Ulmer 3-Generation-University (u3gu) ZAWiW, University Ulm


Ulmer 3-Generation-University (u3gu) ZAWiW, University Ulm
EMIL Case Study Template
Project name
Ulmer 3-Generation-University (u3gu)
Lead organisation
ZAWiW, University Ulm
Contact details
Name: Carmen Stadelhofer
Role in organisation: Academic Director
Telephone number(s): 0049-(0)731-5023192
Email address: [email protected]
Mailing Address: Albert-Einstein-Allee 47, D-89069 Ulm
Website: www.u3gu.de
Brief Summary
The Ulm 3-Generation University (u3gu) provides opportunities for children to meet
with seniors and scientists of Ulm University and they get a taste of ‘natural
phenomena’. Together they go on a discovery tour through the University and learn
new and interesting things about natural science and technology. They take part in
lectures, make experiments and learn first-hand how teaching and research at the
university is done.
Senior consultants of the u3gu accompany smaller research projects for children and
youths. Many institutes of Ulm University participate in the u3gu. The Centre for
General Scientific Continuing Education (ZAWiW - Zentrum für Allgemeine
Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung) of the University of Ulm coordinates this
cooperation. This three year project has been financed since July 2007 by the
Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Baden-Württemberg (Ministerium für
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg) and other sponsors. The
u3gu is a contribution of Ulm University to the pilot project “Ulm-Network KOJALA”.
©Beth Johnson Foundation
March 2010
Project information
Location/ venue
University Ulm, locally
Duration 1-07-2007 until 31- 10-2010
The aim was to ‘peek’ the interest of young people about the natural sciences and
technology and create dialogue between young and old people.
We advertised for the Science camps at schools, on the internet and in the press.
The lecture program is suitable for pupils aged 10-15 years and they apply
individually for the science camps and lectures.
The seniors recruited are interested in the field of natural sciences and they want to
learn together with young people.
Activities/ events
The Science Camps have taken place regularly since 2006 during the summer
holidays. Up to 80 children spend one week at Ulm University. They take part in
lectures and can carry out experiments in physics and chemistry, all under the
supervision of scientists. Science Camps and Workshops are also offered during
other school holiday times. One day ‘Science Days’, lectures and action days at Ulm
schools also belong to the program of the u3gu, as well as thematic-methodic
courses at other educational institutions in Ulm.
Younger participants can meet until they are 15 years old. Some came every year
until they were too old to continue. Most of the seniors have been participants since
2006, but every year we continue to get new senior participants.
The seniors are supported by a functional und educational qualification program.
Evaluation through questionnaires and meetings during and after a science camp or
other activities was used.
Outputs (e.g. leaflets, photographs, DVDs, toolkits, training resources, policies)
DVDs, reports, photo documentations, wikis etc
©Beth Johnson Foundation
March 2010
Funding (e.g. public, private, public-private partnership, no funding)
Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
(Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg)
Sustainability/ Developments
As a result of this project, other intergenerational activities are being
delivered/planned and include:
Working team “MicroController”, a school project – “mikromakro” funded by the
Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, support of a working team of seniors for projects
with older and younger people at schools in Ulm.
Date of case study: 2010
©Beth Johnson Foundation
March 2010