to the CV - Department of Classics


to the CV - Department of Classics
September 7, 2016
Department of Classics
100 Washington Square East
New York, NY 10003-6688, USA
Office: Silver Center 503
Tel.: +1 212-992-7977
Email: [email protected]
2013–. Associate Professor of Classics (tenured), New York University.
2008–13. Assistant Professor of Classics, New York University.
2008. Ph.D. in Ancient History, Department of Classics, Stanford University.
2003. M.Phil. in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
2000. B.A. in Classical Studies, Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania.
2015. (edited with W. Scheidel) Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Review articles: P.T. Hoffman, “Public Economies and History,” Journal of Economic History (forthcoming); S. Günter, Journal of Ancient
Civilizations (forthcoming).
Reviews: R. van Dam, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.04.37.
2012. Agriculture and Taxation in Early Ptolemaic Egypt: Demotic Land Surveys and Accounts (P. Agri). PTA
46. Bonn: Habelt Verlag.
Reviews: S.L.D. Katary, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.03.08; S. Scheuble-Reiter, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 59 (2013) 202–4; M.-P.
Chaufray, Topoi 18 (2013) 583–90; B.P. Muhs, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 51 (2014) 241–4; W. Clarysse, Tyche 29 (2014)
2012. From the Ptolemies to the Romans: Political and Economic Change in Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Reviews: J.L. Rowlandson, Classical Journal Online 2013.01.02; L. Caponi, Sehepunkte 13 (2013); P. Nadig, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
2013.06.03; B. Redon, Topoi 18/2 (2013) 595–602; B.P. Muhs, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 73 (2014) 152–5; S. von Reden, Historische
Zeitschrift 298/2 (2014) 440–2; D.W. Rathbone, Journal of Hellenic Studies 134 (2014) 215–16; A. Verhoogt, Bulletin of the American Society of
Papyrologists 51 (2014) 261–4; J.G. Keenan, Klio 96 (2014) 719–23.
2016. “Advances of Seed in a Ptolemaic Land Survey from the Fayyum.” Enchoria 34: 67–87.
2016. “The Jewish High Priesthood for Sale: Farming out Temples in the Hellenistic Near East.”
Journal of Jewish Studies 67: 15-35.
2015. “Egyptian Fiscal History in a World of Warring States, 664–30 BCE.” Journal of Egyptian History
8/1: 1-36.
2014. “Late Ptolemaic Capitation Taxes and the Poll Tax in Roman Egypt.” Bulletin of the American
Society of Papyrologists 51: 127–60.
2014. “Receipts for sitônion, syntaxis, and epistatikon from Karanis: Evidence for Fiscal Reform in
Augustan Egypt?” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 191: 207–30.
2010. “Land Tenure and Taxation from Ptolemaic to Roman Egypt.” Tyche 25: 55–71.
2007. “Royal Land in Ptolemaic Egypt: A Demographic Model.” Journal of the Economic and Social
History of the Orient 50/4: 363–97.
2007. “Rule and Revenue in Egypt and Rome: Political Stability and Fiscal Institutions.” Historical
Social Research (Historische Sozialforschung) 32/4: 252–74.
2006. “Priests of Soknebtunis and Sokonopis: P. BM EA 10647.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 92:
2006. “The Ethics and Economics of Ptolemaic Religious Associations.” Ancient Society 36: 221–38.
September 7, 2016
2002. (with W.J. Tait) “Putting Papyri into Archaeological Context: New Insights from Tebtunis,
Egypt.” Archaeology International 5: 40–4.
in press. “Taxation and Fiscal Reforms.” In K. Vandorpe, ed. Companion to Greco-Roman and Late
Antique Egypt. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
in press. “Political and Sacred Animals: Religious Associations in Greco-Roman Egypt.” In A.
Cazemier and S. Skaltsa, eds. Associations in Context: Rethinking Associations and Religion in the PostClassical Polis. Leiden: Brill.
in press. “A Proposal to Become Chief Priest of Harsaphes.” In T.M. Hickey, A. Verhoogt, and K.Th. Zauzich, eds. The Tebtunis Papyri VI. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
in press. “A Survey of a Thirty-Aroura Estate.” In T.M. Hickey, A. Verhoogt, and K.-Th. Zauzich,
eds., The Tebtunis Papyri VI. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
2016. “Harvest Taxes on Cleruchic Land in the Third Century BCE.” In T. Derda, A. Łajtar, and J.
Urbanik, eds. Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology. JJP Supplement 28, Warsaw,
2016. “A Ptolemaic Granary Account from the Early Ptolemaic Fayyum: P. Stanford Classics Dem. 8
and 11.” In M. Stadler, S.L. Lippert, M. Schentuleit, eds. Sapientia Felicitas. Festschrift für Günter
Vittmann. Montepellier: CENIM, 423-42.
2016. “Landowners and Metropolites: The Benefits of Augustus’s Tax Reforms in Egypt.” In A.-V.
Pont and F. Lerouxel, eds. Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient romain. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 187–210.
2015. (with W. Scheidel) “Studying Fiscal Regimes.” In A. Monson and W. Scheidel, eds. Fiscal
Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3–29.
2015. “Hellenistic Empires.” In A. Monson and W. Scheidel, eds. Fiscal Regimes and the Political
Economy of Premodern States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 169–207.
2014. “Syrians in the Fayyum: A Survey of Crops on Cleruchic Land.” In S.L. Lippert and M.A.
Stadler, eds. Gehilfe des Thot. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz, 81–8.
2014. “Landowners, Rents, and Crops in a Ptolemaic Village: P. Heid. Dem. inv. 46.” In A.M.
Dodson, J.J. Johnston, and W. Monkhouse, eds. A Good Scribe and an Exceedingly Wise Man: Studies
in Honour of W.J. Tait. London: Golden House, 229–40.
2013. “Greeks in an Egyptian Landscape: The Faiyum under Ptolemaic and Roman Rule.” In H.
Beinlich, R. Schulz, and M. Seidel, eds. Egypt’s Mysterious Book of the Faiyum. Dettelbach: Roell
Verlag, 89–103.
German trans. 2014. Die Entstehung der Welt. Schöfungsmythen aus dem Alten Ägypten nach dem Buch vom Fayum. Dettelbach: Roell Verlag.
2013. “Salinization and Agricultural Productivity in the Fayyum.” In C. Arlt and M.A. Stadler, eds.
Das Fayum in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit – Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 123–40.
2012. “Rules of an Association of Soknebtunis.” In R. Ast, H. Cuvigny, T.M. Hickey, and J.
Lougovaya, eds. Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall. American Studies in Papyrology 43.
Durham, NC: American Society of Papyrologists, 209–214.
2010. (with C. Arlt) “Rules of an Egyptian Religious Association from the Early Second Century
BCE.” In H. Knuf, C. Leitz, and D. von Recklinghausen, eds. Honi soit qui mal y pense. Studien zum
pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissen. OLA 194.
Leuven: Peeters, 113–122.
2008. “Communal Agriculture in the Ptolemaic and Roman Fayyum.” In S.L. Lippert and M.
Schentuleit, eds. Graeco-Roman Fayum: Texts and Archaeology. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 173–86.
2007. “Private Associations in the Ptolemaic Fayyum: The Evidence of Demotic Accounts.” In M.
Capasso and P. Davoli, eds. New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum.
Papyrologica Lupiensia 14. Lecce: Congedo Editore, 179–96.
September 7, 2016
2007. “Religious Associations and Temples in Ptolemaic Tebtunis.” In J. Frösén, T. Purola, and E.
Salmenkivi, eds. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 1st–7th of August
2004. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, II 769–79.
2005. “Sacred Land in Ptolemaic and Roman Tebtunis.” In S.L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit, eds.
Tebtynis und Soknopaiu Nesos: Leben im römerzeitlichen Fajum. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 79–91.
in press. “Reichsbildung, griechisch-hellenistisch.” In L. Burckhard and M.A. Speidel, eds. Der Neue
Pauly. 12. Supplementband. Militärgeschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike. Lexikon. Munich: Metzler
in press. Collaboration with L. Uggetti on P. Sorb. IV 160 in M.-P. Chaufray and S. Wackenier, eds.
Papyrus de la Sorbonne (P. Sorb. nos. 145-160). Paris: Presses de l’université de Paris-Sorbonne.
2013. “Dorea (gifts, gift estate).” In R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S.
Huebner, eds. Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell.
in press. M. Jursa and H.D. Baker, eds. Documentary Sources in Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman
Economic History, Journal of Hellenic Studies.
2015. L. Migeotte, Les finances des cités grecques aux périodes classique et hellénistique. Phoenix 69/1–2: 186–8.
2014. H. van Wees, Ships and Silver, Taxes and Tribute: A Fiscal History of Archaic Athens, Bryn Mawr
Classical Reviews 2014.08.42.
2014. Z.H. Archibald, J.K. Davies, and V. Gabrielsen, eds. The Economies of Hellenistic Societies, Third to
First Centuries BC, Mediterranean Historical Review 29/1: 89–92.
2014. S. Ruzicka, Trouble in the West. Egypt and the Persian Empire 525–332 BCE, Classical Review 64/1:
2014. A. Jördens and J.F. Quack, eds. Ägypten zwischen innerem Zwist und äußerem Druck Die Zeit
Ptolemaios’ VI. bis VIII. Journal of the American Oriental Society 134/1: 168–9.
2013. C. Armoni, Studien zur Verwaltung des Ptolemäischen Ägypten: Das Amt des Basilikos Grammateus,
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 50: 349–52.
2011. C. Adams, Land Transport in Roman Egypt: A Study of Economics and Administration in a Roman
Province. Classical World 105: 133–4.
2011. M. Schentuleit, Aus der Buchhaltung des Weinmagazins im Edfu-Tempel. Der demotische P.Carlsberg 409.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70: 107–9.
2011. M. Schentuleit and G. Vittmann, ‘Du hast mein Herz zufriendengestellt...’ Ptolemäerzeitliche demotische
Urkunden aus Soknopaiu Nesos. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 48: 251–3.
2009. S. von Reden, Money in Ptolemaic Egypt: From the Macedonian Conquest to the Third Century B.C. The
Classical Journal 105: 177–80.
2001. (with Kathryn Piquette and Geoffrey Tassie) “Conference Review: Encounters with Ancient
Egypt.” Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 12: 133–8.
2015. Pro Academia Prize, as contributor to R. C. Schulz’s project (
2014. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, “Legitimation of Autocracy” conference.
2014. NYU History and Office of Global Programs, “Taxation and Sovereignty” conference
2013–2014. Charles A. Ryskamp Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies.
2011. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, “Beliefs, Markets, and Empires” conference.
2010. Stanford University, Department of Classics, “Fiscal Regimes” conference.
2010. NYU Alexander Hamilton Center for Political Economy, “Fiscal Regimes” confence.
2010. Goddard Research Fellowship, New York University.
2010–2012. Experienced Researcher Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
2010–2012. Fellowship, National Forum on the Future of Liberal Education.
2009. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, “Teaching the Ancient World” conference/outreach.
September 7, 2016
2007. Jacobi Fellowship, German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Munich.
2005–2006. Research Fellowship, German Academic Exchange Service.
2002–2008. Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University.
2000–2002. Overseas Research Student Award, University College London.
2014. The Legitimation of Autocracy in the Ancient World. Co-organizer: P. Mitsis. NYU Abu
Dhabi Institute, UAE, November 2–3.
2014. Taxation and Sovereignty: Explorations in Fiscal History from Antiquity to Modernity. Coorganizers: Y. Kotsonis and K. Smyrlis. NYU Florence, La Pietra Villa, Italy, May 14–16.
2011. Beliefs, Markets, and Empires: Understanding Mechanisms of Integration in Early Societies.
Co-organizer: W. Scheidel. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, UAE, March 7–8.
2010. Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Early States. Co-organizer: W. Scheidel. Stanford
University, May 27–29.
2009. Teaching the Ancient World. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, UAE, November 22–24.
2002. From Late Period to Late Antiquity: Conquest and Cultural Change in Egypt. Co-organizer: S.A. Ashton. UCL Institute of Archaeology, UK, February 14.
2016. “Ein antiker Steuerstaat? Fiskalische Neuerungen im Frühhellenismus.” Forum Antike, Institut
für Alte Geschichte, Universität Wien, Austria, April 20, and Kommission für Alte Geschichte
und Epigraphik München, Germany, April 22, Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik,
Universität Heidelberg, Germany, June 1.
2016. “The Birth of the Tax State? Greek Fiscal Thought and the Hellenistic Kingdoms.” Ausonius,
Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France, March 3.
2016. “Le Fayoum de l’Égypte : recherches nouvelles sur l’époque grèco-romaine.” Ausonius,
Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France, March 2.
2015. “Eine Krise des Steuerstaates? Griechische Finanzexpertise und die hellenistischen
Königreiche.” Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, December 10.
2015. “The Greco-Roman Fayyum: New Perspectives on Hellenistic and Roman Egypt.”
Fachbereich Alte Geschichte des Departments Altertumswissenschaften, Universität Basel,
Switzerland, December 1.
2015. “Greeks in the Fayyum: A Multi-Ethnic Frontier in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt.” Department
of Classics, Yale University, March 26.
2015. “Getting to Rome: Empires and the Future of Ancient History.” School of Classics, University
of St. Andrews, March 6.
2015. “War Makes Tax States: Were the Greeks Exceptional?” Departments of Classics, Cornell
University, February 20 and University of Chicago, April 7.
2014. “The High Priest of Jerusalem and the Fiscal Crisis of the Seleucid Empire.” Faculty of
Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, May 1.
2013. “High Priests and Tax Farmers in Hellenistic Jerusalem.” Seminar on Classical Civilization,
Columbia University, January 24, and Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte, Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nüremberg, November 20.
2011. “Herrschafts- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im Wandel vom ptolemäischen zum römischen
Ägypten.” Lehrstuhl für altägyptische Kulturgeschichte in ptolemäisch-römischer Zeit, JuliusMaximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany, July 1.
2011. “Empires and Warring States: Ancient Fiscal Regimes in Comparative Perspective.” Lecture
series, Einheit des Rechts und Vielheit der Rechte zwischen Rom und Brüssel: Antiker und
gegenwärtiger Umgang mit Fremdheit in großräumigen Herrschaftsgebilden, Universität
Heidelberg, Germany, June 24.
September 7, 2016
2011. “From Satrapies to Kingdoms: Persian and Hellenistic Fiscal Regimes.” Department of
Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, January 20, Department of Classics, Brown
University, February 15.
2010. “Hellenistic Fiscal Regimes: Warring States Between World Empires.” Department of Classical
and Near Eastern Studies, Pennsylvania State University, November 4.
2006. “Land and Population: Royal Farmers in Ptolemaic Egypt.” Department of Egyptology and
Coptology, Leiden University, the Netherlands, April 7.
2004. “Crocodile Clubs: Egyptian, Greek, or Hellenistic?” Department of Classics, Stanford
University, February 10.
2003. “Words and Things: Excavating Papyri in Tebtunis, Egypt.” Stanford Archaeology Center,
Stanford University, March 12.
2017. TBD. État, terre et soldats dans l’Antiquité, Paris-Nanterre, France.
2016. “Taxation under Alexander the Great.” The Mechanics of Extraction: Comparing Principles of
Taxation and Tax Compliance in the Ancient World, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New
York University, September 30-October 1.
2016. “The Men of the Village: Royal Status and Agricultural Labor in Ptolemaic Egypt.” Statuts
personnels et main-d’œuvre en Méditerranée hellénistique. Clermont-Ferrand, France, March.
2015. “Early Demotic Land Surveys and Accounts from Magdola.” La 8e école d'été démotique, Paris,
France, July 20-23.
2014. “Egyptian Fiscal Reforms in a World of Warring States, 664–30 BCE.” Taxation and Sovereignty:
Explorations in Fiscal History from Antiquity to Modernity, NYU Florence, La Pietra Villa, May 15–16.
2013. “Secure Property Rights and Low Taxes: A Recipe for Economic Growth in Roman Egypt?”
Continuity and Change in the Economy of Graeco-Roman and Arab Egypt. Leuven, Belgium, October 25.
2013. “Harvest Taxes on Cleruchic Land in the Third Century B.C.” 27th International Congress of
Papyrology. Warsaw, Poland, July 29–August 3.
2013. “The Augustan Threshold: Imperial Taxation and the European Project.” Römisches Reich und
Europäische Union - Perspektiven eines Vergleichs. Konstanz, Germany, May 24–25.
2013. “The Benefit and the Burden: Tax Reform in Roman Egypt.” Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient
romain. University of Paris-Sorbonne, France, March 15–16.
2012. “Political and Sacred Animals: Religious Associations in Greco-Roman Egypt.” Associations in
Context: Rethinking Associations and Religion in the Post-Classical Polis. University of Copenhagen,
Denmark, October 11–13.
2012. “Seed Loans in a Ptolemaic Land Survey: P. Cair. II 31251.” Seventh Demotic Summer School,
University of Chicago, August 27–28.
2011. “Land Productivity in the Fayyum: the Garden of Egypt?” Das Fayum in Hellenismus und
Kaiserzeit – Fallstudien zu multikulturellem Leben in der Antike. Bronnbach, Germany, May 4–7.
2011. “Administrative Regime Change from Ptolemaic to Roman Egypt.” 142nd Annual Meeting of the
American Philological Association. San Antonio, TX, January 6–9.
2010. “Hellenistic States.” Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Early States. Stanford University,
May 27–29.
2010. “Associations, Cooperation, and State Formation in the Hellenistic World.” The Emergence of
Cooperation. Stanford University, May 21–22.
2009. “Reorienting Greco-Roman History.” Teaching the Ancient World. NYU Abu Dhabi Institute,
Abu Dhabi (UAE), November 22–24.
2009. “A Proposal to Become Lesonis of Harsaphes.” 6. Demotische Sommerschule. Universität
Heidelberg, Germany, August.
2008. (with Christelle Fischer-Bovet) “Military Settlers and Taxation in P.Lips. II 124 (137 BC).”
Summer Institute of Papyrology, American Society of Papyrologists. Stanford, CA, July 11.
2008. “Agrarian Institutions in Transition: Privatization from Ptolemaic to Roman Egypt.” Summer
Institute of Papyrology, American Society of Papyrologists. Stanford, CA, July 1.
September 7, 2016
2008. “Fiscal Institutions in Transition: Private Land in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt.” 139th Annual
Meeting of the American Philological Association (Panel: American Society of Papyrologists). Chicago,
IL, January 3–6.
2007. “Communal Agriculture in the Ptolemaic and Roman Fayyum.” Graeco-Roman Fayum: Texts and
Archaeology. Freudenstadt, Germany, May 30–June 2.
2006. “The Evolution of Land Rights: Public Farmers and Privatization in Roman Egypt.” 10th
Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics (Panel: Institutions of the
Ancient World). Boulder, CO, September 21–23,
2006. “An Early Ptolemaic Land Survey in Demotic.” 5. Demotische Sommerschule. Freie Universität
Berlin, Germany, August 27–30.
2005. “The Ethics and Economics of Egyptian Religious Associations.” Papyrology: New Approaches in
a New Generation. Inaugural Sather Conference, University of California-Berkeley, November 11–
2004. “Temples and Cult Associations in Ptolemaic Tebtunis.” 24th International Congress of Papyrology.
Helsinki, Finland, August 1–7.
2003. “Priests and Temple Land Tenure in Roman Tebtunis.” Tebtynis und Soknopaiu Nesos: Leben im
römerzeitlichen Fajum. Sommerhausen, Germany, December 19–20.
2002. “Cult Guilds and Temple Organization in Ptolemaic and Roman Tebtunis.” From Late Period to
Late Antiquity: Conquest and Cultural Change in Egypt. University College London, February 14.
2000. “The Legend of the Egyptian Coronation of Alexander the Great,” Encounters with Ancient
Egypt. University College London, December 16–18.
New York University (2008–present)
Post-graduate Seminars: The Persian Empire; War, Diplomacy, and Finance, 323–30 BCE; Politics &
Culture in Hellenistic Egypt.
Undergraduate Seminars: Alexander the Great; Ancient Empires: Persia, Rome, and China;
Democracy, Oligarchy, and Tyranny in the Ancient World.
Undergraduate Lecture Courses: Greek History from the Bronze Age to Alexander; The Greek
World from Alexander to Augustus; Ancient Political Theory.
Undergraduate Language Courses: Intermediate Latin: Cicero; Advanced Greek: Herodotus;
Advanced Greek: Xenophon
Stanford University (2004–2006)
Teaching Assistant: The Greeks (I. Morris); History and Culture of Ancient Egypt (J.G. Manning);
Greek Mythology (A. Karanika); Social Power, the Law, and the State (J.G. Manning).
New York University (2008–)
Graduate Supervision: Ph.D. supervisor for D. Hoyer, Department of Classics NYU, “Buying a
Province, Building an Empire: Money, Markets, and Growth in Roman Africa from Augustus to
Aurelian” (graduated 2014); Ph.D. committee for P. Katz, Department of Classics NYU, “The
Ideology of Ships in Greece and Rome,” 2016–.
University Service: College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference, Judge, 2009–
2010, 2015; NYU Abu Dhabi, Ancient World Professor Search Committee, 2013–2014; NYU
Abu Dhabi, Third-Year Review Teaching Evaluator 2014.
Departmental Service: Graduate Admissions Committee, 2008–2009, 2012–2013, 2014–; Promotion
Committee (Assistant to Associate Clinical Professor), 2009–2010; Merit Salary Raise Committee,
2009–2010, 2012–2013, 2015; Global Network Coordinator 2013–present; Greek Literature
Position Search Committee 2015.
Professional Service: Senior Editor for Classical Studies of Oxford Handbooks Online, 2012–2016;
Reviewer of book manuscripts, book proposals, and articles for Cambridge University Press,
September 7, 2016
Oxford University Press, Ancient Society, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists,
Topoi, European Journal of Law and Economics.
2001–2003. Trench Supervisor, IFAO Excavation at Tebtunis, Egypt (Director: C. Gallazzi).
2001–2002. Assistant Surveyor, KCL-UCL-Oxford Fayum Survey Project, Egypt (Directors: C.
Römer, D.W. Rathbone, D. Obbink).
2003–2007. Research Assistant, Advanced Papyrological Information Systems, Stanford University.
2004. American Society of Papyrologists Summer Institute of Papyrology, UC Berkeley.
Modern: English (native), German (fluent), French (proficient), Italian (reading).
Ancient: Greek, Latin, Demotic Egyptian, and Coptic.