Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas – an


Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas – an
Schneider / Keller „Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas“ 43rd ISOCARP Congress 2007
Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas
– an action plan for public authorities
Initiated by an initiative in Swiss national parliament, this study aims to identify the real bottlenecks in the redevelopment of under-used industrial areas and to outline an action plan for
public authorities to stimulate such. The study commissioned by the federal agencies for
planning and environment in cooperation with the authorities of the canton of Aargau and
carried out by the authors for Metron Raumentwicklung AG. Although it reflects the specific
situation in Switzerland (e.g. only few heavy industries, liberal property and planning laws,
strongly subsidiary federal state), it generated some outcomes that might be inspiring for
brownfield redevelopment and other kinds of urban densification elsewhere.
Theoretical Framework
Basing on different studies and own observations and practical experiences during the last
decade we came to the conclusion, that brownfield redevelopment might be less a technical
than rather a procedural and managerial planning problem. Therefore we established a hypothesis concerning the ideal project procedure and the appreciation as a management
process. The subsequent case studies then showed that these hypotheses are of high relevance as a framework for analysis and planning action.
Hypothesis “Project Procedure”
1. The ideal “project procedure” of a redevelopment consist of seven different phases.
2. The first three phases must be carried out systematically in this sequence, if the planning
action should have the potential to be successful.
3. And it is crucial to always keep temporary uses and alternative developments in mind.
Figure 1:
ideal project procedure in redevelopment (Metron 2007)
Schneider / Keller „Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas“ 43rd ISOCARP Congress 2007
Hypothesis “Management Process”
4. The most interesting up-to-date management models describe (project-)organizations as
socio-technical systems. How such systems fulfill their primary task depends not only
from their technical comprehension of the duty, but even more from the organizational
structures and rules as well as from the working and problem solving culture.
5. The core of the manager’s task is observing and intervening in the relations between
duty, structure and culture as well as in those to the societal and economical environment
in a productive way.
6. Transferred to a successful management of a redevelopment project, it is essential to
have the whole process in eye: The economical and societal environment of the project
as well as the temporal and organizational structure, the solution-oriented and cooperative culture and at least the essential planning duties.
Figure 2:
management process in redevelopment (Metron 2007, based on Steiger/Lippmann 1999)
Case Studies Analysis
Based on this theoretical framework we analyzed 10 cases industrial area redevelopment
throughout northern Switzerland. The cases differed in size (1 – 25 ha), in location (urban –
rural, 3 different planning legislations), in stage (initial – completed) and in process (successful – failed). For each case study we first did a desk analysis. Then we had 3-4 semistructured expert interviews with key persons directly involved in the respective redevelopment process on the landowner, developer, municipality and planning authority side.
Already the desk analyses, but especially the interviews with private sector partners, clearly
depicted what we already suspected at the beginning: In practice, a good management of the
redevelopment process is far more important than the handling of planning instruments
The most important weak points, all concerning process management, that were mentioned
Schneider / Keller „Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas“ 43rd ISOCARP Congress 2007
Structural and organizational aspects; like experience of landowners, key persons
and project knowledge management, systematic project phasing, prudence in time
schedule optimization and project management on public authorities side.
Aspects of anticipation and flexiblitiy of public authorities; like existence of an overall
idea on spatial development or flexible conception and interpretation of planning instruments.
Planning project culture; like a growing cooperation in partnership, an active information and communication policy, enduring the allegation of entanglement private-state
and PPP only if on an equal footing.
Financial and technical aspects; a financial participation of public authorities in the
area redevelopment is just nice-to-have, meanwhile the in-time provision of an adequate infrastructure in the surrounding is very helpful, the ambition to plan the final
solution at the beginning instead of a step-by-step approach can lead to failure, and
in most cases so-called financial and technical problems are just the expression of
missing confidence and cooperation between private enterprises and state authorities.
Proposals for an action plan
Facing these findings and having discussed a catalogue of almost 50 potential measures we
came to the clue, that the key actor in industrial area redevelopment is and remains the private landowner, developer and investor.
Figure 3:
packages of measures situated on management process of redevelopment (Metron 2007)
Schneider / Keller „Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas“ 43rd ISOCARP Congress 2007
Never the less we were able to bundle 8 packages of measures for preparing and supporting
the redevelopment of under-used industrial areas by public authorities on federal, cantonal
and municipal level. Each of these packages consists of a 2-3 (total 18) actions that were
judged as helpful and potentially effective from private interview partners.
Due to the Swiss planning system, the actions federal administration can take are primarily
concentrated on the improvement of general conditions and the sponsoring of pilot projects
and feasibility studies. On the cantonal state and (or city) level a professional consultancy in
the kick-off phase as well as a competent project coordinator are crucial. Almost as important
is the capability of the municipality and canton to cooperate in partnership with private landowner and developer. And not at least, the municipality’s capability in situational adaptation
of planning processes and professional application of planning instruments is an important
M a s s na hm e n R a hm e nbe dingunge n
po lit is c he
S e ns ibilis ie rung &
G rundla ge n
pla ne ris c he s
V o rde nk e n
int e rna t io na le s u.
B unde s k o nze pt e
na t io na le s Kno wa npa s s e n (II.a )
ho w a uf be re it e n (I.a )
M a s s na hm e n A re a le ntwic k lung
IV .
S ta ndo rtf ö rde rung &
lo k a le P o litk ult ur
B e ra tung in de r
S ta rt pha s e
P ro je k t be gle it ung
& B e hö rde nk o o rdina t io n
V o rle is tunge n durc h
M a s s na hm e n Ia , Ib,
Ic und IIa
V o rle is t unge n durc h
M a s s na hm e n Ia , Ib,
Ic und IIa
V e rm it t lung de s
S t a ndo rt m a rk e tings
v e rs t ä rk e n ( III.a )
k o m pe t e nt e
E rs t be ra tung
a nbie te n ( IV .a )
V I.
k o o pe ra t iv e
P la nungs k ult ur
s itua tiv e
P la nungs pro ze s s e
und - ins t rum e nte
fina nzie lle s
E nga ge me nt
F ö rde rung v o n
P ilo t pro je k te n und
M a c hba rk e it s s t udie
n (V III.a )
Indus trie bra c he nÜbe rs ic ht s c ha f f e n +
be wirt s c ha f t e n (I.b)
po lit is c he
S e ns ibilis ie rung (I.c )
k a nto na le
S t ra t e gie n e rgä nze n
P ro je k t k o o rdina to r
e rne nne n ( V .a )
Unt e rs tüt zung de r
M a s s na hm e I.a und
Unt e rs tüt zung de r
M a s s na hm e I.b
pa rt ne rs c ha f t lic he
Unt e rs t üt zung de r
Z us a m me na rbe it de s
M a s s na hme V II.a
Ka nt o ns (V I.a )
Unte rs t üt zung de r
M a s s na hme V III.a
Unt e rs t üt zung de r
M a s s na hme V II.b
k o mm una le
E nt wic k lungs v o rs te llunge n
fo rm ulie re n ( II.c )
lö s ungs o rie nt ie rt e
P o lit k ult ur pfle ge n
( III.b)
Ko nt a k t mit Ka nt o n
ge wä hrle is t e n (IV .b)
v e ra ntwo rtlic he
A ns pre c hs pe rs o n
be s t im me n ( V .b)
H a nd bie t e n für
pa rt ne rs c ha f t lic he
s it ua t iv a nge pa s s t e
Z us a m me na rbe it de r
P la nungs pro ze s s e
Ge m e inde ( V I.b)
( V II.a )
E ige nle is tunge n
e inbringe n ( V III.b)
P la nungs ins t rume nt e fle xibe l
a nwe nde n ( V II.b)
Figure 4:
table of 18 actions, sorted according to the packages and three state levels (Metron 2007)
For each of these 18 actions we formulated a guideline. These 18 guidelines describe the
key problem, target, actions that may be taken on federal / cantonal / municipal level and pitfalls. And on their backside they contain further detail information. The report finally ends up
with a questions checklist on the key aspects to keep in eye in each of the six project
Our study now will be the basis to answer the parliamentary initiative on national level. And
for a publication making cantonal and municipal authorities aware of options for action to
stimulate redevelopment of iunder-used ndustrial sites.
A. Schneider / S. Keller, 25. 6. 2007
Schneider / Keller „Stimulating the Redevelopment of Industrial Areas“ 43rd ISOCARP Congress 2007
Literature (selection):
Steiger, Thomas et al. (Ed., 1999), Handbuch angewandte Psychologie für Führungskräfte,
Berlin / Heidelberg, Springer
Roth, Bertram et al. (1997), Wiedernutzung von Gewerbebrachen - ein praktischer Leitfaden,
Stuttgart, Verband Region Stuttgart
Valda, Andreas et al. (2004), Die brachliegende Schweiz - Entwicklungschancen im Herzen
von Agglomerationen, Bern, ARE / BUWAL
Schibli, Werner (2005), Massnahmenplan Industriebrachen – Konzeptstudie, Bern, ARE /

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