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Towards a European ICT sector framework
Addressing ICT competence demand
and qualification supply in Europe
Trends, products and
multistakeholder activities
This brochure provides an overview on stakeholder activities which are the fruit of cooperation and valuable contributions
from a large number of experts, representing many perspectives of the European e-Skills market. There are too many for
each to be named individually, but they may be found by seeking further information on the projects highlighted in this
For specific contributions in the context of the editing process of the brochure, we express our sincere thanks to: Harry Eils,
Michael Ehrke, Terry Hook, Caroline Jacobsson, Alexa Joyce and Hugo Lüders (for the e-Skills and Career Portal), Angela
Kennecke, László Kozma, Frédéric Lau, Clementina Marinoni (for enlighting the methodological background), Markus
Lecke, Stephan Pfisterer, André Richier, Marc Robichon, John O’Sullivan (for the e-Skills Certification project), Lieve van
den Brande.
This brochure has been prepared by Breyer Publico International Consulting on Education and Media
on behalf of IG Metall, Germany.
Responsible for the content: Dr. Michael Ehrke
© IG Metall, 2008. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Editor: Jutta Breyer, Breyer Publico, Hamburg – Barcelona
English editing support: Terry Hook, Clock-IT-Skills Ltd., London
Design & Layout: Doris Peiter Grafik Design, Hamburg
Print: edp GmbH, Hamburg
The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector is one of the most dynamic in the European
Union. Approximately 5.3 million people in the EU are employed in ICT jobs, in a market worth more than 670
billion €.
ICT innovation has brought fundamental change to industry and commerce, with particular impact on ICT
careers, job profiles, skills and competence needs and education and training. As a key contributor to Europe’s
productivity and competitiveness in a global environment, the European ICT sector urgently needs common
standards and references for describing ICT competences, job profiles and qualifications. To facilitate employability and mobility of Europe’s ICT workforce within an increasing global context; efficient interaction between
e-Skills supply and demand is dependant upon a shared European ICT sector Framework.
Building and maintaining a European ICT sector Framework accounting for national, cultural and product
diversity, to a high standard, can only be achieved through collaborative effort. It is in the common interest
of industry, qualification providers and policy makers at national and European level to establish ICT sector
qualification and workforce development strategies. Building upon national and business-specific diversities
but with a common European goal to stimulate prosperity and growth, all stakeholders were invited to develop
and implement a collective strategy for ICT workforce development.
Various multistakeholder initiatives have been launched involving public and private sector representatives
providing a high quality yet neutral reference base. These partnerships were designed to highlight European
diversity and richness but also to broaden national perspectives.
This brochure provides an overview of some key activities carried out with multistakeholder cooperation commenting on interim outcomes and achievements. The example of the European e-Competence Framework
shows that building neutral but high quality reference tools for wide applicability is possible. However this is
not enough; following development such tools have to be disseminated and continuously updated to remain
“Made in Europe” and “by highly qualified professionals” needs to become synonymous. In this spirit this
brochure seeks to provide inspiration for future work. On route to implementing a multistakeholder vision of a
shared European ICT sector Framework, much has been achieved, yet there remains still much to do!
Trends and multistakeholder activities
Addressing ICT competence demand and training supply
Addressing ICT competence demand and training supply –
Towards a European ICT Sector Framework
Despite its crucial status in the EU economy, the European ICT job market suffers from unequal supply
and demand. ICT professional careers are not always
seen as attractive and better promotion of career opportunities is required. Europe is missing Europe-
Michael Ehrke
Senior Advisor
IG Metall
“Common competence and qualification
frameworks and standards with the associated education models are a prerequisite
for the achievement of the goal of a European labour market with higher levels of
mobility. The need is to ensure a very highquality of training, competence and qualification. ‘Highly qualified, made in Europe’
needs to become a trademark worldwide.
The European Commission is also asked
to initiate and guide related processes in
a multitude of industrial sectors. The IG
Metall is always pleased to join in.”
wide working communication and reference tools to
enable efficient cooperation between qualification
institutions, companies, job agencies, policy makers
and ICT professionals.
As an example Germany traditionally builds vocational qualification systems which are oriented
towards competences and recognition of skills acquisition by national diploma. Other countries such
as the UK have established reference frameworks for
e-skills required by employees with less emphasis on
qualifications. Many countries have no ICT skills
European ICT sector framework
or training frameworks. In a competitive international environment, these national differences can
become barriers to efficient workforce development
and mobility especially in the field of fast moving
However, in addressing ICT Skills or e-Skills in Europe1, there are some obvious national synergies. As
a matter of course, ICT practitioners regularly work
in teams across national boundaries. Regardless of
cultural and national educational system differences
or stakeholder perspectives the skill and competence
required within ICT job roles is the same.
This commonality encouraged representatives from
ICT vendor and user companies, the public sector,
employer associations, trade unions, higher education and training institutes, HR managers and ICT
experts to work together. Their aim was to create a
single, mutually acceptable and neutral reference set
of e-Competences for application in the workplace
across Europe. The intention was to provide a basis
for efficient ICT human resource development in a
long-term perspective.
Common competence and qualification standards
related to existing education models are a prerequisite for an efficient European labour market.
1T he European e-Skills Forum, 2004, adopted a definition of „eskills“ which embraces ICT practitioner skills, e-business skills
and ICT user skills. This publication focuses on ICT practitioner
and manager skills and makes synonymous use of both terms,
“e-skills” and “ICT skills”.
Addressing ICT competence demand and training supply
A key tool: The European Qualifications
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) was
initiated by a decision taken by the Ministers of Education from 32 European countries in December,
2004 and has been formally adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in April 2008.
The EQF objective is to provide a common, not-content-oriented reference framework, which serves as
a translation device between different qualification
systems and their levels, for general and higher education as well as for vocational education and training. It may be used as a translation tool between EU
Member State frameworks (National Qualification
Frameworks/NQFs) and also for European sector
frameworks. As the EQF provides a translation instrument between countries and sectors/industries,
it offers greater transparency for education and
training across Europe.
International comparable standards on eight
levels, oriented towards learning outcomes
On eight levels, the EQF offers a generic guidance
of knowledge, skills and competences which are
achieved at a specific level. In order to focus on what
learners have learnt instead of how and where they
learnt, the EQF adopts a learning outcome approach.
This approach is significant for mobility, recruitment, and careers as it switches attention from ways
of learning to assessment methodologies. Moreover,
learning outcomes are expressed as observable behaviours which can be demonstrated by actions. In
addition, focusing on learning outcomes instead of
training processes opens the door for recognition of
informal learning.
From the EQF to the sector framework - the ICT
industry as an example
Initiated by education planners in the European
qualification environment, the EQF is of major interest in continuous professional development. Even
if EQF level definitions can not be directly used to
describe levels of competence in the workplace, the
levels provide a common reference point. The first
example of this application has been developed by
the ICT industry through the creation of the European e-Competence Framework.
“The availability of e-skills is a key condition for successful innovation and for the
competitiveness of European enterprises.
Shortages and mismatches of ICT practitioners’ skills have been endemic due
to technological innovation and the fast
growth of ICT activity in comparison with
the relatively low supply and availability
of employees and entrepreneurs with
relevant educational qualifications. For
Europe to remain successful in a global
economy, efforts are needed to raise and
widen the level of e-skills of the workforce.
This requires a consistent long-term e-skills
agenda and coordinated efforts by the
European Commission, Member States and
André Richier
Principal Administrator
European Commission
Enterprise and Industry
Trends and multistakeholder activities
European e-Competence Framework
Creating shared European qualification
and competence development tools –
European multistakeholder cooperation in the ICT field
The e-skills demand side – European e-Competence Framework
Following two years’ work by e-Skills multi-stakeholder, ICT and human resources experts across
multiple organisational levels, the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) is ready for Europe-wide
use. The framework consists of 32 jointly defined
ICT practitioner and manager competences as needed and applied on the workplace. The common refer-
European ICT sector framework
ence tool can be used and understood by ICT user
and supply companies, ICT specialists, managers
and HR departments, the public sector, and educational and social partners across Europe. It provides
for the first time a European standard reference for
communicating ICT competence needs in a Transnational and European environment.
European e-Competence Framework
The European e-Competence Framework has been
developed by a large number of European ICT and
HR experts in the context of the CEN/ISSS Workshop on ICT Skills. In order to achieve European
agreement and beneficial results on an international
and national level, the Europe-wide involvement of
players from the ICT sector and stakeholders from
business, politics and education has been crucial for
framework development philosophy and strategy.
The European e-Competence Framework version
1.0 provides a basic, clear and sound orientation for
companies and further ICT sector players who need
to take decisions about recruitment, career paths,
training, assessment, etc. It articulates knowledge,
skills and competence as needed and applied in the
ICT workplace for the ICT vendor and user industry
as well as in the public sector.
32 ICT practitioner and manager competences on a European scale
The European reference framework for ICT competences makes a link between national and company
The framework defines ICT practitioner and manager
competences, classified according to corresponding
ICT business areas and further specified on five
proficiency levels (e-1 to e-5) which are related to the
European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels
3-8. This provides a European basis for internationally efficient personnel planning and development.
“The pride taken by nations of the European Union in their unique cultural
heritage brings a richness and diversity
to be savoured. It also manifests itself in
education systems but here some uniformity would support mobility of European
labour and consequent industry productivity. Nowhere is this more essential than
in the ICT industry. The e-Competence
Framework seeks to balance the benefit
of cultural diversity and need for commonality. It provides an added dimension
to complement the EQF and supports ICT
competence translation for ICT practitioners and managers across the EU.”
“As the key to prosperity for all, education and competence development is of
central importance for every country and
for the European Community as a whole.
National identities and cultural differences
of member states are a precious part of the
European identity, however unprofitable
barriers have to be overcome. The ICT
sector is a vital contributor to the European
economy. Engaging the huge range of key
stakeholders views and their wealth of
experience makes it possible to build common high quality tools, making the most
of Europe’s diversity and richness to the
benefit for all players.”
Terry Hook
Professional ICT Skills
Development Executive
e-Skills UK,
The Sector Skills Council
for IT & Telecoms
Jutta Breyer
Consultant and European
e-Competence Framework
team leader
Breyer Publico Consulting
Trends and multistakeholder activities
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension 3
5 e-Comp. –
areas (A – E)
32 e-Competences identified
e-Competence proficiency levels e-1 to
e-5, related to EQF levels 3-8
e-CF levels identified per competence
A.1. IS and Business Strategy Alignment
A.2. Service Level Management
A.3. Business Plan Development
A.4. Specification Creation
A.5. Systems Architecture
A.6. Application Design
A.7. Technology Watching
B.1. Design and Development
B.2. Systems Integration
B.3. Testing
B.4. Solution Deployment
B.5. Technical Publications Development
C.1. User Support
C.2. Change Support
C.3. Service Delivery
C.4. Problem Management
D.1. Information Security Strategy Development
D.2. ICT Quality Strategy Development
D.3. Education and Training Provision
D.4. Purchasing
D.5. Sales Proposal Development
D.6. Channel Management
D.7. Sales Management
D.8. Contract Management
E.1. Forecast Development
E.2. Project and Portfolio Management
E.3. Risk Management
E.4. Relationship Management
E.5. Process Improvement
E.6. ICT Quality Management
E.7. Business Change Management
E.8. Information Security Management
Table 1 – European e-Competence Framework v.1.0 overview
European ICT sector framework
European e-Competence Framework
Dimension 1
Dimension 2
Dimension 3
Dimension 4
e-Comp. area
Title + generic description
e-Competence proficiency levels
(on e-CF levels e-1 to e-5,
related to EQF levels 3 to 8)
Knowledge (k)
and skills (s)
B. Build
B.3. Testing
Constructs and executes systematic test procedures for IT systems or
customer usability requirements to
establish compliance with design
specifications. Ensures that new
or revised components or systems
perform to expectation. Ensures
meeting internal, external, national
and international standards including health and safety for either usability, performance, reliability or
compatibility. Produces documents
and reports to evidence certification requirements.
Level 1 – Performs simple tests in
strict compliance with detailed instructions.
B.3.s1. selects
appropriate test
Level 2 – Organises test programmes
and builds scripts to stress test likely
vulnerabilities. Records and reports
outcomes providing analysis of
B.3.s2. writes
technical documents
Level 3 – Exploits specialist knowledge to supervise complex testing
programmes. Ensures tests and
results are documented to provide
input to subsequent process owners
such as designers, users or maintainers. Accountable for compliance with
testing procedures including a documented audit trail.
B.3.s3. …
B.3.k1. knows
test methods and
B.3.k2. …
Level 4,5 – Not applicable
Table 2 – European e-Competence example in its four dimensions
Framework structure and look
Structured in four dimensions, the European eCompetence Framework reflects different levels
of business and human resource planning requirements, as well as job and work proficiency guidelines.
Dimension 1 reflects 5 e-Competence areas, derived
from ICT business processes PLAN – BUILD – RUN
– ENABLE – MANAGE. Dimension 2 defines a set
of reference e-Competences for each area, with a generic description for each competence. 32 identified
competences provide the framework with European
generic reference definitions. In dimension 3, proficiency levels of each e-Competence give European
reference specifications on e-Competence levels
e-1 to e-5, which are related to EQF levels 3 to 8.
e-CF Level
related to EQF Level
4 and 5
Table 3 – The five e-CF levels and their relationship to
EQF levels 3-8
Trends and multistakeholder activities
European e-Competence Framework
Frédéric Lau
Directeur de mission
“Increasingly IT jobs are exposed to very
fast evolution. Technology imposes a
rhythm which pushes ICT needs, uses,
and resultant jobs. This is why CIGREF is
interested in organising IT jobs and in the
management of IT competences needed to
answer effectively the needs of IT departments. For this purpose, CIGREF has for
many years maintained an IT Job Profiles
Nomenclature. The e-Competence Framework is a very useful tool which supports
the continuation of this profile catalogue.
CIGREF plans to use it to complete its
competence vision for the next version of
the IT Jobs Profiles Nomenclature. This
will enable companies to benefit from
appropriate competences while defining
jobs. It also answers effectively the need for
competence forecasting to address continuous professional development within an
international context.”
Dimension 4 of the European e-Competence Framework is dedicated to knowledge and skills related to
the e-Competences. Knowledge and skills are indicated as optional framework components. Supplied
for inspiration they are not exhaustive, nevertheless
they provide the key link to the ICT qualification offer side of the European e-skills market.
European ICT sector framework
User guidelines for framework application by
European ICT sector players
To support the understanding, adoption and use of
the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF), a
complementary CWA incorporating user guidelines
for the European e-Competence Framework is also
provided. ICT stakeholders – ICT user and supply
companies, the public sector, ICT managers and
practitioners, HR developers, ICT job seekers, educational institutions, recruiting agencies and social
partners – can find a basic explanation of the framework context and underpinning methodology as well
as initial guidance on how to adapt the framework
and exploit its benefits for specific needs.
The European e-Competence Framework development is supported by the European Commission
and the Council of Ministers (Commission’s Communication of 07.09.2007 and Competitiveness
Council Conclusions of 23.11.2007 on e-skills).
European e-Competence Framework v.1.0
for download
The CEN Workshop Agreement “European e-Competence Framework”, consisting of the framework
itself as well as the accompanying user guidelines,
was published in October 2008 and is available via
See: www.ecompetences.eu
ICT Lane - The e-skills supply side
Bring transparency to the e-skills offer and connect it to the market demand–
ICT Lane – A shared European language for ICT qualifications
and competences
Within the ICT Lane initiative, European experts
in ICT qualification and training have developed a
sector-specific model for implementing the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in the ICT
field. The work covering many kinds of ICT qualification programs has been closely connected to the
European e-Competence Framework.
Defining description standards makes ICT qualification programs (both independent and ICT vendor
industry certificates) internationally transparent
and understandable, enabling end-users to compare
them with requirements.
ICT Lane project outcome – Facing ICT competence demand and training supply in Europe
The outcomes of the ICT Lane initiative provide a
significant contribution to increasing transparency
and efficiency of ICT qualification development
and provision in Europe. Implementing the identified shared language in online environments such as
the European e-Skills and Career Portal can help to
clearly structure the multifaceted world of ICT qualification and certification. Moreover, a method was
established to compare the offer and demand side of
the European e-Skills market.
Representatives from five European countries, coming from Higher Education, employers associations
and trade unions, industry, continuous training,
higher education and research, developed and provided together;
–– A description standard to read, understand and
choose ICT qualifications across Europe according to specific needs, e.g. learning path, entry
requirements, price, etc.
–– A translation standard for qualification content
based on the learning outcome approach applied
by the EQF. It also enables lCT qualifications to
link to the European e-Competence Framework
dimension 4 (knowledge and skills)
–– A shared format to identify levels according to
the EQF, adopting the specific needs of the ICT
sector and in accordance with e-Competence
Framework levels
“Competence and Skills are the important
human factors to face the future challenges
of a successful company.
Due to globalisation and the increasing
European spirit, it will become more and
more important to implement a harmonized view of qualifications. The outcomes
of the ICT Lane project are a step forward
for the Information and Communication
Technology sector.”
Harry Eils
HO Training Information
Airbus Deutschland
Trends and multistakeholder activities
ICT Lane - The e-skills supply side
The commonly elaborated standard description
method for comparing, evaluating and choosing
ICT qualification programs across Europe has been
implemented and illustrated in a pilot software pro-
László Kozma
Assoc. Prof. habil. dean
Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty of Informatics
“As Hungary joined to the European Union
and the Bologna process the Faculty of Informatics in the Eötvös Loránd University
worked out a new type of education by offering the possibility for students to choose
subjects freely not only from Hungarian
universities but also European universities. Here, the ICT Lane Tool can support
our students to select the right subjects to
be studied. The ICT sector-specific implementation of the EQF can also facilitate
the process of the Hungarian Accreditation
Committee. Its scope is to accredit higher
education institutions, to evaluate applications on new study programs of Hungarian
institutions and to review applications by
foreign higher education institutions to
function in Hungary, either alone or in
conjunction with our faculty.”
gram. Qualification search by e-competence requirements, as defined in the European e-Competence
Framework, is demonstrated through the use of the
ICT Lane Tool.
European ICT sector framework
The ICT Lane initiative was implemented within a
Leonardo da Vinci co-funded project coordinated
by IG Metall under the methodological lead of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. The results were presented and discussed with a wide audience on several occasions including a final conference in Paris
in March, 2008 and also at the EQF Implementation
Conference in Brussels in June, 2008.
See: www.ict-lane.eu
e-competence demand and ICT qualification supply
EU e-Competence Framework
ICT Qualifications Framework
EU reference definitions
EU description method
ICT Qualifications offered by
the market (public + private)
ICT Competences needed and
applied on the workplace
ICT Process
CWA presented in 09/08, in view of
e-Skills Conference in Thessaloniki
Final conference in 03/08 in Paris
Figure 1 – Addressing e-competence demand and ICT qualification supply: Connecting learning outcomes to competences
Trends and multistakeholder activities
Methodological background excurs
Methodological background excurs–
From Job profiles to competences for greater transparency and flexibility
The European e-Competence Framework as well as
the qualifications framework developed by the ICT
Lane initiative are based on the concept of “competence”, as opposed to job profiles.
It is common to find from company to company
identical job titles that correspond to different job
descriptions and vice-versa. Moreover, both job titles and job descriptions often prove inadequate in
expressing job content. Business environments are
complex and change continuously making structured schemes based on job profiles, inefficient at
describing tasks and activities being fixed and rigid.
To avoid reflecting the rigidity of job profiles within
competences they need to be general but sufficiently
comprehensive to represent complexity and context. In this way, competence descriptors can be applied which provide flexibility and do not become
redundant in a short time. In addition applying
competence combinations can produce different
job profiles specific to organisational requirements.
Consequently competence application instead of
profile adoption brings the benefits of increased
flexibility, customisation, transparency and ease of
clarification of the concept and prototype” (January
2005) and “What Is Competence?” (Francoise Delamare Le Deist & Jonathan Winterton, Toulouse Business School, France, March 2005). But below we concentrate on the methodological indications of how
to read competence descriptions and dimensions
provided within the e-CF (European e-Competence
Framework) and the related ICT Lane project.
Some definitions
The e-CF defines “competence” as “a demonstrated
ability to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes for
achieving observable results”. Consequently, the related descriptions embed and integrate knowledge,
skills and attitudes through a holistic approach. Competences are “holistic units” expressing complexity of
behaviours, described through operational descriptions (i.e. sentences that can be verified and proved).
“Skill” is defined as “ability to carry out managerial
or technical tasks”. Managerial and technical skills
are the “measurable” components of competences and
specify some core abilities that form a competence.
What do we mean by competence?
“Attitude” means in this context the “cognitive and
relational capacity” (e.g. analysis capacity, synthesis
capacity, flexibility, pragmatism...). If skills are the
“measurable” components of competences, attitudes
are the glue, which keeps them together.
There are many definitions of competence. Jonathan Winterton widely explains this complex topic in
“Typology of knowledge, skills and competences:
“Knowledge” represents the “set of know-what” (e.g.
programming languages, design tools...) and can be
described by operational descriptions.
European ICT sector framework
Methodological background excurs
Linking learning outcomes to competences
What are the differences between learning outcomes
and competences? Learning outcomes come out
of learning processes (formal or informal). Competences as well as skills, pieces of knowledge and
attitudes can be developed at work. When learnt
they are learning outcomes. From an individuals’
perspective, competences and their components can
also be considered as learning outcomes.
With regard to competence and qualification frameworks, the former expresses an industry view, the
latter defines vocational and educational system
results. Thus, as an industry-addressed competence
framework, the European e-Competence Framework articulates competence as needed and applied
at the workplace. A qualification framework such
as the EQF reflects a qualification perspective and
provides guidelines to identify and describe learning outcomes. However, both perspectives need to
be interrelated, as qualifications must contribute
significantly to industry required competence development.
To be able to connect learning outcomes to competences they both need to be expressed in the same
way. Therefore learning outcomes must be described
through “operational descriptions” and both must
use the same vocabulary. However, learning outcomes are not only competences, they can also be
components of them. In addition work place competence is mainly acquired on the job, i.e. within
non formal-informal learning environments. It
is therefore important to recognise relationships,
similarities, differences and gaps, between learning
outcomes formalized by vocational and educational
systems and competences needed by companies. Using similar language is an important step towards
mutual understanding.
“Flexibility is a key factor for companies
who need to face keen competition and flux.
On the other hand, education and training
systems lack the agility required to respond
promptly to the rapid evolution of industry
and technology. EQF seems to answer this
question; its learning outcome-based approach enables transparency and common
understanding and also modular curricula
and programme development that can be
arranged in flexible ways within a well
defined but adaptable structure.”
Clementina Marinoni
Head of HR Research Department
Fondazione Politecnico
di Milano
Likewise there are similarities and differences in
“proficiency” levels of a competence framework and
“learning” levels of a qualification framework. The
former is about levels of competences applied to work;
the latter is related to levels of learning acquisition.
by Clementina Marinoni, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Trends and multistakeholder activities
ICT Certification in Europe
ICT Certification in Europe
Around 5 million ICT certificates have been issued
over the last six years by over 60 certification providers covering over 600 types of certification. The
availability of many overlapping qualifications has
been described as a “certification jungle”. It is characterised by poor information, and lack of clarity
which confuses prospective candidates and employers; all of which is detrimental to the labour market.
“Continuous training of workers in cooperation with all stakeholders is a prerequisite
for maintaining manufacturing in Europe
and keeping pace with the changing technological development in the ICT sector.”
Caroline Jacobsson
Information & Communications adviser
European Metalworkers’ Federation, EMF
The work on transparency of ICT Certification in
Europe is one of three current projects being conducted by CEN/ISSS, the European standards body
for ICT, under their CEN Workshop Agreement
(CWA) process. Why are there so many certifications? And why is the number increasing? What is
their role for an individual’s ICT competence development and lifelong learning?
The project covers both vendor and independent
qualifications for ICT professionals and explores the
landscape of certification systems.
European ICT sector framework
Aim: A navigator for the European ICT skills
certification landscape and market
This initiative will elaborate a map of the ICT skills
certification landscape and market to support improved navigation. The project aims to:
–– Provide a map of the organisational landscape
showing the main certification stakeholders in
the major markets in Europe, and at European
–– Provide updated metrics on the current state of
play of the main certifications in those major
markets, with a methodology for annual updates
–– Investigate methodologies for mapping e-certifications onto the emerging e-Competence Framework and European Qualifications Framework
–– Explore the possibility of a proposed European
standard or reference model for e-certification
schemes, and make recommendations
The European Commission Communication on
e-Skills of 7 September 2007 endorsed by the EU
Council of Ministers on 23 November 2007 explicitly refers to “European quality criteria for existing e-skills industry based certifications (…) to
be available in 2009”. By working with the main
stakeholders in the field, it is hoped that industry,
users and academia will welcome the new standard, and that current vendor and independent
certification schemes will converge towards it.
See: www.ict-certification-in-europe.eu
Interoperability of European ICT Career websites
Increasing beneficial data exchange: Interoperability of
European ICT Career websites
The volume and diversity of ICT career and e-skills
development websites found and hosted on local, national, European and international levels by organisations, companies and institutions is unsurprisingly huge. Some websites aim to encourage young
people to choose a career in ICT, others provide
advanced ICT career and job guidance, qualification
and certification promotion, assessment tools or job
opportunities, others focus on statistical data and
sector policies or simply provide space for interaction between sector players.
However, navigating through the web and identifying relevant links is difficult as website information about ICT careers and e-skills development are
structured and presented in many different ways.
However ICT operates in a global market and differences between jobs, methods, competence requirements and solutions are becoming less. Common
reference standards to communicate about jobs,
skills and competences could provide for interoperability of e-career related websites, increasing efficient data exchange and interconnections across EU
member states.
What is relevant for practitioner e-skills
and ICT career development?
Guided by the key question: “What is relevant for
ICT practitioner careers and e-skills development?”,
the CEN ICT Skills project “e-Career” seeks to structure relevant services provided today by the internet
to key target groups, e.g. students and ICT professionals, companies, social partners, training and
certification bodies and recruitment agencies, in a
way that is logical and beneficial links between services can be established.
“In order to face the challenge of an open
market operation, the R&D Direction of
AFPA, the leading French adult vocational
training organization, plans to develop
new services for adults and enterprises.
These services include competence-based
approaches used to identify acquired
competences and facilitate their transfer
from one professional domain to another.
AFPA intends also to increase the electronic
links existing between these services and
the services offered by other public and
private operators. In this practical context,
multistakeholder projects such as ICT Lane,
e-Career services or the e-Skills and Career
Portal provide worthwhile models for building future efficient services.”
Marc Robichon
ICT Training Consultant
Building on the European e-Competence Framework as a key reference, the project will elaborate
strategic, functional and technical recommendations for website designers and Information Systems
architects on how to interconnect beneficially ICT
career web services in a European environment.
This will include:
Trends and multistakeholder activities
Interoperability of European ICT Career websites
–– a clear “helicopter view” representation of the
human resources domain in the ICT field, its
relevant e-Career development services provided
to key target groups
–– the strategic and functional standard specifications for interoperability between existing as well
as future portals and the forthcoming European
e-Skills and Career portal
Lieve van den Brande
Senior Policy Officer
European Commission DG
Education & Culture
“Europe needs a common understanding
of ICT qualifications and competences for
ICT professionals, and even broader of
for all citizens requiring digital literacy.
Knowledge, skills and competences are
the main capital of European citizens and
digital competences are a key competence
in the context of lifelong learning. The work
towards common European references
and frameworks will facilitate comparison
and transfer of qualifications between
countries, systems and institutions and
will therefore be relevant to a wide range
of users at European as well as at national
–– a competence / qualifications connecting translation standard for ICT qualification contents,
enabling to link learning outcomes to e-competences
European ICT sector framework
The CEN e-Career project team is actively supported
by the pilot-experimental network of stakeholders
(PEN), a community of European ICT career and
online services experts who are interested and willing to validate, test, use and exploit together interoperable e-Career Services in Europe.
The recommendations addressed to European ICT
Career website designers and IS architects will be
published as a CWA (CEN workshop Agreement) by
mid 2009.
See: www.cen.eu/cenorm/sectors/sectors/isss/activity/wsict-skills.asp
European e-Skills and Career Portal
Towards a common European online platform: European e-Skills
and Career Portal
The need for a European portal is driven by the
significant relevance of Information and Communication Technologies for the EU economy, the
international competitiveness of the sector and the
existence of e-skills gaps in Europe. The provision
of a shared European internet platform for e-skills
development is intended to support a wide range of
ICT sector players and career seekers.
Following a feasibility study of a European ICT Career Portal carried out in 2007, the European e-Skills
and Career Portal project was initiated and is supported by the e-Skills Industry Leadership Board
(ILB). Together with the European Schoolnet as the
service provider, the ILB launched a pilot version of
the portal for the European e-Skills Conference 2008
in Thessaloniki.
Strategic goals and focus areas of the
pilot portal
The strategic goal of the Portal is to lay the foundations for medium to long term development of
market-relevant e-skills capacity. In addition it will
address tactical activities in support of ICT job seekers and ICT career development. The priority group
for the pilot phase is focused on students and ICT
professionals. The portal functions are dedicated to
ICT career guidance, e-skills information and networking facilities.
In the longer term, the portal aims to address and
meet the needs of individuals, employers, educators
and trainers, government and non-government as
well as third sector stakeholders, Job and employment agencies, as well as ICT skills providers.
To provide added value on a European level without reproducing existing services, interoperability
of relevant websites is essential. Commonly established concepts and references such as the European
e-Competence Framework will provide standards to
support this aim.
See: http://eskills.eun.org
“Especially in the ICT sector, the continuous updating of knowledge, skills and competences of employees according to the fast
moving developments of the market and
its technologies are essential for survival.
For this reason, the Deutsche Telekom
highly welcomed the European initiative for developing a common ICT sector
Framework and we were glad to contribute
to the experts work. From our perspective,
the European e-Competence Framework
as it looks today with its 32 competences
organised by 5 competence areas the industry is familiar with and related to the EQF
provides an essential basis for a successful
sector framework. A great leap forward
which will hopefully confirmed by Europewide application and use.”
Markus Lecke
Senior Expert HRD, Corporate
Deutsche Telekom AG
Trends and multistakeholder activities
A long-term e-skills strategy
Implementing a long-term e-skills strategy
Create, manage, plan and develop e-competences that will be needed in a long-term
perspective across Europe
European Commission:
Policy making (European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and e-SkillsPolicy Communication) and Funding Programmes
CEN/ISSS: EU-wide Standardisation Body
Stakeholders (Industry, Social partners, Universities, Training Institutions etc.):
multi-stakeholder partnerships for actions
European e-Competence
CEN project: EU-wide defined
set of ICT practitioner and
manager competences,
needed and applied on the
workplace, related to the EQF
European e-Skills
Portal Feasibility
Study followed by future
platform operated by
stakeholders (2007)
e-Skills and
Career Portal
e-Career Services
CEN project: Recommendations
on technical standard
specifications and requirements
for interoperability of
e-Skills and ICT Career
websites in Europe
ILB/ European
SchoolsNet: Development
of the pilot
Further related MSP
initiatives (...)
ICT Qualifications Framework
Leonardo project ICT Lane:
Quality criteria for describing
ICT Qualifications
Translation standard
for relating ICT learning
outcomes to the
e-Competence Framework
e-Skills certifications
CEN project: EU-wide
e-skills certifications quality
criteria and overview map
Figure 2 – The schematic shows how the activities presented in this brochure are mutually interconnected
European ICT sector framework
Summery and outlook
State-of-the-art summary – European ICT sector framework
achievements and outlook
The European e-Competence Framework is a milestone for building a common European strategic
base to create, manage, plan and develop ICT competences that will be needed in a long term perspective
across Europe. Using the e-Competence Framework
to link to formal and informally acquired capability
is straightforward if oriented towards learning outcomes. The results of the ICT Lane initiative which
are based on the European Qualifications Framework approach and connected to the e-Competence
Framework show how to provide a standard vocabulary to reflect efficiently many kinds of ICT qualification in Europe.
There are additional ongoing multistakeholder activities which promise to provide further contributions to improved transparency and efficiency in the
development of the European ICT workforce. These
include work on an overview map of the ICT and
e-Skills certification landscape in Europe and also a
project on interoperability of European e-Skills and
ICT career websites.
A commonly shared European online platform addressing the needs of all potential users, operated
and supported by a large number of stakeholders
and linked to existing websites across Europe member states will make a significant contribution to the
effectiveness and efficiency of e-skills development
across the European Union.
However, there are still many challenges imposed by
the fast moving ICT sector. The European e-Competence Framework as well as the online portal, once
established, must be disseminated, maintained and
kept current. It is vital to sustain the long term co
operation between multistakeholders to maintain
momentum and move the European e-Skills agenda
“German ICT industry is very interested in
establishing links between the qualification
system operated in Germany and European
initiatives in the e-Skills-Sector. Both the
dual system and the Advanced IT Training
System require European wide accepted
structures to compare levels and competence profiles. The e-Competence Framework is likely to deliver that structure and
foster skills and competence-development
across national boundaries. With the
e-Competence Framework, the European
Education Area takes a great step forward.”
Stephan Pfisterer
Head of Department Education
and HR
Trends and multistakeholder activities
Get involved
Get involved – European platforms and ICT skills communities
European e-Skills Forum
CEN/ISSS Workshop ICT Skills
The European Commission established the European e-Skills Forum in March 2003, following up the
European e-Skills Summit (October 2002), with representatives of Member States, leading stakeholders,
the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the OECD. The objective was to bring together all relevant stakeholders to
listen to their views and catalyse discussions and actions to address e-skills issues. The Forum released
its report “e-Skills in Europe: Towards 2010 and Beyond” in September 2004. Based on its recommendations several initiatives and exploratory actions
were launched to prepare for the development of a
long-term e-skills strategy. The Commission also
established in June 2006 an ICT Task Force to discuss issues relating to the competitiveness of the ICT
sector and ICT uptake in Europe. Both the activities
of the European e-Skills Forum and the ICT Task
Force were very instrumental to promote the e-skills
agenda. In September 2007, the European Commission adopted a Communication on “e-Skills for the
21st Century: Fostering Competitiveness, Growth
and Jobs”. The Council of Ministers welcomed this
Communication in their Conclusions in November
2007 on a long term e-Skills strategy.
The CEN / ISSS Workshop on ICT Skills is a European work group consisting of both national and
international representatives from the ICT industry,
vocational training organisations, social partners
and other institutions. The workshop aims to create
long-term human resources (HR) and competence
development strategies for the European Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.
Being active since 2003, the workshop community has achieved various milestones towards more
transparency and efficiency in the field of ICT Human Resources development in an international
environment, published by CWA’s (CEN workshop
See: www.e-skills-conference.org
European ICT sector framework
See: www.cen.eu/cenorm/businessdomains/sectors/
Links to communities and activities
EITO 2007 report. European Information
Technology Observatory 2007
CEN/ISSS Workshop ICT Skills
European e-Competence Framework (CEN CWA 2008)
Part 1 – European e-Competence Framework Version 1.0.
CEN, European Committee for Standardization 2008
European e-Competence Framework (CEN CWA 2008)
Part 2 – User guidelines for the application of the European e-Competence Framework.
CEN, European Committee for Standardization 2008
European ICT Skills Meta-Framework – State-of-the-Art
review, clarification of the realities, and recommendations for next steps (CEN Workshop Agreement 15515).
CEN, European Committee for Standardization 2005
The European Qualifications Framework for LifeLongLearning. Luxemburg: Office for Official
Publications of the European Communities 2008
European e-Competence Framework
ICT Lane – Towards a shared European language for
ICT qualifications and competences
ICT Certification in Europe
Interoperability of European e-Career services
European e-Skills and Career Portal
Multistakeholder partnerships for e-skills in
Europe. empirica GmbH, Bonn 2008
Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which
might be made of the following information. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the European Commission. Nothing in this brochure implies or expresses a warranty of any kind.
For further information and to request copies
of this brochure, please contact:
IG Metall Vorstand
Ressort Bildungs- und Qualifizierungspolitik
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 79
60329 Frankfurt, Germany
Fon: +49 (0) 69 / 66 93 25 71
e-Mail: [email protected]
European Commission
Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General
Unit D4 “ICT for Competitiveness and Innovation”
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Fax: +32 2 / 2 96 70 19
e-Mail: [email protected]
European ICT sector framework

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