Education Biography Research Areas Publications


Education Biography Research Areas Publications
Director of
International Relations
at ESSEC, Co-Director
of the European
Center for Law and
Doctorat d'Etat en Sciences Economiques, Université Paris II. 1977
Ph.D. in Economics, Harvard University. 1975
Master's in Economics, Harvard University. 1971
Diplôme ESSEC 1966
Frederic JENNY is professor of Economics at ESSEC Business School in
Paris. He is Chairman of the OECD Competition Committee (since 1994),
and Co-Director of the European Center for Law and Economics of ESSEC
(since 2008).
He was previously Non Executive Director of the Office of Fair Trading in the
United Kingdom (2007-2014), Judge on the French Supreme Court (Cour de
cassation, Economic Commercial and Financial Chamber) from 2004 to
August 2012, Vice Chair of the French Competition Authority (1993-2004)
and President of the WTO Working Group on Trade and Competition
He was Global Professor of Antitrust in the New York University School of
Law's Hauser Global Law School (2014), visiting professor at University
College London Law School (2005-2012), Haifa University School of Law in
Israel (2012), University of Capetown Business School in South Africa
(1991), Keio University Department of economics in Japan (1984),
Northwestern University Department of Economics in the United States
Professor Jenny holds a Ph.D in Economics from Harvard University (1975),
a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Paris (1977) and an MBA
degree from ESSEC Business School (1966)
[email protected]
Avenue Bernard
BP 50105
95021 Cergy Pontoise
Research Areas
Market Theory, Industrial Organization, International Trade, Competition Law
and Policy, Economic Development, Institutional Economics, Law and
Economics, Judicial Systems, Bringing Economics to Courtrooms.
Academic Publications
Initiation à la théorie microéconomique. (with A. Weber). : Dunod, 1983
La concurrence et les marchés. (with A. Weber). : Entreprise Moderne
d'Edition, 1980
L'entreprise et les politiques de concurrence. (with A. Weber). : Editions
d'Organisation, 1976
Concentration et politique des structures industrielles. (with A. Weber). : La
Documentation Française, 1975
"Les Autorités Nationales de Concurrence face au Défi de la Neutralité
Concurrentielle" (F. Jenny), Concurrences, Oct 2015, Vol. 4, Issue -, p. 1-24
"Worst Decision of the EU Court of Justice : the ALROSA Judgment in
Context and the Future of Commitment Decisions" (F. Jenny), Fordham
International Law Journal, May 2015, Vol. 38, Issue 3, p. 701-770
"Substantive Convergence in Merger Control: An Assessment" (F. Jenny),
CONCURRENCES - Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, Jan 2015, Vol. 1,
Issue 1, p. 22-41
"L’articulation des sanctions en matière de droit de la concurrence du point
de vue économique" (F. Jenny), La Semaine Juridique, Mar 2013, Vol. -,
Issue 12, p. 20-29
"Export Cartels, Economic Development and Global Governance" (F.
Jenny), Capacity Building for the Enforcement of Competition Law, Mar
2013, Vol. -, Issue -, p. 96-110
"L’articulation des sanctions en matière de droit de la concurrence du point
de vue économique" (F. Jenny), Concurrences, Mar 2013, Vol. -, Issue 1, p.
"L’articulation des sanctions en matière de droit de la concurrence du point
de vue économique" (F. Jenny), Concurrences Revue de droits de la
concurrence, Mar 2013, Vol. -, Issue 1, p. 1-11
"Private Enforcement: current issues: A Survey of the Main Economic and
Legal Issues" (F. Jenny), Concurrences, Nov 2012, Issue 4
"Une procédure qui renforce la dissuasion du droit de la concurrence" (F.
Jenny), La Semaine Juridique, Sep 2012, Vol. -, Issue 37, p. 1656-"L'arrêt Post Danmark en perspective" (F. Jenny), La Semaine Juridique,
Aug 2012, Vol. -, Issue 35, p. 290-291
"Les sanctions en matière de pratiques anticoncurrentielles : Le modèle
économique de la dissuasion et ses limites" (F. Jenny), Concurrences, Mar
2012, Vol. -, Issue 1, p. 1-3
"Export Cartels in Primary Products: The Potash Case in Perspective" (F.
Jenny), Trade, Competition, and the Pricing of Commodities, Jan 2012, Vol.
-, Issue -, p. 99-132
"Sanctions civiles et sanctions administratives en droit de la concurrence :
une approche économique" (F. Jenny), Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, Oct
2011, Vol. -, Issue 28, p. 157-161
"A judge’s perspective on the role of economic analysis in damages actions"
(F. Jenny), Oxera, Apr 2010, Vol. -, Issue -, p. 1-5
"The Economic and Financial Crisis, Regulation and Competition" (F.
Jenny), Law and Ecoomics Review, Dec 2009, Vol. 32, Issue 4, p. 449-464
"The CFI Decision in Microsoft: Why the European Commission's guidelines
on abuse of dominance are necessary and possible" (F. Jenny), Competition
Policy, Jan 2008, Vol. -, Issue 2, p. 1-10
"Le rôle de l'analyse économique dans le contrôle exercé par la Cour de
cassation en matière de droit de la concurrence" (F. Jenny), Concurrences,
Nov 2007, Vol. -, Issue 4, p. 27-35
"Cartels and Collusion in Developing Countries: Lessons from Empirical
Evidence" (F. Jenny), World Competition. Law and Economics Review, Mar
2006, Vol. 29, Issue 1
"La répression des cartels internationaux : Une politique à deux vitesses" (F.
Jenny), Concurrence, Jan 2006, Issue 4, p. 21-24
"Les barrières à l'entrée, un concept qui se lézarde ?" (F. Jenny), Revue
Lamy de la Concurrence, Nov 2005, Issue 5
"Anti-Competitive Agreements: Meaning and Examples, Competition Law
and Policy:Issues for Small Economies" (F. Jenny), Caribbean Dialogue, Jul
2004, Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 1-10
"Competition Law and Policy: Global Governance Issues" (F. Jenny), World
Competition. Law and Economics Review, Dec 2003, Vol. 26, Issue 4
"Sortir de la jungle : Pour une gouvernance des marchés mondiaux" (F.
Jenny), En temps réel, Sep 2003 (Les Cahiers, n°10)
"International Cooperation on Competition: Myth, Reality and Perspective"
(F. Jenny), Antitrust Bulletin (The), Apr 2003, Vol. XLVIII, Issue 4
"Capacity Constraint, Mergers and Collusion" (F. Jenny, O. Compte, P. Rey),
European Economic Review, Jan 2002, Vol. 46, Issue 1, p. 1-29
"Stratégie de marché des entreprises et globalisation de l'économie : vers un
nouveau cadre juridique pour la concurrence internationale" (F. Jenny),
Revue Française de Gestion, Nov 2001, Issue 136
"Current Developments on Competition Policy in the World Trade
Organization" (F. Jenny, R. Anderson), Antitrust Bulletin (The), Sep 2001,
Vol. 16, Issue 1
"L'influence du droit européen de la concurrence et des concentrations sur la
structure et le fonctionnement des sociétés" (F. Jenny), Revue de
Jurisprudence Commerciale, Jan 2001, Issue 1
"Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy: Convergence, Divergence and
Cooperation" (F. Jenny), Competition Policy Information and Research
Center. The Fair Trade Commission, Chinese Taipei, Newsletter, Aug 2000,
Vol. 4, Issue 4
"Economic Analysis, Anti-trust Law and the Oligopoly Problem" (F. Jenny),
European Business Organization Law Review, Jan 2000, Vol. 1, Issue 1
"Competition Policy and the Asian Economic Crisis" (F. Jenny), OECD
Journal of Competition Law & Policy, Jan 1999, Vol. 1, Issue 2
"Media under French Competition Law" (F. Jenny), Fordham International
Law Journal, Mar 1998, Vol. 21, Issue 3
"Media under French Competition Law" (F. Jenny), International Antitrust
Law and Policy, Jan 1998, p. 449-504
"Note d'humeur sur le projet de modification des règles communautaires
applicables aux contrats de distribution" (M. Boutard-Labarde), Semaine
Juridique (La), Apr 1997, Issue 15
"Droit des télécommunications : entre déréglementations et régulation - Les
exemples étrangers : quelles leçons ?" (F. Jenny), Actualité Juridique Droit
Administratif, Mar 1997, Issue 3
"La politica de competencia en una economia global, su relacion con el
comercio, la inversion y el desarollo" (F. Jenny), Economia Industrial, Jan
"La déréglementation des télécommunications : concurrence loyale ou
concurrence efficace" (F. Jenny), Revue des Affaires Européennes, Jul
1996, Issue 2
"Corruption et Pratiques Anticoncurrentielles" (F. Jenny), Cahiers Finance,
Ethique, Confiance, Jan 1996
"Domestic Competition, International Trade and Economic Development" (F.
Jenny), International Business Lawyer, Nov 1995, Vol. 23, Issue 10
"Le droit de la concurrence. Les années récentes : bilan et synthèse" (J.
Blaise), Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, Jan 1995, Issue 1
"Réglementation des télécommunications : concurrence, régulation et
télécommunications" (F. Jenny), Revue de la Concurrence et de la
Consommation - Droits et Marchés, Jan 1995, Issue 83
"Competition and State Aid Policy in the European Community" (F. Jenny),
Fordham International Law Journal, Dec 1994, Vol. 18, Issue 2
"Efficiency as the Goal of Antitrust: Is It Desirable, Is It Possible?" (F. Jenny),
Tokyo Club Foundation for Global Studies, Dec 1993
"EEC Merger Control: Economies as an Antitrust Defence or an Antitrust
Attack?" (F. Jenny), Transnational Juris Publication Kluwer, Aug 1993
"Case note: Nestlé/Perrier (IV/M. 190)" (F. Jenny), European Merger Control
Reporter, Mar 1993
"A Review of Walter J. Adams Book on Restructuring the French Economy"
(F. Jenny), Journal of Economic Literature, Mar 1993
"Droit européen de la concurrence et efficience économique" (F. Jenny),
Revue d'Economie Industrielle, Jan 1993, Issue 63
"Case Note: Thomson/Pilkington (IV/M .0856)" (F. Jenny), European Merger
Control Reporter, Mar 1992
"Relations Producteurs-Distributeurs et Libre Jeu de la Concurrence: une
Evolution Significative de la Jurisprudence" (F. Jenny), Revue Gérer et
Comprendre, Mar 1992
"Domestic Competition, International Trade and Economic Development" (F.
Jenny), Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures under EEC, US and other
National Law, Jan 1991
"Concurrence : la nouvelle règle du jeu" (F. Jenny), Revue Française de
Gestion, Nov 1990, Issue 81
"Pratiques verticales restrictives, concurrence et efficience" (F. Jenny),
Semaine Juridique (La), Oct 1989
"L'ordonnance n° 86-1243 du 1er décembre 1986 relative à la liberté des
prix de la concurrence : raisonnement économique et équilibre des pouvoirs"
(F. Jenny), Semaine Juridique (La), Mar 1987
"Pari de la déréglementation et pari de la concurrence" (F. Jenny), Revue
Française de Gestion, Jan 1987, Issue 61
"Politique des prix et corporatisme" (F. Jenny), Economie et Humanisme,
Jan 1986, Issue 287
Book Chapters
International Report. In: Antitrust in the Groceries Sector & Liability Issues in
Relation to Corporate Social Responsability. Berlin (Allemagne) : Springer,
2015, p. 3-40
A la recherche de la culture de la concurrence. In: A Quoi Sert la
Concurrence ?. Paris (France) : Institut de droit de la concurrence,
Behar-Touchais M., Charbit N., Amaro R. (eds.). 2014, p. 701-710
Regional Agreements. In: Building New Competition Law Regimes (with A.
Heimler). Massachusetts (USA) : Edward Elgar, David Lewis. 2013, p.
Competition Authorities: Independence and Advocacy. In: The Global Limits
of Competition Law. Stanford (California) : Stanford University Press,
Loannis Lianos and D. Daniel Sokol. 2012, p. 158-176
Forework. In: Antitrust Law amidst Financial Crises. Cambridge (United
Kingdon) : Cambridge University Press, 2010, p. xii-xiii
Improving judicial control of administrative decisions in competition
enforcement. In: Competition Law and Economics. Cheltenham (United
Kingdom) : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2010, p. 71-84
The Economic and Financial Crisis, Regulation and Competition. In: Taiwan
2009 International Conference on Competition Policies/Laws. Taipei
(Taiwan) : Fair Trade Commission, Executive Yuan, 2010, p. 7-20
Responses to the Economic and Financial Crisis: Whither Competition?. In:
Effective Crisis Responses and Openness: Implications for the Trading
System. Washington (USA) : The World Bank, Simon J. Evenett, Bernard M.
Hoekmann and Olivier Cattaneo. 2009, p. 217-247
Concurrence, régulation et imperfections de marché : le cas des services
bancaires aux PME. In: Les PME et le droit de la concurrence. Paris
(France) : Litec, 2009, p. 361-402
La crise économique et fiinancière, la régulation de la concurrence. In:
Concurrences. Paris (France) : Peter Lake, 2009, p. 59-68
Bailouts: how to discourage a subsidies war. In: The collapse of global trade,
murky protectionism, and the crisis: Recommandations for the G20 (with S.
Evenett). Londres (Royaume-Unis) : A Publication, Richard
Baldwin , Simon J. Evenett. 2009, p. 81-85 (subsidies/State aids ;
competition ; financial crisis)
The "Coming out" of Abuse of Superior Bargaining Power in the Antitrust
World. In: International Antitrust Law & Policy. New York (USA) : Juris
Publishing, Inc., Barry Hawk. 2009, p. 561-579
The "Coming out" of Abuse of Superior Bargeiniing Power in the Antitrust
World. In: International Antitrust Law & Policy. New York (USA) : Juris
Publishing, Inc., 2009, p. 561-579
Frédéric Jenny. In: Abus de position dominante et modernisation de l'article
82 du traité CE. Paris (France) : LGDJ Lextenso éditions, François Brunet et
Guy Canivet. 2008, p. 281-320
Les choses hors commerce : Une approche économique du marché des
organes humains. In: Droit et économie des contrats. Paris (France) : LGDJ,
2008, p. 207-229
Les choses hors commerce : Une approche économique du marché des
organes humains. In: Droit et économie des contrats. Paris (France) :
L.G.D.J., 2008, p. 207-229
EC Competition Law Enforcement and Collecting Societies for Music Rights:
What Are We Aiming For?. In: European Competition Law Annual 2005: The
Interaction between Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law. Portland
(USA) : Hart Publishing, 2007, p. 361-369
Competition Policy, Economic Development and the Possible Role of a
Multilateral Framework on Competition: Insights from the WTO Working
Group on Trade and Competition Policy. In: Competition Policy in East Asia
(with R. Anderson). : Routledge/Curzon, Erlinda Medalla. 2005
Modernization of the European System of Competition Law Enforcement:
Lessons for Other Regional Groupings. In: Competition Provisions in
Regional Trade Agreements: How to Assure Development Gains (with P.
Horna). Genève (Suisse) : United Nations, BRUSICK P., MARIA ALVAREZ
A., CERNAT L.. 2005
Competition, Trade and Development Before and After Cancun. In:
International Antitrust Law & Policy. Huntington (USA) : Juris Publishing,
HAWK B.. 2004
Competition, Trade and Development Before and After Cancun. In: The
Future Development of Competition Framework. The Hague (The
Netherlands) : Kluwer Law International, HWANG T.H., CHEN C.. 2004
Design and Implementation of Merger Remedies in High-technology
Industries. In: Merger Remedies in American and European Union
Competition Law. Cheltenham (Grande-Bretagne) : Edward Elgar,
Régulateurs sectoriels et autorités de concurrence en France et dans le
monde. In: Concurrence et service public. Paris (France) : L'Harmattan,
Regulation, Competition and Professions. In: The Anticompetitive Impact of
Regulation. Cheltenham (Grande-Bretagne) : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,
On the Modernisation of EC Antitrust Policy. In: European Competition Law
Annual 2000 : The Modernisation of EC Antitrust Policy. : Hart Publishing,
Claus Ehlermann, Isabela Atanasiu. 2001
L'environnement économique international et les autorités de concurrence.
In: Rapport Public 2001 - Les autorités administratives indépendantes. Paris
(France) : La Documentation Française, 2001
Compatibility, Efficiency and Legal Security. In: European Competition Law
Annual 2000 :The Modernization of EC Antitrust Policy. London : European
University Florence and Hart Publishing, 2001
Collective Dominance and the EC Merger Regulation. In: International
Antitrust Law and Policy. : Corporate Law Institute, Juris Publishing, 2001
Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy : Issues and Challenges. In: La
Politique Communautaire face à la Mondialisation et à l'Elargissement de
l'Union Européenne. Baden Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Institut
Universitaire International de Luxembourg. 2001
Design and Implementation of Merger Remedies. In: International Merger
Control: Prescriptions for Convergence. Londres (Grande-Bretagne) :
International Bar Association, ROWLEY QC, J.W.. 2001
Oligopoly Theory, Collective Dominance and EU Merger Control: The
Airtours/First Choice Decision in Perspective. In: EC Merger Control: Ten
Years On. Bruxelles (Belgique) : Internatinal Bar Association, European
Commission. 2000
Institutions and Competence. In: European Competition Law Annual 1998:
Regulating Communications Markets. Portland, Oregon (Etats-Unis) : Hart
Publishing, EHLERMANN C.D., GOSLING L.. 2000
Competition Law Enforcement: Is Economic Expertise Necessary?. In:
International Antitrust Law and Policy. New York (USA) : Juris Publishing
Inc., HAWK B.E.. 1999, p. 185-201
International Merger Control. In: Policy Directions for Global Merger Review.
Londres (Grande-Bretagne) : International Bar Association, 1999, p. 91
Media Under French Competition Law. In: International Antitrust Law and
Policy. Fordham (Etats-Unis) : Juris Publishing, Inc., HAWK B.E.. 1998
France : 1987 -94. In: Global Competition Policy. Washington DC
(Etats-Unis) : Institute for International Economics, GRAHAM E.,
Corruption et pratiques anticoncurrentielles. In: Pratiques et contrôle de la
corruption. Paris (France) : Association d'Economie Financière,
French Competition Law Update: 1987-1994. In: Competition Policies for a
Global Economy. Washington : International Institute for Economics,
EEC Merger Control: Economies as an Antitrust Defense or an Antitrust
Attack. In: International Antitrust Law and Policy. : Transnational Juris
Kluwer. Corporate Law Institute, Fordham University Law School, 1996
Merger Control in France. In: International Business Lawyer. 1995
Evolution of Antitrust Policies in France. In: Mergers, Markets and Public
Policy. Drodrecht (Pays-Bas) : Kluwer Academic Publishers, MUSSATI G..
Competition and State Aid Policy in the European Community. In: Fordham
International Law Journal. 1994
Competition and Efficiency. In: Antitrust in a Global Economy, Corporate
Law Institute. : Transnational Juris Kluwer. Fordham University Law School,
Competition and Competition Policy. In: Economy and Policy of the
European Community after 1992. Michigan (USA) : The University of
Michigan Press, ADAMS W.J.. 1992
Merger Control in France. In: International Mergers and Joint Ventures.
Londres (Grande-Bretagne) : Chancery Law Publishing Ltd., 1991
The Persistence of Profits in France. In: The Dynamics of Company Profits An International Comparison (with A. Weber). New York (USA) : Cambridge
University Press, 1990
French Competition Policy in Perspective. In: Competition Policy in Europe
and North America : Economic Issues and Institutions. Chur (Suisse) :
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1990
Resale Price Maintenance for Books in France : an Economic and Legal
Controversy. le prix imposé du livre : une controverse économique et
juridique. In: Price Information and Public Price Controls, Consumers, and
Market Performance. Bruxelles (Belgique) : Centre de Droit de la
Consommation, Story Scientia, 1986
Other Publications
Articles published in Conference Proceedings
"Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy: Convergence, Divergence and
Cooperation". In : EC LAW facing the New Millenium Challenges, XIV
Congress of the European Lawyer's Union. Bruxelles (Belgique) : Bruylant,
"Safeguarding Conditions for Fair and Efficient Competition in Complex
Markets: Institutional Issues". In : European Competition Law Annual 1998,
Regulating Communications Market. : The Robert Schumann Center at the
European University Institute, 2000
"Globalization, Economic Development, Competition and Trade Policy". In :
Towards the Convergence of Trade and Competition Policy, Conference on
Japan US cooperation for a new international Economic Order. : Institute for
International Policy Studies Policy Paper, 2000
"Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy: Issues and Challenges". In :
The next trade negociations Round : Examining the agenda for Seattle,
Conference held at Columbia University, July 23 & 24 1999. : Bhagwati,
Jagdish, 1999, p. 119-129 (Chapitre 14)
"Le autorit à indipenditi: gli esempli francese e tedesco". In : Autorità
Indipendenti e Principi Costituzionali,. Padoue (Italie) : CEDAM, 1999
"Globalization, Competition and Trade Policy: Issues and Challenges". In :
Towards WTO Competition Rules,. Berne, The Hague (Suisse, Pays-Bas) :
Staempfli Publishers Ltd. & Kluwer Law International, 1998
"Report of the General Rapporteur of Session One". In : European
Competition Law Annual 1997: Objectives of Competition Policy,. Oxford
(Grande-Bretagne) : Hart Publishing, 1998
"The role of National Competition Law". In : Robert Schuman Centre Annual
of European Competition Law 1996,. Londres (Grande-Bretagne) : Kluwer
Law International, 1997
"Competition Policy and Professional Services". In : International Trade in
Professional Services,. Paris (France) : OECD Publications, 1996
"French Competition Law Update : 1987-1994". In : International Antitrust
Law & Policy 1995,. New York (USA) : Fordham University School of Law,
"Competition and State Aid Policy in the EU". In : International Antitrust Law
& Policy 1994,. La Haye (Pays-Bas) : Kluwer Law International, 1995
"Competition and Efficiency". In : Antitrust in a Global Economy,. New York
(USA) : Fordham Corporate Law Institute, 1994
"EEC Merger Control : Economies as an Antitrust Defense or an Antitrust
Attack". In : International Antitrust Law & Policy,. New York (USA) : Fordham
Corporate Law Institute, 1993
Press Articles
"Google : Une procédure contradictoire vaut mieux qu'un mauvais
arrangement". La Tribune, 13 May 2015, p. 8-10
"Le projet de loi Macron promeut la concurrence mais affaiblit le droit ".
Actuel Direction Juridique, 25 Feb 2015
"Livre numérique: Contes et mécomptes". Les Echos, 15 Sep 2014
"Promotion du "made in France" : quelles contraintes juridiques ?". Les
Echos - Club des Juristes, 28 Nov 2012
"Global problems & solutions ". Financial Express, 13 Mar 2012
"Droite de la concurrence faut-il une grande lessive ?". Les Echos, 09 Feb
2012, p. --"Competition Laws Bring Economic Democracy". Reguletter, 01 Oct 2011
"Global potash trade & competition". The Economic Times, 25 Nov 2010, p.
--"National antitrust laws are often not enough". Business Day, 20 Oct 2010,
p. --"Pour en finir avec les cartels à l'exportation". Les Echos, 07 Oct 2010, p. --"Le droit de la concurrence, obstacle ou remède à la crise ". Les Echos, 19
Mar 2009, p. --"Dropping Competition Policy from the Trade Agenda after Cancun would
send Wrong Signal". Financial Times, 23 Sep 2003
"Réforme du droit communautaire de la concurrence : décentralisation,
transparence et coopération". Echos (Les), 23 May 2002
"Pour une modernisation du droit de la concurrence". Les Echos, 24 Jan
"Droits de propriété intellectuelle et droit de la concurrence - conflit et
complémentarité". Echos (Les), 14 Jan 1998
"Les relations entre le droit et l'économie dans l'ordonnance du 1er
décembre 1996". La Gazette du Palais, 01 Feb 1997
"Objectives of Competition Policy". 01 Jan 1997
"Le droit de la concurrence français et les services d'information". 01 Feb
Book Reviews
"Restructuring the French Economy". () Journal of Economic Literature,
1991, vol. XXIX
Teaching at ESSEC
Professor of Economics at ESSEC (since 1972)
Other Teaching Activities
Global Professor of Antitrust, New York University School of Law's Hauser
Global Law School (2014)
Haifa University School of Law in Israel (2012)
Visiting Professor, University College London (depuis 2005-2012)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Capetown, Afrique du Sud (1991)
Visiting Professor, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (1984)
Visiting Professor, Wuhan University, China (1983)
Visiting Professor, Northwestern University, United-States (1978)
Other Activities
Awards and Distinctions
Officier, Ordre de la Légion d'Honneur
Officier, Ordre National du Mérite
Scientific Activities
Editorial Board Membership
The Antitrust Bulletin
Conference Presentations
- Presidence, Panel sur "Market Studies", International Competition
Networkd 2016 Annual Conference, Singopor, April 28, 2016
- Organisation et Présidence, Panel sur "Competitive Neutrality and
Competition Law Enforcement in Asia", Conference on "Antitrust in Asia:
One Size Fits All?" organize by ESSEC, Concurrences, Paris-Sorbonne,
Singapour April 25, 2016
- Présidence, Pnale sur "Le TTIP peut-il être un Traité Gagnant-Gagnant ?"
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - TTIP : Mythes et Réalités,
MEDEF, Paris le 19 avril 2016
- Présidence, Panel sur "Entre Attentes et Controverses" Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership - TTIP : Mythes et Réalités, MEDEF, Paris le 19
avril 2016
- "Independence of Competition Authorities" Hearing on "Empowering the
National Competition Authoritioes to be more Effective Enforcers of the EU
Competition Rules" European Parliament, Bruxelles, April 19, 2016
- Présidence, Panel on "The Use of Screens to Prevent and Detect Bid
Rigging in Public Procurement", OECD Latin American and Caribbean
Competition Forum, April 13, 2016
- Présidence, Panel on Disruptive Innovation in Latin America and the
Caribbean: Compettion Enforcement Challenges and Advocacy, OECD Latin
American and Caribbean Competition Forum, April 12
- "Lonely Journey: from Economics to Law and Back", India International
Center, New Delhi, Friday, February 5, 2016
- "Competition Law as an Element of Economic Development and Welfare",
IIM Kashipur, Third International Conference on Competition Regulation &
Competitiveness, New Delhi, Friday, February 5, 2016
- L'application du droit de la concurrence aux innovations de rupture aux
Etats-Unis et dans l'Union Européenne, Conférence Microeconomix, Paris le
29 janvier 2016
- "Fighting cartels without direct evidence", Law Seminar, Chinese University
and University of Hong Kong Law Center, Hong Kong, January 22, 2016
- "The Role of Economics in Competition Law Enforcement", Distinguished
Speaker Lecture Series, Hong Kong, January 21, 2016
- "Competition Law and Policy: An International Perspective", Sciences Po,
Paris, le 15 janvier 2016
- Panelist, Table Ronde "20 Years after Singapore: Need for enhanced 21st
Century Approach to International Competition Policy", Trade and
Development Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya, December 15, 2015
- Présidence "Final Meeting of the Project Advisory Committee of the CREW
project of CUTS", Nairobi, Kenya, 14 Décembre, 2015
- Présidence, Table ronde sur "Shaping the agenda for Promoting
Competition and Regulatory Reforms in the post-2015 Regime (Sustainable
Development goals), 4th CUTS CIRC Biennial Competition, Regulation &
Development Conference "Relevance of Competition & Regulatory Reforms
in Pursuing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Developing
Countries, Nairobi, Kenya December 13, 2015
- "Competition Law and the Judiciary", Workshop on Substantive and
Procedural Issues in Economic Competition, Telecommunications and
Broadcasting, Organized by the Instituto de la Judicatura Federal Escuela
Judicial, Mexico City, Mexico December 3, 2015
- "Judicial Control of Competition Authorities' Decisions and Specialized
Courts" Workshop on Substantive and Procedural Issues in Economic
Competition, Telecommunications and Broadcasting, Organized by the
Instituto de la Judicatura Federal Escuela Judicial, Mexico City, Mexico,
December 3, 2015
- "The economic analysis of two-sided markets and its implications for
competition law", Workshop organized by IFT (Insituto Federal de
Telecommunicaciones), Mexico City, Mexico December 3, 2015
- "Le juge de concurrence, juge régulateur", Colloque Vers un Juge
Régulateur, Cour d'appel de Paris, Paris, le 19 novembre 2015
- Panel on "Competition, Inequality and inclusive growth", 4th BRICS
International Competition Conference, Durban, South Africa November 13,
- Panel on "Public interest issues in Competition", 4th BRICS International
Competition Conference, Durban, South Africa November 12, 2015
- "Perspective on Judging Competition law cases: the role of economic
evidence", Pre Brics International Competition Conference, Joint workshop
CRESSE and University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, November
10, 2015
- Organisation et Présidence: "Does competition kill or create jobs?", OECD
Global Forum on Competition, Paris, October 27, 2015, Paris
- Organisation et Présidence, "Roundtable on Price Parity Clauses", OECD
Competition Committee, Paris, October 26, 2015, Paris
- "Competitive Neutrality and Commitment decisions in the EU" Baker Mc
Kenzie, Paris, October 9 2015
- Présidence: "Could we do without leniency ?", IV Lisbon Conference,
Competition Law and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal, October 22nd 2016
- The Institutional Design of Competition Authorities: why does it matter,
Congrès de la Ligue Internationale pour la Défense de la Concurrence,
Stockholm, October 2nd 2015
- "Hot Topics in International Enforcement and Policy", Global Antitrust
Enforcement Symposium, Georgetown University Law School, Washington,
USA, Tuesday, September 29, 2015
- "Challenges to international comity", Conference on Extraterritoriality of
Antitrust Law in the US and Abroad: A hot Issue, George Washington
University Law School, Washington, September 28, 2015
- Présidence, OECD Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum,
Montego Bay, Jamaica, 23-24 September 2015
- "An introduction to competition law", 4th Biennial Conference of the
Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers, Montego Bay, Jamaica,
September 25 2015
- "The economics and law of competition", Project Capacity building within
the Member States of the Caribbean Forum for ACP states in the Area of
competition, Montego Bay, Jamaica, September 17- 24
- Keynote speech: "The role and the contribution of economic analysis in the
enforcement of competition rules", 2nd Symposium of the Competition
Authority of Kenya, Nairobi, August 21st 2015
- "Regional cooperation and cartel enforcement", Symposium on
Competition Policy and Economic Regulation, Nairobi, Kenya, 21 August
- "Regional cooperation and regional cartels" Symposium on Competition
Policy and Economic Regulation Nairobi, Kenya, 21 August 2015
- "The role and the contribution of economic analysis in the enforcement of
competition rules", Keynote speech, Competition Policy and economic
regulation, Nairobi, Kenya, 21 August 2015
- "An international perspective on competition", Competition Law and
Compliance Seminar, Genève, Suisse, vendredi 10 juillet 2015
- "Introduction to the subject of assessment of abusive unilateral conduct of
dominant firms", Cresse Lawyer Week, Rethimon, Crète, Grèce, mercredi 8
juillet 2015
- "Assessing Economic evidence in courts", Cresse Lawyer Week,
Rethimon, Crète, Grèce, mardi 7 juillet 2015
- The Institutional Design of Competition Authorities: International Debates
and Trends, Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation,
Special Policy, Session III Enforcement Issues, Cresse, Saturday July 4,
- The experience of a Civil Law Judge in Competition law, Entrance seminar,
Florence, May 13, 2015
- Application of competition rules to State Owned Enterprises. Principles &
Questions, European Competition Day, Riga, Latvia, May 7, 2015
- Participant panel on Promoting competition and Trade, IBA World Bank pre
ICN Conference, Sydney, Australia, 28 avril 2015
- The Institutional Design of Competition Authorities: International Debates
and Trends, Melbourne University Law School, Baxt Lecture, Melbourne,
April 24, 2015
- Organisation et Présidence The Future of Competition Law and Policy in
the ASEAN Countries: Issues and Challenges, ESSEC, Paris Sorbonne et
Concurrence, Singapour, 23 avril 2015
- The rise of commitment decisions in the EU, Japanese Fair Trade
Commission, Tokyo, April 9, 2015 *
- Présidence, Seminar on Promoting Market Studies in Latin America, March
18-March 19, Santiago, Chile
- Advanced contemporary competition law issues, Istanbul, March 13th 2015
- Présidence panel " Qu'est-ce qu'un accord anticoncurrentiel dans le
secteur financier " organisé par La Revue Concurrences, Paris, le 3 mars
- Institutional design of competition authorities, Madrid, Spanish National
Authority for Markets and Competition CNMC, February 12, 2015
- Integrating economic and statistical evidence in competition law, UCL, LLM
Course on the role of economics in competition law and practice, London,
February 10, 2015
- A Retrospective on the Term of Commissioner Joaquín Almunia,
and a Look Ahead GCR 4th Annual Antitrust Law Leaders Forum 6 - 7
February 2015, The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach, Miami, February 6, 2015
- Chairmanship and organization, Hearing on "Intellectual Property and
Standard Setting, Paris, Wednesday, December 17, 2014
- Chairmanship and organization, Roundtable on "Changes in Institutional
Design", OECD Competition committee, Paris, Thursday December 18,
- Competition Law as an element in the economic development and welfare,
"20th Anniversary Costa Rican Competition Law", San José, Costa Rica
December 4, 2014
- The work of the OECD Competition Committee, Ottawa, Bureau de la
concurrence, le 19 novembre 2014
- Measuring Performance of Justice Institutions, Presentation, "Fostering
Inclusive Growth and Trust in Justice Institutions: Access Perfomances and
Alternatives, OECD, Paris 12 novembre 2014
- Participation au Jevons Competition Colloquium on Two sided markets,
Washington November 4, 2014
- Navigating Africa's Changing Competition Regimes, Association of
Corporate counsels, New Orleans, le 29 octobre 2014
- Commentator, Presentation by Mor Bakhoum on African Regional
Competition Law Enforcement and Policy, Jean Monnet Center for
International and Regional Economic Law & Justice, NYU Law School, New
York October 6, 2014
- Organisation et Présidence Panel on "Cartels and Other Concerted
Practices: Proof, Evidence, Presumptions, Enforcement, Conference on
Antitrust in Emerging Countries and Developing Countries, NYU Law School,
New York, October 24, 2014
- "Competition productivity and economic growth: what lessons from the
OECD experience?" De Groote School of Business, Toronto, October 14,
- "Competition in a Globalized World: Issues and Perspectives" Canadian
Bar Association, Toronto, October 14, 2014
- Le TTIP: Enjeux et Perspectives d'un Nouveau Traité de Libre Echange
entre l'Europe et les Etats Unis, Cabinet Gide, Paris, le 2 octobre 2014
- Convergence and Merger control, Washington University Law School,
Washington, September 9, 2014
- Presidence, OECD Latin American Forum, Chairman "OECD Peer Review
of Costa Rica", Montevideo, Uruguay, 16 septembre 2014
- Challenges for competition authorities: Government interventions in
AUTORIDADES DE COMPETENCIA, Uruguay National Competition Day,
Montevideo, Uruguay, 16 septembre 2014
- Competition policy in a global era: achievements and challenges,
Seminario en Economia Y derecho de la Competencia, Buenos Aires, 15 de
Setiembre 2014
- Commitment decisions: The Alrosa Judgment in Context, Fordham
Corporate Law Institute,New York, September 12, 2014
- Cartels and competition in global minerals markets: Understanding
challenges and formulating policy responses, Royal Institute of International
Affairs, Beijing, September 5, 2014
- Competition in a global economy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
September 3, 2014
- Chairman panel on "Direction-setting for Enforcement of Competition Law
against Non Practicing Entities' Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights", Seoul
8th Competition Forum, Seoul , Korea,3 septembre 2014
- Summary and Conclusions Day 1 Conference on Institutional Structure and
Change in the European Union: Causes, Impacts and Limits" European
University Institute, Fiesole, July 11, 2014
- Session 6 "Introduction to the assessment of unilateral conducts of
dominant firms; Unilateral practices: Predation and loyalty rebates",
CRESSE Lawyers' Course, Corfu, Greece 8 July, 2014
- Session 5 "Assessing economic evidence in courts" CRESSE Lawyers'
Course, Corfu, Greece 8 July, 2014
- Discussant, Plenary Session on Commitments and Settlements, Cresse
2014, 9th International Conference on Competition and Regulation, Corfu,
Greece 6 July, 2014
- Discussant, Plenary Session on Competition Policy in BRICS:
developments and challenges" "Cresse 2014, 9th International Conference
on Competition and Regulation, Corfu, Greece 5 July, 2014
- "Predation and Eviction tests in the EU: need for changes?" Cresse 2014,
9th International Conference on Competition and Regulation, Corfu, Greece
4 July, 2014
- Panelist Launch of the report on "Optimal and Just financial penalties for
competition law infringements", University College London, London, July 1,
- Organisation et animation, Atelier sur la concurrence et le trucage des
offres, African Competition Forum, Tunis, Les 25 et 26 juin 2014
- Chairmanship and organization, Round table on Competition in Airlines,
OECD Competition Committee, Paris, Thursday June 19, 2014
- Chairmanship and organization, Round table on Competition in
Pharamaceutical, OECD Competition Committee, Paris, Wednesday June
18, 2014
- Economics and the Cour de cassation, Rome Antitrust Forum Inaugural
meeting: Is the AGCM an effective antitrust enforcer?, Rome, June 19, 2014
- The role and the contribution of economic analysis in the enforcement of
European ompetition rules - articles 101 and 102 of TFEU., 3.º
Training Course for Judges in EU Competition Law Lisbon, May 7-9, 2014
- Trade and Competition in a globalizing world: issues and challenges,
Jakarta, June 10-11, 2014
- Fighting cartels without direct evidence, Supreme Court Judges Workshop,
Jakarta, June 10 2014
- Fighting cartels without direct evidence, Appellate Court Judges Workshop,
Jakarta, June 9 2014
- Organization and Chairmanship "Competition law in times of crisis and
recent development", Imedipa conference, Istanbul, June 6 2014
- Organization and Chairmanship, Roundtable on "Competition law in times
of crisis and recent developments", Imedipa conference, Istanbul, June 6
- Présentation et Présidence de la section "Competition policy in a global
era: achievements and challenges", VII Astana Economic Forum, Astana,
Kazakhstan 23 mai 2014
- Présidence session on " compensation of damages from anticompetitive
practices in other countries" Conférence sur " La réparation des dommages
concurrentiels en France et en Europe : Etat des lieux et changements à
venir ", Paris, 13 mai 2014
- "Exchanges of information", Séminaire Autorité de la concurrence du
Portugal, Lisbonne 8 mai 2014
- "The role and the contribution of economic analysis in the enforcement of
European competition rules", 3rd Training Course for Judges in Eu
Competition Law-2014,Lisbonne, 7 mai 2014
- Organisation et Présidence, Table ronde sur "Accord commerciaux,
normes juridiques et souveraineté nationale: convergence, divergence et
conciliation, Colloque Enjeux du commerce international pour la France et
l'Europe, CEDE, ESSEC, Paris le 28 Avril 2014
- Organisation et Présidence Table ronde sur " Multilatéralisem,
plurilatéralisme et bilataralisme: quels scénarii pour le futur de la
libéralisation commerciale ?, Colloque Enjeux du commerce international
pour la France et l'Europe, CEDE, ESSEC, Paris le 28 avril 2014
- "Antitrust Policy as a Vehicle for Economic Development and Growth"
International Chamber of Commerce, Conference on Competition Policy as a
Driver for Economic Growth and Prosperity, Marrakech, Morocco, April 22,
- Chair, panel on "Allocating public resources while ensuring healthy and
competitive domestic markets", Pre-ICN Forum on "Competitive domestic
markets: the cornerstone to boost trade and competitiveness", World Bank,
Marrakech, Morocco, April 22, 2014
- Future Directions of Action Following the OECD Peer Review of Romania,
Conference on the Romanian Competition Council's annual Activity Report,
Bucarest, April 8 2014
- "Economic Evidence in Cartel Cases", Conférence Concurrences, Cabinet
Clifford Chance, Bruxelles, April 1, 2014
- "Competition law in a global economy", National Seoul University Center
for Competition Law and Policy, Seoul, March 19 2014
- Présidence, panel "Optimising Technical Assistance Programmes to
Develop Competition Authorities and Enhance International Cooperation"
OECD Workshop on International Co-operation in Cross-Border Competition
Cases, Seoul, 19 March 2014
- "Competition law in a global economy", Research Institute of Economy,
Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Le 6 mars 2014
- "In pursuit of economic growth in Japan: Globalization and free trade
agreements", Agos, Tokyo, le 4 mars, 2014
- Organisation et Présidence " Roundtable on Fighting Corruption and
Promoting Competition ", OECD Global Competition Forum, Paris, le 27
février 2014
- Présidence et Organisation, Table ronde OECD on " Consumer protection
in Financial Markets ", OECD Competition Committee, Paris le 26 février
- Présidence : Brevets : les Autorités de la concurrence sont-elles en état de
corriger les dysfonctionnements, Conférence Demain la Concurrence/New
Frontiers of Antitrust, Paris le 21 février 2014
- Animation de la table ronde "Faut-il contrôler l'acquisition de participations
minoritaires?", Club des Juristes, Paris mercredi 12 février 2014
- Compétitivité et politique de concurrence dans l'industrie pharmaceutique
11èmes Journées Droit de la Santé et du Médicament, Paris, vendredi 31
janvier 2014
- Le droit de la concurrence et les enjeux de concurrence dans l'économie
digitale, Séminaire Multimédia, Paris le 30 janvier 2014
- Les préjudices résultant des pratiques anticoncurrentielles, Colloque
EFB/ENM, La Maison des Avocats, Paris, jeudi 23 janvier 2014
- Competition and Trade in a Globalized world, Université de La Rochelle, le
13 décembre 2013
- Guest Speaker, Competition Stakeholder Annual Dinner, Windhoek,
Namibia December 5, 2013
- Table ronde sur la modification du droit de la concentration et la mission
Zivy, Paris, le 11 décembre 2013
- Guest Speaker GCR Live First Conference, Capetown, South Africa,
December 5, 2013
- L'estimation des dommages en matière de concurrence : approches
croisées économiques et juridiques, Revue Concurrences, Paris le 28
novembre 2013
- Issues and challenges in developing an effective agence for competition
enforcement, BRICS conference, New Delhi, India, November 21st 2013
- Competition, Regulation Corporate Strategy and Innovation, IIM Kashipur
Conference, New Delhi, November 20, 2013
- The law and economics of abuse of dominance, CIRC, New Delhi,
November 19, 2013
- Keynote speech, Multilateral discipline on trade and competition: an
update, New Delhi, CUTS Conference, November 19, 2013
- Chairmanship, Debate on " Should competition polcy be blind to equity; the
debate ", CUTS Conference, November 18, New Delhi, India
- Insécurité juridique et droit de la concurrence, Club des Juristes, Groupe
de travail sur l'insécurité juridique, Paris, 12 novembre 2013
- Participation au débat sur les juges, OCDE, 5 novembre 2013
- Présidence et organisation Roundtable on Food, OECD, Paris, 31 octobre
- Présidence et Organisation, Roundtable on Ex officio investigations, OECD
Competition Committee, Paris le 30 octobre 2013
- Intérêt général, efficience et analyse concurrentielle, Atelier de la
concurrence, Le ministre de l'économie, gardien de l'intérêt général dans le
contrôle des concentrations : pourquoi ? Comment ? Paris, vendredi 18
octobre 2013
- Insécurité Juridique et Droit de la concurrence, Club des Juristes,
Commission sur l'insécurité juridique, Paris, Le 15 octobre 2013
- Interface between Legal and Economic Approaches in the Judicial
Enforcement of Competition Law: Perspective of a former National Civil Law
Judge", ENTRANCE 2012 European Networking and Training for National
Competition Enforcers, European University Institute Fiesole, October 2013
- (Excessively) high pricing: What is the role for competition authorities?
Lithuania Competition Day, Vilnius, Lithuania Thursday October 3, 2013
- Presidence, session Antitrust and the courts, Fordham Law Institute
Conference, New York , US, September 27, 2013
- The grocery retail market: is antitrust efficiently handling this market?"
(merger, restrictive practices, abuse of dominant position)", Congrès Annuel
Ligue international de la Concurrence, Kiev, Ukraine, Le 20 septembre 2013
- Interview with Frederic Jenny, International Bar Association meeting,
Florence, September 14, 2013
- Présidence OECD Competition Latin-american Forum, Lima Peru,
September 3-4, 2013
- Competition productivity and economic growth: OECD experience Peruvian
Competition Day, September 3, Lima, Peru
- Transparency, Collusion and Corruption in Public Procurements,
Conférence 2013 sur les marchés publics et acquisitions TIC centrée sur les
thèmes de la transparence et des achats agiles. Berne, 28 août 2013
- The Role of Competition Law and Policy in Economic Growth-Lessons for
Zambia, Conference organized by The Economics Association of Zambia,
the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Zambia, Lusaka,
Thursday August 8, 2013
- Présidence, National Reference Group Meeting, Project - 'Competition
Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in
Developing Countries, Lusaka (Zambia), August 6, 2013
- Présidence, National Reference Group Meeting, Project - 'Competition
Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in
Developing Countries, Accra, August 6, 2013
- Fignting collusion and corruption in public procurements: lessons from the
work of the OECD Competition Committe, World Trade Institute Seminar on
the influence of the GPA on Swiss Procurement Law, Bern , January 11,
- Incorporating Economic Analysis in Legal Reasoning, Institute for judicial
and legal studies, Mauritius, January 25, 2013
- Introduction remaks, Chair panel "Improving state's environment for
reguation policies, and co penalist "Improving business environment for
investments and productivity" Conference, Ukraine: shaping competition
policy. Comperative discussion of best internationa practives, Antimonopoly
Committee of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
of Ukraine, January 29, 2013
- Introduction et présidence de la Conférence "Look at recent developments
in competition policu in Europe and the UK", Association Françaie d'Etude
de la Concurrence, Paris, 7 Février 2013
- Introduction remarks and panel "Industrial policy: Can a pro-competition
industrial policy exist?" New frontiers of antitrust, Concurrences Journal 4th
International Conference, Paris, February 22, 2013
- Private Enforcement of Competition Laws: Comments, Concurrence
Workshop on Private Enforcement, Brussels, July 5, 2012
- Strengthening the efficiency of competition policy in a globalised world,
Russian Competition Day, Kazan (Tarastan),September 12, 2012
- The role of economic analysis in judicial decisions, Competition Day
Organized by the Commission for the Defense of Competition of the
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo, September 18, 2012
- Présidence Table Ronde sur Specialized Jurisdictions in competition law,
Fordham Competition Law Conference, New York, 20 Septembre 2012
- Economie du crime et secteur de l'assurance, CORA, Paris, 26 septembre
- Review process - Effective Case Presentation in Courtroom, 2nd
International Competition Law Forum, Warsaw School of Economics ,
September 27, 2012
- Competition provisions in EU free trade agreements, International Bar
Association Annual Conference, Dublin, 1er Octobre 2012
- Petit déjeuner débat Révision des lignes directrices horizontales, Recours
collectifs,politique de concurrence et propriété intellectuelle AFEP, Paris, 10
octobre 2012
- Présidence, table ronde sur Payment systems, OECD Competition
committee, Paris, 24 Novembre 2012
- Présidence table ronde sur Efficiencies, OECD Competition Committee,
Paris, 25 Novembre 2012
- L'Articulation des sanctions du point de vue économique, Conférence
organisé par la revue Concurrences, Paris le 31 Octobre 2012
- GCR Live debate on the use of economics in competition law enforcement,
Brussels, November 13, 2012
- Analyzing commodity markets from an economic perspective, Oikos
Conference, Commodity Trade-Hotspot Switzerland, Saint Gallen,
November 15, 2012
- Présentation on "Cooperation on Competition", Round table on regulatory
reform for growth and 7th session of the OECD Regulatory Policy
Committee,OECD Paris, 20 Novembre 2012
- Standard of proof for economic evidence, présidence du panel, organisé
par la Revue Concurrences et Allen & Overy, 21 Novembre 2012
- Abuse of dominance: Methodological issues, OECD/Korea Policy Centre,
Competition Programme Workshop for Judges on Abuse of Dominance,
Beijing, November 28 and 29, 2012
- Key challenges for judges in abuse of dominance cases, Competition
Programme Workshop for Judges on Abuse of Dominance, Beijing,
November 28 and 29, 2012
- The Potash cartel: an update, China's Academy of Science,Beijing ,
November 29, 2012
- How firms solve the cartel problem and how to spot it ?, African
Competition Forum Capacity Building Workshop on Research and Analytical
Skills, Windhoek (Namibia), December 3-5, 2012
- Le contexte des programmes de conformité en matière de
concurrence,Petit -Déjeuner Débat, American Chamber of Commerce, Paris,
le 13 décembre 2012
- La concurrence dans les médias, Séminaire Multimédia, Paris le 7 janvier
- Dévelopement de l'analyse économique en droit de la concurrence,
Conférence RBB, La Bourse de Paris, Paris, 18 janvier 2011
- Quantifying damages in civil proceedings: Can economists and should
competition authorities help? Conference New Frontiers of Economics,
Revue Concurrences, Paris, 11 février 2011
- Introductory remarks and panel "Quantifying damages in civil proceedings:
Can economist and should competition authorities help?", New Frontiers of
Antitrust, 2nd Annual international Concurrences conference, 2011
- From cartel to competition and from competition to differentiation: trouble
brewing in the coffee market, OECD Policy Roundtables "crisis cartels",
DAF/COMP/GF(2011)11, pp. 336-350, 2011
- Présidence et orgnisation, Roundtable on Quantification of Harm to
Competition by National Courts and Competition Agencies", OECD, Paris,
February 16, 2011
- The role of competition policy and law in achieving development and
poverty alleviation: lessons from Africa, The First African Competition Forum,
Nairobi, Kenya, March 2-3, 2011
- Economic Evidence in Courts, Conference on Public and Private
Enforcement of Competition Law : Legal and Economic Perspective,
Mannheim, Center for Competition and Innovation, March 10-11, 2011
- Competition concerns in Hong Kong, Conference on Competition Law and
the State: International and Comparative Perspectives, Hong Kong, March
18-19, 2011
- Financial crisis, Regulation and Antitrust, CIRC Conference on Revisiting
the Global Experience with Economic Regulation, New Delhi, pp. 1-46, April
19-20, 2011
- Competition law enforcement and innovation: where do we stand?, 2011
Haifa-Loyola workshop on antitrust in Hi-Tech industries, University of Haifa,
pp. 1-50, May 29-30, 2011
- Convergence in competition law, Hungarian Competition Day, Budapest,
pp. 1-22, May 29, 2011
- Deep Globalization and Antitrust, American Antitrust Institute, Washington,
D.C. , pp. 1-42, June 23, 2011
- International Export Cartels and Developing Countries, The 7th
International Symposium on Competition Law and Policy of CASS & Asian
Competition Forum Beijing, pp. 1-48, June 3-4, 2011
- Regulatory reform, competition and consumer benefits, European
Competition and Consumer Day, Competition-what's in it for consumers ?,
Poznan, pp. 1-36, November 24-25, 2011
- Competition law, enforcement, competition advocacy and the development
of a competition culture, Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, pp. 1-90,
December 5, 2011
- Communication, quatrième session : Le plaidoyer face à la problématique
des droits Socio-économiques et de la rente sociale, Troisièmes assises de
la Concurrence, Conseil de la concurrence, Tanger, 14-17 décembre 2011
- The quantification of Economic Harm, Conference organisée par la DG
Concurrence et le Chief Economist de l'OCDE, , Brussels, 26 Janvier 2010
- Quelle politique européenne en matières " stratégiques " ? Paris,Colloque
organisé par le CEDE, Paris, 28 Janvier 2010
- Les enjeux de la régulation des marchés dans une économie
concurrentielle : le cas de l'Algérie, Projet Formation FACICO Comission
Européenne, Alger, 10 février 2010
- Présidence de la séance consacrée à " Behavioural Economics ", Colloque
Concurrences, Paris, 15 Février 2010
- Organisation et Présidence Table Ronde sur Concentration, Stabilité et
Concurrence dans le secteur bancaire, Comité de la Concurrence, OCDE,
Paris, 17 Février 2010
- Les cartels et les pays en voie de développement ", Séminaire de
formation sur " La Politique et le Droit de la Concurrence dans les Etats
Membres de L'Organisation de la Conférence Islamique, Tunis, 22-24
Février 2010
- Competition and Economic Crisis 5th Anniversary of the OECD Regional
Center on Competition, Budapest, March 3, 2010
- Le Japon et la France face à la crise économique et financière,
Essec,Cergy, Le 10 Mars 2010
- New challenges in antitrust: procedural fairness and behavioural
economics": presentation à la Japanese Fair Trade Commission, Tokyo, 1er
Avril 2010
- Les critères Daubert Compagnie des Experts Agréés auprès de la Cour de
Cassation, Paris, 4 avril 2010
- Présidence table ronde sur "Rebates" Conference sur " Article 102 ",
Rome, 9 Avril 2010
- Behavioural economics and the financial sector, Comité des marchés
financiers, OECD, Paris, 16 Avril 2010
- Présidence et présentation "Competition law and policy and behavioural
economics", IDRC Pre-ICN seminar, Istanbul, 26 Avril 2010
- Roundtable on "The relationship between the International Competition
Network and the OECD Competition Committee", 9th ICN Conference,
Istanbul, 27 Avril 2010
- The economic and social role of competition law and policy, Seminario
Inauguraçao do Centro de Estudoas de Direito Economic e Social, Sao
Paulo, 5 Mai 2010 (par vidéoconférence)
- European Business Environment, Conférence aux étudiants de la
Haskayne Business School de l'Université de l'Alberta (Canada) , Paris, 5
Mai 2010
- Civil Law Judges and the Economic Content of Competition Law, CADE
Brazilian Competition Authority, Brasilia, May 13, 2010
- OECD Brazil Competition System peer Review Sao Paulo, May 14, 2010
- Market definition Conference to the Egyptian Competition Authority Staff,
Cairo, May 17, 2010
- Competition in the dairy sector: lessons from the French experience,
Address to the Egyptian Competition Authority Board, Cairo, May 18, 2010
- Competition Policy and Competition Law Enforcement Current Issues and
Challenges, IELPO, University of Barcelona, May 24-25, 2010
- Impact of the "more economic approach" on competition authorities'
decision-making practice", Conference on Current Issues in Competition
Policy, The UOKiK's 20th Anniversary Jubilee Conference, Royal Castle,
Warsaw, May 27, 2010
- Participation à la table ronde "Le contrôle de la concentration dans les
industries innovantes ", Colloque Droit de la Concurrence et de la Propriété
Intellectuelle organisée par le cabinet Howrey, Couvent des Bernardins,
Paris, 4 Juin 2010
- Organisation et présidence, Roundtable on "Exit Strategies from the
Financial Crisis", OECD Competition Committtee, Paris, June 16, 2010
- Organisation et présidence, Roundtable on " Competition and Sports ",
OECD Competition Committtee, Paris, June 17, 2010
- Toward an integration of the economic and legal approaches to antitrust
enforcement, CRESSE Workshop on Law and Economics, Chania, Crete,
July 4, 2010
- Matching Prices, "Meet the Competition Clauses, Most Favoured Customer
Clauses", Fordham Corporate Law Intitute Seminar for Heads of Competition
Agencies, Fordham University, New York , July 8, 2010
- Market Power on the buying side, (Buyer's cartels, Monopsony
power,Buyer power, Overbuying, Loss Leading"), ", Fordham Corporate Law
Institute Seminar for Heads of Competition Agencies, Fordham University,
New York , July 9, 2010
- Competition Law Enforcement: a Necessary Tool for Economic
Development, Port Louis, Mauritius, July, 2010
- Abuse of Dominant Position, Training Workshop for Caricom Competition
Commissioners and Judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Port of Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago, July 26-27, 2010
- Competition Law Enforcement: a Necessary Tool for Economic
Development, Training Workshop for Caricom Competition Commissioners
and Judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Port of Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, July 26-27, 2010
- Anti-Competitive Agreements, Training Workshop for Caricom Competition
Commissioners and Judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Port of Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago, July 26-27, 2010
- Como luchar eficazmente contra los cartels? 10th anniversary de la
Normativa de competencia, San Jose, Costa Rica, 8 Septembre 2010
- Présidence, OECD Latin American Forum, San Jose, Costa Rica, 8
Septembre 2010
- A Business Economic Approach to the Newspaper Industry, Inaugural
Session , Mondadori Program, ESSEC, Paris le 13 Septembre 2010
- L'économie de la Presse, Programme Mondadori, Essec IMD, Paris, 13
Septembre 2010
- Antitrust sanctions : deterrence and proprotionnality, Mentor London
Forum, Londres, September 17, 2010
- Présidence et organisation de la Table ronde sur " Abuse of Dominance in
developing countries ", Fordham Corporate Law Instititute Conference, New
York, September 24 , 2010
- The Future of Compettion" Croatian Competition Authority, Zagreb,
September, 2010
- Panelist, Diner Débat sur la " Régulation de la Pharmacie et le droit de la
concurrence ", Cabinet Allen et Overy, Académie Diplomatique
Internationale, Paris, 30 Septembre 2010
- Présidence et organisation Table Ronde sur " Sanction civiles, criminelle et
administratives en droit de la concurrence " , Congrès annuel de la Ligue
Internationale de la Concurrence, Bordeaux, 2 Octobre 2010
- Unilateral Conduct, Keynote Speaker, AM Cham EU, Bruxelles, 13 Octobre
- L'économie et le droit de la concurrence : concurrence informelle,
contrefaçon et contrôle des prix, Programme Faccico, Alger, 19 Octobre
- Organisation et Présidence Table ronde sur " Competition Policy and
Green Growth ", OECD Competition Committee, Paris, 27 Octobre 2010
- Organisation et Présidence Table ronde sur " Exchanges of Information ",
OECD Competition Committee, Paris, 28 Octobre 2010
- General principles of competition laws", Workshop on the Establishement
of a Regional Competition Authority ( RCA) in the Economic Community of
West African States (Ecowas), Accra Ghana, November 2, 2010
- Specific Issues on Cooperation Affecting Ecowas and Uemoa Workshop on
the Establishement of a Regional Competition Authority ( RCA) in the
Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), Accra Ghana,
November 2, 2010
- The fight for Potash", High Level Seminar organized by University College
London, New Delhi, November 18, 2010
- Presidence Enforcers Roundtable, Global Competition law Conference,
Implementing Competition Law and Policy: Global Perspectives, New Delhi,
November 19, 2010
- Competition laws and laws against unfair competition, Competition
Commission of India Seminar, New Delhi, November 20, 2010
- Economic Evidence and Judicial Enforcement of Competition Law, College
of Management Rishon Letzion,Tel Aviv, November 30, 2010
- Séminaire d'initiation à l'économie de marché, Ecole National de la
Magistrature, Paris, 13-20 Décembre 2010
- Les Médias et le droit de la concurrence, Institut Multimédia, Paris, 9
Janvier 2009
- Economic Background, Portuguese Center for Judicial Studies and
Academie of European Law, Seminar on the role of national jurisdictions
under regulation 1/2003 , Lisbon, January 22, 2009
- Présidence table ronde "Agriculture, Agribusiness and Competition Policy",
Conférence "L'agriculture européenne en 2020 : défis à long terme,
nouvelles politiques publiques et privées ", Sciences Po , Groupe
d'Economie Mondiale, Paris, 30 Janvier 2009
- Présidence et Organisation, Tables rondes sur " la Crise Financière et la
concurrence ", OECD , Comité de la Concurrence, Paris, Février 2009
- L'avenir du Commerce de la Banane, Groupe D'Economie Mondiale
Science Po, Paris, Fevrier 2009
- Presentation of Complex Economic Evidence in Judicial Proceedings,
Conference UCL Faculty of Law , London, 2009
- The Judge's role in the field of EC antitrust, Conference on Private and
Public Enforcement of EU Competition Law- Five years on, IBA and EC,
Brussels, March 11-13, 2009
- Financial crisis , Regulation and the Future of Antitrust, Competition Policy
Research Center, Fair Trade Commission, Tokyo, March 17, 2009
- The role of competition in a period of crisis, Workshop organise par le
cabinet Gianni, Origoni, Grippo & Partners, Rome, April 4, 2009
- Présidence, Table ronde sur les "innovations économiques et financières",
Communication sur 3 Le droit de la concurrence :obstacle ou remède à la
crise ? " Journée ESSEC de l'Innovation, Paris, 9 Avril 2009
- Politique de la concurrence entre les défis de la gouvernance économique
et crise mondiale Journée d'Etude organisée par le Conseil de la
concurrence Rabat, Maroc, 23 Avril 2009
- The Financial crisis and the future of competition law and policy, Cabinet
Simmons & Simmons, Paris, 5 Mai 2009
- Economic expertise for Judges",University College London, Londres, 7 Mai
- Competition, Investment, Trade and Development: the cases of Yemen ,
the Untied Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Tunisia, Conference on Creating a
Dynamic Environment for Business in the Mena Region: Challenges and
Priorities Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law, Tunis
(Gamarrath), May 15-16, 2009
- Financial crisis , Regulation and the Future of Antitrust, Conference on Fair
Competition: the Cornerstone of Free Economic and Social Developments,
Kiev, May 20, 2009
- Economic Management After the Crisis, Quality Symposium for Public
Administration: The World order and the Role of Public Management after
the Crisis ", Ankara, May 25-26, 2009
- Responses to the Financial and Economic Crisis and Competition policy,
Joint World Bank-CEPR Conference on Trade Implications of Policy
Responses to the Crisis Brussels, May 26-27, 2009
- Chair Roundtable, "The reform of Competition Authorities and
"Modernization" of Antitrust, Third International Conference on Competition
Law and Policy, Institute for Studies in Competition Law and Policy
(IMEDIPA) Athens, May 29-30, 2009
- Competition Enforcement in Testing Times: beyond the national level, The
case of the beer industry in Africa", competition principles under threat IDRC
Pre-ICN Forum on Competition and Development, Zurich, Switzerland, June
2, 2009
- Organisation et Présidence, Table Rondes sur "Merger assessment test
form Dominance to SLC", "Two sided markets, et "Competition, Innovation
and the Patent System", OECD Competition Committee, Paris, June 10-11,
- Cooperation between Competition Authorities and Judicial Authorities,
Colloque "Toward an Optimal Enforcement of Competition Rule's in EuropeTime for a Review of Regulation 1/2003 ?", College of Europe, Global
Competition Law Centre, Bruxelles, June 12, 2009
- Le Contrôle juridictionnel des décisions de l'Autorité de la Concurrence,
Association des Avocats pratiquant le Droit de la Concurrence, Paris , Juin
- Keynote Speech, "Responses to the economic and financial crisis: whither
competition ? Taiwan 2009 International Conference On Competition
Policies/ Laws Creating a New Order for Competition in Response to the
Industrial Restructuring , Taipei, June 23-24, 2009
- Private and Public Enforcement: Complements or Substitutes?, 3rd LEAR
Conference on the Economics of Competition Law What Makes Policy Work
?Rome, June, 25-26, 2009
- Abuse of Dominance: Exploitative abuses and Abuse of Dominance
Exclusionary practices: the EU Guidance paper, 2009 Fordham Corporate
Law Institute refresher course for competition law officials and judges, New
York, July 10, 2009
- La contribution de la concurrence à la croissance et à la lutte contre la
pauvreté" Interim review meeting of the 7up4 project (Strengthening
Constituencies for Effective Competition Regimes in Select Countries of
Eastern and Southern Africa), CUTS, Banjul, The Gambia, July 29-30, 2009
- Le droit et la politique de concurrence face à la crise économique et
financière: Le cas des pays de l'Afrique sub-saharienne, Interim review
meeting of the 7up4 project (Strengthening Constituencies for Effective
Competition Regimes in Select Countries of Eastern and Southern Africa),
CUTS, Banjul, The Gambia, July 29-30, 2009
- Responses to the economic and financial crisis in developing countries:
what role for competition authorities ?", BRIC International Competition
Conference, Kazan, Russie, September 30, 2009
- Transnational market sharing and competition law enforcement in Africa:
the case of the beer market", 3rd Annual Competition Commission,
Competition Tribunal and Mandela Institute Conference on Competition Law,
Economics and Policy , Pretoria, South Africa, September 3-4, 2009
- Civil law judges and the economic content of competition law , Facultad de
Derecho , Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, September 8, 2009
- The OECD Competition Committee and cartel enforcement Competition
day Santiago de Chile, Conference on "CARTEL PROSECUTION: NEW
CHALLENGES"Competition day Santiago de Chile, September 9, 2009
- Présidence , Peer Review of Columbia, OECD latin American forum,
Santiago de Chile, September 10, 2009
- Leçon Inaugurale de l'ESSEC " L'Entreprise, la Globalisation et la Crise",
Cergy, 14 Septembre 2009
- Competition law, Procedural Fairness and Human Rights in France: the
TVHA case, Berlin Seminar for the EU and US Judiciary, The Mentor Group,
Berlin, September 16, 2009
- Relationship and differences between antitrust law and unfair competition
law, Training of Judges in EC Competition Law and Economics, The Jevons
Institute, University College London and the Institut d'Economie Industrielle,
Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, Toulouse, 18 Septembre
- Economic expertise in a generalist court: the experience of an
economist/judge in a civil law jurisdiction", Training of Judges in EC
Competition Law and Economics, The Jevons Institute, University College
London and the Institut d'Economie Industrielle, Université des Sciences
Sociales de Toulouse, Toulouse, September 19, 2009
- Conférence, "Responses to the economic and financial crisis: whither
competition ? "New York University Law School, New York, September 22,
- Présidence, Table Ronde on " Legitimacy of Competition Authorities", Third
Meeting for Heads of Competition Authorities, Fordham Ciompetition law
Institute, New York, September 23, 2009
- President and Organiser, Panel on State Aid Control: EU-US", Fordham
Competition Law Institute,Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law
and Policy, New York, September 24, 2009
- Concentrations, Droit de la concurrence et Crise Economique, Panel sur
Impact et Opportunités de la Crise pour les Acteurs de l'Economie,
Conférence Crise Financière, un an après : le droit peut-il rétablir la
confiance ?, AFJE, Cabinet Gide et Centre Européen du Droit et de
l'Economie, ESSEC, Paris, 30 Septembre 2009
- International Cartels, University College Law School, London, October 7,
- Régulation économique et droit et politique de la concurrence, Panel sur la
Régulation,2ième Convention des Juristes de la Méditerranée, Le Caire ,
October 11, 2009
- Brevets, innovation et concurrence, atelier Innovation, Business & Legal
Forum, Paris, 14 Octobre 2009
- Fusions et concentrations, le cadre multilatéral , Atelier concentration,
Business & Legal Forum, Paris, 15 Octobre 2009
- Présidence et Organisation, "Roundtable on Failing Firm Defence", Comité
de la concurrence, OCDE, Paris, 21 Octobre 2009
- Présidence et organisation , "Roundtable On Generics and the
Pharmaceutical Sector", OCDE, Paris, 22 Octobre 2009
- La demande et les Elasticités, Cycle Droit et Economie de la Concurrence,
Revue Concurrences et Cabinet Vogel et Vogel, Paris, 28 Octobre 2009
- Competition and Innovation , 2009 Competition Law Review : Recent
developments in competition law and policy, Global Competition Review,
Brussels November 17, 2009
- Competition and Innovation: Where do we stand ?, Conference on
competition law and economics: Efficiciency defense",Bergen, November 19
- "Concurrence et Régulation", Présidence de la session de l'après midi,
ISIS Forum marketing Strategique en Environnement Régulé, Paris, 20
Novembre 2009
- "Global governance issues", University College, London , Mercredi 25
Novembre 2009
- "Systemic Implications of Contemporary Protectionism", The Geneva Trade
and Development Symposium, Genève, 1er Décembre 2009
- Institutional Issues, Conference Competition Policy and economic
regulation, Emergence Vector 3, Marrakech, December 4-5, 2009
- L'évolution du droit mondial de la concurrence", Conférence Concurrence
et Marchés:Droit et Institutions du Moyen Age à nos jours, Paris, Minefi, 9
Décembre 2009
- Market Power and the value added chain of coffee ", Communication à la
CNUCED, Genève, April 4, 2008
- Conclusion and Reflection on the day's Proceedings, IDRC Conference on
Promoting Competition in Developing Economies in Asia, Kyoto, April 13,
- Présidence Special program on Abuse of Superior bargaining Position, 7th
International Competition Network's Conference, Kyoto, April 15, 2008
- The Policitical Economy of economics in antritrust,
Seminar,Latham and Watkins, Bruxelles, April 19, 2008
- Balancing the Challenges of Globalization with National Goals of
Competition Policy, Saint Gallen Symposium on " Global capitalism, local
values", Saint Gallen, May 16, 2008
- Une perspective sur le livre blanc de la Commission Européenne sur
l'action civile en matière de concurrence, Luxembourg, 2 Juin 2008
- Presidence , OFT Conference on Market Studies, Londres , June 4, 2008
- Organisation et Présidence Roundtable on "Market Studies" , OECD
Competition Committee, Paris, June 11, 2008
- Organization and Présidence " Roundtable on " Competition issues in the
Construction Industry", OECD Competition Committee, Paris, June 12, 2008
- Présidence Table ronde sur l'action civile et le livre blanc de la Commission
Européenne, Conférence organisée par l'AFEC et University College
London, Paris, 12 Juin 2008
- Why is competition relevant for Africa?, CUTS Conference on Strengtening
Constituencies in Select West African Countries", Accra, Ghana, June 19,
- Participation au Séminaire du Fordham Corporate law Institute for Judges,
New York, June 24-26, 2008
- Crise alimentaire, interventions règlementaires et institutions de
rché,UNCTAD Workshop on the Role of competition agencies in addressing
the current food crisis, Tunis, June 30, 2008
- Participation à la table ronde " De l'équilibre entre sanction pénale et
sanction administrative" Colloque de la CCI Quel Droit Pénal pour Demain ?,
Paris, 2 Juillet 2008
- Le droit et l'économie de la concurrence: perspectives sur la mise en
oeuvre du droit", Campus 2008 organisé par le barreau de Paris , Paris, 2
Juillet 2008
- Judicial review of competition decisions in Europe, Third European
Conference on Competition and Regulation Competition policy: Procedures,
Institutions, IPRsCRESSE , Anavyssos Athènes, July 4, 2008
- Should developing countries worry about abuse of dominance ?, Ad-hoc
expert group on the role of competition law and policy in promoting growth
and development, UNCTAD, Genève, July 15, 2008
- Regulatory Reform and OECD: An Assessment, Reforming Rules and
Regulations Laws, Institutions and Enforcement CES ifo Venice Summer
Institute 2008, Venise, July 18-19, 2008
- Politique de Concurrence et Politique Industrielle, Université d'été des
Chambres de commerce et d'industrie, Strasbourg, 5 Septembre 2008
- Competition policy issues in the financial services sector:Regulation of the
interchange fees in credit card systems, Conference on Which competition
policy for regulated industries? Governance and sector-specific
perspectives, Organized by (IMEDIPA , Athens), University College London
and Ístanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law Istanbul, Turkey,
September 5-6, 2008
- The role of economic analyisis in judicial decisions", et Présidence de la
revue par les pairs de la politique et du droit de la concurrence du Salvador,
6th OECD Latin American Forum, Panama City , September 10-11, 2088
- Les fondements constitutionnels du droit de la concurrence, Mentor, Paris,
14 Septembre 2008
- Présidence , Table ronde sur "Prioritization of enforcement", Head of
Competition Authorities Conference, Fordham University, New York,
September 22, 2008
- Organisation et Présidence, Table ronde sur Exploitative Abuses of
Dominant Position, Fordham Corporate Law Institute Conference, New York,
September 23-24, 2008
- Competition Policy Effectiveness : Measurement and Impact, European
Commission Workshop on : the effectiveness of competition policy,
Bruxelles, October 14, 2008
- La réforme du droit français de la concurrence à l'aune de la modernisation
du droit européen de la concurrence, Cleary Gottlieb, Paris, 8 Octobre 2008
- Organisation et Présidence, de la table ronde Resale Price Maintenance
OECD Competition Committee, Paris, 22 octobre 2008
- Organisation et Présidence, de la table ronde Buying power and
Monopsony, OECD Competition Committee, Paris, 23 octobre 2008
- Economics and judicial decisions in the EU, Conference Cracking CartelsRecent International Developments, Lisbon, 27 Octobre 2008
- A comparative prospective:main lessons between competition and
consumer policies, International Consumer Protection and Enforcement
Network Conference, Paris, October 28, 2008
- Conception et Présidence de la table ronde " Droits de propriété
intellectumlle et efficacité ", Colloque de lancement du Centre Européen de
Droit et d'Economie " Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et économie de
marché dans un monde globalisé ", Paris , 29 Octobre 2008
- An International Perspective on Antitrust and Intellectual Property Rights
with a Focus on Abuse of Dominance, 6th seminar on International Antitrust :
Antitrust and Intellectual Property Rights, Mexico, November 11, 2008
- Problemas constitucionales y de Competencia Economica, Comision de
Derecho Constitutional y Amparo, Barra Mexicano Mexico, November 12,
- Civil Law Judges and the Economic Content of Antitrust Law, Segundo
panel de discussion sobre Temas de Competencia Economica, Mexico,
November 12, 2008
- Conférence : Le droit du travail à l'épreuve du droit de la concurrence ",
Cour de cassation, Paris, 17 Novembre 2008
- Présidence de la table ronde " Quelle coopération pour construire une
politique commune de concurrence avec l'Euromed ", Journée européenn de
la concurrence, Paris, 19 Novembre 2008
- Analytical Approaches to Article 82 Inquiries OECD-Hungary Regional
Centre for Competition in Budapest, Seminar for Competition
Judges,Budapest, November 22, 2008
- Judicial Enforcement of Competition Law , OECD-Hungary Regional
Centre for Competition in Budapest, Seminar for Competition Judges,
Budapest, November 22, 2008
- Reforming the enforcement of article 82, Faculty of Law, University of
Lisbon, Lisbon, November 25, 2008
- Economic evidence in judicial reviews of competition policy decisions,
Conference of the Association of Competition Economists, Budapest,
November 27, 2008
- Codification du code de commerce et droit de la concurrence, Cour de
cassation, Bruxelles, 8 Décembre 2008
- Présidence Table Ronde sur "Le Contrôle des Remèdes et Engagements"
Colloque "Remèdes et Engagements Dans le Nouveau Contrôle des
Concentrations", organisé par Concurrence, Paris, 18 Décembre 2008
-"EU-US Dominant Firm Conduct", Séminaire organisé par le cabinet Hogan
& Hartson, Bruxelles, le 28 Novembre 2007
-"International Development in Competition Law and the Amendment of the
Spanish Competition Law", Ist International Competition Conference,
Madrid, 27 Novembre 2007
-Perspectives on Judging Competition Law Cases: Evolution of national and
EC Laws ", Conference on the Enforcement of National and EC Competition
Laws in Member States, ( ISEL and UKAEL) Dublin, 23 Novembre 2007
-How to make Judicial Control of Competition Law decisions More
Relevant?, II Lisbon Conference on Competition Law and Economics,
Lisbon, 15 Novembre 2007
-"Competition Law", Séminaire Justice et Affaires
Programme Euromed Justice, Athenes 14 Novembre 2007
-"The place of Competition Law in the Future Community Legal Order",
Introduction, Brussels November 8 2007
-Organisation et Présidence, Table Ronde sur "Objectives of Competition
Law", LE CG Como Summit, Côme, Italie Octobre 2007-"What de we learn from the Microsoft CFI judgement", LECG Como
Summit, Côme, Italie Octobre 2007
-Organisation et Présidence table Ronde sur "Bourse et Concurrence",
Cycle Droit Economie, Cour de cassation, Paris, Octobre 2007
-Organisation et Présidence, Table Ronde sur "Refusals to Deal", OECD
Competition Committee, Paris, Octobre 2007
-Organisation et Présidence, Table Ronde sur "Oligopolies", Fordham
Corporate Law Institute Conference, New York, 28 Septembre 2007
-Présidence de la session sur "Prioritisation", Seminar for Heads of
Competition Authorities, Fordham Corporate Law Institute, New York, 27
Septembre 2007
-Présidence Fifth OECD Latin American Competition Forum, Puebla,
Mexico, 20 Septembre 2007
-"The relationship between Competition Authorities and Sectoral
Regulators", The Consultative Workshop, Riyadh, Arabie Saoudite, le 11
September 2007
-"The Role of Economic Analysis Within Art. 81" Symposium on "Different
Aspects in the Application of Competition Rules", Seminar by the Egyptian
Competition Authority in Cooperation with the European Union Le Caire, 10
Septembre 2007
-Keynote Speech "Ten Years of Competition Law Enforcement and
Competition Policy: where are we what are the future challenges?",
International Bar Association, Fiesole, le 7 Septembre 2007
-Competition Law Enforcement: Past Achievements and Current Challenges,
11th IBA Annual Competition Conference, 7-8 September 2007,, Florence.
-Participation au panel "Section 36: When is "Use" Misuse and Why Should
we Care?" Eigtheenth Annual Workshop of the Competition Law and Policy
Institute of New Zealand, Wellington, 5 Août 2007
-Recent Development on Abuse of Market Power in the EU and the USA"
Eighteenth Annual Workshop of the Competition Law and Policy Institute of
New Zealand, Wellington, August 4th 2007
-"Abuse of Dominance and Monopolization", Competition Authority Officials
Workshop, Fordham Competition Law Institute, New York, 12 Juillet 2007
-Abuse of Dominance and Monopolization", Competition Authority Officials
Workshop, Fordham Competition Law Institute, New York, July 12 2007
-Droit de la concurrence et droits de propriété intellectuelle: Juriste cherche
économiste ... désespérément !!, Rencontres économiques d'Aix en
Provence, 6 Juillet 2007
-"Tying and Bundling", European Institute in Florence, Juin 2007
-Présidence et Organisation, table ronde sur "Evaluation of competition
authorities ", OECD Competition Committee, Paris juin 2007
-Présidence et organisation, Table ronde sur "Merger efficiencies with a
focus on dynamic efficiencies", OECD Competition Committee, Paris, Juin
-Présidence Panel sur "Asian Challenges within Asia & Towards
Partners/competitors" European and Asian Challenges for Business in a
Society Facing globalization, ESSEC? Cergy, June 1st 2007
-"Mondialisation, droit de la concurrence et développement", Colloque
Mondialisation et Droit de la concurrence, Credimi, Dijon 15 juin 2007
-"Sport, concurrence et compétition", Colloque sur Sport et Concurrence,
Cour de cassation, Paris le 12 juin 2007-06-15
-"Concurrence et déontologie ", Cour de cassation, Paris Le 21 Juin 2007
-"Economic Concepts in Antitrust Law", Judges Workshop, Fordham
Competition Law Institute, New York, June 27-29 2007
-"Promoting a Competition Culture: Can it be Done?", Promoting
Competition in Transition and Developing Countries: Towards a Sober
Assessment IDRC Pre-ICN meeting on Competition and Development,
Moscow, May 29 2007
-"Competition and Development: Selected Issues", UNCTAD, Geneva, 22
Mai 2007
-"Energy security: a market oriented approach", OECD Forum, on
Innovation, Growth and Equity,Paris, May 14-15 2007
-"Deploying Economic Expertise in Competition Cases", Competition Appeal
Tribunal, Londres, 10 Mai 2007
-"Domestic and International cartel in "Benefit of competition policy for
business and consumers", Conference" Ten Years of competition in
Romania", Bucarest, le 26 Avril 2007
-"Les contradictions internationales dans le droit de la concurrence: l'abus de
position dominante et le cas British Airlines/ Virgin Atlantic, Séminaire de
réflexion de l'Institut des hautes Etudes Judiciaires, Paris, Cour de
cassation, le 24 avril 2007
-"Competition law and competition policy: lessons from developing and
transition economies", National Investment Reform Agenda Workshop
organized by OECD and the Ministry of Finance of Lebanon, Beyrouth, 19
avril 2007
-"Hard Core Cartel Enforcement in Romania: Achievements and
Challenges", Ten Years of Competition in Romania, Bucarest, 26 April 2007
-"Competition law and competition policy: lessons from developing and
transition economies", National Investment Reform Agenda WorkshopLebanon, April 19, 2007, Grand Serail, Beirut, Lebanon
-"Judicial Resolution of Competition Law in France", Seminar on EU
Institutions, Their Governance and the Private Sector, Mentor Forum for
EU-US Legal-Economic Affairs, Bruxelles, Mardi 17 Avril 2007
-"Competition Law, Competition Policy and Economic Development", 10th
Year Symposium of the Turkish, Competition Authority, Ankara, April 12
-"New developments in European Competition Law", Competition Law Study
group, Tokyo, Mardi 27 Mars 2007
-"Abuse o dominance and Modernization of European Competition Law",
Competition, Seminar on Competition Forum, Competition Commission of
India, New Delhi, Jeudi 22 Mars 2007
-A snapshot of Competition Laws from Around the World " Seminar on
Experiences of Competition Law around the World, CIRC and FICCI, New
Delhi, March 21st 2007
-"The role of economic analysis within Article 81", seminar on "Introduction
to the New Role of the National Judiciary under Regulation 1/2003", ERA,
Escuela judicial, Barcelone le 13 mars 2007
-"Commerce international, concurrence et développement", colloque
L'Organisation mondiale du commerce : sortie de crise ? 15-16 février 2007
-"International cartels and developing countries ", University College,
Londres, le 2 Février 2007
-"Competition and Regulation", University College Londres, le 1er Février
-"La concurrence et les médias", Séminaire Multimédia, Paris, le 12 janvier
-"Stratégies d'entreprises et Concurrence" Séminaire DGTPE-Concurrence,
Ecole des Mines, Paris, le 14 Décembre 2006
-"Concurrence et Développement", Conférence organisée par la
Commission Européenne, la Direction générale de la concurrence, Tunis, Le
5 Décembre 2006-12-16
-"Competition, Trade, Investment and Economic Development", National
Conference on Competition Law and Policy, TRAC, Le Caire le 3 Décembre
-"Concurrence et Développement dans les pays en transition ", Conclusion
du colloque sur les 15 ans de l'autorité tchèque de concurrence, Brno, Le 29
Novembre 2006
-"L'abus de position dominante et la réforme de l'article 82 du traité",
Chambre de Commerce Internationale, Paris, le 20 Novembre 2006
-"The role of Competition Policy in Regulation and Liberalization",
Conference on Regulation and Liberalization: International Perspectives,
John Cabot University, Rome le 25 Octobre 2006
-Is there a need for a competition court", University College London,
Londres, Le 20 Octobre 2006
-Les choses hors commerce: une approche économique du marché des
organes humains, Paris 25 septembre 2006
-Interaction Between Public and Private Enforcement ", Bird &Bird, La
Maison du Barreau, Paris, le 25 Septembre, 2006
-An International Perspective on Competition Law and Payment Cards",
Cards and Payment 2006 European Financial Management & Marketing,
Paris, le 18 Septembre 2006
-Competition as an Engine for Growth ", Second AELEX Lecture, Lagos
Nigeria, le 19 Juillet 2006
-Who cares about consumers ", 6th Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue,
Organized by the British Institute for International and Comparative Law,
Londres, le 6 Juillet 2006
-Les Sanctions Pénales et le Droit de la Concurrence ", Déjeuner Débat,
Cabinet Salans, Paris, le 5 juillet 2006
-Abuse of Dominance and Monopolization ", Séminaire de formation à la
concurrence organisé par le Fordham Law Conference Institute, New York,
le 29 Juin 2006
-Competition and Economic, Development, The 2nd ASEAN Conference on
Competition Policy & Law, Bali, Indonesia, 14-16 June, 2006
-Cartels and Collusion in Developing Countries: Lessons from Empirical
Evidence in Asia", Second ASEAN Conference on Competition Law, Bali, le
14 Juin 2006
-Economic Evidence and the Courts in Competition Cases, Judicial Seminar
for Indonesian Judges organized by KPPU, Bali, Indonesia, Le 13 Juin 2006
-The role of private Litigants and Member states in State Aid Enforcement",
UCL Antitrust and Regulation Forum on European State Aid Reform,
Londres, le 31 Mai 2006
-Sanctions for Antitrust Violations: From Theory to Practice, European
Competition Association Meeting, Nice, Thursday May 18th 2006
-Cartels and Collusion, First Jordanian Competition Conference, Amman,
23-24 May 2005
-Competition, Investment, Trade and Development
Competition Conference Amman, 23-24 May 2005
-The General Electric/Honeywell EU Case and US antitrust, Séminaire
d'économie industrielle, ENSAE, Paris le 18 Mai 2006
-New Evidence on Anti-Competitive Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa,
conference The Development Dimensions of Competition Law and Policy,
Economic Perspectives, Cape Town International Convention Centre Cape
Town, South Africa2 May 2006
-Cartels and Collusion in Developing Countries: Lessons from Empirical
Evidence in Africa", Tralac, Capetown, Le 2 mai 2006
-Policy Enforcement: Cartels, Abuse of Dominance and Mergers. How
Agadir Countries Could Implement it. The Obstacles that Agadir Countries
are Facing, Regional Programme for the Promotion of the instruments And
Mechanisms of the Euro-Mediterranean Market Intra-regional seminar
on:Competition Rules in the States Party to the Agadir Agreement, Amman
3-6 April 2006
-Cartels Internationaux: Eléments de Problématique ", Université de La
Rochelle, Le 7 avril 2006
-Competition Provisions in Trade Agreements: The case of the EU Free
Trade Agreements, Regional Programme for the Promotion of the
instruments And Mechanisms of the Euro-Mediterranean Market
Intra-regional seminar on: Competition Rules in the States Party to the
Agadir Agreement, Amman 3-6 April 2006
-Contemporary Issues in European Competition Law" International Business
Law Conference, March 8 2006, Tokyo
-Policy Enforcement: Cartels, Abuse of Dominance and Mergers". Seminar
on How Agadir Countries Could Implement it. The Obstacles that Agadir
Countries are Facing" Regional Programme for the Promotion of the
instruments And Mechanisms of the Euro- Mediterranean Market
Intra-regional seminar on: Competition Rules in the States Party to the
Agadir Agreement, Amman, le 5 mars 2006
-Competition Provisions in Trade Agreements: The case of the EU Free
Trade Agreements" Regional Programme for the Promotion of the
instruments And Mechanisms of the Euro-Mediterranean Market
Intra-regional seminar on: Competition Rules in the States Party to the
Agadir Agreement, Amman, Le 4 mars 2006
-The Role of Economic Analysis Within Art. 81" Séminaire "Introduction to
the New Role of the National Judiciary under Regulation 1/2003" Centro de
Estudos Judiciários, Lisbonne, le 16 février 2006
-Professions Libérales, Droit de la concurrence et Approche Consumériste,
Séminaire de droit de la concurrence, Sciences Po, Paris, le 1er Février
-"Competition cases in the courts: reflections of a judge and economist"
Public lecture, ECentre of European Law, King's College, Londres, le 11
janvier 2006,
-Vers un nouvel encadrement des accords de gamme, EFE 2005
-Technological changes and competition among collecting societies for
music rights: Is the enforcement of the EU law sufficient ? 2005
-"Barriers to entry ", Hot topics in Antitrust: A Roundtable Discussion,
Seminar on Economic Development in European Competition Policy,
Charles River Associates, Brussels le 15 Décembre
-An agenda for future research on international trade and competition",
CEPR, Brussels Le 10 décembre 2005
-The future of International cooperation in competition ", CEPR, Bibliothèque
Solvay, Brussels le 8 Décembre 2005
-L'évolution récente du droit de la concurrence au plan international",
Rencontres Lamy du Droit de la concurrence, Paris le 24 novembre 2005
-Cartels and collusion in Developing Countries" Fifth UN Conference to
Review all aspects of the Mutually Agreed Equitable principles and Rules for
the control of Restrictive Business Practices, UNCTAD, Antalya, 8
Novembre 2005
-EC Regulation 1/2003 and Cooperation with National Courts: Issues and
Challenges", First Lisbon Conference on Competition Law and Economics,
Lisbon, 3 Novembre 2005
-L'action au civil et le droit de la concurrence: les expériences étrangères ",
Colloque: Potentialité et réalité de l'action au civil en matière de
concurrence, Cour de Cassation, Paris le Lundi 17 Octobre 2005
-L'abus de position dominante", OECD Workshop for Russian Judges of the
Arbitrage Court, Saint Petersbourg, les 12 et 13 Octobre 2005
-Competition as a Driver for Economic Performance: Lessons Learned from
OECD Reviews, High Level Opening Conference of the OECD RCC,
Budapest 26 Septembre 2005
-"Régulations sectorielles et droit de la concurrence", colloque Les
interactions entre le Droit et l'Economie 30 septembre 2005, Université de
Paris X-Nanterre
-Competition as a Driver for Economic Performance: Lessons learned from
OECD Reviews", High Level Opening of the OECD Regional Center for
Competition, Budapest, le 26 Septembre 2005
-Privatizations and concessions " contribution à la table ronde sur le sujet
organisé par la Fordham Law Conference, New York, le 23 Septembre 2005
-The OECD Competition Committee", Présentation au Conseil de l'OCDE,
Paris, le 8 Septembre 2005
-International Cartels and the Future of International Cooperation on
Competition Fair Trade Commission, Chinese Taipei, Taipei, August 18
-Competition, Regulation and Development", CUTs Project Interim Meeting:
Advocacy and Capacity Building on Competition Policy and Law in Asia,
16-17 August 2005, Hanoi Vietnam
-La Concurrence, Facteur Dynamisant pour le Développement Economique,
XXIV Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU en San Sabastian, San Sebastian,
6 Juillet 2005
-International Antitrust and the WTO Experience", XVII Seminar on
Capitalism and Entrepreneurship Dynamics: benchmarking Europe's
Growth, Villa Mondragone International Economic Association, le 7 Juillet
2005, Rome
-"Collecting Societies and Competition Policy" Annual EU Competition
Conference Florence 2005
-Competition, Investment, Trade and Development",
Competition Conference, 23 May 2005, Amman
-Cartels and Collusion" First National Competition Conference, 24 May
2005, Amman
-"Contemporary Issues in Antitrust Law and Economics", Seminar for Judges
organised by the Israeli Supreme Court, Tel Aviv 2005
-Competition Investissement et Développement" Task Force on a Policy
Framework for Investment, OECD, Paris le 8 avril 2005
-Competition Issues in Developing Countries " Séminaire d'Economie
Industrielle, IDEI, Toulouse, le 15 avril 2005
-"International Cooperation on Competition in Perspective ", Conférence au
Centre de Recherche de la Japanese Fair Trade Commission, le 9 mars
2005, Tokyo
-Vers Une Réforme de la Loi Galland ", Séminaire EFE, le 26 janvier 2005,
-Le droit de la concurrence et l'audiovisuel ", Séminaire Multimédia, 21
janvier 2005, Paris
-Les programmes de clémence en droit de la concurrence ", Mercredi 19
janvier 2005, Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie, Paris
-Pour une révision de la loi Galland ", 7 décembre 2004, Les rencontres
Lamy, Paris
-Corruption, Transparency and Competition on Public Procurement Markets
", OECD Global Forum on Corruption, Paris, décembre 2004
-Rapport Canivet sur la réforme de la loi Galland: un regard croisé
économistes et juristes ", Les Journées débats de la lettre des Juristes
d'Affaires, Paris, décembre 2004
-Detection and Repression of Anticompetitive Practices in Developing
Countries: A Case Study", Intergovernmental Group of Experts on
Competition Law and Policy, Sixth Session, Geneva, Le 9 Novembre 2004
-"Peer Reviews as an intrument of competition policy in developed and
developing countries", Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition
Law and Policy, Peer Reviews as an instrument of cooperation on
Competition", UNCTAD, Sixth Session, Geneva, Le 8 Novembre 2004,
-With Simon Evenett, Anticompetitive practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Myth,
Reality and Perspectives, CRC 3rd International Conference: Pro-Poor
Regulation And Competition: Issues, Policies and Practices, Capetown, 7-9
September 2004
-Les pratiques anticoncurrentielles dans les pays subsaharien ", Conférence
sur la régulation organisée par l'université de Manchester, Capetown,
Afrique du Sud, Mercredi 6 au Jeudi 9 Septembre 2004
-With Simon Evenett Private Anti-Competitive Practices in Africa: An
Inventory, September 2004, CRC conference, Cape Town
-National competition law enforcement in the international context and
ongoing work in the OECD Competition Committee and the WTO Working
Group on Trade and Competition Policy, Johanesburg, 20-22 August, 2004
-Les Fondements Economiques du Droit de la Concurrence", Ecole du
Barreau de Paris, Paris le 21 Juin 2004
-Economic Input from National Competition Authorities", Third Conference of
the Association of European Competition Law Judges, Cour de Cassation,
Paris, le 18 Juin 2004
-Regulation Competition and the Professions", Séminaire sur the
Relationship between Competition Law and the Professions, European
University Institute, Florence, les 11 et 12 Juin 2004
-Are International Guidelines Needed", Conférence sur Investment, Strategy
and Competition Policy: Help or Hindrance, The Royal Institute of
International Affairs, Chatham House, Londres 4 Juin 2004
-The future of the Multilateral system and competition "Seminar, Queen's
College, University of Cambridge, Le 1er Juin 2004,
-Le contrôle des concentrations dans les pays en développement, OMC
Programme intensif sur la politique de la concurrence Rabat - mai 2004
-The Future of Trade and Competition ", Keynote Speech, World Bank
Seminar on "Competition Policy, Competitiveness and Investment in a
Global Economy: The Asian Experience, Colombo (Sri Lanka), 19-21 Mai
-Competition Policy, Development and International Trade, World Bank
Group Seminar on Competition Policy, Competitiveness, and Investement In
a Global Economy: The Asian Experience, Colombo, 19-21 May 2004
-Service Public et Concurrence ", Colloque " Europe, Service Public et
Concurrence, Réflexions et Suggestions sur le Livre Vert " organisé par
l'AFEC et l'Association des Juristes d'Entreprise, Cour de Cassation, Paris,
le 13 Mai 2004
-The Future of Trade and Competition: the Telmex case in perspective ",
Keynote Speech," The Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue" British Institute of
International Comparative Law, Londres le 10 Mai 2004
-Pratiques anticoncurrentielles en Afrique: ententes, Abus de position
dominantes, " Séminaire Intensif de Formation sur le Commerce et la
Politique de Concurrence, Rabat, 3-8 Mai 2004
-Preuve des pratiques anticoncurrentielles, qualification des exemptions et
du progrès économique: l'approche économique", 28 avril 2004, Cour de
cassation. Cycle Droit communautaire de la concurrence
-La qualification économique des pratiques anticoncurrentielles ", Séminaire
de la Cour de Cassation, Paris le 28 Avril 2004
-Le règlement 1/2003 et la modernisation du droit européen de la
concurrence ", Conférence: les grandes réformes du Droit Communautaire
de la Concurrence au 1er Mai 2004, Gide Loyrette et Nouel, Paris le 28 Avril
-L'objet et la réalité du droit de la concurrence en France", Conférence à M6,
Paris, le 24 Mars 2004
-The modernization of European Competition Law", Fair Trade Institute,
Tokyo, March 16 2004
-Who does what ? Division of labour between the European Commission,
National Authorities and National Courts", Panel Member, Conference on
"Modernisation: How Enforcement will change in 2004", British Chamber of
Commerce in Belgium, Brussels, March 11 2004
-Pratiques commerciales: le rôle du Conseil de la concurrence en cas de
rupture abusive ", Journées EFE, Paris le 27 Janvier 2004
-International Cartels: Five Spine Chilling Stories" National Workshop on
Competition Policy, Economic Development, and the Multilateral Trading
System: Overview of the Issues and Options for the Future WTO, Nov 5
2003, Caracas
-Trade, Competition and Economic development", Fair Trade Commission,
Chinese Taipei, Oct 27-38 Taipei
-The Future of Competition in the WTO ", International Chamber of
Commerce Competition Commission, New York, October 22 2003
-Competition, Trade and Development Before and After Cancun ", Beesley
Lecture Series on Regulation, Royal Society of Arts, Londres, Le 7 Octobre
-Spine-Chilling Stories of Trade and Competition, 30th Fordham Annual
Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy, New York, October
23-24 2003
-Core Principles in a Multilateral Framework on Competition policy: the State
of Play in the Working Group, WTO Regional Workshop on Competition
Policy and the Multilateral Trading System: Looking Ahead to Cancun,
Buenos Aires, Argentina 18-20 June 2003
-The Impact of international Cartels in Latin America: Some examples:
"WTO-IDB/INTAL Regional Workshop on Competition Policy and the
Multilateral Trading System: Looking Ahead to CanCun, Buenos-Aires, Les
18-20 Juin 2003
-An overview of Anticompetitive Conducts that are caught under Competition
Law ", Workshop to Review Findings of an Empirical examination of
Competition Issues in Selected Caricom Countries: Toward Policy
Formulation, Organisé par le Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and
Economic Studies, St Augustine, St Vincent & the Grenadines, June 2-4
-Trade and Competition: an assessment before Cancun", University of
California, Berkeley, June 1-2 2003
-Quelque réflexions sur le contrôle de la concentration en France et en
Europe ", Séminaire EFE, Paris le Mai 2003
-Yesterday, Today, To-morrow", Conclusions of the OECD Joint Global
Forum on Trade and Competition, Paris, les 15 et 16 Mai 2003
-Competition Policy, Development and Trade: Overview of the linkages",
WTO Regional Workshop on Competition Policy, Economic Development
and the Multilateral trading System: Looking Ahead to Cancun, Le Caire, 6-7
Mai 2003
-The Impact of International Cartels on Developing Economies, Some
Examples", 8th International Workshop on Competition Policy organized by
KFTC and OECD, Seoul, Le 29 Avril 2003
-Competition Law and Policy: Global governance Issue ", Fair Trade
Institute, Tokyo, Japan, le 24 Avril 2003
-Droits de propriété intellectuels et concurrence dans le contexte de la
mondialisation", Chambre de Commerce Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo le 23
Avril 2003
-Adverse effects of international cartels on developing countries: limitation of
domestic legislation", UNCTAD African Regional Conference on the Post
Doha WTO Competition Issues, Nairobi, 8-9 Avril 2003
-The Impact of International Cartels on Developing Economies: Some
Example ", WTO Regional Workshop on Competition Policy, Development
and the Multilateral Trading System: The Doha Mandate and Options for the
Future, Kingston, Jamaica, 2-4 Avril 2003
-Competition Law and Policy", Globalization and its Discontent Colloquium,
New York University School of Law, New York, Le 24 Mars 2003
-Vers une Organisation Mondiale de la Concurrence" Séminaire sur la
Gouvernance En Temps Réel, Paris, le 13 Mars 2003
-Competition Policy, Development and the Role of International Cooperation
A Case Study: the Cement Market in the Philippines ", Asean Conference on
Competition Law and Policy in the AFTA, Bali, 5-7 Mars 2003
-Competition policy, Development and the role of international cooperation ",
WTO Symposium on Trade and Competition Policy: Looking ahead to
Cancun, Genève, Le 22 Février 2003
-A Tale of Three Cartels, 2003 Forum on International Competition Law ABA
Section of Antitrust Law, New York, February 7 2003
-The Doha development Agenda: Trade and Competition Policy" Advance
Training Course for Arab Senior government Officials, Le Caire, 28 Janvier
Competition policy, development and trade: overview of the linkages" WTO
Regional workshop on Competition Policy, Economic Development and the
Multilateral Trading System: the Doha Mandate and Options for the future,
Bangkok, 21-23 Janvier 2003
-"The Impact of International cartels on Development and Trade" WTO
Regional workshop on Competition Policy, Economic Development and the
Multilateral Trading System: the Doha Mandate and Options for the future,
Bangkok, 21-23 Janvier 2003
-Cartels and economic development, Seminar on trade and competition in
the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 10 Janvier 2003
-Does the effectiveness of the EU competition network authorities depend on
a certain degree of homogeneity of its membership ( with respect to statute,
structure, powers, responsibilities, etc ?) European University Institute, 2002
competition law and policy workshop
-Pour une réforme du contrôle européen de la concentration ", Séminaire
Droit de la concurrence: frein ou accélérateur de la croissance des
entreprises ", Paris, le 10 Décembre 2002
-Abuse of Dominant Position and French Competition Law" OECD Case
Study Seminar on Abuse of Dominant Position and Vertical Restraints for
Competition Officials from Latin America and the Carribean, Miami, le 2et 3
Décembre 2002
-Comment peut-on améliorer le contrôle de la concentration européen ",
Séminaire " Fusions, concentrations en Europe: Améliorer les règles du jeu
? ", in Europe et Société, Maison de l'Europe, Paris, le 26 Novembre 2002
-Competition in the electricity sector in France", Forum Electricité, Ecole des
Mines, Paris le 21 Novembre 2002-Competition, International trade and Development" WTO Regional Seminar
on Trade and Competition Policy, Port Louis ( Ile Maurice), les 12-14
Novembre 2002
-The Dominance test and the Substantial lessening of Competition test in
merger controls ", Conference on Exploring Merger Control Around the
World " organisé par le cabinet Hogan & Hartson, Paris, le 4 Novembre 2002
-The State of Play in the WTO on Competition ", Conference on Competition
Policy and Economic Development: the costs and benefits of Multilateral
Principles on Competition for Developing Economies, Columbia University,
New York, Le 2 Novembre 2002
-Pharmaceuticals, Competition and Free Movement of Goods" in EU
Competition Law & Policy: Development and Priorities, Hellenic Competition
Commission, Nomiki Bibliothiki SA, Athens November 2002
-Concurrence et transparence " Organisation et présidence du Séminaire de
droit et d'économie de la concurrence de la Direction de la Prévision, Minefi,
Paris, le 30 Octobre 2002
-Le contrôle communautaire et national de la concentration", Petit Déjeuner
débât organisé par l'Association nationale des Juristes de Banque, Cercle
Républicain, Paris le 24 Septembre 2002
-The future of Competition Policy, Cooperation across the Atlantic and
Beyond", Global Antitrust Law and Policy conference, University of
Minnesota Law School Conference honoring Dean E. Thomas Sullivan,
Minneapolis, September 20-21 2002
-Competition, International Trade and Development, PAFTAD 28, The 28th
Pacific Trade and Development Conference, Competition Policy in the New
Millenium Manila, The Philippine, 16-18 September 2002
-Competition, Trade and Development: Issues in the WTO" Competition
Policy in the New Millenium, 28th Pacific Trade and Development
Conference, Manila, September 16-18 2002
-A tale of three cartels", Regional Seminar on the Contribution of competition
policy to the welfare of consumers and the productivity of Small and Medium
Size firms, organisé par la CNUCED, le Ministère Argentin de l'industrie et
l'UADE, Buenos Aires, les 12-13 Septembre 2002
-Transnational hard core cartels, Multilateral rules and economic
development", WTO National Workshop on Trade and Competition Policy,
Pékin, 30-31 Juillet 2002
-Competition Trade and Economic Development", Arab Regional Seminar
for Capacity Building on Competition and Antitrust, League of Arab States,
Department of Economic Affairs, Le Caire, le 28 Juillet 2002
-New Issues in Antitrust Law: Dominance and Sanctions ", Cabinet
Freshfield, Paris, le 16 Juillet 2002
-Médicaments génériques et nouvelles pratiques commerciales: substitution,
remises, stratégies de marque ", 7ième conférence annuelle Pharmacie
organisée par Les Echos Conférences: Comment adapter sa stratégie aux
nouvelles incertitudes du marché ?, Paris le 27 Juin 2002
-Competition and the Multilateral Trade System ", Regulatory Policy Institute
International Competition Policy Conference, 2002,Jesus College, Oxford,
Le 26 Juin 2002
-Le droit et la politique de la concurrence en économie ouverte", Conférence
à l'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, Paris, le 10 Juin 2002
-Antitrust: development of the regulations, globalisation of the markets and
cooperation between the regulatory authorities ", Second International
Thales Lawyers convention, Jouy en Josas, le 30 Mai 2002
-International Cooperation on Competition Policy, Seminar on Hemispheric
Cooperation on
Competition Policy, Santiago, Chile May 15-16 2002
-Répression et prévention des ententes injustifiables" Matinée Débats de La
Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires, Paris, le 15 Mai 2002
-Trade and Competition: a new Issue in the Trading System", Symposium on
"The Doha Development Agenda and Beyond", OMC, Genève, le 30 Avril
-The Network of Competition Authorities ", The Conference Board European
Council on Legal Affairs, Paris, le 26 Avril 2002
-The Tale of Two International Cartels ", Symposium on "Trade and
Competition Policy: Looking ahead after Doha", WTO, Genève, Le 22 Avril
-Pharmaceuticals, Competition and Free Movement of Goods", Antitrust
Conference, Organisée par the Hellenic Competition Commission, Athènes
le 19 Avril 2002
-Les fondements économiques du droit de la concurrence", Ecole des
Barreaux de la Cour d'Appel de Paris, Paris le 17 avril 2002
-Systemic Issues in the proposed reform of regulation 17" 2002 EU
Competition Law and Policy Workshop, European university Institute,
Florence 12-13 Avril 2002
-Trade and Competition in the WTO: Perspective: Past, Present and Future",
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, le 5 Avril
-L'avenir du sujet concurrence dans la négociation multilatérale, Research
Institute of Economy Trade and Industry, Tokyo, le 4 Avril 2002
-Is there a need for a WTO Agreement on competition ?", Regional Seminar
on Competition Policy and Multilateral Negociations, Tunis, les 28-29 mars
-The role of Competition Policy in Transition Economy", Competition law and
Policy in South East Europe, OECD Regional Flagship Initiative, Belgrade,
26 Mars 2002
-Competition, International Trade and Development ", Expert Group Meeting
on Competition Laws and Policies: Identification of Common Grounds in the
ESCWA region, United Nations, Abu Dhabi, le 29 Janvier 2002
-Guidelines for Merger Remedies- Prospects and Principles, Ecole des
Mines, January 17-18 2002
-Le droit de la concurrence et le secteur des médias ", Séminaire
Multimédias, Paris, le 17 Janvier 2002
-International Best Practice in the Design of competition law", Competition
Conference organisée par the Irish Competition Authority, Dublin, le 7
Décembre 2001
-Le role du Conseil de la concurrence dans le contrôle de la concentration ",
journée Débat de la Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires sur " Contrôle de la
concentration et loi NRE: le nouveau cadre juridique ", Paris le 6 Décembre
-Ententes et Abus de Position Dominante: quel nouveau rôle pour le Conseil
de la concurrence ? ", Séminaire Réforme NRE: Pour une nouvelle
régulation de la concurrence organisé par EFE, Paris le 4 Décembre 2001
-Collective dominance and the EC Merger Regulation ", présenté à la table
ronde " Collective Dominance/Oligopoly behavior under Articles 81/82 and
the EC merger Regulation, 28th Conference on International Antitrust Law
and Policy, Fordham University School of Law, New York, October 26 2001
-Comment la loi NRE renforce-t-elle les pouvoirs et les moyens d'enquête du
Conseil de la concurrence ?" Colloque "Loi NRE et loi Galland", organisé par
Europorum, Paris le 17 Octobre 2001
-La loi sur les Nouvelles Régulations Economiques" in Dernière Actualité du
Droit de la Distribution et de la Concurrence, Journée d'Etudes organisée
par le Editions du Juris-Classeur, Paris, le 10 Octobre 2001
-La Loi sur les Nouvelles Regulations Economiques", Petit Déjeuner débât
organisé par le cabinet UGCC, Paris le 26 Septembre 2001
-Possible inputs to WTO Trade and Competition discussions: What the 7-up
project can do" Phase I Culmination Meeting, 7-UP Project organisé par le
gouvernement britannique (DFID) et CUTS, Goa, Les 7et 8 Septembre 2001
-Trade Competition and Economic Development" Conférence sur
Anticompetitive Practices in Times of Globalization, Organisé par CADE, Rio
de Janeiro, Les 14-17 Août 2001
-Three challenges for European Antitrust Enforcement ", Harvard Law
School Alumni Association World Meeting, Paris, le 25 Juin 2001
-Competition Policy Governance Issues—What are the alternative
structures ", Conference on Canadian Competition Policy: Preparing for the
Future, organisé par the Richard Ivey Business School and the Canadian
Competition Bureau, Toronto, le19-20 Juin 2001
-Les Fondements Economiques du Droit de la Concurrence ", Conférence à
l'Ecole du Barreau, Paris, le 18 Juin 2001
-Reforme NRE: Le nouveau régime du droit français de la concurrence ",
Conférence Petit-Déjeuner, organisé par le cabinet Allen et Overy, Paris, le
6 Juin 2001
-Ententes et Abus de Position Dominante: Quel Nouveau Rôle pour le
Conseil de la concurrence ? ", Séminaire Réforme NRE: pour une nouvelle
régulation de la concurrence organisé par Edition Formation Entreprise,
Paris, le 29 mai 2001
-International Trade, Competition, Regulation and Economic Development ",
Séminaire " Competition Policy: The Road Ahead for Egypt " organisé par
The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies et l'Ambassade d'Australie en
Egypte, Le Caire, le 24 Mai 2001
-The Interface between Trade, Competition, Regulation, and Economic
Development: Issues and Questions ", Seminar on Competition, Trade and
Development, Conseil National de la Recherche, Rome, Le 23 Mai 2001
-Global Antitrust from a European Perspective ", 2nd Vienna Globalization
Symposium, Europe in the Era of Globalization: Economic Order and
Economic Law, organisé par l'Université de Salzburg, Vienne, Le 10 et 11
Mai 2001.
-"Trade-Plus"-Themes: Environment and Competition 2001, DSE, last
update: May 10, 2001
-La position dominante collective en droit européen des concentrations ",
Séminaire Politiques de la Concurrence, Institut d'Economie Industrielle,
Université de Toulouse, le 4 mai 2001
-Priorities for Future Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Competition ",
International Policy Dialogue organized by the German Foundation for
International Development and the WTO, Berlin, Les 23-24 Avril 2001
-Intellectual Property Rights and Competition in the Context of Globalization
", GRIPS, Tokyo, Le 11 avril 2001
-The Role of Competition Policy in the Recovery of Korea ", Seoul
Competition Forum 2001 " Market Economy and the Role of Competition
Policy in the 21st Century ", Seoul, Le 3 Avril 2001
-Competition: A Multilateral Approach ", Plenary Address to the Conference
on" The Impact of Globalisation and new Technology on Competition: the
rôle of a Competition Authority in a Developing Country ", Johanesburg, Le
29 et 30 Mars 2001
-Is there a need for a multilateral agreement on Competition in WTO ?"
Conferencia para la region de America Latina y El Caribe " Leyes y Politicas
de Competencia: Agenda post-Doha ", organisée par l'OMC et la CNUCED,
Panama City, Le 21-23 mars 2001
-Les principales Orientations du Conseil de la Concurrence ", Journée
d'Etudes " Régulation de la Concurrence: Bilan et perspectives ", Institut
d'Economie Publique (IDEP), Marseille, le 16 mars 2001
-L'organisation institutionnelle de la politique de concurrence, Conférence à
l'Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, le 15 Mars 2001
-The OECD Global Forum, the ICN, the WTO, UNCTAD: who is doing what
in the area of international competition and why ?", The 2002 Antitrust
Conference: Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, The Conference Board
conference, New York, March 2001
-L'importance de la Politique de Concurrence pour le Développement
Economique:Aperçu sur les travaux du Groupe de Travail sur l'Interaction
entre le Commerce et la Concurrence de l''OMC ", WTO Regional Workshop
on Competition Policy, Economic Development and the Multilateral Trading
System: Overview of the Issues and Options for the Future ", Capetown, Les
22- 24 Février 2001
-Competition, Consumers and Regulatory Reform ", APEC-OECD
Co-operative Initiative on Regulatory Reform, Singapour, les 21-22 Février
-The Impact of Anti-competitive Practices on Developing Country Trade ",
Africa-EU Seminar on New WTO Issues ( Investment, Competition,
Environment and Trade Facilitation), organisé par l'Union Européenne,
Capetown, le 9 Février 2001
-Le droit de la concurrence dans le secteur pharmaceutique", Séminaire
Médicaments Pratiques commerciales, organise par Euroforum, Paris le 7
Février 2001
-Keynote speaker Seminar on " Initiative for a Global Competition Forum ",
organisé par l'International Bar Association, Ditchley Park, Oxford, les 2-4
Février 2001
-Internal Reform as a Necessary Condition for realizing the Benefits of Trade
Liberalization: the Case of Regulatory Reform and Competition Policy ",
présenté au " Inte grated Framework Seminar on the Policy of
Mainstreaming Trade into Countries Development Strategies: Perspectives
of Least Developed Countries " organisé par l'OMC, Genève, le 29 Janvier
-Le droit de la concurrence appliqué au secteur des médias ", Séminaire
Multi-Média 2000/2001, Paris le 18Janvier 2001
-Les Fondements du Droit de la Concurrence: une Approche Economique ",
Séminaire organisé pour les magistrats Estoniens dans le cadre du jumelage
Franco-Estonien en matière de concurrence sous l'égide de l'Union
Européenne, Tallin, les 3 et 4 Janvier 2001
-Competition Policy in Seven Developing Countries from the
Commonwealth: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis " Inaugural session,
Launch Meeting 7-up Project organized by Consumer Union and Trusts from
India, Jaipur, les 20-21 Décembre 2000
-Competition, Deregulation and Economic Development ", Keynote address,
International Seminar on Competition Policy, organisé par l'OCDE et la
Superintendencia para la Promocion y Proteccion de la Libre Competencia,
Caracas, le 5-8 Décembre 2000
-L'avenir des négociations de l'OMC en matière de concurrence ", Séminaire
des conseillers des services économiques et commerciaux chargés
d'affaires multilatérales, OCDE, Paris le 5 Décembre 2000
-The Need for Flexibility and Enhanced Cooperation as Key Elements in a
Multilateral Agreement on Competition ", New Issues in the WTOInvestment, Competition, Environment & Trade Facilitation, Séminaire
organisé par the Euro-Chile Foundation et la Commission Européenne,
Santiago du Chili, Chili, 29 et 30 Novembre 2000
-Trade and Competition: where are we ? " Présentation à la ICC Competition
Commission, New York, Le 18 Octobre 2000
-International Trade and Competition Policy: the WTO Experience,
Concorrenza e Autorita Antitrust: Un Bilancio a dieci anni dalla Legge,
Rome, 9-10 Octobre 2000
-Trade, Competition, and Development", National Seminar on Competition
Policy, Trade and Development, organisé par la CNUCED, 9-11 Septembre
2000, Montevideo, Uruguay
-"Cartels, monopolies and other anti¬competitive practices: what is their
impact on economic development?"20 October 2000, Wto Regional
Workshop On Competition Policy, Economic Development And The
Multilateral Trading System: Overview Of The Issues And Options For The
Future Organized by the WTO Secretariat in Cooperation with the
Governments of Thailand and Japan 6-8 July 2000 Phuket, Thailand.
-The Cooperation among national antitrust authorities in the international
arena ", Colloque " EC Law facing the new millenium's challenges ", XIV
congress de l'Union des Avocats Européens, 29 Juin-2 Juillet 2000, Ischia
-Convergence, divergence and cooperation ", International Conference on
Competition Policy and the Global Trading System: perspectives from
Japan, the United States and the European Union, organisé par l'University
of Oklahoma and la Japan Foundation, Washington, les 23 et 24 juin 2000
-Les fondements économiques du droit de la concurrence ", Séminaire de
formation des avocats du barreau de Paris, le 27 juin 2000
-Competition Policies/laws and national Development ", International
Conference on Competition Policies/laws for the new Millenium, Taipei, les
19-20 Juin 2000
-Transition Mechanisms from Sector Specific Regulations to Competition
Policy " Conference " From Regulation to Competition...The path to
Broadband ", London Business School, Londres, le 13 Juin 2000
-L'Influence du Droit Européen de la Concurrence sur les Structures et le
Fonctionnement des Sociétés ", Colloque sur " Le Droit des Affaires au XXI
Siècle ", Deauville, les 27-28 Mai 2000
-Interface between Competition policy and Trade Policy " Seminar Design
and Implementation of Competition Law and Policy: Cross-country
approaches and Experiences, Organized by the World Bank Institute and the
Singapore Trade development Board, Singapore, le 17 Mai 2000
-La régulation en pratique en France: droit et politique de la concurrence,
exposé devant le groupe de travail " Régulation ", Convictions, Paris, le 5
avril 2000
-Les Négociations de Seattle, Conférence à L'ENA, Strasbourg, le 6 Avril
-Competition Policy, International Development and the Multilateral Trade
System ", Regional Seminar, on Competition Law and Policy for Asia-Pacific,
Organisé par la CNUCED,le Consumer Unity and Trust Society et la MRTP
Commission d'Inde, Jaipur, Inde, Les 13-15 Avril 2000
-Quatre ans après la loi Galland: Un nouveau projet de loi sur les régulations
économiques " Matinée Débat de la Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires, Paris, le
30 mars 2000
-International Trade and Competition: Convergence, Divergence and
Cooperation ", Second International Competition Symposium, Istamboul, Les
6-7 Mars 2000
-Towards a Convergence of International Competition Policy ", International
Conference on " Japan-US Cooperation for a New International Economic
Order- Towards a Convergence on Trade and Competition Policy ", organisé
par l'Institute for International policy Studies, Tokyo, les 9 et 10 Mars 2000
-La modernisation des règles d'application des articles 81 et 82 du Traité de
Rome ", participation au Colloque de la FICIME (Fédération des Entreprises
Industrielles et Commerciales Internationales de la Mécanique et de
l'Electronique), CCI, Paris, le 25 Janvier 2000
-Le droit de la concurrence appliqué au secteur des médias ", Séminaire
Multimédia 1999-2000, Paris, le 20 Janvier 2000
More presentations in colloquia, conferences and seminars in France
and abroad (1991-2000). (Details available upon request.)
Affiliations and Academic Responsibilities
-Membre du Conseil Scientifique de la Mission Recherche Droit et Justice
(Ministère de la Justice)
-Membre du Conseil Scientifique de la Mission pour l'Attractivité du Droit
-Advisory Committee Jevons Institute for Competition Law and Economics at
-Membre du Conseil de perfectionnement du Nyenrode Institute for
Competition (Présidé par Karen Can Miert), June 2002
Consulting and Other Activities
Contrats de recherche
- [direction équipe CEDE ESSEC] Interaction between Regional Competition
Law Systems and National Enforcement. Projet de recherche du CEDE
ESSEC pour le compte de la Conférence des Nations Unies pour le
commerce et le développement (CNUCED) [en cours]
- CREW Project 'Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social
& Economic Welfare in Developing Countries' (CREW Project), with the
support from DFID (United Kingdom) and BMZ (Germany) and GIZ
(Germany) (en cours)
- with P. Langohr and A. Dosis, 'Price Discrimination and Facilitating Fair
Competition in the Credit Rating Industry' for ESMA: European Securities
and Market Association, August 2015
- With Marc IVALDI & Aleksandra KHIMICH Measuring the Economic Effects
of Cartels in Developing Countries, Final report CEPR PEDL program and
- [direction équipe CEDE ESSEC] Contribution du fonctionnement des
marchés pétroliers à la sécurité énergétique : une perspective historique et
économique (2014).
- [direction équipe CEDE ESSEC] Repositionnement stratégique de l'activité
courrier de la Poste (2011).
- [direction équipe CEDE ESSEC] L'analyse des pratiques d'assurances au
regard du droit européen de la concurrence". Ce rapport a été remis à la
FFSA en 2009.
Press Interviews
- Interview with Prof. Frederic Jenny by CPI on January 18, 2016 Antitrust
Chronicle, Winter 2016 Volume 4 Number 1
- Economic reasoning indispensable for judicial decisions
- Jenny: We need to overcome skepticism, Global Competition Review,
December 14, 2015
- Interview Seoul Economic Daily
- Jenny slams terrible Google investigation, Global Competition Review,
Monday, 9 February 2015
- Interview, The Aju Business Daily, Seoul, Korea, le 4 Septembre 2014
- Emission de radio: "l'économie des otages", Emission le Bien Public,
France Culture, Paris le Décembre 2013
- Instaurer une discipline de concurrence est nécessaire, interview par K.
Cheekhooree, Le Matinal, Ile Maurice, 29 Janvier 2013
- Does PotashCorp's merger with ICL pose great threat to India's food
security?, The Economic Times, India, January 4, 2013
- Entretien, Detroyat Associés, Newletter, Novembre, N° 7, Novembre
- Entretien zvec Frédéric Jenny, réalisé par Xavier Lacaze, La Synthese on
line, 19 Octobre 2012
- La fraude correspond plus à une attitude qu'à une catégorie juridique,
interview dans la Lettre Assurer, n° 195, 10 Octobre 2012
- Droit de la concurrence : faut-il une grande lessive ?, Les Echos, 9 Février
- Le contrôle des prix est un instrument inefficace", interview El Watan
économie, Alger, 15-21 février 2010
- French stance on competition won't impact EU enforcement - French
appeal judge, AFX International Focus, 7 septembre 2007
- There is need for creating awareness on competition laws: Jenny, 2007,
The Press Trust of India Limited
- Les consommateurs ont compris le préjudice causé par les cartels. Cela
facilite la répression" 23 février 2007, Le Monde
- Les pays émergents sont des cibles facile , Propos recueillis par Chloé
Hoorman, 1 février 2007, L´Expansion
- Profession : chasseur de cartels "Les ententes entre entreprises coutent
des milliards aux consommateurs", Dossier réalisé par Chloé Hoorman,
Franck Dedieu, Quentin Domart, Géraldine Meignan (L'Expansion)
- Business Day (South Africa): Competition complaints up study, Hilary Joffe,
3 mai 2006, Business Day (South Africa)
- Cartel est pris qui croyait prendre, LATRIVE Florent, 12 avril 2006,
- Le BTP sanctionné pour entraves à la concurrence, 4 janvier 2006, Le
- Le risque de sanctions pénales est malheureusement faible, 20 septembre
2005, Le Monde
- Le Conseil de la concurrence voudrait voir ses pouvoirs accrus, 20
septembre 2005, Le Monde
- Gas price-fixing 'a serious issue'; COLLUSION: An OECD official said that
price-fixing was a severe economic crime but it was hard to get enough
evidence for a successful prosecution By Jackie Lin, 20 août 2005, Taipei
-OECD official says nations must enforce competition, The China Post Staff,
19 août 2005, The China Post
- Competition Law can help achieve faster growth, 8 février 2005, Business
Line (The Hindu)
-Judging fair play ; He is an economist and has no judicial background. But...
Ashish Aggarwal 3 février 2005, Business Standard
- Competition commission's autonomy hinges on funding ; Frederic Jenny,
Judge at the French Supreme Court, today said... 2 février 2005, Business
- India consumer rights group urges teeth for competition watchdog, By RAY
MARCELO, 1 février 2005, Financial Times
- Commerce-industrie : la commission Canivet préconise la libéralisation des
prix, Antoine Boudet (avec V. de S.), 18 octobre 2004, Les Echos
- Les cartels contre le libéralisme, Par Christian Chavagneux, 1 novembre
2003, Alternatives Economiques
- La concurrence n'est pas la loi de la jungle, Par Jean-Pierre Robin, 27
octobre 2003, Le Figaro
- WTO competition negotiator says Doha issues should be treated
separately, 24 octobre 2003, AFX International Focus -French competition
official urges end to govt oversight over merger control, 24 octobre 2003,
AFX International Focus
- Pour une concurrence tempérée, Par Helvig Jean-Michel, 23 octobre 2003,
- Haro sur les prédateurs de la concurrence mondiale, Par Francoise
Crouigneau, 16 octobre 2003, Les Echos
- Comment on Frédéric Jenny's report on consultations on competition
modalities", By Cecilia Oh, Third World Network, Geneva 27 July 2003
-Competition issue: Working Group Chairman gives 3 options for Cancun,
TWN Report by Martin Khor, Geneva 22 July 2003
- Fraise - le Conseil de la concurrence justifie la condamnation de l'AIFLG,
30 juillet 2003, Agence France Presse
- Frédéric Jenny - Arbitre commercial international, 23 mai 2002, La Tribune
- Competition in the spotlight, 1 novembre 2001, Bank Accounting & Finance
- Idées pour que le monde tourne mieux, Par Patrick Coquidé, Véronique Le
Billon, Emmanuelle Lechypre et Laurence Ville, 25 octobre 2001,
- EU's Monti: Kolasky's GE/Honeywell Remarks Not "Helpful", 17 octobre
2001, Dow Jones International News
- Lesson Two: How to Call Off Your Own Antitrust Watchdog - Mario Monti
Won Respect Showing GE His Teeth, Now Bared at Europe, By Philip
Shishkin, 17 juillet 2001, The Wall Street Journal
- Competition Tribunal examined - Expert panel validates views of Liberal
MP, Soo Kim, 21 juin 2001, The Toronto Star
- South Africa - Trade minister comments on WTO agenda, 30 mars 2001,
BBC Monitoring Africa
- Economic -Competition authority finds banks guilty of price-fixing, 23
octobre 2000, European Banker
- DOSSIER - Les cartels se multiplient, la répression s'accroît, Par ANNIE
KAHN, 26 septembre 2000, Le Monde
- Le Conseil de la concurrence inflige des amendes records aux banques
françaises, Par Sophie Fay et Pascale Santi, 21 septembre 2000, Le Monde.
- European Commission Aims To Improve Merger Regulation --- Goal Is to
Curb Rise of Small Group of Dominant Firms in High-Tech Sectors Competition Official Urges a Balanced Approach, 15 septembre 2000, The
Wall Street Journal Europe
- Pour l'OCDE, la lutte anti-cartel passe par une coopération accrue, 6 juin
2000, La Tribune
- WORLD NEWS - TRADE - Crackdown on hard core cartels urged, By Guy
Jonquieres De., 6 juin 2000, Financial Times
- La décentralisation, une crainte des entreprises, 17 février 2000, La
- Daniel Bernard espère n'avoir à sacrifier qu'une poignée de magasins, 26
janvier 2000, Les Echos
- Pour une modernisation du droit de la concurrence, 24 janvier 2000, Les
- Face à l'afflux de saisines, le Conseil de la concurrence demande plus de
moyens, Par PIERRE-ANGEL GAY, 29 juin 1999, Les Echos
- French Govt Turns Blind Eye To Media-Soccer Deals, 5 mai 1999, Dow
Jones Business News
- L'antitrust, une arme de guerre commerciale. Les entreprises jonglent avec
le droit de la concurrence, Par Anne Denis, 3 décembre 1998, Les Echos
- Entreprises mondiales, droits nationaux, une contradiction dangereuse, Par
Pierre-Angel Gay, 2 novembre 1998, Les Echos
- Le Conseil de la concurrence s'impose comme l'arbitre de la
déréglementation, Par Pascal Galinier, 8 juillet 1998, Le Monde
- WTO Panel meets on Korea-EU Dispute on Liquor Tariff, 5 mars 1998,
Asia Pulse
- Au coeur du projet, le problème des offres trop basses, 18 février 1998, La
- Adidas et la Ligue de football sanctionnés par le Conseil de la concurrence,
28 novembre 1997, Les Echos
- Accords de distribution - une position française libérale, Par Chrsitine
Vilmart Jean-Pierre Philibert, 3 novembre 1997, Les Echos
- La Superposition des juridictions au centre du débat, 5 février 1997, La
- Le conseil de la concurrence surveille les monopoles de services publics,
Par Martine Orange, 21 juin 1996, Le Monde
- DGFT sees merit in status quo, 23 octobre 1995, Business Law Brief
-European report on co-operation, 28 juillet 1995, Business Law Brief
- Consumers warned of Bias Danger in Monopoly Study, By Jane Moir, 29
juin 1995, South China Morning Post
- Paris Council can pursue Perrier Probe, 26 mars 1992, Reuters News
-Perrier Fights Nestle-BSN Takeover Try, Claiming Bidders Seek to
Dominate Market, By Charles Fleming, 30 janvier 1992, The Wall Street
Journal Europe
- Agency Introduces France to Competition - Firms Get Used to Conseil De
la Concurrence's Oversight, By Julia Lichtblau, 27 décembre 1991, The Wall
Street Journal Europe
- France calls time on the monopoly game: The little-known cartel watchdog
which is making its presence felt, By William Dawkinsbv, 19 février 1990,
Financial Times
Professional Experience
Fonctions administratives et judiciaires
-Conseiller en Service Extraordinaire, Cour de Cassation Depuis (Septembre
-Vice Président, Conseil de la concurrence (1993-2004)
-Rapporteur Général, Conseil de la concurrence (1986-1993)
-Rapporteur Général, Commission de la concurrence (1984-1985)
-Rapporteur, Commission de la concurrence (1978-1984)
-Conseiller technique, Secrétariat d'Etat à la consommation (1977)
Autres fonctions
-Non Executive Director, Office of Fair Trading, United Kingdom (depuis avril
-Membre qualifié du Conseil d'Analyse Stratégique des Industries
Culturelles, Ministère de la Culture, (1er février 2006)
-Chairman of the CUTS Center on Competition, Investment and Economic
Regulation (Jaipur, India)
-Inscrit sur la liste des experts appelés à faire parti des panels de résolution
des différends de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (depuis septembre
-Membre de la Commission "Avenir du Commerce Extérieur" du Medef
-Consultant auprès de la CNUCED et de juridictions nationales en matière
de concurrence
-Membre du bureau de l'AFEC
-Président, Groupe de Travail de l'OMC sur l'interaction entre la politique
commerciale et la politique de concurrence (Avril 1997-Décembre 2003)
-Chairman, OECD Competition Law and Policy Committee (Since 1994)
-Membre du "Conseil Scientifique de la Mission Recherche Droit et Justice",
Ministère de la Justice (2003-2007)
-Membre du "Conseil Scientifique de l'Evaluation des Politiques Publiques"
(Juin 1990-Juin 1996)
-Président du Groupe de travail "Formation des prix et fonctionnement des
marchés dans les économies des pays en transition" (Mission Stoleru,
Secrétariat d'Etat au Plan) (1988-1990)
-Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'INSEE (1982-1986)