No 2 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 2 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.2 – Friday 19 February 2016
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Information Evenings
We are now in Week Three of Term One
and students have settled into their
classes after a busy few weeks for all.
Information Evenings were held on 16th,
17th and 18th February for Year 7 and
Kindergarten to Year 6 respectively. The
sessions provided opportunities to meet
the teachers and go over the respective
programmes for the year ahead. Other
information nights will be held for Year 8
and 9 (February 23) and later in the term
(March 23) to discuss pathways and transition
23 February
Catch-Up Photo Day
23 February
Meet the Year 8 and 9 CG Teachers
24 – 26 February
26 February
Year 7 Camp
Canberra Show - Band
1 March
Year 7 Immunisations ( Round 1)
2 – 4 March
Year 5 Camp
3 – 5 March
Jazz Band Camp
for our Year 10 students.
AEFE Agreement Signing and Special Visitors
A special agreement was signed between the ACT Education Directorate and the AEFE (Agency for French Schools Abroad) last
week. H.E. Mr. Christophe Lecourtier, Ambassador of France, and Mr Shane Rattenbury, Minister for Education, witnessed M.
Bruno Valéry, AEFE representative in charge of the Asia-Pacific region and Ms Diane Joseph, Director-General of the ACT
Education Directorate sign the Agreement ensuring Telopea Park School/Lycée Franco–Australien is now an official AEFE Partner
On Friday 19th February we welcomed the world famous French Author Erik Orsenna. He spoke about his experiences in writing
to a large audience of students, teachers and parents. We have had a French inspector looking at Humanities teaching in the
high school recently. M. Michel Héron worked with our teachers Pierrick Chalaye and Jillian Erin-Agot. There was also a visit from
a French General and an Australian Major-General who are working together on the Mission Centenaire – a commemoration of
the centenary of World War One.
Swimming Carnivals
The Primary Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 16th February. The Swimming Carnival involves a significant amount of
planning and preparation and I would like to thank Maria Magdic and her team for organising a wonderful day. Thank you, also,
to Ben Yuen and the Secondary Sports Leadership students who assisted in the running of the Primary Carnival. Thank you to
the parents who also assisted on the day. Your contribution is very much appreciated by students and teachers.
The Secondary Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday 17th February at Dickson Pool. Thank you to Ben Yuen and his team
for the many hours of organisation in ensuring a successful day. Again parental help was much appreciated.
Term 1 2016
1 February – 8 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Term 4 2016
10 October -16 December
Year 7 students are on camp in Jindabyne during Week 4, from Wednesday 24 th
February. The Sports Recreation facility there is excellent and students will be
challenged with various physical and team building activities. It is a great chance
for our Year 7 students, who come from many schools around Canberra and beyond
to connect with each other and to identify as Telopea students. Thank you to Mary
De Poorter, Hollie Aerts and the team of Year 7 teachers who have organised and
made this possible. Later in the term we have our Year 3 and Year 6 camps.
Student Diaries and Assessment Calendar
Secondary students have been given an Assessment Calendar in the last week to paste in their new diaries. Please ask to see the
calendar so that you also know when the assessments are planned in each subject. Students have also been given their Unit
Outlines for each subject and you are asked to sign these outlines as an acknowledgement that you have seen them. The
student diaries also contain a wealth of information and policies such as Mobile Phone, Assessment and Homework information.
Please consult the diaries regularly and encourage your children to use them as an organiser.
Pickups and Parking
A reminder that car parking is limited around the school. There are designated pick up and drop off areas for the primary
students on the eastern side of NSW crescent. The western side of NSW crescent is a bus pick up area in the afternoons and is a
“No-Stopping” zone for other cars. Please do not use this area to pick up students after school. Making an arrangement to pick
up older students in surrounding streets would be helpful in these circumstances.
As we progress through the term I would like to thank you for your continued support and communication with the school. It is
important that we work together to educate your children.
Kind regards,
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal
Réunions de parents
Nous sommes à présent en semaine 3 et après quelques semaines bien chargées pour tous, les élèves sont désormais bien
intégrés dans leur classe. Les réunions d’information aux parents ont eu lieu les 16, 17 et 18 février pour les classes de Grande
Section de Maternelle à Cinquième. Ces réunions sont l’occasion de rencontrer les enseignants de vos enfants et de vous
familiariser avec les programmes enseignés pendant l’année scolaire. D’autres réunions sont prévues le 23 février pour les
classes de Quatrième et de Troisième et un peu plus tard, le 23 mars, pour les classes de Seconde afin de vous familiariser avec
le passage au lycée.
Signature de l’accord de partenariat avec l’AEFE et visites
La semaine dernière, à l’occasion de la signature de l’accord de partenariat avec l’AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à
l’Etranger), nous avons reçu la visite de Son Excellence Christophe Lecourtier, Ambassadeur de France en Australie, M. Shane
Rattenbury , Ministre de l’Education, Mme Diane Joseph, Directrice Générale du Département de l’Education, et M. Bruno Valéry,
représentant le directeur de l’AEFE dans la zone Asie-Pacifique. Le lycée franco-australien/Telopea Park School devient
officiellement établissement partenaire de l’AEFE.
Le vendredi 19 février nous avons eu l’honneur de recevoir la visite du très célèbre Erik Orsenna, auteur français. Il a fait part de
son expérience d’écrivain devant un large public d’élèves, d’enseignants et de parents. Nous avons également reçu la visite de
M.Michel Héron, Inspecteur (IA-IPR) d’Histoire Géographie qui a travaillé avec nos enseignants Jillian Erin-Agot et Pierrick
Chalaye. Enfin, un général français et un major général australien sont venus au lycée dans le cadre de la Mission Centenaire et
des commémorations du centenaire de la première guerre mondiale.
Swimming Carnivals
Le Swimming Carnival du primaire a eu lieu le mardi 16 février. Cet événement nécessite beaucoup de travail de préparation et
d’organisation et je tiens à remercier Maria Magdic et son équipe pour avoir organisé une très belle journée. Un grand merci
également à Ben Yuen et à l’équipe d’EPS du secondaire pour leur aide précieuse lors du Swimming Carnival du primaire. Merci
aux parents qui sont venus prêter main forte ce jour-là. Nous apprécions énormément votre contribution au sein de l’école.
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Le Swimming Carnival du secondaire a eu lieu le mercredi 17 février à la piscine de Dickson. Un grand merci à Ben Yuen et à son
équipe pour les nombreuses heures passées à organiser cet événement qui fut un véritable succès.
Les élèves de Cinquième partiront en camp à Jindabyne en semaine 4, à partir du mercredi 24 février. Le centre sportif y est
extraordinaire et les élèves devront participer à de nombreuses activités physiques ou favorisant l’esprit d’équipe. C’est une
chance pour nos élèves de Cinquième qui viennent de différents établissements de pouvoir créer des liens entre eux et de se
considérer comme membres de la communauté scolaire de Telopea. Je remercie Mary De Poorter, Hollie Aerts et l’équipe
d’enseignants de Cinquième pour avoir organisé ce camp. Un peu plus tard ,nos élèves de CE2 et Sixième partiront eux aussi en
Agendas scolaires et calendrier des évaluations
Les élèves du secondaire ont reçu le calendrier de leurs évaluations la semaine dernière. Celui-ci doit être collé dans leur
agenda. Consultez-le pour connaître les dates des différentes évaluations programmées dans chaque matière. Les élèves ont
également reçu leur Unit Outline pour chaque matière. Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir signer ce document pour confirmer
que vous en avez eu connaissance. Les agendas scolaires contiennent également de nombreuses informations et les règles
concernant l’utilisation des téléphones portables, les évaluations et les devoirs. Merci de consulter l’agenda de votre enfant
régulièrement et d’encourager votre enfant à l’utiliser pour être bien organisé.
Stationnement aux abords de l’établissement
Nous vous rappelons que le stationnement aux abords de l’école est limité. Il existe des zones bien définies pour déposer ou
récupérer les élèves du primaire. Cette zone se situe sur le côté est de NSW crescent. Le côté ouest de NSW crescent est reservé
aux bus scolaires l’après-midi, le stationnement y est interdit aux voitures. Nous vous demandons de ne pas utiliser cette zone
lorsque vous venez récupérer votre enfant après les cours. Vous pouvez, par exemple, prévoir avec votre enfant de le récupérer
dans une rue voisine.
Une fois encore ce trimestre, je tiens à vous remercier pour le soutien continu que vous nous apportez et la bonne
communication entre vous et l’école. Il est très important de pouvoir travailler ensemble à l’éducation de votre enfant.
Tom Kobal Principal adjoint
Last year, a beautiful 2016 calendar has been created
with photographs of Australia and France taken by
students, parents and teachers.
This calendar is still on sale at an amazing price :
$ 3 only!
Please visit the Primary or Secondary office if you are
L’année passée, un magnifique calendrier 2016 a été
conçu à partir de photographies de France et d’Australie
prises par les élèves, leurs parents, et les enseignants de
Ce calendrier est toujours en vente à $ 3
seulement !
Nous vous invitons à venir le retirer aux bureaux du
primaire et du secondaire si vous êtes intéressés.
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Dear Telopea Park school families and friends,
Now it’s my turn to welcome you to the 2016 school year.
As usual, it’s been busy. Very busy. Year 7 are well and truly now part of our school, and we’re in the final flurry of permission
notes before heading down to Jindabyne to really get to know each other on the Year 7 Camp. They are being shepherded
expertly by our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, who as well as greeting Year 7 each morning, are running a weekly resilience
course during Enrichment time.
Year 8 have settled back into the rhythm of things nicely. No longer the junior group, they have been very quiet so far.
However, as a parent, I also know that that’s not always a good thing…
2016 is going to be a big year for Year 9 students. They are leading the school as the first year group to participate in an MYP
Interdisciplinary Unit during Enrichment time. It’s also the year to start thinking about transitions, and the world beyond school.
On that note, I encourage all Year 9 to consider a work experience placement. During Year 9 students will also begin their
Personal Projects, and will have the opportunity to participate in the very first Year 9 Peer Support Training and Leadership
Camp, which will be held at Camp Cooba near Cooma at the beginning of Term Four.
Year 10 students are now looking like the seniors of the school, wearing their jerseys proudly, despite the 35 degree days. Their
first Formal Fundraising opportunity for the year was last week’s Valentine’s Day drive, with cupid delivering roses, chocolates
and pop-up performances to teachers and friends throughout the school. Year 10 SRC will be running their first Dance Party for
the year at the beginning of Term Two, and have begun organising whole school activities to run after the Cross Country Carnival
at the end of this Term.
The Pastoral Care Program at Telopea is now rebranded as the Personal and Social Program, in line with the Australian
Curriculum. But the message is the same. In this program, students develop personal and social capability as they learn to
understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. The capability
involves students in a range of practices including recognising and regulating emotions, developing empathy for others,
establishing and building positive relationships, making responsible decisions, working effectively in teams, handling challenging
situations constructively and developing leadership skills. At Telopea, all students participate in a one hour a fortnight Personal
and Social program led by their Contact Group teachers.
To finish my report, I would like to share an article written by Andrew Fuller, a well-known psychologist who specialises in
adolescence. In his article ‘Set Yourself Up For a Great Year’, Fuller shares a few tips that we can all use to make 2016 a
success. Attached to this newsletter, I urge you all to take the time to read it, and to share it with your child.
Mary De Poorter
Executive Teacher Student Engagement
[email protected]
6142 3361
Cette nouvelle année scolaire a très bien débuté pour les élèves de l’école primaire et de nombreux projets sont déjà en cours.
Les élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle ont eu le temps de se familiariser avec leur nouvel environnement et sont déjà
devenus des membres à part entière de notre école! Les élèves de CP à 6º, quant à eux, ont retrouvé avec plaisir le chemin de
Des effectifs en hausse
Nous commençons cette année scolaire avec 527élèves inscrits à l'école primaire, soit une augmentation notable par rapport à
l'année passée (environ 65 élèves). Cela se traduit également par un lissage des effectifs sur tous les niveaux, et des nombres
d'élèves par classe très homogènes (de 22 élèves par classe en GS à 25 en 6º). Nous accueillons cette année 35 nouveaux
élèves du CP à la 6º, des élèves venant pour la plupart du réseau AEFE ou de France. Quelle richesse pour nous que d'accueillir
ces élèves venant du Cambodge, de l’Inde, des Etats-Unis ou du Canada!
Signature de l’accord de partenariat avec l’AEFE
Le vendredi 5 février 2016, à l’occasion de la signature de l’accord de partenariat avec l’AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement
Français à l’Etranger), nous avons reçu la visite de Son Excellence Christophe Lecourtier, Ambassadeur de France en Australie,
Mr Shane Rattenbury , Ministre de l’Education, Mrs Diane Joseph, Directrice Générale du Département de l’Education, et M.
Bruno Valéry, représentant le directeur de l’AEFE dans la zone Asie-Pacifique. Nos journalistes en herbe de 6º ont saisi l’occasion
pour réaliser plusieurs interviews que vous pouvez retrouver en podcast sur notre web radio : .
Compétitions de natation / Swimming Carnival
Comme chaque année, les élèves de CE1 à 6º se sont retrouvés à la piscine de Dickson le mardi 16 février pour nos compétitions
de natation. Une belle journée de rencontres sportives où nos nouveaux capitaines et vice-capitaines de maison, fraîchement
élus, ont pu démontrer leurs compétences de leaders, tout en renforçant les valeurs de notre école : respect, équité, coopération
et honnêteté.
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Elections des délégués de classe de 6º
L’année de 6º est une année très particulière dans notre programme car elle symbolise la fin de l’école primaire australienne,
mais également la première année de l’enseignement secondaire dans le système scolaire français. Ainsi, nos élèves de 6º sont
considérés comme des élèves du secondaire français et à ce titre, élisent leurs représentants : les délégués de classe. Ces
délégués participent aux conseils de classe qui ont lieu chaque trimestre, et sont aussi des relais privilégiés pour la
communication enseignant-élèves.
Cette année les dglégués de classe sont :
6.1 : Délégués: Georgie Barnes et Jason Read - Suppléants:Mielle Hurrell et Aline Souksavat
6.2: Délégués: Lou-Ann Oillic et Luc Boucher - Suppléants: Mathilde Lavieuville et Thomas De Souza.
Nous les félicitons et leur souhaitons bonne chance dans leurs nouvelles fonctions.
Nouvelles procédures pour la fin de la journée de classe
L’augmentation des effectifs nous a conduit à revoir notre procédure de départ de l’école à la fin de la journée de classe. Pour
des raisons de sécurité, et afin de ne pas congestionner le hall d’entrée du primaire, nous demandons aux parents d’élèves de
Grande Section de venir chercher leur enfant par la cour des Maternelles, à la porte de la classe. Le portail sera donc ouvert vers
15h15 puis refermé vers 15h25.
Par ailleurs, nous demandons aux parents de tous les élèves de CP à 6º de ne pas pénétrer dans les bâtiments de l’école et
d’attendre leur enfant dans la cour du primaire, et ceci également dans un souci de sécurité.
Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.
Nos élèves sont magnifiques en ce début d'année dans leurs beaux uniformes! Il est important cependant de rappeler que les
chaussures font également partie de cet uniforme : des chaussures de couleur noire sont requises, chaussures en cuir ou bien
chaussures de sport.
Visite de l'inspecteur
Monsieur Bruno Delvallée, Inspecteur de l’Education Nationale en résidence à Bangkok et en charge de la zone Asie Pacifique
réalisera sa visite annuelle de notre école les 29, 30 et 31 mars. Cette visite représente une formidable occasion pour nos
enseignants d’avoir un retour sur leurs pratiques de classe et d’enrichir leur pédagogie.
Julien Dugas
Conseiller Pédagogique
The new school year has started very well for our Primary students and many projects are already underway. Our Kindergarten
students have had time to become familiar with their new environment and have already become full members of our school
community! As for our Year 1 to 6 students, they have been very happy to return to school.
Increasing enrolments
We start this school year with a total of 527 pupils enrolled in primary school, a significant increase compared to last year (about
65 students). This also results in a smoothing of staff on all levels and homogeneous class sizes (between 22 students in
Kindergarten and 25 students in Year 6). We have welcomed this year 35 new students from Year 1 to Year 6, students coming
mostly from other AEFE schools or from France. How enriching it is for us to welcome these students from Cambodia, India, the
United States or Canada!
Signing of a Partnership agreement with the AEFE
A partnership Agreement with the AEFE was signed by Diane Joseph, the Director General of the ACT Education Directorate and
M. Bruno Valéry representing the Director of the AEFE in the Asia Pacific region (French government agency for French Teaching
Abroad) on Friday 5th February 2016. Witnessing the signing were the Ambassador of France, His Excellency Mr Christophe
Lecourtier, and ACT Minister for Education, Mr Shane Rattenbury.
On that special day, our Year 6 budding journalists have had the opportunity to make several interviews. You can listen to those
podcasts on our web radio:
Swimming Carnival
Like every year, students from Year 2 to Year 6 went to Dickson pool on Tuesday, February 16th for our swimming competitions.
A beautiful day of sporting events when our newly elected House captains and vice-captains have demonstrated their leadership
skills while strengthening the values of our school: respect, fairness, honesty and cooperation.
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Election of Year 6 class representatives
Year 6 is a very special year in our program because it symbolizes the end of the Australian primary school, but also the first
year of secondary education in the French school system. So our Year 6 students are considered as French school students and
as such, they can elect their representatives (délégués de classe). These students participate in class councils (“conseils de
classe”) that take place each term, and are also useful intermediaries between students and teachers.
This year the class representatives are:
6.1: Representatives: Georgie Barnes and Jason Read - Substitutes: Mielle Hurrell and Aline Souksavat
6.2: Representatives: Lou-Ann Oillic and Luc Boucher - Substitutes: Mathilde Lavieuville and Thomas De Souza.Congratulations
to those students and we wish them all the best in their new roles.
New procedures regarding the end of the school day
Due to the increasing number of students, we will have to change our end of the school day procedures. For safety reasons and
to avoid congesting the primary lobby, we ask all Kindergarten parents to pick up their child from the Kindergarten playground.
The gates of the Kindergarten playground will open at 3:15pm and will close at 3:25 p.m.
We also ask that all parents of Year 1 to Year 6 students wait for their child outside the school building in the Primary quad, also
for safety reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.
Our students look gorgeous in their beautiful uniforms! It is however important to remember that shoes are also part of the
uniform: black leather shoes are required.
Inspector visit
Bruno Delvallée, Inspector of French National Education in residence in Bangkok and in charge of the Asia Pacific region, will
make his annual visit to our school on March 29th, 30th and 31st. This visit is a great opportunity for our teachers to get
feedback on their classroom practices and enrich their teaching.
Julien Dugas conseiller pédagogique
NEXT P&C MEETING: Wednesday, 23 March, 2016
The P&C will be holding its meetings on every 2nd and 8th Wednesday of each school term. Meetings are held at 7pm in the
Secondary Staff Room.
Please make a note of the meeting dates in your calendar:
We would like to sincerely thank all of the outgoing position holders: Emma Burns, Laura Beacroft, Andrew Medlin, Perry Head,
Debbie Tucek, Chris Burge, Jacinda Still and Ginny Toller. Their efforts over the last one, or even two or three years in some
cases, have been greatly appreciated by all.
On February 10th, the P&C held its Welcome Drinks and Annual General Meeting (AGM). We were very pleased to see so many
parents joining the P&C committee for the first time as well as many familiar faces taking up positions once again.
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Here are the 2016 position holders:
Incoming Position Holder/s
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
Peter Roberts, David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Justin Brown
Public Officer
Catriona Dove
ACT P&C Council Delegate
Julie Glasgow
Communications Officer
Emma Perkins
Assistant Communications Officer
Lisa Wallace
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Assistant Treasurer
Philippe Moncuquet
BASC Coordinator
Andrea Grazziadelli
Grants Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Lost Property
Christine Gustafson
Returning Officer for School Board Elections
Peter Roberts
FUNDRAISING SUBCOMMITTEE has an initial team already! At the AGM, the following lovely parents have volunteered to help
raise funding throughout the year: Andrew Medlin, Pascale Boulanger, Colombe Borie, Penelope Cole, Stassia Saad, Catriona
Dove, Dean Cottam, Sarah Milligan, Lisa Wallace, Lisa McGourty, and I’m sure many others will join them soon! Volunteer
helpers will be needed for events throughout the year. Forthcoming events and dates will be made available very soon!
TRAFFIC SUBCOMMITTEE will continue to do their excellent work in 2016 too. If you are interested to help improve the traffic
circulation and safety in the school vicinity, please contact Noel via the subcommittee’s email address:
[email protected]
PLAYGROUND SUBCOMMITTEE has some exciting news and activities for this year!
The new primary playground design has been finalised and the first set of equipment (a parkour/climbing frame) will be
purchased and installed this year. Keep an eye out for their updates, displays and architect presentations over the next few
‘My park rules’ competition update
Last year, the Playground Subcommittee and a group of Telopea secondary students submitted the winning ACT entry into the
‘My Park Rules’ competition, run by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA). They nominated the secondary ‘hang
out’ area next to the canteen as the space for re-design.
As the winning entry, Telopea Park has been paired with the fantastic architects at CIA LANDSCAPES to undertake the co-design
and to take the revitalised ‘hang out’ area concept to the next round of the competition. The winning national design will receive
a $100,000 build to implement their design. The designs will be judged on their creativity and originality, community
engagement, and the potential for social, physical and environmental benefits for the high school students. The overall winner
will be announced on May 1st, 2016.
If you’d like to get involved with the Playground Subcommittee, please contact Manon via the subcommittee’s email address:
[email protected]
Every year, the school seeks one or more parent representatives for numerous school committees. The committees include:
Curriculum Committee
Gifted &Talented Committee
Bilingual Education Committee
IT Committee
Health Promoting School Committee
Reconciliation Action Plan Committee
More information will be released soon. Please contact the P&C President [email protected] if you are interested
in being a parent representative on any of these committees.
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Are you a keen vegetable gardener? Do you have some occasional free time during school hours? Do you have an ACT 'working
with vulnerable children' card?
We are seeking a few additional volunteers to help look after the school vegetable garden. It doesn’t take long and it’s a great
school initiative to become involved in. Read Telopea Topics for more information or contact the P&C President
[email protected] to be put in touch with the vegie garden green thumbs!
The Telopea Skoolbag App is a great communication tool between the school and its families. Not only does it publish alerts,
announcements, newsletters and school events straight to your smartphone, it also contains important contact details for the
school. PLUS the P&C maintains the Community News section of the app, which lets you know of news and events happening
within the broader school community.
Check out the Athlete’s Foot 2016 Shoe Buying Guide. When you buy school or sports shoes from The Athlete’s Foot, a $5
donation will come back to our school! Athlete’s Foot have been a great supporter of our school this year and we know that this
will again be a major fundraiser for Telopea Park School throughout 2016.
It applies to the whole family and across the entire footwear range, including school, athletic, work and casual shoes. All you
have to do is download the Shoe Buying Guide from our website and cut out the $5 voucher. Take the voucher into Athlete’s
Foot when you purchase your next pair of shoes, and Telopea benefits from your purchase!
We have an ongoing agreement with Manuka Flight Centre whereby 1% of all Telopea Park School bookings made through
Manuka Fight Centre will go back to the school. This is open to students, teachers, friends and family, so please ask to speak to
Maddie (who is their French speaking consultant) and mention the Telopea arrangement when making your booking.
Subscribe now to the P&C’s emailing list or go to our website for more
We are urgently seeking one or more people who would be willing to staff the Telopea Uniform Shop in 2016. This position
would be ideal for someone looking for a little bit of minor paid work during school hours.
About the job:
The Uniform Shop is contracted out to Pickles Schoolwear, based in Sydney. Therefore this is a casual part-time position
as an employee of Pickles. The pay is about $18 per hour and it’s located on the school premises. The position involves
using a laptop-based POS system that is fairly straightforward to use. While previous retail experience is an asset, it isn’t
essential. You just need to be friendly and helpful to Telopea parents, carers and students.
Business Hours:
The busy period is the week before school starts (last week of January) and the first week of Term 1. Usually 2 or 3
people are required for this period. Ursula and Andrew will provide some initial handover training for the new starter.
Normal hours are 3 hours per week (Mon 8.30-9.30, Tues 2.45-3.45, Thurs 11.00-12.00) but these could be
negotiated. Only one person is required, but it is best to have a second person on call in case of illness or emergencies.
Towards the end of the year, the Uniform Shop has a stall at the Fete (first weekend in November) and it always opens
when the school holds its Kindergarten orientation days (4 half-days usually in the last week of November). 2 or 3 people
would be best for these two periods.
If so, please contact Andrew Everard as soon as possible:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0407 669 570.
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Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00noon
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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Dear Parents,
We are pleased to announce that Alliance Française de Canberra will again be teaming up with Telopea Park school in 2016 to
continue offering support and development for your child’s bilingual education.
In 2015, this partnership enabled French Adult courses as well as Parents & Kindy courses to take place at Telopea Park
In 2016, we are extending our joint offer with 3 new After School Care classes for Telopea students:
 French contemporary dance workshop – from Y7
From Wednesday 24 Feb 2016 to Wednesday 6 Apr 2016 - 15:15 to 16:45
Enrol your child for an innovative French experience! Young dancers will enjoy moving to the beats of French pop music and
practising their French skills by learning a choreography with a native teacher. It's all about keeping the brain active and the
body healthy in a fun and friendly atmosphere!
French tutoring
From Thursday 25 Feb 2016 to Thursday 7 Apr 2016
Year 3&4 - 16:20 to 17:20
Year 5&6 –15:15 to 16:15
Enrol your child and get some piece of mind with a protected time slot for supervised homework: a teacher from Alliance
française, trained in Telopea curricula, will be supervising the sessions and available to provide guidance in completing the tasks
before it's time to go home.
Alliance Française de Canberra further offers a range of extras for you and your family:
French media centre:
borrow books, audio-books, magazines, CDs, DVDs.
French e-library: access thousands of multimedia resources to practice French from your PC, laptop, tablet
or smartphone.
Club Jeux Vidéos: play your favourite videogames in French!
Cultural events: a busy social calendar to immerse yourself into French culture!
Alliance Française French Film Festival: the most important event for French cinema outside of France!
From 3 March at Palace Electric Cinemas.
Break courses: fun classes to keep up with French during school breaks.
Y9 Brevet preparation course: maximise your child’s chances of success in the exam!
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2016
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Staff Member
Nick Rothwell
Staff Member
P&C Member
Laura Beacroft
P&C Member
Student Member
Australian Government
French Government
Katherine Solomko
Hugh Griffin
Student Member
Louise Hudson
Catherine Hodier
French Government
Board Secretary
Eric Soulier
Mary Ryan
P&C 2016
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Peter Roberts,
David Pullen
Pauline Cullen
Assistant Secretary
Anita Gardner
Justin Brown
Assistant Treasurer
Phillippe Moncuquet
Public Officer
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Catriona Dove
Andrea Grazziadelli
Emma Perkins
Christine Gustafson
Grants Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Communication Officer
Returning Officer
Andrew Koc-McDonald
Julie Glasgow
Lisa Wallace
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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