aufnahmeprüfung englisch - Abendgymnasium Wiesbaden


aufnahmeprüfung englisch - Abendgymnasium Wiesbaden
Bearbeitungszeit: 45 Minuten
A) Reading Comprehension
The ”I“ in the following text is a girl whose name is Maggie. Read the text and then do
the given tasks.
Das „I“ (ich) in dem folgenden Text ist ein Mädchen namens Maggie. Lesen Sie den Text und
bearbeiten Sie die Aufgaben.
I was going to find myself a new job that day. I had every confidence in myself now that I had
managed to pass the first night alone in New York. The sun beat fiercely on the street
although it was quite early when I left my hotel. I set off downtown and began systematically
to go in and out of restaurants and cafés to ask if they needed any help. I wasn’t going to wait
for announcements or notices displayed in windows. The only way you ever got anywhere, I
decided, was to go right in and ask. Naturally, I didn’t expect to meet with immediate success
so I was not depressed by the first refusals. By four o’clock in the afternoon, however, as I
drank my fifth milkshake, my spirits were getting low. Not a lot, you understand but
definitely a bit. It was tiring for one thing, going up and down in the heat. A couple of places
took a note of my telephone number in case something came up and one man said he might
have a job clearing tables next week. That sounded fairly promising, though I did wonder how
I would manage to live, especially because I would have to find a room, pay rent for it and
buy food. I knew that one of the advantages of being an au pair was that room and meals were
(235 Wörter)
line 1: confidence – Vertrauen; Zuversicht
line 2: fiercely – heftig; erbarmungslos
line 3: although - obwohl
line 7: immediate – direkt; umittelbar
line 7: refusal – Zurückweisung; Absage
line 8: spirits – Stimmung; Laune
line 10: a couple of – ein paar
line 11: fairly – ziemlich
line 13: rent – Miete
line 13: advantage – Vorteil
line 14: to provide – bereitstellen; zur Verfügung stellen
True or false? Based on the given text choose (x) the correct answer.
Richtig oder falsch? Kreuzen Sie basierend auf dem vorliegenden Text die richtige Antwort
Maggie was staying at a youth hostel.
She asked for jobs in restaurants and cafés.
She was offered many different jobs.
Maggie believed that she would probably earn a lot of money.
Maggie felt very tired because she was walking in the heat all day.
Early in the morning it was still a little bit cold outside.
Choose (x) the suitable heading for this text.
Wählen Sie die passende Überschrift für diesen Text aus und kreuzen Sie diese an.
Maggie – Lost in New York
Maggie – Looking for a New Job
Maggie – Starting a New Job
Maggie – An American Dream
Finish the following sentences referring to the text. Use your own words if possible.
Vervollständigen Sie die folgenden Sätze, wobei Sie sich auf den Text beziehen. Benutzen Sie
Ihre eigenen Worte, falls möglich.
a. That day Maggie was trying to
b. She went downtown and there she
c. Later that day she was a little bit worried because
d. But she wasn’t really depressed because
B. Text Production
Choose 1. or 2. Write 80-100 words.
1. Describe one work experience of yours. Beschreiben Sie eine Ihrer persönlichen
2. Imagine your perfect (dream) job and describe it. Stellen Sie sich Ihren Traumjob
vor und beschreiben Sie diesen.
Content: ____/10
Language: ___/10
Total: _____/20
C. Grammar
Put in the correct form of the verbs (simple present or simple past). Setzen Sie die
korrekte Form der Verben ein (einfache Gegenwart oder Vergangenheit).
1) Every morning the train ______comes___________ (to come) late.
2) _________ she __________ (to see) her family often?
3) I usually _____________________ (to eat) a lot of peanuts at parties.
4) We _________________________ (not / to spend) our time watching TV last weekend.
5) My parents ____________________ (to live) in Stuttgart.
6) Yesterday, I _____________________ (to catch) the train to Wiesbaden and
___________________ (to arrive) on time.
Put in the correct pronoun. Use the words from the box. There is one pronoun you do
not need. Setzen Sie das richtige Pronomen ein. Benutzen Sie die Wörter im Kasten. Eines
der Pronomen benötigen Sie nicht.
Mary and ____her_____ husband John have two daughters, Jane and Lilly. ____________
love ___________ very much. Although both Mary and John work as managers, they also
spend a lot of time with ______________ children. The girls play different instruments and
have many hobbies. They say ___________ takes efforts to be the best at something, but it
feels good to know you have pushed yourself to the limits of __________ own potential. Jane
says: „If I died tomorrow, I would die feeling I’ve lived ______________ whole life at 110
____ / 6
Read the following sentences. Then form the questions and complete the short answers.
Lesen Sie die folgenden Sätze. Bilden Sie dann die entsprechenden Fragen und
vervollständigen die Kurzantworten.
Example: Jane listened to music yesterday.
Question: Did Jane listen to music yesterday?
Answer: Yes, she did.
a) Lilly plays the violin.
Question: _____________________________?
Answer: Yes, ______________________________.
b) Jane won the piano competition.
Question: _____________________________?
Answer: Yes, ______________________________.
c) The girls have a lots of free time.
Question: _____________________________?
Answer: No, ______________________________.
d) Lilly worked as a model many years ago.
Question: _____________________________?
Anwer: No, _______________________________.
____ / 8
Total: ____/55