No 20 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School


No 20 Telopea Topics - Telopea Park School
Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.20 – 11 December 2015
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Welcome to the last Telopea Topics for 2015.
End of year events
This has been a good term for our students with many excelling in their studies. Our Year 10 students left us at the end of week
8, Friday 4th December. We wish them well as they move onto the colleges of their choice, although the majority will be at
Narrabundah College in 2016. We know that their time at Telopea has set them up extremely well for their future studies. For
some, this is the end of an 11 year journey – a significant part of their lives. The Year 10 Formal was last Tuesday, always an
evening of high fashion and glamour! Year 10 Graduation was last Monday, a time to celebrate the end of being students at
Telopea Park School and to wish them well for their future endeavours. The Presentation Night for Years 7-10 will be on
Thursday 17th December at 9.30am. Please note that this is a change in date and time from previously advised. As always, it will
be a time to reward our students for their endeavours and excellence in many fields. We also look forward to the Year 6
Graduation and Award Presentation morning on Monday 14th December.
It is with pleasure that I announce the school captains for 2016. They will be Aisha Wood-Amin and Punjaya Wickramasinghe.
We wish them well for their leadership journey and we look forward to working with them.
Thank you to the P&C
It is timely for me to thank the P&C for the organisation and running of the annual fête, La Grande Fête. The staff and I thank
them sincerely for their commitment to the school, from which of course the children benefit. The fête is a Canberra event
valued by many both within the school and from the Canberra community.
It is timely also, with my last report for the year, to thank Paul Haesler the P&C president and his loyal P&C team for their hard
work behind the scenes in winning back the tennis courts for the school. We are much supported by their actions and the
students, of course, are the winners!
School Exchanges and International Travel
Last week, I travelled to Nouméa with Emmanuel, to set up partnerships with two schools with which our students will exchange
in 2016 and into the future. They are
Collège George Baudoux for the Year 6
students’ exchange, and Lycée Jules
Garnier for Year 10 and 11 students.
14 December 9.05am
Primary Awards and Year 6 Graduation
At this time of year we are also
planning for the Secondary Exchange
with Lycée Internationale de Grenoble
for our students in March/April and for
their students to return to us later in
the year. We are watching the
international safety codes closely and
will only travel when DFAT deems it
safe to do so.
15 December 10.00am-2.30pm
Year 5 and Year 6 swim and Picnic Day
16 December 11.00am-12.00pm
Year 6 Farewell Assembly
16 December 3.05pm
Year 7-9 Reports Distributed
17 December 9.30am-11.00am
Year 7-10 Presentation Ceremony
17 December
Primary Reports Distributed
Other international travel includes the
World Challenge trip to Mongolia in
18 December
Last Day Term 4
Notice has also been sent out to students in the Secondary Band programs for expressions of interest to travel to France and
Belgium in 2017 in commemoration of the battles of WW1. This will be a follow-up trip from the one last year.
Staff leaving
As the end of the year approaches, we will be saying farewell to many students
and some staff. Teachers leaving are:
In Primary:
Trish Connor (retiring)
In Secondary:
Andrew Murphy in English
Jack Spahr in the Arts and English
Term 4 2015
12 October – 18 December
Term 1 2016
1 February – 10 April
Term 2 2016
26 April – 1 July
Term 3 2016
18 July – 23 September
Matthew Nogrady in English
Stacey Tindall in PE and Health
Meredith Box (on leave for 6 months)
Annmarie Power in Languages (on leave for one term)
Tanya Phillips (on leave for one term)
Best wishes to all our teachers who are leaving. We wish them well in their future endeavours and thank them for their
commitment to our students over the years.
Communication and collaboration
Our students have been supported and encouraged by parents and carers, so it is at this time of year that we say thank you to
our many volunteers in the school. A thank you breakfast will be held on Tuesday 15 December at 8.30am. Your children benefit
from our working in a partnership to best support their educational needs, and we sincerely value this and thank you for your
commitment to the school.
Thank you sincerely to the P&C for the allocation of money on the Wish List. These funds are used wisely to enhance the
education of every child.
Student reports
Primary reports will be sent home with your children on Thursday 17 December.
Secondary reports will be sent home with students on Wednesday 16 December.
As is always the case, if you do not receive your child’s report, please contact the school and another copy will be prepared for
I wish you all happy and safe holidays at the end of the school year. Thank you for your support throughout the year.
encourage you all to communicate and collaborate with us next year so that our partnership actively supports your children.
I look forward to working with you in 2016.
Kind regards
Kerrie Blain
Voici le dernier Telopea Topics de l’année 2015.
Evénements de fin d’année
Ce fut un bon trimestre pour nos élèves, qui furent nombreux à obtenir d’excellents résultats scolaires. Nos élèves d’Année 10
nous ont quittés en fin de semaine 8, le vendredi 4 décembre. Nous leur souhaitons le meilleur pour 2016 dans leur nouvel
établissement, la majorité d’entre eux rejoignant Narrabundah College. Nous savons que leur scolarité à Telopea les a très bien
préparés pour leurs futures études. Pour certains, c’est la fin d’un parcours de 11 années – une grande partie de leur vie. Le Bal
des Années 10 a eu lieu mardi dernier, une soirée très glamour et mode! La cérémonie de remise des diplômes des Années 10 a
eu lieu lundi dernier, l’occasion de fêter la fin de leurs études à Telopea et de leur souhaiter tous nos meilleurs voeux de réussite
dans leurs réalisations futures. La remise des prix aux élèves d’Années 7 à 10 aura lieu le jeudi 17 décembre à ….. Merci de bien
vouloir noter que la date et l’heure de la cérémonie ont changé par rapport à ce qui était initialement prévu. Comme toujours, ce
sera l’occasion de féliciter nos élèves pour leurs réalisations et leurs excellents résultats dans de nombreux domaines. Nous
sommes également impatients d’assister à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes et des prix des élèves de Sixième qui aura lieu
le lundi 14 décembre.
J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer que les Capitaines de l’Ecole pour l’année 2016 ont été élus. Ce sont : Aisha Wood-Amin (EFS) et
Punjaya Wickramasinghe (courant australien).
Nous leur souhaitons beaucoup de succès et nous nous réjouissons à la perspective de travailler avec eux
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Remerciements à l’Association des Parents d’élèves P&C
Je remercie tardivement l’Association des Parents d’élèves P&C pour avoir organisé et mené notre kermesse annuelle, La Grande
Fête. Le personnel et moi-même les remercions sincèrement pour leur engagement auprès de l’école, engagement dont les
enfants bénéficient bien sûr. La kermesse est un événement très apprécié à la fois des membres de la communauté scolaire et
de la communauté de Canberra.
C’est également tardivement que je remercie, par l’intermédiaire de mon dernier rapport de l’année, Paul Haesler et son équipe
loyale du P&C pour avoir récupéré les terrains de tennis de l’école grâce à leur travail de longue haleine. Ce sont, au final, nos
élèves qui sont gagnants!
Echanges scolaires et voyages
La semaine dernière, je me suis rendue à Nouméa avec Emmanuel pour signer un accord de jumelage avec deux établissements
et avec lesquels nous organiserons un échange pour nos élèves en 2016 et au-delà. Il s’agit du Collège Georges Baudoux pour
l’échange avec nos élèves de Sixième et le Lycée Jules Garnier pour l’échange avec nos élèves de Seconde et Première.
C’est également le moment de l’année où nous préparons l’échange de nos élèves du Secondaire avec le Lycée International de
Grenoble prévu en mars/avril et la venue des élèves grenoblois un peu plus tard dans l’année. Nous examinons les consignes de
sécurité internationale très attentivement et ne déciderons de partir que lorsque DFAT jugera que nous pouvons le faire en toute
D’autres déplacements à l’étranger auront lieu, comme le voyage de World Challenge en Mongolie au mois de Juin et Juillet.
Une note d’information a été remise aux élèves des orchestres du Secondaire pour les familles qui seraient intéressées par le
voyage en France et en Belgique en 2017 à l’occasion des commémorations des batailles de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Ce
voyage fait suite au voyage de l’an dernier.
Alors que la fin de l’année approche, nous dirons au revoir à de nombreux élèves et à quelques enseignants. Parmi eux:
Au Primaire:
Trish Connor qui partira en retraite
Au Secondaire:
Andrew Murphy (Anglais)
Jack Spahr (Arts et Anglais)
Matthew Nogrady (Anglais)
Stacey Tindall (EPS)
Meredith Box (en congé pour 6 mois)
Annmarie Power (Espagnol) en congé pour un trimestre
Tanya Phillips en congé pour un trimestre
Tous nos meilleurs voeux aux enseignants qui nous quittent. Nous leur souhaitons toute la réussite possible dans leurs
entreprises futures.
Communication et collaboration
Nos élèves ont obtenu tout le soutien et les encouragements de leurs parents/tuteurs, c’est pour cette raison qu’à cette époque
de l’année nous souhaitons remercier tous nos nombreux volontaires. Un petit-déjeuner de remerciement aura lieu le mardi 15
décembre à 8h30. Vos enfants tirent un grand bénéfice du travail de partenariat que nous réalisons pour leurs besoins éducatifs.
Nous apprécions énormément ce partenariat et vous remercions pour votre implication dans notre école.
Nous remercions sincèrement l’Association des Parents d’élèves P&C pour l’attribution de fonds pour la liste de souhaits des
enseignants. Ces fonds sont utilisés à bon escient afin d’améliorer l’éducation de chaque enfant.
Bulletins semestriels
Les bulletins des élèves du Primaire ont été remis à vos enfants cette semaine. Les bulletins du Secondaire seront remis aux
élèves le mercredi 16 décembre. Comme d’habitude, si vous ne recevez pas le bulletin de votre enfant, veuillez contacter l’école
afin qu’un nouvel exemplaire soit préparé.
Je vous souhaite à tous d’excellentes vacances sûres et reposantes à la fin de l’année scolaire. Un grand merci pour votre
soutien continu tout au long de l’année. Je vous encourage, l’année prochaine, à communiquer et collaborer avec nous afin que
notre partenariat soutienne votre enfant.
Je serai heureuse de pouvoir travailler avec vous en 2016
Sincères salutations,
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Kerrie Blain
The Year Book for 2015 can be purchased from the Finance Office for $25.00. It is not yet available.
However, to reserve your copy, you can pre-pay at the Finance Office.
Thank you Breakfast for our 2015 Telopea Volunteers
As a sign of our appreciation for the many hours you have volunteered, listening to students read, covering library books,
establishing the school garden and saving Montgomery Oval
You are invited to breakfast in the Staff Common Room on Tuesday 15 December from 8.30-9.15am
Petit-déjeuner des volontaires de Telopea 2015
Pour vous exprimer notre reconnaissance pour les nombreuses heures que vous avez consacrées bénévolement à faire lire nos
élèves, couvrir les livres de la bibliothèque, entretenir le jardin de l’école et sauver l’Oval Montgomery…
Nous vous invitons à un petit-déjeuner organisé dans la grande salle des professeurs le mardi 15 décembre de
8h30 à 9h15.
The playground committee is happy to announce that we are one of the 8 finalists and therefore WON a free landscape design in
the “My Park Rules” competition. So this is an excellent news for our school.
The next phase of this project is to meet with the architects and help them design the best “hang out” area suited for our
students. The best design, out of the 8 finalists, will get their zone build for FREE. If you are interested in participating in this
great opportunity to create and design please send us an email.
We also would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their invaluable help:
Michele McLoughlin (Deputy Principal), Mary De Poorter (Teacher), Noni See (Youth Support Worker) and
Hedvig Selmeczki (School Admin).
The Students: Ciara Honey and Andrew Brown (actors), Josie Biggs, Punjaya Wickramasinghe and Aisha Wood (support)
Nelson Paris D’Abela (editing of video)
Our Publicists Extraordinaire: Debbie Tucek, Anita Gardner and Stassia Saad
We also thank the parents and carers who took the time to vote.
Manon Gosselin
Sophie Burton
Charmaine Sisomphou
Kirsty Bunfield
Helen Hai
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As at 8/12/15
NB 2017 France and Belgium tour: THU 21 SEP 2017 – THU 5 OCT 2017 FOR YR 8-10 BAND MEMBERS (WIND
Wednesday 3 February
Thursday 4 February
Friday 6 February
Tuesday 16 February
Thursday 11(after school) - Sat 13 February
Saturday February 27
Thursday 5 May – Sat 7 May
Thursday 19 May
Saturday 21 May
8.00am Before School Wind Ensemble (non-Year 7)
8.00 Yr7 Before School Band (Year 7 EFS and Australian Stream)
Before School Jazz Band first rehearsal
Boot Camp (all day). Year 8-10 Wind Ensemble Members
Jazz Retreat at Burrinjuck
Canberra Show TBC (all bands)
Band Camp TBC All band members.
Year 7 members on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th May only.
National Eisteddfod, Jazz Band only – late afternoon, TBC.
National Eisteddfod TBC, all band members, morning only
Band Course Costs and Materials (from Course Outlines):
Costs: $45 per student for the semester if the student possesses their own instrument.
$90 per semester for students using a school instrument.
$60 per semester for students using school drums, school guitars or keyboards.
This term, our Pastoral Group (8.9) participated in service and action. We
decided to help the “Do it in a Dress” campaign, which aims to help girls in
Sierra Leone and Uganda get an education. We put up posters around the
school, presented at assembly and in Week 7 we held a Mufti Day together
with the Interact Club with a BBQ and a biscuit decorating stall. We ended up
raising $1,084, which will allow 3 girls to attend school. Thank-you for your
support! If you would like to donate to our cause, please visit
Cutts-Mairal and Seraphina Nicholls (8.9)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those parents who have generously volunteered their time throughout the year
across a range of activities. We are most grateful to those parents of students in years K-2 who regularly listen to the children
read in both French and English, but also to those parents who have sacrificed a day off in order to support our literacy program.
A number of parents have also supported Sarah Buckley in the establishment of the school garden which has become a
significant component of our Sustainability and Healthy Eating Programs. Others have covered library books, helped out with
carnivals and supported the School Fete.
Thank you Breakfast for TPS Volunteers:
Tuesday 15 December commencing at 8.30am and concluding at 9.15am. The event will be held in the Staff Common Room at
the front of the School.
Highlights of 2015:
It’s been a particularly busy year and I would like to thank the staff for the time they have dedicated to organising and then
running a number of enrichment opportunities for our students. Some highlights include:
Harmony Day
Year 3-6 Camps to Birrigai, Cooma, the South Coast and Milson Island
The lunchtime soccer tournament
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The Gateways Maths and Science excursions
Book Week Celebrations
The Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
Lunchtime craft activities
SRC Fundraisers such as Pirate Day and the Big Book Swap
The year 3-6 Concert
Two performances by the Junior Choir at the invitation of the National Archives of Australia
The K-4 Dancing at the fete
Highly successful performance in Wakkakiri
The recent K-2 Concert
The Governor General’s Fun Sports Day
The Teddy Bears’ Picnic at the Botanic Gardens
Classroom Moves
In line with the commencement of 2016 school year we will establish bilingual classrooms from Kindergarten to year 4. Years 5
and 6 have been operating this way all year. This will mean that students will not have to change classrooms for their English
day (K-2) or halfway through the week (years 3-6). As the space is shared by both their teachers, students will be surrounded
by the print of both languages and this will support the acquisition of both French and English and the switching between the two
Another change involves relocating year one classes to what is currently the year 3 corridor and moving year 3 classes to the
current year one corridor. This will support the transition from Kindergarten to year one and create a more logical layout within
the school. This move is scheduled to occur on the weekend of 12 December so if you are delivering or collecting students the
change will be apparent in week 10.
House Captains for 2016
On Friday 4 December, the students in years 2-6 met to elect the 2016 Sports Captains and their Vice Captains. Congratulations
to the following students:
Campbell Captains: Georgie Barns and Marc-Andre Beauvais
Vice-Captains: Jaiden Barriga and Demi De Andrade
Farrer Captains: Emma Gane and James Hawes
Vice- Captains: Tatiana Knott and Nicholas Grandy
Moore Captains: LouAnn Oillic and Jude Roach
Vice- Captains: Anna Marris and Francois Levitt
Throsby Captains: Celestina Ysusqui-Bothwick and Kami Schmutz
Vice Captains: Aline Souksavat and Kalman Thoms
ICACS English Results:
The results for the ICACS English paper have also been received and students have been issued with their certificates over the
last week. Congratulations to the following students:
ICACs Writing Results
Year 2:
Lily Bowman
Imogen Burge
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Ella Roberts
Coen Storer
Emma Piva
Carla Tenthorey
Leon Thoms
Jamila Viney
Year 3:
Maxim Gutman
High Distinction
Mia Harris
Rebecca Kriticos
Connor Lineen
Portia McKay
Arushi Rao
Year 4:
Caitlin Power: Distinction
Year 5:
Zara Ford
Atticus Forsyth-Lacrampe
Lucy Hatch
Adrian Lehane
Kalman Thoms
Science Workshops
During the past two weeks the students from Kindergarten through to year 6 have had the opportunity to participate in a
number of science workshops being delivered by the students from 5.1. The feedback from the visiting students has been most
positive and I would like to Thank Valerie Sharpe for this initiative which has grown out of her extension science classes. The
year 5 students have impressed us with their focus and dedication to their experiments, their ability to adapt their language to
the age of their audience and their willingness to not only prepare but also clean up after their presentations.
OfficeMax Bookpacks
The order forms and log on details were sent home last Thursday. Once again, I apologise for the delay but it was not of our
making. In order to take advantage of free delivery to your home you must order online by 10 December.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday
Robin Egerton
Deputy Principal
Je profite de l’occasion qui m’est donnée pour remercier tous les parents volontaires qui ont généreusement donné de leur temps
cette année pour participer à un certain nombre d’activités. Nous sommes très reconnaissants envers les parents de nos élèves
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de Maternelle à CE1 qui viennent régulièrement faire lire les enfants en français et en anglais, mais également envers les parents
qui ont offert une journée pour soutenir notre programme d’anglais. Certains parents ont également aidé Sarah Buckley à
entretenir le jardin de l’école, qui est devenu un élément très important de nos programmes de Développement Durable et de
Manger Sainement. D’autres encore ont aidé à couvrir les livres de la bibliothèque.
Petit-Déjeuner des volontaires de Telopea
Il aura lieu le mardi 15 décembre de 8h30 à 9h15 dans la grande salle des professeurs située près de l’entrée de l’école.
Temps forts de l’année 2015:
Cette année a été particulièrement bien remplie et je souhaite remercier le personnel pour le temps qu’il a consacré à organiser
et mener les nombreux projets enrichissants pour nos élèves. Nous pouvons citer:
La Journée de l’Harmonie
Les camps des classes de CE2 à Sixième à Birrigai, à Cooma, sur la Côte du Sud et à Milton Island.
Le Tournoi de football sur la pause méridienne
Les sorties Science et Mathématiques Gateways
Les Fêtes du Livre
Le Défi Lecture du Chief Minister
Les activités artistiques sur la pause méridienne
Les collectes de fonds du SRC comme La Journée des Pirates ou le projet “Echangeons nos livres”.
Le concert des élèves des classes de CE2 à Sixième
Les deux représentations de la chorale du Primaire à l’invitation des Archives Nationales de l’Australie
Les danses des élèves des classes de Maternelle à CM1 à la kermesse de l’école
Le spectacle magnifique de Wakkakiri
La Bandstravaganza
Le récent concert des élèves des classes de Maternelle à CE1
La Journée Sports et Divertissements du Gouverneur Général
Le pique-nique des Nounours aux Jardins Botaniques
Changements concernant les classes
A partir du début de l’année scolaire 2016, nous allons mettre en place des classes bilingues de la Grande Section de Maternelle
au CM1. Les classes de CM2 et de Sixième ont déjà fonctionné sur ce même principe cette année. Cela signifie que les élèves
n’auront plus à changer de classe pour leur journée d’anglais (classes de Maternelle à CE1) ou au cours de la semaine (classes
de CE2 à Sixième). Comme les classes seront partagées par les deux enseignants, les élèves bénéficieront d’un environnement
totalement bilingue avec des supports visuels dans les deux langues. Cela facilitera l’acquisition des deux langues, le français et
l’anglais, et le passage d’une langue à l’autre.
Un autre changement majeur concerne le déplacement des salles de classe de Maternelle et de CE2. Les classes de Maternelle
seront déplacées dans le couloir des classes de CE2 et inversement. Cela facilitera, pour nos élèves, le passage de la Maternelle
au CP et créera une disposition des classes plus logique au sein de l’école. Ce changement s’opérera au cours du week-end du 12
décembre. Vous pourrez le constater en semaine 10 lorsque vous déposerez ou récupérerez vos enfants à l’école.
Capitaines par Maison 2016
Vendredi 4 décembre, les élèves de CE1 à Sixième ont élu leurs Capitaines pour le Sport et leurs Vice-Capitaines pour 2016.
Félicitations aux élèves suivants :
Capitaines de Campbell: Georgie Barns et Marc-Andre Beauvais
Vice-Capitaines : Jaiden Barriga et Demi De Andrade
Capitaines de Farrer: Emma Gane et James Hawes
Vice-Capitaines : Tatiana Knott et Nicholas Grandy
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Capitaines de Moore: LouAnn Oillic et Jude Roach
Vice-Capitaines : Anna Marris et Francois Levitt
Capitaines de Throsby: Celestina Ysusqui-Bothwick et Kami Schmutz
Vice-Capitaines : Aline Souksavat et Kalman Thoms
Résultats des épreuves d’anglais de l’ICACS
Nous avons reçu les résultats aux épreuves d’anglais de l’ICACS et avons remis les diplômes aux élèves la semaine dernière.
Toutes nos félicitations aux élèves suivants :
Lily Bowman
Assez Bien
Imogen Burge
Assez Bien
Ella Roberts
Très Bien
Coen Storer
Assez Bien
Emma Piva
Très Bien
Carla Tenthorey
Assez Bien
Leon Thoms
Jamila Viney
Assez Bien
Maxim Gutman
Haute Distinction
Mia Harris
Assez Bien
Rebecca Kriticos
Très Bien
Connor Lineen
Portia McKay
Assez Bien
Arushi Rao
Assez Bien
Caitlin Power
Très Bien
Zara Ford
Assez Bien
Atticus Forsyth-Lacrampe
Lucy Hatch
Adrian Lehane
Très Bien
Kalman Thoms
Assez Bien
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Ateliers Sciences
Au cours des deux dernières semaines, les élèves des classes de Maternelle à Sixième ont eu la chance de participer à des
ateliers organisés par les élèves de la classe de CM2.1. Le retour que nous avons pu avoir des élèves en charge des ateliers est
extrêmement positif et je tiens à remercier Valerie Sharpe pour cette initiative née de ses classes de Sciences Renforcées. Nous
avons été impressionnés par l’attention et le dévouement des élèves de CM2 nécessaires au bon déroulement des expériences,
leur capacité à adapter leur discours à l’âge de leur public et leur empressement à préparer leurs expériences et à nettoyer le
matériel par la suite.
Liste des fournitures OfficeMax
Vous avez reçu jeudi dernier le bulletin de commande et les informations pour vous connecter sur le site OfficeMax. Une fois
encore, je m’excuse pour le retard, indépendant de notre volonté. De façon à pouvoir bénéficier de la livraison gratuite à
domicile vous devez passer votre commande le 10 décembre au plus tard.
Vous souhaitant d’excellentes vacances reposantes
Robin Egerton
The P&C would like to wish all Telopea staff, students and parents/carers a wonderful Christmas and a safe, fun school holiday
This year has been a busy one for the P&C. Not only did we successfully campaign to retain the Montgomery playing fields and
tennis courts, we also organised or contributed to some great events: the Primary School Disco, La Fete de la Musique, French
Breakfast as well as the annual Fete and Raffle Extraordinaire.
The primary playground subcommittee has drawn up some high-level designs for the playground refurbishment, and they’ve also
supported the Telopea entry in the AILA Landscape Design competition. Telopea has submitted a really strong entry and we look
forward to being able to report positive results. We hope you voted for the Telopea entry!
We would like to thank all of the fabulous parents, carers, friends and family members who volunteered their time to help make
2015 a successful year for our school. School community support for events and campaigns are vital – we can’t do this alone!
At the time this final Telopea Topics submission ‘went to press’, the P&C had not met for its funding allocation meeting. The
results of the meeting’s decisions will be published on the P&C website: as soon as possible after the
meeting has taken palce. If you’re on our emailing list or have the Telopea Skoolbag app, then you’ll receive an update from us
through these channels soon.
Last year, we were able to provide the school with funds to purchase whiteboards, readers and cultural resources, science lab
equipment, and awards. We contributed funds to the development of the new student services room, and we earmarked funds
for the primary school playground upgrade. The P&C is keen to progress the playground project in 2016.
2016 School Term Dates:
Monday, 1 February to Friday 8 April
Note: New students start school on the Monday of Term 1, with all
continuing students returning on Tuesday 2 February.
Teachers commence Thursday 28 January
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26 April
1 July
18 July
10 October
P&C Meeting Dates
In 2016, the P&C will continue to meet every 2nd and 8th Wednesday of each school term. Please mark these meeting dates in
your diary and come along to as many as you can.
2016 Parent Welcome Drinks & AGM
February 10th will mark our Parent Welcome Drinks evening and the P&C’s Annual General Meeting. The final arrangements for
this event will be communicated during the first two weeks of Term 1. We sincerely hope to meet new parents and reconnect
with returning ones on this evening.
If you are keen to become more involved with the P&C, the AGM will determine the Executive membership for the year and
identify the members of our various sub-committees. Information about the P&C and its positions can be found on our website.
Stay tuned for updates!
After running the Telopea Uniform Shop for several years, Ursula and Andrew are now heading on to new adventures. We thank
them for all their efforts and wish them the very best for the future.
As a result, we are urgently seeking one or more people who would be willing to staff the shop in 2016. This position would be
ideal for someone looking for a little bit of minor paid work during school hours.
About the job:
The Uniform Shop is contracted out to Pickles Schoolwear, based in Sydney. Therefore this is a casual part-time position as an
employee of Pickles. The pay is about $18 per hour and it’s located on the school premises. The position involves using a laptopbased POS system that is fairly straightforward to use. While previous retail experience is an asset, it isn’t essential. You just
need to be friendly and helpful to Telopea parents, carers and students.
Business Hours:
The busy period is the week before school starts (last week of January) and the first week of Term 1. Usually 2 or 3 people are
required for this period. Ursula and Andrew have offered to come back and help out during this time. They will also provide some
initial handover training for the new starter.
After that, normal hours are 3 hours per week (Mon 8.30-9.30, Tues 2.45-3.45, Thurs 11.00-12.00). Only one person
is required, but it is best to have a second person on call in case of illness or emergencies.
Towards the end of the year, the Uniform Shop has a stall at the Fete (first weekend in November) and it always opens when the
school holds its Kindergarten orientation days (4 half-days usually in the last week of November). 2 or 3 people would be best
for these two periods.
If so, please contact Andrew Everard as soon as possible:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0407 669 570.
Hundreds of you now have the Telopea Skoolbag app on your phones. How is it going? What else would you like to see from the
school and the P&C? The P&C maintains the Community News section of the app, so we’d love to hear what YOU want to know
about your school community.
Check out the Athlete’s Foot 2016 Shoe Buying Guide. When you buy school or sports shoes from The Athlete’s Foot, a $5
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donation will come back to our school! Athlete’s Foot have been a great supporter of our school this year and we know that this
will again be a major fundraiser for Telopea Park School throughout 2016.
It applies to the whole family and across the entire footwear range, including school, athletic, work and casual shoes. All you
have to do is download the Shoe Buying Guide from our website and cut out the $5 voucher. Take the voucher into Athlete’s
Foot when you purchase your next pair of shoes, and Telopea benefits from your purchase!
We have an ongoing agreement with Manuka Flight Centre whereby 1% of all Telopea Park School bookings made through
Manuka Fight Centre will go back to the school. This is open to students, teachers, friends and family, so please ask to speak to
Maddie (who is their French speaking consultant) and mention the Telopea arrangement when making your booking.
Regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not, there are many events happening locally that you may wish to explore
over the next few weeks:
Christmas Lights:
Go see the World Record-breaking Christmas Tree in Garema Place, Civic! Will you be able to count all the light bulbs before
being totally overwhelmed?
Shopping for unique gifts:
Old Bus Depot Markets
Need some last minute gifts with flare? The Old Bus Depot Markets will be open every Saturday and Sunday in December in the
lead up to Christmas:
Make a personal gift at the Glassworks
Ever wanted to Make Your Own Christmas decoration? Check out the Make Your Own sessions at the Glassworks. The Art after
Dark sessions have been running from 6-8pm on Friday evenings and offer the perfect opportunity to make a very personal gift.
For more information, go to their Facebook page:
Selected Music Events:
Handel’s Messiah, Llewellyn Hall, ANU, 12 December at 7:30pm. A fresh new approach to the Messiah tradition. Tickets
available from Ticketek or telephone 1300 795 012.
2015 Carols By Candlelight, 16 December Stage 88, Commonwealth Park from 7pm. At this annual performance by the
Woden Valley Youth Choir encourages audience members to join in and sing along to greatly-loved Christmas carols. Why not
take a picnic and enjoy the entertainment! This is a free event.
Christmas Carillon Concert, National Carillon, 20 December, 5:45-6:30pm
Enjoy a Christmas musical performance at the National Carillon on Aspen Island. There is also the chance to go up to the top and
see the bells in action from 4.30 - 5.20 pm and 6.45 - 7.15 pm. This is a free event. See ACT Events website for more
Summer Sounds 2016 (January)
Head to the Australian National Botanic Gardens this January for the Summer Sounds 2016 concert series – Eight nights of
performances ranging from gypsy jazz to kids rock, with a taste of folk, indie and big band party sounds. For the entertainment
schedule and ticketing information, go to:
Do you know anyone into rapping or performance poetry in languages other than English? Plans to celebrate International
Mother Language Day on Sunday 21 February 2016 include a spoken word event. If you know of anyone who might interested in
participating, please contact Canberra Region Languages Forum via email: [email protected]
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Monday – 8.30 - 9.30am
Tuesday – 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 11.00am – 12.00pm
Order and pay securely on the web:
[email protected]
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Telopea Park School P&C
Before and After School Care Program
Services eligible for Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit
Before School Care, After School Care, Holiday Program
Extra Curricular Activities
Phone: 02 6273 2553
Email: [email protected]
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 61423388
[email protected]
Proviseur/Head of French
Deputy Principal K-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal 7-10
Michele McLoughlin
Conseiller Pédagogique Julien Dugas
Business Manager
Mary Ryan
Appointed Member
Mary Welsh
Robin Egerton
School Board Members 2015
Board Chair
Jacinda Still
Staff Member
Nick Rothwell
Staff Member
P&C Member
Laura Beacroft
P&C Member
Hugh Griffin
Student Member
Philippa Evans
Student Member
Divij Madan
French Government
Eric Soulier
Australian Government
French Government
David Atkins
Catherine Hodier
Board Secretary
Katherine Solomko
Mary Ryan
P&C 2015
Paul Haesler
Vice Presidents
[email protected]
Andrew Medlin
Emma Burns and
Laura Beacroft
Assistant Secretary
Raana Asgar
[email protected]
Before and After School Care
Communication Officer
Justin Brown
Andrea Grazziadelli
Debbie Tucek
Public Officer
ACT P&C Delegate
Grants Officer
Catriona Dove
Perry Head
Bernadette Kelly
[email protected]
Lost Property Officer
Initial Fete Coordination Team
Chris Burge
Returning Officer
Peter Roberts
Vaishali Goel, Andrew Medlin, Clair Bannerman, Tran Tang, Nicola Smith
and Jacinda Still
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The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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