Wege in die Freiheit (Ways To Freedom)


Wege in die Freiheit (Ways To Freedom)
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Congress 21/22 November 2015:
Wege in die Freiheit (Ways To Freedom)
Resources from the Talk: Take Your Kids Out of School
by Clinton and Marion Callahan
You can find this document online at:
Click on your language preference flag (English or German).
Hover over the Resources button, then click Articles from the drop-down menu.
Click on Ways To Freedom Resources.
This Document Includes the Following Action Resources:
! Additional Links
! Rough Transcript of Stuttgart Talk 22 November 2015
! Unschooling
! Alternative Health
! Alternative Economy
! Psychopaths
! Initiations
! Trainings
! Reading
! Possibility Team Handbook
! Nanonations
! Next Culture YouTubes
! Possibility Management for Organizations
! Feelings Practitioner Certification Program
Link to subscribe to free emailed SPARKs, (Specific Practical Applications of Radical
Knowledge) with experiments to try that build matrix in your energetic body to hold
more consciousness so you can serve as a bridge to next culture and bring more
love into the world.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Clinton’s Blogs
Clinton’s blog about Men’s Culture:
Clinton’s blog about the Gaian Employment Unconference:
Online Articles by Possibility Management Trainers:
Articles by Clinton Callahan
Articles by Nicola Nagel
Articles by Patrizia Servidio
! ROUGH TRANSCRIPT OF TALK including 3 Action Steps
I was born in Kansas and spent my first 5 years on a farm in Pennsylvania where I
got two younger brothers. Then my father moved us to California where I went
through school. The day I registered for college the nice lady behind the desk said,
“And what would you like to study young man?” I was away from my parents for the
first time and the world looked full of new possibilities, such as the possibility of
speaking the truth. So I said, “I want to learn magic.” She didn’t object so I took this
as a positive sign and got even bolder. “I want to study alchemy, transformation,
healing, metaphysics, paraphysics…” “Hold on!” she said. “On our list of study
programs here we have physics!” “Oh,” I said. “Okay, I’ll study physics.” Five years
later I realized I was not learning what I wanted to learn. That’s when I started the
Personal Growth Co-operative meeting every week to help each other do whatever it
took to learn what we really wanted to learn.
Eventually I got married and we had 2 daughters who were homebirthed and
unschooled. The mother of my daughters and I helped to start the Northern California
Homeschoolers Association. In 1990 we moved from California to Arizona, and in
1995 we move from Arizona to France. My daughters never went to school. They
love horses and later decided to become officially certified horse teachers at the
Ecole National d’Equitation in Saumur, France. They graduated excellently.
I tell you this to assert that unschooling works – everything I will tell you about is up
and running. I think you already know this. I think you already agree. There is this
phrase: preaching to the choir – you are the choir. I used to think that preaching to
the choir was a waste of time. But I have changed my mind. Now I think that coming
together like this and doing whatever we can to empower each other’s bridgebuilding projects is the best use of time there is. Together we empower the choir to
take action. Who else will do this if not us?
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Humanity is in an Epochal Culture Shift. It happened before 6000 years ago from
matriarchy to patriarchy.
Now we are shifting from patriarchy to archearchy.
In archearchy neither the feminine nor masculine dominate.
Archearchy is archetypally initiated feminine creatively collaborating with the
archetypally initiated masculine.
Modern culture is a capitalist patriarchal empire. It banished initiations 6000 years
If you ask the question: “When a child makes a mess, who cleans it up?” The answer
is, Mom. That proves we live in a patriarchy. The job for women in a patriarchy is to
clean up the messes of the children.
Modern culture is making huge messes with no intention at all of ever cleaning them
up. (nuclear waste, children on brain drugs, plastic in the oceans, diminished water,
desertification, fossil-fuel based economy subsidized by mega-governments
controlled by corporate interests, etc.)
Modern culture is a child-level-responsibility culture.
The people at the top of hierarchies in government, military, church, education are
uninitiated adolescents.
You are the edgeworkers creating next culture.
You may understand what does not work in the current systems – that does not
change anything.
You may agree with each other about what needs to be changed and why – that
does change anything.
You may even feel angry or sad or scared about the pollution or the wars or the
shootings in Paris or … but that does not change anything.
I agree with Buckminster Fuller when he says, “You never change things by fighting
the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing
model obsolete.”
We did not have classes in how to build new models in school, although we could
have. Building new models requires different actions from us, unusual actions,
unexpected actions.
We already know what needs to change. What I offer you are 3 proposals for action
Action #1: Take your kids out of school.
Kids are in survival in school. They have to adapt to the system or die. They are
waiting until after they get out of school to start becoming themselves.
Kids know what is happening in the world. They know what is coming.
The reason your children stay in school is so that you love them.
BUT every day they spend in school is 1 less day they have to become themselves
and prepare themselves for what is coming.
Take your kids out of school and have them help you build your part of the new
model. They have perhaps more clarity than you about new-model design criteria.
Yes, I understand that taking your kids out of school is illegal in Germany.
I will put this into a different perspective that can help you to take this action.
There is a design error in Germany – the same as the design error in the entire
patriarchal empire: the design error is the use of hierarchical power structures.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
The way hierarchies work is that whoever does whatever it takes to climb the ladder
gets the power positions.
The people most efficient at doing whatever it takes to get power are psychopaths
because they can feel no remorse and do not care about consequences.
It is not that power corrupts. It is that corrupt people seek power (out of fear of being
detected as psychopaths, out of the need to be in control).
Tests show that about 1% of the human population are psychopaths or sociopaths
whose mind is not connected to their heart.
Psychopathy is detectable during a CAT scan. (There are articles referenced in the
resources below that provide further information about this.)
For example: Obama has a big heart and he can speak from it to convince people to
vote for him, but then he follows what the corporations dictate, orders drone attacks
and keeps the war machines going.
In archearchy cultures that are centered around authentic adulthood initiatory
processes the psychopaths are detected and prevented from having positions of
The design error of the patriarchy is that hierarchical power structures automatically
select for psychopaths at the top. The result is that in the past 50 years global
hierarchies in governments, churches, schools, and corporations have all been
hijacked by psychopaths.
You waste your time trying to petition a psychopathic system to change because for
psychopaths, creating a bright future for humanity is not even on the agenda.
Voting for the next psychopath will not change anything.
Over the years the psychopaths have made a set of laws that favor psychopaths (of
course… wouldn’t you?), and have taught the sheeple (sheep-like people) to be
"good law-abiding citizens."
It is now irrefutable that the psychopathic rule-of-law leads directly to global suicide.
Modern culture’s rule-of-law has lost its legitimacy.
Anyone following modern culture’s rule-of-law is promoting criminal insanity.
It would be difficult for anyone enforcing modern culture law to explain how they have
not already forfeited their life.
The law which says you must send your children to school is therefore invalid.
Take your kids out of school and ask them to help you build the next model.
Together you can learn to implement circular and toroidal meeting technologies
rather than patriarchal hierarchies.
Together you can heal yourselves from Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) the fear of no
longer being able to live on Earth without modern technology.
I am sure that you would have taken your kids out of school already except that the
patriarchy has trained you to give your center and authority away to external authority
figures so you could not get initiated and make your own radically-responsible
Modern culture leaves you as powerless as an uninitiated adolescent, disconnected
from inner and outer resources: your center, your stellated feelings, your Pearl, your
Bright and Shadow Principles, and your archetypal lineage.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Action #2: Get yourself initiated.
Put ongoing authentic adulthood initiatory processes at the center of your life. Let the
rest of your life reorder itself around your path of initiations.
Initiations for indigenous cultures are very different from the archearchal initiations
happening now. I can clearly explain the difference. You do not need to understand
this explanation, however, if your calling is to serve as an initiator this will be both
interesting and important to you. The difference has to do with what is done with your
“assemblage points,” a term I borrow from Carlos Castaneda’s book Journey to
Ixtlan. In indigenous cultures the initiations move your assemblage points from your
mother to the traditions of the culture. Then you know what to wear and do and say
to be a man or woman in all your stages of life. You know how to build your house,
how to plant and harvest the crops, how to live and die, because the traditions tell
you. Your center is anchored in the village traditions. This style of initiations is
appropriate when the environment is stable and the culture is sustainable.
In the 21st Century neither of these conditions is true. Environmental conditions are
rapidly changing and modern culture is taking the planet to suicide. Archearchal
initiations do something completely different with your assemblage points. They take
your assemblage points away from being anchored in your mother as a child and
move them to your own center. This makes you radically responsible, not the
culture’s traditions. To operate in radical responsibility you need a whole new set of
thoughtware. Each new piece of thoughtware starts new skills and awarenesses that
allow to be responsible for inner and outer resources that modern culture knows
nothing about.
During our 40 years of experimenting with upgrading thoughtware we accidentally
discovered that taking your center back is a hidden trigger mechanism that begins a
whole series of adulthood and archetypal initiatory processes.
For example, once you get your center back you can take your authority back from
external authority figures and you can begin to build the next model. When you are
centered you can make your “here and now” smaller, which brings you back into your
body (from your mind) where you enter the present moment. By being in your body in
the present you suddenly get your feelings back.
If you are using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware you will be on a flat-world
map of feelings and you will think it is not okay to feel, that feelings are bad or
dangerous or that something is wrong if you have a feeling. When you shift from the
flat-world map of feelings to the round-world map of feelings (“upgrading your
feelings thoughtware” in for example, the Expand The Box training) then you can
consciously navigate your feelings.
In further trainings (such as Possibility Labs www.nextculture.org) you can lower your
numbness bar and intentionally turn on your 4 feelings (anger, sadness, fear, joy)
one at a time to 100% archetypal intensity, which brings your 4 inner archetypes to
life (conscious anger ignites your warrior/warrioress, conscious sadness ignites your
lover/communicator, conscious fear ignites your magician/sorceress, conscious joy
ignites your king/queen). This may take 3 or 5 trainings over a couple of years.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
By then you your feelings become 4 kinds of rocket-fuel. By applying new innernavigation skills you can open your Pearl at the center of your Being and start
accomplishing the tasks given to you by your Archetypal Lineage. At this point life
becomes so passionate and fulfilling and makes so much sense that you can hardly
believe it is possible.
How to get your center back? Here are exact instructions:
1. You have 2 kinds of center: your physical center and your energetic center.
First find your physical center – halfway between your hip-bones, half way
back in your abdomen, 3 cm below your navel, behind your belt buckle.
2. Then find your energetic center. Use your attention to find out where it is. For
example, who are the external authorities you give your center to in your daily
life? Your parents, your boss, your partner, your neighbor, corporate branding,
magazine images, advertisements, political propaganda on the TV, the
church? (Are you still giving money to support the organized-religion
hierarchy? Why? Are you sure you want to keep doing that? You can take
your center back from the Catholic Church. You can stop giving them your
money by visiting your town hall and filling out a form that says you changed
your mind. The Inquisitions are over. You can do this.).
3. Now use your intention to move your energetic center from wherever it is
(perhaps in your head) to your physical center. Click your fingers and make a
grounding cord from your energetic center on your physical center down to the
center of the Earth. What color is it? (It may have a different color each time
you make it.) Now you are centered.
When you are centered and grounded in a cleansed bubble of your own personal
space, you are now at the starting position (first position) of a Possibility Manager.
This does not take too long to learn, but it does take practice.
Let us practice right now in this
CENTERING EXERCISE (We practice many different centering exercises in Expand
The Box training and Possibility Labs.)
1. Please stay silent and stand up.
2. Please take a deep breath.
3. Silently connect with the first person you see around you who you don’t know
– this is your partner.
4. One person in each pair put your hand up. You are the slug.
5. Other person put your hand up. You are the squids.
6. I will tell you how this goes, but please do not do anything until I say “Begin!”
7. Slug, your job is to keep your center by not smiling or laughing.
8. Squids, if the slugs smile or laugh, you say, “Beep! You lost your center by
smiling. Start over.”
9. Slugs, please count how many times you lose your center by smiling or
10. Squids, you will have 1 minute. Shake hands with the slugs, tell them your
name, and ask them to tell you their life story. If they smile or laugh you say,
“Beep! You lost your center. Start over.”
11. Please begin.
12. Please come to a stop and be silent.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
13. Please change roles. This time slugs, you shake hands, tell them your name,
ask them to tell you their life story, and make Beeps! if they smile or laugh.
14. Please begin.
15. Please come to a stop and be silent.
16. How many people got 5 or more Beeps! How many got 4 Beeps! How many
got 3 Beeps! How many got 2 Beeps! How many got 1 Beep! How many got 0
Beeps? Wow! Centered!
17. Thank you for practicing being centered. Please take your seat.
Learning to be centered takes regular practice with feedback and coaching from your
team. Therefore, we have Action #3.
Action #3: Start a weekly seed crystal meeting for an initiation-centered
We call this a Possibility Team.
In a Possibility Team meeting you help each other practice archearchy skills.
Sooner or later if you love the context of your Possibility Team you will want to live in
that context 24/7/365. That’s when the nanonation comes to life.
Please stand up if you are willing to start a weekly meeting to practice archearchy
If you would like to join such a team, please go to these people and share your
contact information.
Nanonations are interdependent, mutually beneficial, resilient, and regenerative.
If a nation had to be connected with a piece of land, then whenever you enter a new
country they would give you a new passport. This does not happen. Your nation is
indicated by the passport you carry.
I lived outside the USA for 18 years and was still subject to USA laws and had to pay
USA taxes.
Each nanonation has its own passport and offers its own kinds of initiatory processes
to visitors and guests. Then people can journey from nanonation to nanonation for
their next initiations. This is probably what people seek when they walk the Way of
St. James through Europe to Santiago de Compostela.
Each nanonation culture contributes its unique cultural genius to the global
ethnosphere which is already growing more and more conscious.
This may be what you came to this life to do: create a seed crystal in the global
ethnosphere of the culture you would love to live in.
You can’t do this alone and you cannot do this as a child. Such creative work is done
by collaborating free-and-natural ongoingly-initiated adults.
It takes a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 70 people to be a nanonation. If there are
more people you become a micronation. I envision an Earth that is soon covered with
a global network of 100 million diverse yet interdependent nanonations. This is
already happening. You can find thousands of already existing nanonations listed at
the Global Ecovillage Network database.
The 3 first people clarify and agree on a context to use for the nanonation. Their work
together is to further deepen the context of their nanonation. How does it work in your
nanonation with money, meetings, children, partnerships, rituals, celebrations,
clothing, music, food, dance, technologies, wastes, energy, animals, and so on.
The context of your nanonation attracts further participants who love that context, or
else they start their own nanonation.
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Below is an Action Resource List with links to everything I talked about. If you put
your email address on these papers we will send you a link to a Possibility Team
Handbook you can use.
I will also send you the link to a list of 80 exercises to practice at your team meeting.
Plus a link to a sample constitution for a nanonation.
If you would like to join a weekly seed-crystal meeting for a next-culture nanonation,
please go to one of these standing people and exchange contact information.
Thank you for your participation. Please begin!
Hallo! Dies ist die Ressourcenliste mit den Links, die wir euch während unseres
Vortrags auf dem Wege in die Freiheit Kongress in Stuttgart am Sonntag, den 22.
November 2015 versprochen haben. Ich hoffe, ihr könnt diese Ressourcen gut
verwenden, um die neuen Modelle in euren neuen Nanonationen aufzubauen! Falls
ihr irgendetwas braucht oder irgendetwas entdeckt, von dem wir wissen sollten, dann
zögert bitte nicht und kontaktiert uns über Sonia Willaredt [email protected]. Sie
weiß immer, wo wir zu finden sind!
Ganz herzlichen Dank, dass ihr euch all das zu Herzen nehmt und aktiv werdet.
Mit den besten Wünschen,
Clinton Callahan
PS: Die deutschen Ressourcen sind in rotbraun gelistet.
Hello! This is the list of action resources that we promised to send you during the talk
from Marion and I at the Wege in die Freiheit congress in Stuttgart on Sunday 22
November 2015. I hope you put these resources to good use building the new
models in your new nanonations! If you need anything or discover anything we
should know about, please do not hesitate to contact us through Sonia Willaredt
[email protected]. She always knows where to find us!
Thank you so much for taking all this to heart and into action.
Best wishes,
Clinton Callahan
PS English resources are listed in black.
Video: Interview mit Dagmar Neubronner in deutsch:
Video: Interview with Dagmar Neubronner (with English Subtitles):
California Home Schooling Association: (English only) http://www.hsc.org/homepage.html
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Artabana – self-organized solidary health circles model (only in German)
Gradido – Natural Economy of Life (only in German): http://gradido.net/wp/
Book: Gradido – Natural Economy of Life by Bernd Hückstädt
Alternative Enterprise Design (only in English): http://postgrowth.org/
Video: Non-profit Economy (German subtitles):
Video: Non-profit Economy (English subtitles):
Artikel: Hüte dich vor dem Psychopathen, mein Sohn von Clinton Callahan
Link zum Artikel:
„Da Psychopathen im Hinblick auf das, was sie tun können oder tun werden, um an
die Spitze zu gelangen, keinerlei Beschränkungen kennen, werden unweigerlich alle
Hierarchien an ihrer Spitze überwiegend mit Psychopathen besetzt. Hinter dem
scheinbaren Irrsinn der Zeitgeschichte steht der tatsächliche Irrsinn von
Psychopathen, welche darum kämpfen, ihre überproportionale Macht zu bewahren,
während wir uns wie Schafe verhalten. Psychopathen fehlt ein genetischer Sinn für
Reue oder Einfühlungsvermögen, und dieses Defizit lässt sich durch einen
GehirnScan (Hirnszintigraphie) nachweisen!“
Article: Beware the Psychopath, My Son by Clinton Callahan
At Academia:
At Dissident Voice: http://dissidentvoice.org/2008/05/beware-the-psychopath-my-son/
At OpEdNews:
“Since psychopaths have no limitations on what they can or will do to get to the top,
all hierarchies inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths. Behind the apparent
insanity of contemporary history is the actual insanity of psychopaths, fighting to
preserve their disproportionate power while we behave like sheep. Psychopaths lack
a genetic sense of remorse or empathy with others, and this deficit shows up in brain
Article: Slaying the Jabberwock by Clinton Callahan (not translated to German yet)
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
“The Jabberwock, of course, is the modern capitalist / patriarchal / empire memevirus that is infecting the global ethnosphere and, in addition to wiping out cultural
diversity by putting a 7/11 and a Starbucks on every corner, is threatening to
exterminate life on Earth. This article is a mini-handbook empowering global
#OCCUPY teams to build nonlinear, interconnected, resilient, leaderless social
systems that make the Jabberwock irrelevant.”
Buch: Menschenschinder oder Manager von Paul Babiak, Robert D. Hare
Dieses Buch wurde von http://www.hanser.de in deutsch verlegt, ist aber jetzt
Gebrauchte Exemplare gibt es bei Amazon:
„Menschenschinder oder Manager“ ist ein bezwingender, erschreckender und
wissenschaftlich stichhaltiger Blick auf die exakte Art und Weise, wie Psychopathen
im beruflichen Umfeld arbeiten: welche Art von Unternehmen wirkt anziehend auf sie,
wie verhandeln sie das Einstellungsverfahren und wie funktionieren sie von Tag zu
Tag. Die Autoren stellten fest, dass es genau die moderne, offene, flexiblere
Unternehmenswelt ist, wo hohe Risiken hohen Profiten entsprechen, die
Psychopathen anzieht. Auf welcher Ebene Sie sich auch befinden, Sie werden die
subtilen Warnzeichen psychopathischen Verhaltens erkennen und in der Lage sein,
sich selbst und Ihre Firma zu schützen – bevor es zu spät ist.“
Book: Snakes in Suits by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare.
“Snakes in Suits is a compelling, frightening, and scientifically sound look at exactly
how psychopaths work in the corporate environment: what kind of companies attract
them, how they negotiate the hiring process, and how they function day-by-day. The
authors found that it's exactly the modern, open, more flexible corporate world, in
which high-risks can equal high-profits, that attracts psychopaths. Whatever level
you're at, you'll learn the subtle warning signs of psychopathic behavior and be able
to protect yourself and your company -- before it's too late.”
Artikel: Das haben wir scheinbar vergessen von Clinton Callahan
Link zum Artikel:
„Seit 40.000 Jahren wissen die Menschen, dass Kinder nur durch
einschneidende initiatorische Prozesse erwachsen werden. Das haben wir
scheinbar vergessen. Die Konsequenzen sind sichtbar, da die moderne Kultur mit
jugendlichen Ausreden und Schuldzuweisungsspielen ausblutet. Du kannst Optionen
wählen, die auf der Speisekarte der modernen Kultur nicht präsentiert werden: Lass
dich auf fortlaufende Initiationsprozesse ins Erwachsensein ein, die dich in eine neue
Spielwelt bringen. Niemand kann dich davon abhalten.“
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Article: We Seem To Have Forgotten by Clinton Callahan
“For 40,000 years human beings knew that children do not become adult except
through formidable initiatory processes. We seem to have forgotten. The
consequences are visible as modern culture hemorrhages in adolescent excuses and
blame games. You can choose options that are not presented on the modern culture
menu: find and engage ongoing adulthood-initiatory processes that take you into a
new gameworld. No one can stop you.”
Video der Liste von Initiationen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8SkS3pdDpc
(nicht auf deutsch übersetzt)
List of Initiations video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8SkS3pdDpc (not
translated into German yet)
Youth Passageways (English only) http://youthpassageways.org/ (English only)
Next Culture Research & Training Center page at Youth Passageways: (English only)
Artikel: Geld oder Leben – das ist hier die Frage! von Patrizia Servidio
Article: Your Money Or Your Life? That Is The Question by Patrizia Servidio
Artikel: Schule und Uni bieten dir nicht das an, was du brauchst? Dann mach es
wie Harry Potter und tritt Gaia’s Armee bei von Patrizia Servidio
Article: School and University are not offering what you need? Do it like Harry
Potter and join Gaia’s Army by Patrizia Servidio
Authentische Initiationsprozesse ins Erwachsensein. Wir laden dich ein, an einem
drei- bis fünftägigen Expand The Box Training teilzunehmen, gefolgt von einem
Programm von 10 Possibility Labs im Laufe der nächsten zwei Jahre. Das heilt deine
Kindheit und Dinge aus vergangenen Leben, aktiviert (ersternt) deine vier inneren
Archetypen, trainiert dich darin, anderen Menschen transformatorische Prozesse zur
Verfügung zu stellen, und bereitet dich darauf vor, deiner archetypischen Linie zu
Das Expand The Box Training und die Possibility Labs werden von der Trainergilde
gegeben: Unsere zentrale Webseite ist www.nextculture.org.
Übersichtskalender für Expand The Box Trainings: http://nextculture.org/caloverview/de
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes. We invite you to participate in a 3 to 5 day
Expand The Box training, followed by a program of 10 Possibility Labs over the next
couple of years. This heals your childhood and past-life stuff, turns on (stellates) your
4 inner archetypes, trains you to deliver transformational processes for other people,
and prepares you to serve your archetypal lineage.
Expand The Box training and Possibility Labs are delivered by the Trainer Guild: our
central website is www.nextculture.org.
Calendar of Expand The Box trainings: http://nextculture.org/cal-overview/en
Trainer der Trainergilde / Trainer Guild: (variously German, English, or both)
• Vier Gefühle (Anne & Thomas & Schmid) (Lenzwald / 84570 Polling)
• Aufbruch Trainings (Dagmar Thürnagel & Michael Hallinger) (Munich)
• Liquid Talk (Marina Deeken & Ralf Kolem) (Berlin)
• Möglichkeitenraum (Michaela Kaiser & Michael Pörtner) (near Bielefeld)
• Raum der Möglichkeiten (Georg Pollitt & Felix Fulda) (Basel, Switzerland)
• Next Culture Research & Training Center (Marion & Clinton Callahan) (Polling)
• Viva Essenza (Nicola Nagel) (Munich)
• Lebe deine Berufung (Patrizia Servidio) (near Munich)
• Vier Körper Trainings (Dahlia Abramovic & Katharina Kaifler) (Wertheim)
www.4koerpertraining.de (This website also offers Katharina’s wonderful short
animated videos about Possibility Management!)
• Come to Life Trainings (Sonia & Tassilo Willaredt) (Puls der Erde)
• Next Culture USA (Anette Schuster & Paul Rogers) (Seattle, Washington)
Next Culture Press: “Our books avoid complaining about what is not working and
refuse to proclaim what the "authorities" should change. Instead our books weave
surprising new distinctions into your energetic body which amplify the effectiveness
of your personal experimentation. It is not long before you find yourself enjoying
sophisticated and playful new ways of living and relating without pursuing any
particular philosophy, religion, political party, or therapeutic methodology. By
authorizing your own actions you suddenly create the exact changes you are wanting
to see.”
Abenteuer Denken (in German only): http://nextculturepress.org/499.html?&L=0
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Wahre Liebe im Alltag: http://nextculturepress.org/497.html?&L=0
(in English) Radiant Joy Brilliant Love: http://nextculturepress.org/497.html?&L=1
Die Kraft des Bewussten Fühlens: http://nextculturepress.org/498.html?&L=0
(in English) Conscious Feelings: http://nextculturepress.org/498.html?&L=1
Gute Nacht Gefühle: http://nextculturepress.org/500.html?&L=0
(in English) Goodnight Feelings: http://nextculturepress.org/500.html?&L=1
Radikal ehrliche Elternschaft von Brad Blanton
(in English) Radical Parenting by Brad Blanton;
Edgeworker (in German only) von Nicola Nagel und Patrizia Servidio:
Additional Recommended Books:
Die Geheimnisse des Jaguars von Martín Prechtel
Secrets of the Talking Jaguar, then read, Long Life Honey In The Heart (LLHITH
is only in English so far) by Martín Prechtel
Vom Geist Afrikas von Malidoma Somé
Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Somé
Das Lächeln der Senoi von Robert Wolff
Original Wisdom by Robert Wolff
T. A. Z. - Die Temporäre Autonome Zone von Hakim Bey (Pseudonym von Peter
Lamborn Wilson) und Jürgen Schneider
TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone) and Immediatism (only in English) by Hakim
Choice Theory by William Glasser (only in English)
Creating by Robert Fritz (only in English)
Daemon, und Darknet von Daniel Suarez (beide Bücher sind eine Geschichte)
Daemon, and Freedom by Daniel Suarez (it is one story)
Die Insel der Ata von Dorothy Bryant
The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You by Dorothy Bryant
Self-Observation by Red Hawk (only in English)
Tribes by Seth Godin (only in English)
Link to the German version:
Link to the English version:
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Wikia list of Possibility Team experiments (in English only):
Nanonations Website: http://www.nanonations.org (not translated into German yet)
Artikel: 100 Millionen Nanonationen von Clinton Callahan
Article: 100 Million Nanonations by Clinton Callahan http://nanonations.org/?p=21
Constitution of Nanonation of Possibilica: http://nanonations.org/?p=37 (only in
To CREATE your own nanonation you will find valuable assistance at:
Ecovillage Design Education: www.gaiaeducation.org (only in English)
Diana Leafe Christian’s book Creating a Life Together: www.dianaleafechristian.org
(only in English)
Hildur Jackson’s books Ecovillage Living and Creating Harmony and her articles:
www.gaia.org/gaia/resources/articles (only in English)
As soon as you have a core team and a draft of your constitution you have enough
information to register your nanonation project at the Global Ecovillage Network:
www.gen.ecovillage.org (not translated into German yet)
GEN listing for Puls der Erde nanonation project (only in English so far)
Fellowship for Intentional Community: www.ic.org (English only)
Transition Town movement: www.transitionnetwork.org (English only)
Eurotopia catalog of communities (in English or German): www.eurotopia.de
Diana Leafe Christian’s book Finding Community: www.dianaleafechristian.org (not
translated into German yet)
NEXT CULTURE YOUTUBE CHANNEL (both German and English videos)
Katharina Kaifler’s YouTubes and animations (so far only in German):
Verlorene Generation (deutsche Version von www.nextculturetrainings.org)
Animationen zur Aktualisierung von Denkprogrammen mit Harry & Samantha:
#1: Das Trainieren von Denkprogrammen www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyjraJpdi5Q
#2: Das Rendezvous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfJ_JIHVLr4
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
Harry & Samantha animated thoughtware upgrade videos:
#1: Thoughtware Workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbbwwIwPYJ4
#2: Next Culture Dating http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgoRfj0Sx7E
#3: Low Drama Detector http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZIv1BSwGNc
#4: “Is-Glue” Paint Brush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbEbE1dRGJE
#5: Resentment Kills Intimacy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4YzRiukWZs
Short Interview with Ross Jackson, originator of Global Ecovillage Network (German
plus English with German subtitles)
Mark Gungor: Men’s Brains and Women’s Brains:
Mr. Ramesh instructs us about the fear:
Blue Man Group: Earth to America:
Ian MacKenzie: Occupy the Noosphere:
Next Culture News - Clinton Callahan - Botschaft an die Jugend (deutsche Untertitel)
Next Culture News - Clinton Callahan - Message to Youth (English subtitles)
Mr. Gremlin Song (English subtitles):
Katie Goodman songs (in English)
Un-fuck It Up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdn3O6aaMNc
It’s All Gonna Be Okay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrCAOXF8hCA
An Appeal to Conservatives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmMH2D9jpR0
Fuck This Shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDjNbH_d99Y
Next Culture Organizations (deutsch) http://nextculture-organizations.org/de/
Next Culture Organizations (English) http://nextculture-organizations.org/en/
Feelings Practitioner Certification www.feelingspractitioner.com (The website is so far
only in German but the program itself is available in both German and English.)
Das Feelings Practitioner Zertifizierungsprogramm ist ein zweijähriges, aufeinander
aufbauendes Ausbildungsprogramm für Menschen, die in therapeutischen und
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.
Next Culture Research & Training Center
medizinischen Berufen arbeiten und sich im Bereich der Emotio-Somatik
spezialisieren oder weiterbilden wollen.
Dieses kraftvolle Trainingsprogramm befähigt Sie zur Arbeit mit Traumata und
Blockaden aus dem Bereich des emotionalen Körpers – als wichtigen Bestandteil
des Vier-Körper-Systems. Die Techniken, die sie erlernen, lassen sich hervorragend
in Ihre jetzige therapeutische Arbeit integrieren.
Das Feelings Practitioner Programm vermittelt Techniken und Werkzeuge von
erstaunlicher Klarheit, Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz im Bereich Diagnose und
Therapie. Die Effizienz der nachhaltigen Prozessarbeit drückt sich in erstaunlichen
Ergebnissen und Durchbrüchen Ihrer Klienten aus.
Ihre eigene Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit wird durch die Ausbildung soweit sensibilisiert
und trainiert, dass Sie selbst zu einem Diagnoseinstrument werden.
Feelings Practitioner Certification Program www.feelingspractitioner.com (The
website is not yet translated into English although the program itself is delivered in
German and English. For further information in English please call or write to
Katharina Kaifler as indicated on the website [email protected].)
The Feelings Practitioner Certification is a 2-year education and training program for
people who work in therapeutic and medical professions and want to specialize or
gain additional skills in the field of Emotional-Somatics.
This powerful training enables you to effectively work with traumas and blocks in the
emotional body – as a crucial component of the four-body-system. The acquired
techniques can be excellently integrated into your current therapeutic work.
The Feelings Practitioner Program provides tools and techniques of outstanding
clarity, speed, and efficiency for both diagnosis and therapy. The sustainability of the
emotional-healing work elicits astonishing breakthroughs for your clients.
Through this training your own cognitive ability is sensitized and enhanced in ways
that you yourself become a diagnosis and treatment instrument.
About the author
Clinton Callahan, founder of Possibility Management, co-director of Next Culture Research &
Training Center, speaker and author has since 1975 been developing ways for small groups
of people to help each other make the thoughtware upgrades needed to live together in a
global network of regenerative human cultures. After studying Physics Clinton has lived and
worked in USA, Australia, Japan, and Europe. Through Expand The Box trainings, Possibility
Labs, and Trainer Labs Possibility Management leads people into a culture of radical
responsibility, conscious audacity, and high level fun! www.nextculture.org
World Copyleft
2016 by Clinton Callahan. CC BY+SA International 4.0 License.