Communication as a base for future economic development and the role of the
Speech by Dr. Wolfgang Bötsch, Federal Minister for Postal Services and
January 16, 1997
New Year's reception and Visit of the new premises of Banque Générale
du Luxembourg S.A.
January 28, 1998
Art exhibition "Facets of contemporary photography" in the "Tunnel" of BCEE.
November 14,
"Impressionen der Reise des deutschen Bundeskanzlers nach Asien
(25. Oktober - 3. November)"
Speech by Ms Helene Rang, "Mitglied einer hochrangigen Wirtschaftsdelegation,
die den Bundeskanzler nach Asien begleiten durfte, Mitglied im Vorstand des
Ostasiatischen Vereins Hamburg, Mitglied der Deutschen Vereinigung für Asiatische
Studien, Mitglied im Lenkungsausschuss Politische Flankierung sichern des
Asien-Pazifik-Ausschusses der deutschen Wirtschaft".
September 20,
July 8, 1996
Traditional IBF Party on the river Moselle
June 7, 1996
"The onset of the EMU - Converting the ECU 1:1 to the EURO"
Speech by Graham Bishop, Chief Economist of Salomon Brothers International, London
April 25, 1996
"The financial sector on the move - Is Luxembourg a winner or a looser in the fiscal competition?"
Speech by Alex Sulkowski, Tax partner Arthur Andersen & Co.
March 20, 1996
Wine tasting and dinner at the wine estate Zilliken, Nittel (Germany)
February 6, 1996
"Emerging capital market in Romania"
Speech by Professor Ioan Popa, Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and
Business, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
"The Single Market in Financial Services and the Capital Adequacy Directive (CAD) A Regulatory CAD (or Cat) and Mouse Game"
Speech by Frank Leiber, A Luxembourg national, President of Leiber Associates and
Professor of International Finance and Economics at Polytechnic University in New York
January 15, 1996 New Year's reception and Visit of the Bank Museum of
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg
4, 1995
Retrospective Bernard Molitor (1755-1833) at the Villa Vauban
17, 1995
"Investment opportunities in Hungary"
Speech by Jean Ries, Honorary Consul of Hungary in Luxembourg, Secretary General,
Guardian Europe
October 18, "The political and economic perspectives of the Balkan States - Impact of the investment
decisions of European Countries"
Speech by Maria Diamantopoulou, First Secretary - Consul Embassy of Greece to
September Traditional IBF Party on the river Moselle
22, 1995
September "The challenge of privatisation"
21, 1995
Speech by Pierre Guislain, Principal Private Sector Development Specialist of The World
Bank Group
July 12,
"Deutschland nach Kohl - welche Konsequenzen für Europa?"
Speech by Dr. Günter Knackstedt, Börsenzeitung
March 2123, 1995
"The road to European Monetary Union : outlook for European Capital Markets"
convened by The European Economics and Financial Centre, London
Guest of Honour: His Excellency Jacques Santer, President of the European
March 13,
"Perspectives on Banking and Financial Issues"
Speech by Gary Stern, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
April 6, 1995Wine tasting and dinner at the "Wine Museum of Ehnen"
10, 1995
"The interim report of the Expert Group on the changeover to the single currency"
Speech by Frederick A. von Dewall, member General Management Council ING Group
and Chief Economist, Secretary of the Expert Group ("CEES MAAS Group")
January 12, New Year's reception and Art Exibition of NAM JUNE PAIK at Hypobank International
15, 1994
"Die Herausforderungen der Europäischen Union auf dem Weg zum Jahr 2000"
Speech by Romain Kirt, Member of the Cabinet of the President of the European
15, 1994
"Intuition, Kreativität und ganzheitliches Denken. Neue Wege zum bewussten Handeln."
Speech by Dr. Klaus Volkamer
October 5, "The difficulties implied by uneven economic growth in East and West Germany and
implications on the capital markets"
Speech by Dr. Heiner Flassbeck, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
September "Financial activities and treasury operations of the European Bank for Reconstruction
27, 1994
and Development (EBRD)"
Speech by René Karsenti, Treasurer at EBRD
August 25, "General Meeting of IBF Luxembourg members
July 13,
"How to use Managed Futures to reduce risk/volatility in an optimal investment portfolio"
Presentation by H. Hawley, L. Mollner, G. Gonzalez of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc.,
June 4,
Traditional IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle
June 1,
"Entwicklung von Instrumenten der Geldmarktpolitik für das Europäische
Speech by Hans-Jürgen Koebnick, President of Landeszentralbank Rheinland-Pfalz und
April 14,
"Luxemburg wird auch in der Europäischen Union seine Standortvorteile zu verteidigen
Speech by H.E. Jacques Santer, Prime Minister of Luxembourg
March 3,
"The financial centre of Luxembourg - a strategic forecast"
Speech by Jean Faltz, Senior Manager at Andersen Consulting S.A.
January 19, IBF New Year Reception and visit of the Contemporary Art Gallery in the Tunnel of
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg
21, 1993
"Währungspolitische Perspektiven für Europa"
Vortrag von Dr. Ernst Moritz Lipp, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung der Dresdner Bank
Luxembourg S.A.
15, 1993
"Paying without cash in a Europe to come - The electronic purse"
Speech by Hans Diedrich Kreft, Applied Digital Electronics Inc.
30, 1993
"How to successfully manage a speciality investment fund and achieve impressive sales
Speech by H.E. Kunert, Manager at Orbitex Vertriebs Gmbh
October 27, "The Japanese Challenge"
Speech by Akio Miyabayashi, President of Minolta Europe
September 27,
"The state budget for 1994. The banking system as the main tax payer and its role in the future."
Speech by Fernand Rau, Member of Parliament, member of the Finance and Budget
Committee, Luxembourg
July 22, 1993
Traditional IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle
July 15, 1993
"The current banking climat, its impact on ratings and how to interprete the notations used
by rating agencies"
Speech by Robin Monro-Davis, Managing Director IBCA Limited, London
June 8, 1993
"The Maastricht Treaty: Ratificatiion plus recession, which route to EMU?"
Speech by Graham Bishop, chief economist Salomon Brother International Ltd., London
April 16, 1993
"Die Wirtschafts- und Haushaltspolitik Deutschlands im Zeichen der Wiedervereinigung
und ihre Konsequenzen für das europäische Währungssystem"
Speech by Dr. Reinhard Göhner, Member of the German Parliament and State
Secretary at the Ministry of Economics
March 15, 1993
"Les implications du Traité de Maastricht sur la compétitivité de la place financière
de Luxembourg"
Speech by Yves Mersch, Director of the Treasury, Luxembourg
January 29, 1993 Wine tasting and dinner at the "Bischöfliche Weingüter, Trier"
December 3, 1992 Christmas reception
November 18, 1992General Meeting of IBF Luxembourg members
October 27, 1992
"Le test graphométrique, outil indispensable pour cerner la personnalité des
cadres et dirigeants"
Speech by Mrs. Aline Verbis, qualified graphologist, Bruxelles
September 25,
"L'économie belge et les critères de convergence du traité de Maastricht"
Speech by Alfons Verplaetse, Governor of the National Bank of Belgium, Brussels
September 15,
"Turbulenzen an den internationalen Kapital- und Devisenmärkten im vierten
Quartal 1992"
Speech by Ekkehardt Schwartzkopff, General Manager of Management Joint
Trust GmbH, Munich
July 30, 1992
IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle via Germany and Luxembourg
May 25, 1992
"La place financière face aux contraintes de l'Europe Unie"
Speech by H.E. Jean-Claude Juncker, Minister of Finance, Luxembourg
May 12, 1992
"The changing methods of International Money Laundering"
Speech by Joseph Covington, Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson,
Washington D.C.
March 10, 1992
"Les objectifs et les activités de la BERD dans le cadre de la coopération avec les
pays de l'Europe Centrale"
Speech by Ernest Mühlen, Representative of Luxembourg at the board of
directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London
January 24, 1992
Buffet and wine tasting in the oldest wine cellar of Germany in Trier, with
explanations by Dr. Hubert Schnabel, wine expert, about the wine region MoselSaar-Ruwer
January 9, 1992
IBF New Year Reception followed by a speech of Dr. Werner Münch, Prime
Minister of Sachsen Anhalt about "The Development of Sachsen Anhalt
December 11, 1991"The privatisation of Mexican banks and the takeoff of the economy after the implementation of the
Speech by H.E. Adolfo Hegewisch, Mexican Ambassador in Belgium and Luxembourg
October 24, 1991 "The Ecu will replace the DM as the European Currency"
Speech by Graham Bishop, Chief Economist, Salomon Brothers International, London
September 26,
"Chancen und Risiken der Banken, Industrie und Wirtschaft im östlichen Deutschland"
Speech by Dr. Alfred Gomolka, Prime Minister of Mecklenburg Pomerania
July 27, 1991
July 2, 1991
IBF Summer Party at the Wine Museum of Ehnen
"The Economics and Politics of the European Monetary Union"
Speech by Dr. Walter Seipp, Chief of the Advisory Board of Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt
June 25, 1991
"Geldwäsche, Drogengelder, Insiderregelung und andere Themen des Bankenplatzes Luxemburg
Untersuchungsrichters von Luxemburg"
Speech by André Lutgen, Chief Investigating Judge, Luxembourg
April 16, 1991
"The US financial system. Its structure, inherent risks, weaknesses and planned reforms"
Speech by Dr. Scott B. MacDonald, Senior Adviser at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
March 14, 1991
"Weniger Stress für Banker (Aktivierung und Reaktivierung des Körpers)"
Speech by Gerd von Kunhardt, Cologne
November 15, 1990 "Causes and Consequences of the Middle East Crisis"
Speech by Micheal B. Sullivan, lecturer on Middle East Business
at the International Management Institute, Geneva
August 2, 1990
IBF Boat Party on the river Moselle via Germany and France
May 17, 1990
"Die aktuellen politischen Veränderungen in der DDR und ihre Auswirkungen auf
europäische Perspektiven"
Speech by Hans-Reiner Meinel, founding-member of "Demokratischer Aufbruch", Dresden
March 7, 1990
Guided visit at the varnishing day of "Douglas Stuart Allen"