Mycological Nomenclature - International Association for Plant


Mycological Nomenclature - International Association for Plant
Mycological Nomenclature
Source: Taxon, Vol. 22, No. 2/3 (May, 1973), pp. 321-322
Published by: International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT)
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Accessed: 13/04/2014 08:29
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1925 hat Miss M. E. J. Chandler Frucht und Samen einer fossilen Aracee aus
England als Campylospermumhordwellensisbeschrieben.Doch bereits 1902 vergab van Tieghem den Namen Campylospermumfiir eine Ochnacee.
Da es sich bei CampylospermumM. E. J. Chandlerum ein jiingeresHomonym
handelt, muf ein neuerName
nov.- CampylospermumM. E. J. Chandler,The
CyrtospermitesBogner nom.
Upper Eocene Flora of Hordle, Hants., pt. 1. PalaeontographicalSociety 1923:
16, fig. 4, pl. 1, fig. 6a - c (1925).
Cyrtospermites hordwellensis(M. E. J. Chandler)Bogner comb. nov. CampylospermumhordwellensisM. E. J. Chandler,l.c.
Der Name Cyrtospermitesist nach der lebenden Gattung CyrtospermaGriff.
gebildet, auf grund der Ahnlichkeitder fossilen Fruchtund Samen.
C. FARRON 1965 - Les Genres Rhabdophyllum van Tiegh. et Campylosperum van Tiegh.
en Afrique Tropicale. Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxelles 35: 389-405.
PH. VAN TIEGHEM1902 - Setouratee, Campylosperme et Bisetaire, trois genres nouveaux
d'Ochnacees.J. Bot. (Morot) 16: 35, 40.
J. BOGNER(Miinchen BRD)
Aegilops biuncialis Vis., Fl. Dalm. 3: 344 (1852) is the generally accepted name
of a commonly known species. However, Bor (1970) pointed out that Ae. lorentii
Hochst. antedates Ae. biuncialis. In view of what Bowden (1959) and Morris and
Sears (1967) say the name of Ae. lorentii must be Triticum lorentii (Hochst.)
Zeven nov. comb. (basionym Aegilops lorentii Hochstetter, Flora 28: 25. 1845).
Its type sheet is at the University of Tiibingen (TUB) Bor 1970).
BOR, N. L. 1970 - Gramineae. In: Flora Iranica (ed. K. H. Rechinger) Graz, Lief. 70,
W. M. I959 - Canad. J. Bot. 37: 657-684.
In: Wheat and Wheat Improvement (Eds. K. S.
MORRIS, R. and SEARS, E. R. 1967 -
Quisenberryand L. P. Reitz). Amer. Soc. Agron., Inc. Madison, Agron. Ser. 13: 1987A. C. ZEVEN,
Mycologists and lichenologists should note that a standing Nomenclature Committee has been established by the International Mycological Association to study
specific problems in the application of the Code of Nomenclature to fungi (including lichen-forming species), and to propose changes in the Code at the 1975
Botanical Congress. Actively interested persons are encouraged to serve on one
or more Special Committees, each devoted to study of a specific problem. Five
areas of concern have already been identified at the First International Mycological
Congress in Exeter in 1971; these Special Committees are being organized now, and
mycologists willing to serve on these Committees should notify the Nomenclature
Secretariat as soon as possible so that they may be appointed as members: (1)
i. Institute of Plant Breeding, Lawickse Allee 166, Wageningen,Netherlands.
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Revision of Art. 59 on pleomorphic fungi; (2) Designation of living materials as
types in fungi; (3) Registry of new names and of proposals for conservation; (4)
Unification of starting-point dates and problems of overlap of groups with different starting dates; (5) Provision for handling infraspecific taxa not now covered
by the Code. Other problems that deserve study should be brought to the attention
of the Secretariat, which may then establish additional Committees to study such
Mycologists may correspond with any member of the Secretariat for further
information, or to contribute opinions on any problems of nomenclature. Those
desiring to propose their names for membership on Special Committees should
notify the Chairman of the Secretariat.
I. M. A. Nomenclature Committee Secretariat:
R. P. Korf (Chairman), Plant Pathology Herbarium, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
14850, USA.
D. L. Hawksworth, Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Ferry Lane, Kew, Surrey
TW9 3AF, England.
G. L. Hennebert, Lab. Mycologie Syst. et Appl., U.C.L., Parc d'Arenberg, B-3030
Heverlee, Belgium.
Z. Pouzar, Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences, 252 43 Pruhonice near Praha,
D. P. Rogers, Departmentof Botany, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 618oi, USA.
L. K. Weresub,Plant Research Institute, Central ExperimentalFarm, Ottawa, Ontario,
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