curriculum vitae - International Theological Institute


curriculum vitae - International Theological Institute
Jean-Yves Brachet
Priest, Dominican
(Update Nov 2014)
CURRENT POSITION ____________________________________________
2012 –
Lecturer, International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria
EDUCATION ____________________________________________________
1990 – 1994
Internationales Akademisches Institut "Mater Ecclesiae Domesticae"
für Studien über Ehe und Familie (MEDO-Instituut), Kerkrade,
Doctor in S. Theologia de Matrimonio et Familia
1985 – 1987
Ecole Saint-Jean, Institut Privé de Philosophie et de Théologie
Rimont, France
1984– 1985
Université Jean Moulin, Lyon III, France
Licence de Philosophie
1982– 1984
Ecole Saint-Jean, Institut Privé de Philosophie et de Théologie
Rimont / Saint-Jodard, France
1981 – 1982
Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
1979 – 1981
Classes préparatoires au Grandes Ecoles_Lycée Hoche, Versailles
1971 – 1980
Secondary school: Baccalauréat C (Sciences)
DISSERTATION _________________________________________________
Title: L’incarnation de l’amour. Recherche sur la signification du corps humain dans la
lumière de la christologie de Saint Thomas d’Aquin
Abstract: The body is for communication of life. This communication, and this is proper to
man, takes place in and through love. Love asks self offer, which can also asks offer of the
body in the sense of giving his life. This is true in an eminent way for Christ, who being true
man can truly suffer. On the cross he is source of life for all men, giving his life out of love.
He gives his body. In the sacrament of marriage spouses give themselves to each other. This
friendship and self-giving in love implies they give their bodies. In this offer of their bodies
the spouses express their love and are open for a new life. Body allows man to give his own
life for another and to give life to another. The sacrament makes the link between this gift of
the spouses and the gift of Christ to and for the Church. This research on the place of the body
leads to an ecclesiologic approach and to a better understanding of the link between marriage
and the other sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
Committee chair/members: Prof. Dr. J. van der Vloet, Prof. Dr. J. Ambaum, Prof. Dr. W.J.
Eijk, Prof. Dr. L. Elders S.V.D., Prof. Dr. E. de Jong
TEACHING EXPERIENCE _______________________________________
2012 –
Lecturer in Moral Theology
International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria
- Moral Theology I: Life in Christ
- Moral Theology II: Human Acts and Final End
- Moral Theology III: Virtue and Vice
- Moral Theology IV: Law and Grace
- Marriage and Family in Magisterial Documents
- Marriage and Family in Sacred Scripture
- Sacramental Theology II: Priesthood, Marriage and Virginity
- Theological Anthropology I: Imago Dei
2008 –
Visiting Professor
Institut Saint Thomas d’Aquin de Yamoussoukro
(L’ISTAY is affiliated to the Université Catholique d’Afrique de
l’Ouest – Unité Universitaire d’Abidjan ; UCAO-UUA), Ivory Coast
- Introduction to the Summa Theologiae of Saint Thomas Aquinas
- The Common Good according to Saint Thomas Aquinas
2005 –
Visiting Professor
DOMUNI, International Dominican University (Online)
- Marriage and Family
Visiting Professor, SAPIENTIA, College of Theology of
Religous Orders, Budapest, Hungary
- Egyház, házasság és család: a házasság és a család ekkleziológiai
megközelítése (Church, Marriage and Family: an Ecclesiologic
approach on Marriage and Family)
2008 – 2010
Visiting Professor
Great Seminary, Strasbourg, France
The Pastoral of Marriage
Introduction to the Philosophy
2003 – 2004
Interdiocesan Great Seminary, Rennes, France
- Marriage and Family: dogmatical and moral apsects
1999 – 2002
Ecole Saint Jean, Institut Privé de Philosophie et de
Théologie, Rimont, France
Courses :
- The Holy Trinity: commentary of St Thomas on St John
- Sacrament of Marriage
- Sacrament of the Order
- The Angelology of saint Thomas Aquinas
- Christology: the Redemption
- The vertue of Justice
1997 – 1999
Assistant Professor (Conferenţiar Universitar),
Chair of Greek-Catholic Theology
University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Ethics of the Family
1995 – 1999
Institutul Teologic Universitar “Sfântul Ioan Evanghelistul”
Cluj, Romania
- Philosophy
- Introduction to the theology
- The Holy Trinity
1999 – 2002
Dean of Theology
Ecole Saint Jean, Institut Privé de Philosophie et de
Théologie, Rimont, France
2008 –
Regent of Studies, Order of Preachers, General Vicariate of Hungary
2000 – 2001
Parish Priest, Genouilly and Joncy
Diocese of Autun, Chalon, Mâcon, France
1994 – 1995
Parish Priest in solidum , Enschede, Diocese of Utrecht, Netherlands
PUBLICATIONS _________________________________________________
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1994). L’incarnation de l’amour, Recherche sur la signification du
corps humain à la lumière de la christologie de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, Internationales
Akademisches Institut ‘Mater Ecclesiae Domesticae” für Studien über Ehe und Familie,
Kerkrade, 1994
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1997). Căsătorie şi familie, Casa de Editură “Viaţă Creştină”, ClujNapoca 1997 (Marriage and Family)
Brachet, Jean-Yves (1999). Taina cea mare, Casa de Editură “Viaţa Creştină”, Cluj-Napoca
1999 (This is a great mystery)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2006). Mariage et famille, Domuni, 2006, on line
(Marriage and Family)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1989). “Note sur la concélébration”, in Cahiers de l’Ecole Saint Jean,
n.123-124, sept.-déc. 1989
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2010). “Le Proportionalisme: notions élémentaires”, in Aletheia, 5, juin
1994, pp.101-110 (also in Hungarian : “A proporcionalizmus alapfogalmai”, in Sapientiana, 3
(2010/2), pp.73-83) (Proportionalism, first notions)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1994). “De waarachtige liefde in het huwelijk: een filosofische
benadering”, in Kader Cursus voor Huwelijk, Gezin en Opvoeding, Blok 1, Hiversum, 1994
(The True Love in Marriage: a philosophical approach)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1994).“Theologische aspekten van huwelijk en gezin”, in Kader Cursus
voor Huwelijk, Gezin en Opvoeding, Blok 1, Hiversum, 1994 (Theological Aspects of
Marriage and Family)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1995). “Gezin, Eucharistie en Kerk”, in Kader Cursus voor Huwelijk,
Gezin en Opvoeding, Blok 2, Hiversum, 1995 (also in French: “L’Eglise, l’Eucharistie et le
mariage”, in Aletheia, 7, juin 1995, pp.85-114) (Church, Eucharist and Marriage)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1995). “Het gezin als huiskerk”, in Kader Cursus voor Huwelijk, Gezin
en Opvoeding, Blok 2, Hiversum 1995 (Family as Domestic Chruch)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1995). “Liefde en vergeving in het huwelijk”, in Kader Cursus voor
Huwelijk, Gezin en Opvoeding, Blok 3, Hiversum 1995 (Love and Forgiveness in Marriage)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1995).“Gezin, een kerk in het klein”, in Kader Cursus voor Huwelijk,
Gezin en Opvoeding, Blok 4, Hiversum 1995 (Family, a Little Church)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1998). “La voie psychologique dans la théologie trinitaire”, in Aletheia,
13, juin 1998, pp.83-89 (The Psychological Way in Trinitarian Theology)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (1999). “La dimension sapientielle de la théologie”, in Aletheia, 16,
décembre 1999, pp.145-154 (The Wisdom-Dimension of Theology)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2000). “Le mystère de la Trinité dans le Commentaire sur l’Evangile
selon saint Jean de saint Thomas d’Aquin”, in Aletheia, 17, juin 2000, pp.65-74 (The Mystery
of the Trinity in the Commentary of Saint Thomas on the Gospel of John)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2001). “La lecture thomasienne du «Bonum diffusivum sui»”, in
Aletheia, 19, juin 2001, pp.87-100 (also published in Mozaic teologic I, Editura Viaţă
Creştină, Cluj-Napoca 2001, pp126-156)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2001).“Note sur les fins du mariage”, in Aletheia, 20, décembre 2001,
pp.43-55 (Note on the Purposes of Marriage)
Brachet, J.-Y., Durand, E., (2005). “La réception de la Clarification romaine de 1995 sur le
Filioque”, in Irénikon, Tome LXXVIII/1-2, 2005, pp.47-109
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2009). “Az angyalokról” – I. Part, in Tanítvány, 2009/1, pp.15-30 ; IIIII. Part, in Tanítvány, 2009/2, pp.15-39 (About the angels)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2011). “Az élet szolgálata”, in Tanítvány, 2011/2, pp.42-54 (The Service
of Life)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2012). “Mi az irgalmasság ?”, in Tanítvány, 2012/4, pp.28-38 (What is
Mercy ?)
PRESENTATIONS _______________________________________________
Brachet, Jean-Yves,- (2003). “Arta şi prudenţa : tensiune sau cooperare în vederea
descoperirii finalităţii ?”, Academia de Arte Vizuale, Centrul de studii “Interferenţe în artă”,
Simpozion interdisciplinar naţional, Cluj-Napoca, 27-28 May 1998 (“Art et prudence : tension
ou coopération en vue de la découverte de la finalité ?”), paru dans Experienţă umană,
Imagine artitiscă, Creativitate vizual-plastică, Gheoghe Buş coordinator, Editura Dacia, Cluj
Napoca 2003, pp.73-79 (Art and Prudence: Tension or Cooperation in Descopering Final
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2000).“A teológia bölcsességi dimenziója”, Római-Katolikus Teológiai
Kar, Teológiai napok : Kihívások a teológiában a harmadik évezred küszöbén, Kolozsvár, 1921 November 1999, published in Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica
Latina, 1, Anul XLV, 2000 (in French, in Aletheia, 16 December 1999 : “La dimension
sapientielle de la théologie”) (The Wisdom-Dimension of Theology)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2000). “A tekintély, Isten Igéje és az igazság karízmája”, A Szegedi
Hittudományi Főiskola, Hatalom és Karizma, Nemzetközi Biblikus Konferencia, 3-6
September 2000 (Authority, Word of God and Charism of Truth)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2000). “A családetika aktuális kérdései”, Babeş-Bolyai
Tudományegyetem Római Katolikus Teológiai Kar, Teologiai napok : A keresztény család az
eszmény és a valóság között, Kolozsvár, 10-11November 2000 (Actual Questions on
Brachet, JeanYves, (2013).“L’envoi en mission des Douze en Marc 6,6-13”, Nemzetközi
Biblikus Konferencia: A világi társadalom elfogadása és elutasítása a vallási közösségben,
Szeged 2003 augusztus 31 - szeptember 3, (International Biblical Conference: Acceptance and
Refusal of Secular Society in religious Communities), published in Hungarian in Vilagi
közösség - Vallasi közösség, JATEPress, Szeged 2004, pp.63-71 (The Sending of the Twelve
in Marc 6,6-13)
Brachet, Jean-Yves,(2006). “Az Európai Unió országainak Egyházai - és a család”,
Nemzetközi konferencia: Gazdaság - családbarát társadalom - családbarát Egyház
(Internationale Konferenz: Wirtschaft - Familienfreundliche Gesellschaft Familienfreundliche Kirche”), Dobogókő, 22-23 March 2006 (Churches in the European
Union and Family)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2006). “Incarnation et espérances humaines entre Est et Ouest”, IIIe
Congrès théologique des Dominicains en Europe - Espaces, Pistoia (Italie), 27 sept. - 1 oct.
2006: “Théologie de l’Incarnation aujourd’hui. Dieu de l’humanité, humanité de Dieu.”
(Incarnation and Human Hopes between East and West)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2010). “La vie de Dieu – « Mon cœur et ma chair tressaillent vers le
Dieu vivant » Ps 84,3”, Université d’été Domuni, Paris, 5-6 juillet 2010 : “Au Dieu de la vie”
(The Life of God – « My Heart and Flesh sing for Joy to the Living God » Ps 84,3)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2011). “L'homme peut-il connaître Dieu?”, Université d'été Domuni, 25
August 2011 (Is Man able to know God ?)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2011). “Az Eucharisztia a családegyházban”, MAKACS, Leányfalú,
Hungary, 26-28 September 2011 (Eucharist in the Domestic Chruch)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2011). “Concordia, liantul familiei şi al societăţii/La concordia, il
legante della famiglia e della società/Concord, the bond of the family and of society”,
Simpozion internațional ecumenic/Simposio internazionale ecumenico/Ecumenical
International Symposium : Familia şi binele comun/La famiglia e il bene comune/The family
and the common good, 14-15 October 2011, Cluj, Romania
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2011). “Az élet szolgálata”, XVIII. Családkongresszus (18ème congrès
familial), Máriabesnyő, Hungary, 10-11 November 2011 (The Service of Life)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2012). “A család a közjó része”, MAKACS, Máriapócs, 28 January
2012 (Fmaily and Common Good)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2012). “Familia – Biserica mică / Biserica – Familia lui Dumnezeu”,
Colocviu internațional «Familia în viața Bisericii», Cluj-Napoca, 8-11 November 2012
(Family as Domestic Church / Church as Family of God)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2012). “Mi az irgalmasság?”, MAKACS, Leányfalú, Hungary,
September 24-26, 2012, Családpasztorációs papi találkozó (What is Mercy?)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2013). “The Goodness of God as Source of Ethics according to Saint
Thomas Aquinas: A Trinitarian Approach of Christian Ethics”, International Theological
Institute, Trumau, 11 April 2013
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2013). “Teologia și știința sfinților?”, Congresul teologic – Credința și
teologie, Cluj, 16-17 May 2013 (Theology and Science of the Saints)
Brachet, Jean-Yves, (2014). “A szinódusi kérdőív egyes problémafelvetéseiről”, MAKACS,
Budapest, 29 April 2014 (The Questions wihich are presupposed by the Preparatory
Document for the IIIrd Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops)
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS _________________________________
2005 –
Member of the Committee of Redaction
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica

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