Rostov UPC will Invest 800 Million Rubles in the Dump Oil


Rostov UPC will Invest 800 Million Rubles in the Dump Oil
Rostov UPC will Invest 800 Million Rubles
in the Dump Oil Processing Complex
LLC Uspenskiy Processing Complex (UPC) will invest 800
million rubles in the oil waste processing project in Rostov
region. The capacity of the plant is estimated at more than
100 thousand tons per year. In 2014-2015, the company
plans to carry out an expertise, and then to construct the
facility for 1.5-2 years. In the experts’ opinion, the
project seems to be in demand, and in the perspective, it
will be able to create the national network.
According to CEO of the company UPC Alexey Babiloev, the complex provides for creation of six
facilities, which will include plants for dehydration and filtration of fuel oil, processing of fuel oil
and tar oil into bitumen, compounding, reduction of fuel oil viscosity and setting point, processing
of oil-slime, etc.
At present, the company has acquired a land plot with the area of 40 hectares in Mateev-Kurgan
area, it has also completed works connected with preliminary engineering-geological survey.
Besides, the investor has carried out works to construct additional dead-end tracks, a gas filling
station and has started projecting. On the basis of the data of the company, about 200 people will
work at the new facilities of the complex.
UPC is also negotiating with companies- manufactures of wastes and the companies that will buy
the finished product. A branch railway will be situated on the project site, that is why the company
figures on wastes from tanks. At that, enterprises of UPC will be able to process dump oil
accumulated in fuel oil sumps, residues of fuel oil enterprises, old
boiler houses, “dead” residues
of tank farms, rejects of oil processing plants, oil spillage, etc.
According to the Director of the Agency of Investment Development (AID) of Rostov region Igor
Burakov (project maintenance), in 2014-2015 the investor has a task to undergo the project
expertise. And after that, the enterprises can be built for 1.5-2 years.
In Vurakov’s judgment, now it is favorable time for implementation of such projects, because there
is a lot of dump oil, and there are not very many companies that deal with its processing. “The
problem is urgent on a national scale: the amount of accumulation of oil dump in the Russian
Federation exceeds the volume of its processing. According to the Ministry of Emergency
Situations of Russia, the total area of soil pollution with oil and oil products on the territory of the
Russian Federation exceeds 70 thousand hectares. Besides, the successful experience of Rostov
region in the field of oil dump processing can be practiced in other regions of Russia” – believes,
Burakov. To his mind, in the future the company will be able to create a national network of similar
LLC Uspenskiy Processing Complex was registered in December, 2012 in Rostov-on-Don. According
to the System of Professional Analysis of Markets and Firms, the principal type of activity of the
company is oil product production. The enterprise is 100% owned by an individual – Maria
Tovmasyan. Aus der Sicht von Burakow ist es momentan sehr günstig, solche Projekte zu starten,
da es viele Erdölabfälle gibt und nur wenige Unternehmen sich mit ihrer Verarbeitung beschäftigen.
„Das Thema ist für das ganze Land aktuell: die Menge von Erdölabfällen in der Russischen
Föderation übersteigt momentan die Verarbeitungskapazitäten. Nach Angaben des
Katastrophenschutzministeriums Russlands erstrecken sich die mit Erdöl und Erdölprodukten
verschmutzten Flächen in der Russischen Föderation auf über 70 Tsd. ha. Außerdem kann man die
erfolgreiche Erfahrung des Gebiets Rostow bzgl. der Verarbeitung von Erdölabfällen auf andere
Regionen Russlands übertragen“, meint Burakow. Seiner Meinung nach, kann das Unternehmen in
Zukunft eine nationale Kette vergleichbarer Produktionslinien in Russland errichten.
Die OOO „Uspensker Verarbeitungskomplex“ wurde im Dezember 2012 in Rostow am Don
angemeldet. Nach Angaben des Systems für berufsmäßige Analyse des Marktes und der
Unternehmen (SPARK), ist der Gegenstand des Unternehmens die Produktion von Erdölprodukten.
Das Unternehmen gehört zu 100 % einer natürlichen Person, Frau Maria Towmasjan.