Europass CV - Fachbereich Geschichts


Europass CV - Fachbereich Geschichts
Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
Stefan Hanß
Contact details:
[1] Weimarische Str. 5, 10715 Berlin, Germany
[2] Dinkelweg 5, 99092 Erfurt, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of birth: 09/02/1988 (Erfurt, GER)
10/2011 – 12/2014
Dahlem Research School
doctoral degree programme “History and Cultural Studies”
PhD Thesis “Lepanto, the Event: Decentering the History/ Stories of the Battle of Lepanto (1571)”
▪ submitted (December 2014)
▪ research undertaken in more than 120 archives, libraries and museums in Austria, Belgium,
the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain,
Turkey, the USA and the Vatican
10/2010 – 02/2011
University of London, School of Advanced Study
scholarship: German National Academic Foundation
▪ preliminary PhD research (London, Cambridge and Oxford)
10/2009 – 07/2011
Master of Arts, Free University of Berlin (GER)
Distinction: 1.0
early modern history; additional courses in Near Eastern studies, Judaic studies and art history
▪ M.A. thesis: “‘Tempus fugit’: Concepts of Time in Early Modern Self Narratives” (1.1);
supervised by Prof Claudia Ulbrich (Berlin) and Prof Andreas Bähr (Berlin)
02/2009 – 05/2009
Research Student, Università Ca’Fosari, Venice (IT)
scholarship: German Academic Exchange Service (programme “short-term research stays for thesis”)
▪ archival research on early modern Veneto-Ottoman cultural encounters
10/2006 – 08/2009
Bachelor of Arts, Free University of Berlin (GER)
Distinction: 1.1
history (main subject); German philology, philosophy (subsidiary subjects)
▪ B.A. thesis: “Giovanni and Mustafa: Perceptions of the Ottomans in Early Modern Venice
(1550–1600)” (1.0); supervised by Prof Claudia Ulbrich (Berlin), Prof Maria P. Pedani (Venice),
Prof Michaela Hohkamp (Berlin)
1998 – 2006
A levels, secondary school “Johann Gutenberg”, Erfurt (GER)
Distinction: 1.0
03/2015 – 07/2015
“Herzog Ernst Postdoctoral Fellow” of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation,
Research Centre Gotha, University of Erfurt (GER)
project: “Captives, Scholars and the Beginnings of Ottoman Studies: Polyglottism and Transfer of
Knowledge in the 17th Century”
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
11/2010 – Present
Stefan Hanß
Freelancer, German Historical Institute London (UK)
Prof Andreas Gestrich, in cooperation with Dr Dorothea McEwan (Warburg Institute London, UK)
▪ studies on the work of Georg W. Schimper (1804–78) and his writings on Ethiopia
▪ working periods: 11/2010 – 02/2012; 06/2012 – 07/2012; 07/2013 – 10/2013; 12/2014 – present
07/2010 – 09/2010
Intern, German Historical Institute London (UK)
research in libraries and archives of London (UK)
05/2010 – 06/2010
Intern, German Historical Institute Rome (IT)
research on handwritten newsletters and Roman triumphal celebrations after the battle of
Lepanto (1571)
07/2009 – 09/2009
Freelancer, Duchess Anna Amalia Library, Weimar (GER)
transcription and translation of a convolute of 18th-century Italian letters
08/2008 – 02/2009
Undergrad. teaching assistant, Faculty of History, Free University of Berlin (GER)
Prof Michaela Hohkamp
▪ joint tutorial seminar on theories and methods of cultural studies for students of early modern history
07/2008 – 10/2008
Intern, Duchess Anna Amalia Library, Weimar (GER)
research on 18th-century users of the library, historical reading habits, 18th-century untrimmed book
sheets and early modern alba amicorum et al.
11/2007 – 07/2008
Undergrad. research assistant, Faculty of History, Free University of Berlin (GER)
Prof Bernd Sösemann
▪ studies on the cultural politics of media in National Socialist and post-war Germany; work on the
Prussian reformer Theodor von Schön (1773–1856)
08/2002 – 09/2002
Archaeological fieldwork, Thuringian Federal Institute of Archaeology (GER)
voluntary archaeological fieldwork at the oldest Neolithic settlement of Thuringia, Gispersleben
M o n o g r a p h s a n d e d i t e d vo l u m e s
[1] Hanß, Stefan: Lepanto als Ereignis. Dezentrierende Geschichte(n) der Seeschlacht von Lepanto (1571). 2 vols. (unpublished PhD thesis,
manuscript submitted in December 2014, Free University of Berlin, vol. I: 723 pages, vol. II: 712 pages).
[2] Hanß, Stefan; Juliane Schiel (eds.): Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–
1800). Zurich: Chronos, 2014. (587 pages). [→content information].
Source editions
[3] Gestrich, Andreas; Dorothea McEwan (eds.): Online-Edition – Wilhelm Schimper. “Betrachtung der Vegetation während eines
Spaziergangs vom Märäb=Thal, über die Ebene Hāmĕdó, die Adoa=Gebirge hinweg nach Urāhut in der Provinz Agāmĕ, auf einem Terrain
von 4000 bis 11000 Fuss absoluter Höhe, Theil des Reiches Tigré”. German transcription and concordance of place names by Stefan Hanß.
(submitted). [→content information].
A r t i c l e s i n p e e r r e vi e w e d j o u r n a l s a n d b o o k c h a p t e r s
[4] Hanß, Stefan: “The Catholic Ambassador will Sing the Mass”. Ambassadorial Service and Venetian Festivities after the Battle of
Lepanto (1571). In: Michael Hüttler; Hans E. Weidinger (eds.): Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics. Ambassadors as Cultural Actors in the
Ottoman-European Relations. (Ottoman Empire & European Theatre, 5). Vienna: Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag, 2015. (in print).
[5] Hanß, Stefan: Gefangen und versklavt. Muslimische Sklaven aus der Seeschlacht von Lepanto in Rom. In: Stefan Hanß; Juliane
Schiel (eds.): Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800). Zurich: Chronos,
2014, pp. 337–379.
[6a] Juliane Schiel; Stefan Hanß: Semantics, Practices and Transcultural Perspectives on Mediterranean Slavery. In: Stefan Hanß; Juliane
Schiel (eds.): Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800). Zurich: Chronos,
2014, pp. 11–23.
[6b] Juliane Schiel; Hanß, Stefan: Semantiken, Praktiken und transkulturelle Perspektiven mediterraner Sklaverei. In: Stefan Hanß; Juliane
Schiel (eds.): Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800). Zurich: Chronos,
2014, pp. 25–45.
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
[7] Hanß, Stefan: Udienza und Divan-ı Hümayun. Venezianisch-osmanische Audienzen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. In: Peter Burschel;
Christine Vogel (eds.): Die Audienz. Ritualisierter Kulturkontakt in der Frühen Neuzeit. Cologne; Weimar; Vienna: Böhlau, 2014, pp. 161–
220. [→google books].
[8] Hanß, Stefan: Baili e ambasciatori. Bayloslar ve Büyükelçiler. In: Maria P. Pedani (ed.): Il Palazzo di Venezia a Istanbul e i suoi antichi
abitanti: İstanbul’daki Venedik Sarayı ve Eski Yaşayanları. (Hilâl. Studi turchi e ottomani, 3). Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2013, pp. 35–52.
[→online access].
[9] Hanß, Stefan: Sklaverei im vormodernen Mediterraneum. Tendenzen aktueller Forschungen. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 40/
4 (2013), pp. 623–661. (review article). [→online access].
[10] Hanß, Stefan: “Bin auff diße Welt gebohren worden”. Geburtsdatierungen in frühneuzeitlichen Selbstzeugnissen. In: Achim
Landwehr (ed.): Frühe Neue Zeiten. Zeitwissen zwischen Reformation und Revolution. (Mainzer Historische Kulturwissenschaften, 11).
Bielefeld: transcript, 2012, pp. 105–153. [→google books]/ [→online access].
[11] Hanß, Stefan: “Io ritorno, serenissimo principe dal sultan Solimano […]”. Devşirme and Yeñi çeri in a Record of the Venetian Bailo
Bernardo Navagero, 1553. In: Eurasian Studies 10 (2012), pp. 97–125.
[12] Hanß, Stefan: Eine Untersuchung auf Diskurse, symbolische Kommunikationsformen und Inszenierungsstrategien. Eine “Türckhische
fahne” in der Neuburger Pfarrkirche St. Peter (1687). In: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 94/ 1 (2012), pp. 87–112. [→online access].
[13] Hanß, Stefan: Graf du Manoir in Weimar. Emigrationsalltag und Lektüren eines französischen Revolutionsflüchtlings. In: Francia.
Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte 39 (2012), pp. 499–519.
[14] Hanß, Stefan: „PER LA FELICE VITTORIA“. Venezianische Reaktionen auf die Seeschlacht von Lepanto (1571). In: Frühneuzeit-Info
22 (2011), pp. 98–111.
[15] Hanß, Stefan: Bibliotheksbesuche und Lesealltag in Weimar um 1800. Die Ausleihjournale der Herzoglichen Bibliothek Weimar.
In: Weimar-Jena. Die große Stadt. Das kulturhistorische Archiv 3/ 1 (2010), pp. 5–28. [→online access].
[16] Hanß, Stefan: Transfer von Sakralität im späten Ancien Régime? Das Sacre Ludwigs XVI. 1775 zwischen Faszination und
Repräsentation. In: Caroline zum Kolk (ed.): Cour de Études scientifiques et documents historiques sur la cour de France,
du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle. Paris 2008, [→online access].
R e vi e w s
[17] Hanß, Stefan: Jonathan Davies (Hrsg.), Aspects of Violence in Renaissance Europe, Farnham u. a. 2013, 266 S. In: Zeitschrift für
Historische Forschung. (in print).
[18] Hanß, Stefan: Benjamin Paul (a cura di): Celebrazione e autocritica. La Serenissima e la ricerca dell’identità veneziana nel tardo
Cinquecento, Roma (Viella) 2014 (Venetiana 14), 320 S., Abb., ISBN 978-88-6728-075-9, € 36. In: Quellen und Forschungen aus
italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 94 (2014). (in print).
[19] Hanß, Stefan: Rudolf Dekker, Family, Culture and Society in the Diary of Constantijn Huygens Jr, Secretary to Stadholder-King William
of Orange (Egodocuments and History Series, 5), Leiden/ Boston 2013. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung (in print).
[20a] Hanß, Stefan: Feindt, Gregor; Krawatzek, Félix; Mehler, Daniela; Pestel, Friedemann; Trimçev, Rieke (Hrsg.): Europäische Erinnerung
als verflochtene Erinnerung. Vielstimmige und vielschichtige Vergangenheitsdeutungen jenseits der Nation. Göttingen 2014. In: H-Soz-uKult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften [12.09.2014],
rezensionen/id=22694. [→online access].
[20b] Hanß, Stefan: Feindt, Gregor; Krawatzek, Félix; Mehler, Daniela; Pestel, Friedemann; Trimçev, Rieke (Hrsg.): Europäische Erinnerung
als verflochtene Erinnerung. Vielstimmige und vielschichtige Vergangenheitsdeutungen jenseits der Nation. Göttingen 2014.
In: geschichte.transnational. Fachforum zur Geschichte des kulturellen Transfers und der transnationalen Verflechtungen in Europa und der
Welt [12.09.2014],
datum&order=down&segment=16. [→online access].
[21] Hanß, Stefan: Soykut, Mustafa, Italian Perceptions of the Ottomans. Conflict and Politics through Pontifical and Venetian Sources (Italien
in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 33), Frankfurt a. M. [u. a.] 2011, Lang, 285 S. € 49,80. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 40/ 4 (2013),
pp. 687–689. [→online access].
[22] Hanß, Stefan: Koller, Alexander (Hrsg.): Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland nebst ergänzenden Aktenstücken. Abt. 3: 1572-1585.
Bd. 10: Nuntiaturen des Orazio Malaspina und des Ottavio Santacroce. Interim des Cesare Dell’Arena (1578–1581). Berlin 2012. In: H-Sozu-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften [13.11.2013],
rezensionen/2013-4-125. [→online access].
[23] Hanß, Stefan: Perspektivenwechsel: Mittelmeer, Geschlecht, Sklaverei. In: L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische
Geschichtswissenschaft 23/ 2 (2012), [Almut Höfert; Claudia Opitz-Belakhal; Claudia Ulbrich (eds.): Geschlechtergeschichte global],
pp. 121–128. (review article). [→online access].
[24] Hanß, Stefan: Carina L. Johnson, Cultural Hierarchy in Sixteenth-Century Europe. The Ottomans and Mexicans. Cambridge u. a.
(Cambridge University Press) 2011, xvi u. 323 S., 32 Abb., 60,00 £. In: WerkstattGeschichte 21 (2013), Nr. 62, pp. 124–126. [→online
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
[25] Hanß, Stefan: Baggerman, Arianne/ Rudolf Dekker, Child of the Enlightenment. Revolutionary Europe Reflected in a Boyhood Diary,
übers. v. Diane Webb (Egodocuments and History Series, 1), Leiden/ Boston 2009, Brill, XVII u. 553 S./Abb., € 107,00. In: Zeitschrift für
Historische Forschung 40/ 2 (2013), pp. 354–356. [→online access].
[26] Hanß, Stefan: Baggerman, Arianne/ Rudolf Dekker/ Michael Mascuch (Hrsg.), Controlling Time and Shaping the Self. Developments in
Autobiographical Writing since the Sixteenth Century (Egodocuments and History Series, 3), Leiden/ Boston 2011, Brill, XVII u. 541 S./Abb.,
€ 129,00. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 40/ 1 (2013), pp. 145–147. [→online access].
[27] Hanß, Stefan: Enenkel, Karl A. E./ Walter S. Melion (Hrsg.), Meditatio – Refashioning the Self. Theory and Practice in Late Medieval and
Early Modern Intellectual Culture (Intersections, 17), Leiden/ Boston 2011, Brill, XX u. 439 S./Abb., € 99,00. In: Zeitschrift für Historische
Forschung 40/ 1 (2013), pp. 100–102. [→online access].
[28] Hanß, Stefan: Blaak, Jeroen, Literacy in Everyday Life. Reading and Writing in Early Modern Dutch Diaries, übers. v. Beverley Jackson
(Egodocuments and History Series, 2), Leiden/ Boston 2009, Brill, xiv u. 422 S./ Abb., € 129,50. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 39/ 2
(2012), pp. 315–316. [→online access].
Conference proceedings
[29] Hanß, Stefan: Furcht und Liebe. Semantische Grenzen der Affekte und affektuelle Grenzen des Handelns in der europäischen
Vormoderne. In: Gabriele Metzler; Michael Wildt (eds.): Über Grenzen. 48. Deutscher Historikertag in Berlin 2010. Berichtsband. Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011, pp. 93–97. [→online access].
[30] Hanß, Stefan: Tagungsbericht HT 2010: Furcht und Liebe. Semantische Grenzen der Affekte und affektuelle Grenzen des Handelns in
der europäischen Vormoderne. 28.09.2010-01.10.2010, Berlin. In: H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die
Geschichtswissenschaften [23.10.2010], [→online access].
[31] Hanß, Stefan: Tagungsbericht Frühe Neue Zeiten. Zeitkonzepte zwischen Reformation und Revolution. 22.09.2010-24.09.2010, Mainz.
In: H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften [16.10.2010],
de/tagungsberichte/id=3317. [→online access].
Public history – communicating science
[32] Hanß, Stefan: Erstmals stand ich als Kind im Rokokosaal vor den weißfarbenen Büsten und alten Buchrücken […]. In: SupraLibros 15
(2014), p. 5. (part of the collective article “Warum wir Mitglied der Gesellschaft Anna Amalia Bibliothek sind”. In: Ibid., pp. 4–5). [→online
[33] radio broadcast interview “Seeschlacht von Lepanto (1571), die Heilige Liga besiegt die Osmanen” (by Tobias Mayer), transmission:
SR 2, 07/10/2011, 8.40 a.m.; WDR 5, “Zeitzeichen”, 07/10/2011, 09.05 a.m.; WDR 3, 07/10/2011, 5.45 p.m.; NDR Info, 07/10/2011,
8.15 p.m.
Wo r k i n p r o g r e s s
[34] Hanß, Stefan: Timing the Self in Sixteenth-Century Augsburg. Veit Konrad Schwarz (1541–61). (finished article manuscript).
[35] Hanß, Stefan: Hans Lochner, ein afrikanischer ‘Mordbrenner’ in Nürnberg im 16. Jahrhundert. Anmerkungen zu einer Spurensicherung.
(finished article manuscript).
[36] Hanß, Stefan: Captives, Scholars and the Beginnings of Ottoman Studies. Polyglottism and Transfer of Knowledge in the 17th Century.
(work in progress, article).
[37] Hanß, Stefan: Between Istanbul and Venice. A Family of Dragomans and Their Mediterranean Travels (1618–25). (work in progress,
source edition).
[38] Hanß, Stefan: Time and the Other. Wie ‚Geschichte‘ Zeit objektiviert. In: Traverse 23 (2016), H. 3 [Zeiterfahrung. Untersuchungen über
Beschleunigung und Entschleunigung von Geschichte] (work in progress, article).
[39] Hanß, Stefan/ Hayri G. Özkoray: An Ottoman Captive from the Battle of Lepanto and his Time in Italy. The Captivity Narrative of Hindî
Mahmûd. (work in progress, source edition).
[40] Hanß, Stefan: Anna Contadini; Claire Norton (eds.): The Renaissance and the Ottoman World, Farnham (Ashgate) 2013. In: Quellen
und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 94 (2014). (work in progress, review).
[41] Hanß, Stefan: Reinhard Lauer; Hans G. Majer (Hg.): Osmanen und Islam in Südosteuropa, Berlin; Boston (de Gruyter) 2014
(Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge 24). In: Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven
und Bibliotheken 94 (2014). (work in progress, review).
[42] Hanß, Stefan: Andrea Pelizza: Riammessi a respirare l’aria tranquilla. Venezia e il riscatto degli schiavi in età moderna. (Istituto Veneto di
Scienze, Lettere ed Arti). Venedig 2013. 579 S. In: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung. (work in progress, review).
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
Middle High German
mother tongue
proficient user – DAAD language certificate (C2), study abroad and internship at London (UK),
international research stays and conference presentations, school exchange (USA), lessons at school
proficient user – DAAD language certificate, study abroad at Venice (IT), internship at Rome (IT),
various research stays in Italy, lessons at university
independent user – Eurocentres certificate de langue française, research stays in France
independent user – autodidactic studies, research stays at Spain
independent user – Latinum (certificate of proficiency through the German Abitur)
independent user – academic immersion courses for beginners and advanced students,
Free University of Berlin (GER)
basic user – academic immersion course for beginners, Free University of Berlin (GER)
Fritz Thyssen Foundation
▪ 03/2015 – 07/2015: “Herzog Ernst Postdoctoral Fellow”, Research Centre Gotha, University of
Erfurt (GER)
German National Academic
Foundation (“Studienstiftung”)
▪ 02/2013 – 04/2013: scholarship for studies abroad, Italy
▪ 11/2011 – 10/2014: PhD scholarship
▪ 10/2010 – 02/2011: scholarship for studies abroad, UK
▪ 09/2009 – 04/2011: special grant, member of the research group “Historical Breaks and their
Perception”, Prof Alexander Gallus (Rostock), Prof Peter Burschel (Berlin), Prof Axel
Schildt (Hamburg)
▪ 08/2007 – 09/2007: scholarship for studying French, Amboise (FRA)
▪ 11/2006 – 07/2011: scholarship for university studies (merit)
German Historical Institute
Rome (IT)
German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD)
“Operation Czech Republic –
Secondary school “Johann
Gutenberg”, Erfurt (GER)
▪ 03/2012 – 05/2012: research scholarship for PhD students
Rotary Club “Krämerbrücke”,
Erfurt (GER)
▪ 2006: competition of rhetoric, 3rd place
▪ 02/2009 – 05/2009: scholarship “short-term research stays for thesis”, Venice (IT)
▪ 10/2008: travel grant for conference participation
▪ 06/2006: “silver ginkgo leaf” (merit award for the best German essay of the year’s A levels graduates)
▪ 06/2006: special award for the 3-years-thesis at school on “China: A New World Power?”
Bachelor seminars
Bachelor tutorial seminar
Subsidiary teaching experience
▪ “Clothing in the Early Modern Period”, Free University of Berlin (GER), summer term 2014
▪ “‘But when he bought me (…)’. Muslim-Christian Slavery in the Early Modern Period”, joint with
Prof Claudia Ulbrich, Free University of Berlin (GER), summer term 2013
▪ “Introduction to Cultural Studies. Theories, Sources, Methods”, joint with Kristin Dewitz,
Free University of Berlin, winter term 2008/2009
▪ Guest lecturer for a lesson on methods (“Events in History: The Case of the Battle of Lepanto”) in the
B.A. lecture “Heilsgeschichte to Universalgeschichte” (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen,
summer term 2015, Prof Renate Dürr)
▪ one joint lesson on early modern slavery of the M.A. lecture “The Coming of Blue into the World.
A Global History of the Early Modern Period” (Free University of Berlin, summer term 2013,
Prof Claudia Jarzebowski)
▪ two joint lessons of the B.A. seminar “Introduction to Cultural Studies. Theories, Sources, Methods”
(Free University of Berlin, winter term 2008/2009, Prof Michaela Hohkamp)
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
[1] International workshop “‘History of Time’: Perceptions and Practices of Time, ca. 1400–1700” (21/06/2013), Free University of
Berlin (GER)
[2] International and interdisciplinary conference “Transcultural Perspectives on Late Medieval and Early Modern Slavery in the
Mediterranean” (12/09/2012–15/09/2012), University of Zurich (CH)
 organised with Dr Juliane Schiel (Zurich); advisory committee: Prof William G. Clarence-Smith (London), Prof Ulrich Rudolph (Zurich),
Prof Sven Trakulhun (Zurich), Prof Simon Teuscher (Zurich), Prof Claudia Ulbrich (Berlin)
 Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAGW), Fritz Thyssen
Foundation, Zurich Historical Seminar (UZH), University Research Priority Program ‘Asia and Europe’ (UZH), Competence Centre
‘Zürcher Mediävistik’ (UZH), Zurich Association of the Non-Professional Academic Staff (VAUZ, UZH), Zurich Academic Foundation
(UZH), Zurich Academic Association (ZUNIV)
[1] UNIVERSITY OF DÜSSELDORF (GER), “A Temporal History of the Battle of Lepanto”, accepted talk at the conference “Army and Time in the
Early Modern Period”, 10/09/2015–11/09/2015
[2] ROYAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY LONDON (UK), “Mapping the Battle of Lepanto: Geographies of Connected Histories”, accepted talk at the
“International Conference for Historical Geographers”, 05/07/2015–10/07/2015
[3] RESEARCH CENTRE GOTHA (GER), “Captives, Scholars and the Beginnings of Ottoman Studies: Polyglottism and Transfer of Knowledge in
the 17th Century”, spring 2015.
[4] UNIVERSITY OF TÜBINGEN (GER), “The Battle of Lepanto as a Historical Event”, Colloquium of Early Modern History, Prof Renate Dürr,
[5] HERZOG ANTON ULRICH MUSEUM BRUNSWICK (GER), “On Veit Conrad Schwarz’s Notions of Time”, International Workshop “The Fashion
Books of Matthäus and Veit Conrad Schwarz: The Self between Representation and Intimacy (16th Century)”, 25/07/2014
[6] UNIVERSITY OF BASLE (CH), “Between Constantinople and Venice: The Travelogue of a Venetian Dragoman (1618)”, Colloquium of Early
Modern History, Prof Lucas Burkart, Prof Susanna Burghartz, Prof Claudia Opitz-Belakhal, 23/04/2014
[7] CENTRE FOR JEWISH STUDIES BERLIN (GER), “‘turchi, hebrei leuantini, Et altri sudditi turcheschi’: ‘Türkenfurcht’, Muslims, Jews and
Orthodox Believers in Venice (ca. 1565–75)”, 06/02/2014
[8] UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE (UK), “The Battle of Lepanto: A Victory’s Materiality”, Early Modern European History Seminar, 28/11/2013
[9] UNIVERSITY OF ERFURT (GER), “‘such mocking hurt us much more than the actual captivity’: Beard Shavings in Early Modern Captivity
Narratives of the Mediterranean and Atlantic World”, Colloquium of Early Modern History, Prof Susanne Rau, 17/07/2013
[10] FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN (GER), “Time and Self in the Costume Book of Veit Konrad Schwarz (1541–61)”, Workshop “‘History of
Time’: Perceptions and Practices of Time, ca. 1400–1700”, 21/06/2013
[11] PERA MUSEUM ISTANBUL (TR), “‘The Catholic Ambassador will Sing the Mass’: Ambassadorial Service and Venetian Festivities after the
Battle of Lepanto (1571)”, international symposium of the Don Juan Archive of Vienna “Culture of Politics or Cultural Politics: Ambassadors
as Cultural Actors in the Ottoman-European Relations”, 13/06/2013–14/06/2013 (read in absence)
[12] UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG (GER), “‘come fusserò reliquie’: Flags and Communication after the Battle of Lepanto (1571)”, Early Modern
History Seminar, Prof Manfred Rudersdorf, 30/01/2013
[13] FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN (GER), “Taken Captives and Becoming Slaves: Muslim Slaves from the Battle of Lepanto (1571)”,
Colloquium of Early Modern History and Historical Anthropology, Prof Claudia Ulbrich, Prof Claudia Jarzebowski, Dr Sebastian Kühn,
[14] UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH (CH), “Slaves from the Battle of Lepanto: A Chapter of the History of Enslaved Muslims in Sixteenth-Century
Rome”, Conference “Transcultural Perspectives on Late Medieval and Early Modern Slavery in the Mediterranean”, 13/09/2012
[15] PRINCETON UNIVERSITY (US), “Spatial Topologies of Reading in Classical Weimar? The Ducal Library, the Organization of Knowledge,
and the Lending Library’s Users around 1800”, Princeton German Department Graduate Conference “Topologies of Reading”, 30/03/2012
[16] UNIVERSITY OF BONN (GER), “The Battle of Lepanto (1571) – ‘transcultural’? Reflections on Perspectives of Translations”, Doctoral
Colloquium “Writing Transnational History: Problems of Methods, Empiricism and Textual Representation”, 12/01/2012–14/01/2012
[17] UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA (AT), “‘veder spettacolo così raro’: Roman Festivities after the Battle of Lepanto”, jour fixe of the Institute of Early
Modern Studies (IEFN), 15/06/2011
[18] UNIVERSITY OF VECHTA (GER), “Udienza and Dīwān-ı Humāyūn: Veneto-Ottoman Audiences in the 16th and 17th Century”, Workshop
“Transcultural Audiences: Ritualised Communication and Performed Encounters in the Early Modern Period”, Prof Peter Burschel,
Prof Christine Vogel, 04/03/2011
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Curriculum Vitae (February 2015)
Stefan Hanß
[19] GERMAN NATIONAL ACADEMIC FOUNDATION, BERLIN (GER), “Reformation and Revolution as Performed Breaks? Interpreting ‘1500’ and
‘1800’ between the Weimar Republic and the Students’ Revolt”, conference “Geisteswissenschaftliches Kolleg”, 28/09/2010
[20] SOUTH BOHEMIAN UNIVERSITY OF ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE (CZ), “Giovanni and Mustafa: Perceptions of Ottomans in Early Modern Venice
(1550–1600)”, Colloquium of Early Modern History, Prof Václav Bůžek, 19/10/2009
[21] GERMAN NATIONAL ACADEMIC FOUNDATION, BERLIN (GER), “‘(…) temporarily, here, and eternally, there (…). Amen’: Reflections on the ‘Past
Future’ of Reinhart Koselleck in Regard to a Self Narrative Written by an Early Modern Blue-Dyer from Erfurt’”, conference
“Geisteswissenschaftliches Kolleg, 29/09/2009
[22] DUCHESS ANNA AMALIA LIBRARY, WEIMAR (GER), “Private Library, Historical Untrimmed Book Sheet (‘Rohbogen’) and Past Readers”,
Member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Global Slavery” (Brill Publishers, to be released)
Member of the editorial board of the book series “Hilâl: studi turchi e ottomani”, ed. by Maria P. Pedani (Venice) and Elisabetta Ragagnin
(Cambridge). [→online access].
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