KTB-Portal-Patch (Distributor: KTB


KTB-Portal-Patch (Distributor: KTB
KTB-Portal-Patch (Distributor: KTB-europe.com)
Distribution available as zip-file (packed archive) or
genuine file (unpacked) with extension *.reg (registry file)
Website -> Performances -> Downloads
Topic: Internet Explorer file downloads over SSL
For your convenience we are distributing a registry-patch (Hotfix) called
"KTB-Portal-Patch.reg" with the registry keys in order to solve this problem.
Please download this file and doubleclick. Your registry will be updated once you have
confirmed the security-advice.
Please restart your browser and log-in. Thats it.
From now on you will be able to open and download our pdf-documents within the Portal.
German: Problembeschreibung
Wenn Sie versuchen, ein Microsoft Office-Dokument oder eine PDF-Datei zu öffnen, indem
Sie eine HTTPS-URL für das Dokument eingeben, wird folgende Fehlermeldung
möglicherweise Ihnen angezeigt:
Download nicht möglich
Die Internetsite konnte nicht geöffnet werden Sie ist entweder nicht verfügbar oder konnte
nicht gefunden werden Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
When you try to open a Microsoft Office document or a PDF file by typing an HTTPS URL for
the document you may receive the following error message:
Unable to download.
Internet Explorer was unable to open this site. The requested site is either unavailable or
cannot be found. Please try again later.
Spanish: Síntomas
Al intentar abrir un documento de Microsoft Office o un archivo PDF escribiendo una
dirección URL HTTPS para el documento puede recibir el mensaje de error siguiente:
No se puede descargar.
Internet Explorer no puede abrir este sitio. El sitio pedido no está disponible o no se
encuentra. Inténtelo de nuevo.
Portuguese: Sintomas
Quando você tentar se aberto um documento do Office Microsoft ou um arquivo PDF,
digitando um HTTPS URL para o documento você poderá receber a seguinte mensagem de
Não foi possível baixar.
Internet Explorer não conseguiu aberto este site. O site solicitado não está disponível ou não
pode ser encontrado.. Tente novamente mais tarde..
Die Informationen in diesem Artikel beziehen sich auf:
The information of this article applies to:
La información de este artículo se refiere a:
A informação contida neste artigo aplica-se a:
• Windows Internet Explorer 7 in Windows Vista
• Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP
• Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Server 2003
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 nas seguintes plataformas
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 nas seguintes plataformas
Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 nas seguintes plataformas
Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 nas seguintes plataformas
Microsoft Windows 2000 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition

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