
Postal address: Centre de la Vieille Charité
2, rue de la Charité
Bureau 303
13 002 Marseille
E-mail address: [email protected]
2013. Ph.D. in Social Psychology, under the supervision of Pr. J. Py, Toulouse University
2009. Master’s degree (Master 2) in Psychology, University of Toulouse
2008. Master’s degree (Master 1) in Psychology, University of Rennes 2
2006. Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (Licence), University of Rennes 2
2005. Degree in Psychology (DEUG), Caen Basse-Normandie University
From September 2015. Postdoctoral Fellow – Grequam (UMR 7316), Aix-Marseille University
2013-2015. Postdoctoral Fellow – CLLE-LTC, CNRS (UMR 5263), University of Toulouse
2012 – 2013. Teaching Assistant – Social Psychology Department, University of Toulouse
2009 – 2012. Doctoral student Fellow – CLLE-LTC, CNRS (UMR 5263), University of Toulouse
Published papers
Launay, C., & Py, J. (2015). Methods and aims of investigative interviewing of adult witnesses: An
Blank, H., & Launay, C. (2014). How to protect eyewitness memory against the misinformation
effect: A meta-analysis of post-warning studies. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and
Cognition, 3, 77-88. doi : 10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.00
Brunel, M., Py, J., & Launay, C. (2013). Cost and benefit of a new instruction for the cognitive
interview: the open depth instruction. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 19, 845-863,
Working papers
Launay, C. & Py, J. (in revision). Capturing the scene: Efficacy test of the re-enactment investigative
instruction. Journal of Forensic Practice.
Brunel, M., & Launay, C., Le FLoch, V., Py, J., Cascino, N., Zorapapilian, M., & Lo Monaco, G.
(submitted for publication). Is the social representation of nanotechnology anchored in that of
GMOs? Journal of Risk Research.
Selected communications
Launay, C., & Py, J. (2015, September). Inférer l’exactitude d’un témoignage à partir de marqueurs
spontanés de certitude. Paper presented at the Société Française de Psychologie 56ème Conference,
Strasbourg, France.
Launay, C., & Py, J. (2014, June). Verbatim versus gist recall to enhance delayed memory
performances. Poster presented at the Annual International Investigative Interviewing Research
Group Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Launay, C., Py, J., Brunel, M., & Demarchi, S. (2013, September). Audition de témoins oculaires :
analyse des pratiques professionnelles. Paper presented at the Société Française de Psychologie
55ème Conference, Lyon, France.
Launay, C., & Py, J. (2012, September). Technique de recueil du témoignage oculaire : test d’une
consigne de reconstitution. Paper presented at the Société Française de Psychologie 54ème
Conference, Montpellier, France.
Launay, C., Py, J., & Demarchi, S. (2011, June). Improving interviewing techniques of police officers
through training: Evaluation of training in the cognitive interview. Paper presented at the Annual
International Investigative Interviewing Research Group Conference, Dundee, Scotland.
Launay, C., Py, J., & Brunel, M. (2010, June). The Peripheral Focus Instruction to discriminate truth
tellers from liars. Poster presented at the European Association of Psychology and Law 20ème
Conference, Gothenburg, Suède (awarded the Best Poster Award, 2nd place).
2015. Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship at Aix-Marseille University (Supervisor: S. Luchini)
2015. Grant for a research project “Public attitude towards nanotechnology” from Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, Toulouse University (Supervisor: V. Le Floch)
2013. Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship from Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées & Conseil
Scientifique of Toulouse University (Supervisor: V. Le Floch)
2011. Grant for a research project from the American Psychology & Law Society, APA div. 41
2009. Awarded Doctoral Fellowship from Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la
Recherche (Supervisor: J. Py)
ADRIPS - Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale ; AP-LS
- American Psychology-Law Society ; EAPL - European Association of Psychology and Law ; EASP European Association of Social Psychology ; IIIRG - International Investigative Interviewing
Research Group ; SARMAC - Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition ; SFP - Société
Française de Psychologie.
Teaching interests
Social psychology & Social cognition
Experimental techniques
Investigative psychology
Investigative interviewing techniques
Non-directive and semi-directive interview

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