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Press Coverage 2015
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Romanian 'Orthodox Priests' Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social
October 9, 2014
In what's quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Romanian team behind the
controversial "Orthodox priests" calendars is offering a steamy way to ring in the new
As in the 2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of
hunky models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography. This year's
edition is called "S.A.L.I.G.I.A.," featuring photos that pay tribute to social tolerance
while staying true to the ecclesiastical feel of years past, with a distinctly Russian
"The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim," one of the
calendar's organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post.
"These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!"
The Orthodox Calendar team, he added, is "still the only organized global effort
against homophobia in the Orthodox region" and as such, organizers and models
"are more enthusiastic than ever to work on this new series illustrating the ancient
sins forgotten by a declining church obsessed with demonizing" the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
For the first time, the calendar is available in both a "classic" and "uncensored"
version, while a "Making Of" DVD is also on the way. Check out the DVD clip above
and the photos below, then head here for more information.
NOTE: As in previous years, the calendar is not intended to be used for religious
purposes. It is a work of artistic expression and political and social commentary
promoting the modernity and dynamism of persons involved in the Orthodox Church.
Original Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/09/orthodox-calendar2015_n_5958916.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices&ir=Gay+Voices
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
'Homoerotic' Orthodox Calendar Protests Anti-LGBT Attitudes in
Eastern Church
October 14, 2014
Call them men of very little cloth.
Bodily blessed members of the Eastern Orthodox Church are striking a pose for a
“homoerotic” calendar to protest anti-gay attitudes in the religion.
Similar to the first two editions, “Orthodox Calendar 2015,” the third installment of the
OC series, features pious hunks without clothing. This year, the steamy, tongue-incheek photos depict the seven deadly sins—wrath, sloth, greed, pride, envy, gluttony
and lust. (The title of OC 2015, SALIGIA, is the Latin acronym for the sins.)
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Gluttony, for example, is represented by a naked man in a red blindfold, reposing
with a barely eaten apple in his hand.
“These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
not one of the seven deadly sins,” OC creators said in a statement about the
“The primary goal was to create the very first organized global effort against
homophobia in the Orthodox region,” calendar creators also explain on the project’s
website. “At the same time, the calendar takes an ironic approach to the Orthodox
Church itself, which in recent years has been embroiled in artist repression,
questionable behavior and homophobia.”
OC’s creative team hails from Romania, but the project is aimed at all countries in
which the Orthodox Church is present especially Russia, where Patriarch Kirill
described the legalization of gay marriage as a “dangerous, apocalyptic sign."
Indeed, Russian religious leaders’ homophobic proclamations have exacerbated the
persecution of LGBT persons. In June 2013, the Russian parliament passed a law
barring gay “propaganda.” According to The Guardian, “the law in effect makes it
illegal to equate straight and gay relationships, as well as the distribution of material
on gay rights. It introduces fines for individuals and media groups found guilty of
breaking the law, as well as special fines for foreigners.”
For more information on Orthodox Calendar, including where to buy this year’s
edition, visit www.orthodox-calendar.com.
Original Post: http://www.newsweek.com/eastern-orthodox-human-rights-calendarhed-tktk-277150/
Racy Orthodox Calendar pushes gay rights ahead of Russian
January 16, 2014
On the eve of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, a group of Eastern
Orthodox Christians are protesting Russia’s anti-gay laws in a calendar featuring
naughty nude drawings of gay men.
Orthodox Calendar, sold primarily online, features colorful illustrations of gay men in
eye-catching costumes — think tutus and a Captain America cape — and
provocative poses and settings that sometimes include crosses and crucifixes.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Ten percent of the proceeds from the “Bigger, Harder, Better!” calendar by the
Hungarian artist Tienne will be used to battle discrimination against gays in Russia.
While there have been other collections of religious pin-up men — think manly
Mormon missionaries, nice Jewish boys to bring home to Mom, even “Roman
beefcake” Catholic priests — the Orthodox Calendar aims to make a political point
against the Orthodox churches that the creators say are complicit in trying to keep
gays and lesbians in the closet.
“Our wall calendars represent the very first organized global effort against
homophobia in the Orthodox Church,” Magdalena de Iona, a spokeswoman for
Orthodox Calendar, wrote in an email interview. “Through them, we seek to
counteract the negative and outdated influences of most of the Orthodox Church
A second 2014 calendar featuring full-color photographs of gay Orthodox men posing
as priests or their tanned, tattooed and totally naked admirers is intended to support
gay marriage, de Iona said. Both calendars are sold online and cost about $20.
The calendars were created by a team of six people from countries that were once
part of the Soviet Union. Because of negative attitudes toward homosexuality in their
countries, they wish to remain anonymous, de Iona said.
Orthodox Calendar published its first product in 2012. That calendar, de Iona said,
featured photographs of gay men “and their guests” and was intended to promote
unity, tolerance and freedom of speech. Last year’s calendar focused on gay
marriage, with pictures of gay couples.
The idea for this year’s calendar focus came when Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
said last July that gay marriage would lead to the apocalypse, de Iona said.
“I told myself (the) 2014 edition will not leave people indifferent, and that was the
most important thing to us,” de Iona wrote. “Nothing is worse than indifference. It’s
this kind of indifference that lets (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin and Patriarch
Kirill actively promote physical and legislative attacks on the LGBT community in
Reaction to the calendars from the Orthodox Church has varied from total silence to
condemnation and acknowledgment. The Greek Patriarchy, de Iona said, declared
“they did not approve but understood it could be appreciated by creative people and
Consumers have been more approving. The calendar has been sent to 200
countries, de Iona said, and plans for a 2015 version are already in the works.
Meanwhile, some of the artwork will be displayed at a gallery in Stuttgart, Germany,
during next year’s Gay Pride celebration.
Original Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/religion/racy-orthodoxcalendar-pushes-gay-rights-ahead-of-russian-olympics/2014/01/16/5f3127a0-7ebc11e3-97d3-b9925ce2c57b_story.html
Beefy ‘priests’ strip for gay acceptance calendar
October 16, 2014
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
This homoerotic 2015 calendar, intended as a ‘tribute to social acceptance,’ is
already ruffling feathers and raising temperatures
A 2015 calendar featuring nude and semi-nude ‘priests’ is campaigning against
homophobia in the Orthodox Church.
As the Catholic Church retracts its historic statements of support for the LGBTI
community worldwide, some members of the Orthodox Church want to tackle gay
hate in a ‘bold,’ ‘humorous’ and ‘ironic’ way.
The third installment of the Orthodox Church calendar features chiseled models
posing as priests who 'set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that
homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never
even referred to homosexuality as a sin!'
The 2015 calendar is named S.A.L.I.G.I.A., an Italian acronym for: Wrath, avarice,
sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony.
The story behind the photos draws focus to how the church demonizes gay people,
but also sparks a dialogue on what is being done daily to combat the seven deadly
According to the Orthodox Calendar website: ‘The calendar is the brainchild of a
group composed mostly of Orthodox eastern Europeans of the former communist
Most followers of the Orthodox Church live in Eastern Europe, Middle East and
Russia, regions with some of the worst LGBTI legislation in the world.
‘The primary goal was to create the very first organized global effort against
homophobia in the Orthodox Region.’
Since its debut in 2012, the Orthodox Calendar has gone viral globally, with a 2014
edition paying tribute to gay marriage.
‘Three years after its creation, OC is still the only organized global effort against
homophobia in the Orthodox region,’ the group behind the calendar stated in a press
The 2015 Orthodox Calendar is available in a classic (€18.99, $24.33) and explicit
version (€34.95, $44.77)
Original Post: http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/beefy-‘priests’-strip-gayacceptance-calendar161014/
November 19, 2014
Hochmut, Geiz, Wollust, Zorn, Völlerei, Neid und Faulheit, auch besser bekannt
als die sieben Todsünden. Und da aus diesen sieben auch in den letzten
Jahrhunderten keine acht geworden sind, ist Homosexualität nach wie vor kein
Bestandteil dieser Hauptlaster. Der selben Meinung ist auch das Team von
Orthodox Calendar, kurz OC, das nun die dritte Reihe ihrer Wandkalender
veröffentlicht, welche den Namen S.A.L.I.G.I.A. trägt. Gejagt, gefoltert, verurteilt.
Homosexualität gilt in der orthodoxen Kirche seit jeher als Zeichen der
bevorstehenden Apokalypse, und Mitglieder der LGBT Gemeinschaft werden als das
personifizierte Böse angesehen. Es haben sich jedoch einige orthodoxe Priester der
früheren kommunistischen Regionen Osteuropas zusammengefunden, die
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
erstaunlicherweise genau dieser Ansicht die Stirn bieten wollen. Sie sind der
Meinung, dass Jesus Christus Homosexualität nie als Sünde bezeichnet habe, und
gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe keineswegs das Ende der Welt bedeutet.
Die OC Kalender sind das kreative Produkt des religiösen Teams, deren oberstes
Ziel es ist, gegen Homophobie und für mehr soziale Akzeptanz in den orthodoxen
Regionen zu kämpfen. Mit ihren unkonventionellen und wagemutigen Abbildungen,
die oftmals viel nackte Haut zeigen, versucht OC's Kreativ Team den negativen
Einflüssen der orthodoxen Kirchenleitung entgegen zu wirken.
Obwohl sie der Meinung sind, dass die Einstellung der Kirche sich nicht von heute
auf morgen ändern wird, glaubt OC dennoch daran, Menschen zum Nachdenken
anregen zu können, und die Hoffnung auf baldige Erkenntnis ist hoch. Die
Erkenntnis, dass es dringend einer Aktualisierung der Werte in der modernen
Gesellschaft bedarf.
Mit dem neuen Orthodox Calendar „S.A.L.I.G.I.A.“ soll eine weitere Mauer
konservativer Einstellung und Homophobie der orthodoxen Kirche eingerissen, und
stattdessen Freude und Hoffnung verbreitet werden.
Wir haben mit dem Creative Direktor des Orthodox Calendar über das Projekt,
Ansichten von Kirchenführern und Priesterbärten gesprochen.
VANGARDIST: Why and when did the idea of a project against the hatred of
homosexuality first emerge into a solid idea?
In 2012, we conceived this art project largely in reaction to the Pussy Riot and other
scandals and shameful behavior emanating out of the Russian Orthodox Church. We
could not imagine how a church that itself had been crushed and oppressed for more
than 70 years under the Communist regime could turn around and become so
oppressive and corrupt itself. For us, the aggressive attitude of the Orthodox Church
toward LGBT people is merely an attempt to divert attention from a church that -- like
the Communist State before it -- is rotting from within and losing vast numbers of
young believers.
Why did you decide that you're going to chose the form of a calendar as a way
to express your opinion and fight against homophobia?
We came up with the Wall calendar format because it is something that can be used
every day and serves as a constant reminder in very simple form. Since then, the
pictures have become increasingly artistic and many customer buy framed prints
from us. Our style has been compared to the works of Pierre & Gilles and David
Lachapelle by the international press, and we have been recently invited to exhibit
some of our art in a museum at the begining of 2015.
As a group of Orthodox eastern Europeans, how often did you have to deal
with bad criteria and people who do not agree with your point at all and even
feel insulted by it? How did you deal with it?
The strategy of church leaders seems to be to intimidate LGBT people from
demanding their rights and thus becoming more visible. In the West, it has been that
struggle for basic human rights as well as pride in being who they are that has led
public opinion to support LGBT rights. But Orthodox Church leaders understand well
that as long as they can frighten LGBT people to remain in the closet, then most
people will never even realize that they know gay people. And if you don't know gay
people personally, it is far easier to demonize them as "the others".
As you try to achieve awareness and change in todays Orthodox society, what
changes do you wish for the most? Especially in your own society and
We only want people to live and let live. Hey, if I had my choice, Orthodox priests
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
would all shave off those goofy and unhygienic beards they wear. But I understand:
It's their fashion choice. And it is not the business of any Orthodox priest whether I
sleep with a man or a woman. And my marrying someone of the same gender does
not in any way discourage straight people from marrying. The Orthodox Church must
recognize that in a pluralistic society, people have differing values.
What's your own personal opinion on homosexuality in your society?
The more the better, as far as I'm concerned! Humanity is diverse, with a variety of
sexual natures. Just because we are born in bodies that have male or female
reproductive parts, does not mean that that is the limit of our sexuality. We must
celebrate our sexuality as part of who we are, and many religions are finally coming
around to the idea that God created all of us and must himself have created our
sexual natures.
Original Post: http://www.vangardist.com/news-article/wenn-sich-die-suendehimmlisch-anfuehlt
PHOTOS. Des chrétiens orthodoxes
l'homophobie en Russie: bravo!
December 18, 2014
L'année 2015 approche à grands pas. Le temps est venu pour choisir son calendrier.
Et, tant qu'à faire, joindre l'utile à l'agréable... Pour la troisième année consécutive,
un groupe de chrétiens orthodoxes roumains - "Orthodox Calendar" - publie un
calendrier hot et sexy gay-friendly, qui n'a vraiment rien à envier à celui des "Dieux
du stade", qui existe depuis 15 ans. L'édition de l'année 2015, destinée à la lutte
contre l'homophobie - principalement en Russie - a pour thème les sept péchés
Le calendrier est disponible depuis la fin du mois de septembre. Son nom?
"S.A.L.I.G.I.A.", les abréviations des noms, en latin, des sept péchés capitaux:
superbia (orgueil), avaritia (avarice), luxuria (luxure), invidia (envie), gula
(gourmandise), ira (colère) et acedia (paresse). Tout un programme.
Un formidable message de tolérance
Les modèles photographiés – tous avec une plastique particulièrement avantageuse
– sont des membres gay-friendly de l'Eglise orthodoxe (aucun d'entre eux n'est
ecclésiastique) qui croient à la liberté d'expression, la tolérance, l'égalité et les droits
de l'homme. Des chrétiens comme on aimerait en voir un peu plus souvent. Pas pour
leur physique (quoique...) mais pour le formidable message d'ouverture d'esprit qu'ils
véhiculent et auquel ils sont très attachés.
Certaines âmes chastes s'offusqueront de la nudité de certains modèles. Pourtant, il
n'y a rien de choquant. Pas de quoi casser trois pattes à un canard. Après tout, Dieu
nous a fait nus, non ? Même la très pieuse Christine Boutin - qui sera jugée l'année
prochaine pour avoir dit que "l'homosexualité est une abomination" - "aime être nue".
Qui l'eût cru?
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Le spot de promotion de l'édition 2015, qui a été posté sur YouTube, est un véritable
petit bijou esthétique. De quoi porter réellement un regard différent sur la religion et
donner envie d'aller un peu plus souvent à la messe...
L'homophobie prend de plus en plus d'ampleur
L'homosexualité est très mal acceptée dans la plupart des pays de l'Est,
majoritairement orthodoxes. La Russie, dirigée par une main de fer par Vladimir
Poutine - qui a entamé un troisième mandat présidentiel en 2012, après un tour de
passe-passe constitutionnel - mène une chasse acharnée et sans pitié aux
homosexuels. Elle prend de plus en plus d'ampleur.
En 2012, la Gay Pride de Moscou a été interdite, par un tribunal de la capitale, pour
une durée de 100 ans. En juin 2013, une loi – qui a suscité l'indignation générale de
la communauté internationale – condamnant la « propagande homosexuelle » a été
votée, à l'unanimité, par les députés de la Douma. Un projet de loi, qui devrait être
débattu dans les mois qui viennent, prévoit de retirer ses enfants à tout parent ayant
des "relations sexuelles non traditionnelles". Le mois dernier, le monument en forme
d'iPhone 5, installé dans la cour de l'université des sciences de Saint-Péterbourg et
dédié à Steve Jobs, le fondateur d'Apple décédé en 2011, a été démantelé suite au
coming out de Tim Cook, l'actuel dirigeant de la célèbre firme. Il a été considéré par
les autorités comme une oeuvre de propagande homosexuelle.
Vladimir Poutine, une menace pour les LGBT dans le monde
Il y a quelques semaines, le président russe Vladimir Poutine, l'homme le plus
puissant de la planète selon le magazine "Forbes", a été désigné "personnalité de
l'année" par le magazine gay et lesbien américain "The Advocate", une véritable
institution auprès de la communauté homosexuelle, un peu partout à travers le
Le magazine estime que "Vladimir Poutine est devenu de plus en plus autocratique
et son idéologie anti-gay de plus en plus extrême" et qu'il a été "la plus grande
menace pour les LGBT dans le monde en 2014".
Pour bien appuyer son propos, "The Advocate" a publié en couverture une photo
photoshopée de Vladimir Poutine, les traits vieillis et les cheveux grisonnants, avec
le titre qui tient lieu de moustache, lui donnant ainsi un air de ressemblance frappant,
qui n'aura échappé à personne, avec le dictateur nazi allemand Adolf Hilter. Le
directeur éditorial du magazine, Aaron Hicklin, s'est expliqué : "Nous ne cherchons
pas à dire que "c'est le nouveau Hitler". Nous voulons juste dire 'voici l'homme qui
continuera à aller plus loin si vous le laissez tranquille'". Le message est on ne peut
plus clair.
L'Eglise orthodoxe est toute puissante et très proche du pouvoir, qu'elle influence
énormément. Le patriarche Cyrille Ier s’est exprimé, entre autres, sur la légalisation
du mariage homo en Europe en l’assimilant à "un symptôme alarmant de l’approche
de l’apocalypse" et qu’il faut "tout mettre en œuvre pour empêcher qu’en Sainte
Russie, le péché soit approuvé par une loi".
En Russie, l'homosexualité a été considérée comme un crime jusqu'en 1993 et
comme une maladie mentale jusqu'en 1999. Malgré tout, les mentalités n'ont pas
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
changé. Selon un sondage, 72% des Russes pensent que l'homosexualité est
"moralement inacceptable".
Les homosexuels russes traqués, torturés et assassinés
Les homosexuels vivent un véritable calvaire quotidiennement. Ils sont obligés de
rester cachés pour ne pas être persécutés, torturés ou même assassinés, comme
c'est parfois le cas. Dans l'indifférence quasi-générale de la communauté
Un rapport inquiétant de "Human Rights Watch", rendu public le lundi 15 décembre,
alarme l'opinion publique sur l'impunité des auteurs des crimes et délits homophobes
et la complaisance - ou plutôt la complicité, devrait-on dire - des autorités. Depuis la
promulgation de la loi "anti-propagande homosexuelle", le nombre d'agressions a
significativement augmenté. L'ONG estime que "les autorités russes ont manqué à
leur obligation de prévenir et de poursuivre la violence homophobe" et que "les
citoyens LGBT sont renvoyés à une citoyenneté de seconde zone".
Une initiative qui mérite d'être saluée et encouragée
Dans de telles conditions particulièrement alarmantes et préoccupantes, on ne peut
que se féliciter de l'initiative de chrétiens orthodoxes de publier un calendrier de ce
genre, qui n'est pas uniquement destiné à la communauté homosexuelle. Ils portent
un regard très critique vis-à-vis des positions passéistes et intolérantes de leur
L'édition 2014 du "Orthodox Calendar" était consacrée, entre autres, au mariage
pour tous, qui gagne du terrain dans la plupart des pays occidentaux. Les clichés
sont magnifiques, très esthétiques, et ne sont jamais vulgaires. Du grand art.
De telles initiatives doivent être encouragées et saluées. Elles permettent de
combattre efficacement l'homophobie, en particulier dans les pays où elle est un
véritable fléau. De nombreux Etats dans le monde pénalisent l'homosexualité de
lourdes peines d'emprisonnement. La peine de mort est pratiquée à leur encontre
dans une dizaine d'Etats, toujours au nom de la religion. Ne l'oublions pas ! Nous
sommes pourtant aux XXIe siècle. Aucune personne ne devrait être inquiétée en
raison de son orientation sexuelle et affective!
On attend avec impatience le calendrier gay-friendly d'un groupe de chrétiens
catholiques. Ce serait un magnifique et formidable message de tolérance et
d'ouverture d'esprit vis-à-vis de la communauté homosexuelle qui a bien de la peine
à trouver sa juste place au sein de l'Eglise catholique, malgré les timides signes
d'apaisement et de réconciliation du pape François...
Original Post: http://giuseppedibella-auteur.overblog.com/2014/12/photos-deschretiens-orthodoxes-posent-nus-contre-l-homophobie-en-russie-bravo-0.html
Homoerotic Calendar Has 'Orthodox Christian Priests' Posing
December 02, 2014
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
In a provocative stunt to remind believers that homosexuality is not a deadly sin, a
gay rights group has published a calendar featuring almost-naked "Orthodox
Christian priests," posing in an alleged Moscow region church.
Orthodox-Calendar.com remains vague on whether the models were actual priests,
saying in a video statement that it is "irrelevant."
The 13 pictures, published on the group's website, push the boundaries of
conservative tolerance with images of muscular, model-type men striking seductive
The group claims the photo shoot for the calendar — which is sold on its website in
soft and X-rated versions for around $13 and $30 respectively — was held south of
Moscow, though this could not be verified.
Orthodox Calendar made no mention of whether proceeds from the sales would go
toward promoting the cause of LGBT rights.
The calendar is dubbed "S.A.L.I.G.I.A." after a Latin acronym for the seven deadly
sins, which include lust, pride, envy, gluttony, avarice, sloth and wrath — but not
The group behind the calendar, which hails from Romania, according to the
Huffington Post, claims to be "the only organized global effort against homophobia in
the Orthodox region."
"Some priests believe that same sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim," Orthodox
Calendar said in a press release.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church said last year that "the recognition of
same-sex unions by Western countries leads humanity toward the end of the world,"
according to Gay.ru LGBT news website.
But he also advocated respect for the rights of LGBT people, despite the perceived
"immorality" of their sexual orientation.
The Russian Orthodox Church, which previously pledged a campaign against
"sodomy," has not commented on the calendar, which is in its third annual installment
with the 2015 edition.
The Russian government and legislature, both increasingly conservative, have in
recent years criminalized the spreading of material promoting "gay propaganda
among minors" and "offending religious sentiment."
The former is punishable with fines of up to 1 million rubles ($19,500), while the latter
can amount to one year in prison. No cases against the makers of the calendar or its
buyers have been reported.
Original Post: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/512423.html
Risque calendar features naked priests
November 16, 2014
A controversial calendar has been released, featuring naked Orthodox priests
stripping down to fight against homophobia.
The 2015 calendar, will join the likes of the hunky Warwick Rowers, the sexy French
rugby players in the Dieux Du Stade calendar, and the lovely and adorable diver with
shirt allergies Tom Daley, who have all released calendars for us to hang up on our
walls next year.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
The OC calendar has caused a stir by featuring models posing as naked Orthodox
priests depicting the Seven Deadly Sins.
Th calendar comes in both regular and NSFW editions and has some pretty risqué
The makers of the calendar have written on the website that the calendar “pays
tribute to social tolerance, in reaction to the Orthodox hierarchy’s medieval views.
According to them, LGBT people have suddenly become the worst kind of sinners –
an omen of the impending end of the world.”
The cover of the calendar shows a scene seemingly set in a chapel, with the
entwined legs of two men emerging fro under a table holding a Bible and two
religious candles, their bodies hidden by the rich golden tablecloth.
The photo depicting vanity, which is not typically considered one of the Seven Deadly
Sins, depicts a ripped and toned man staring into the mirror, with his face covered in
surgical bandages, stood next to a table of pills and surgical equipment. This is
presumably showing a narcissistic character giving in to vanity.
Another picture shows the back of a naked man kneeling in front of a mural of the
Virgin Mary, having scrawled across it, “Oh Mary if you only knew all the evil things
that they did to me. Oh Mary you would hold me naked in your arms.”
All of the pictures are shown to be in different areas of a church or religious place,
with religious paintings appearing around them on the walls at all times.
One of the other pictures shows a masked naked man stood in front of a bible and
chalice, his modesty covered by a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Very controversial indeed.
Original Post: http://www.onlywayisgay.com/model-2/risque-calendar-featuresnaked-prie
Picture Special: ‘Orthodox priests’ get naked for anti-homophobia
November 15, 2014
A calendar featuring models posing as naked Orthodox priests has been released in
an effort to help fight homophobia.
The controversial OC Calendar 2015, which comes in both regular and NSFW
editions, features a wealth of hunky priests striking steamy poses in a ‘Seven Deadly
Sins’-themed photoshoot.
According to the official website, the annual calendar “pays tribute to social tolerance,
in reaction to the Orthodox hierarchy’s medieval views. According to them, LGBT
people have suddenly become the worst kind of sinners – an omen of the impending
end of the world.”
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Check out some preview pictures below:
Original Post: http://attitude.co.uk/picture-special-orthodox-priests-get-naked-foranti-homophobia-calendar/
L'édition 2015 du calendrier homoérotique orthodoxe prône la
tolérance sociale
November 12, 2014
L'an passé, un calendrier faisait le buzz en prêchant, à grand renfort de beaux
mâles dénudés, l'ouverture de l'Église orthodoxe à l'homosexualité. L'équipe de OC
(Orthodox Calendar) récidive dans une édition 2015 intitulée "SALIGIA" qui entend
rappeler de manière artistique et un brin provocatrice que l'homosexualité ne fait pas
partie de la liste originelle des 7 péchés capitaux! [plus d'images et une vidéo
bande-annonce dans la suite du post]
Dans son communiqué de presse, OC explique: "L'histoire se passe sur la rive droite
de la rivière Moskova au sud de Moscou, là où les prêtres ne sont PAS convaincus
que les unions de même sexe sont un signe annonciateur de l'apocalypse,
contrairement à ce que déclare Cyrille 1er de Moscou, patriarche de l'Église
orthodoxe russe". Et le calendrier 2015 - que vous pouvez commander en ligne - de
s'achever sur cette image d'un jeune gay croyant au corps de rêve s'adressant à la
Vierge: "Oh Marie, si tu savais toutes les choses diaboliques qu'ils m'ont faites, tu me
serrerais nu dans tes bras".
Original Post: http://www.acausedesgarcons.com/2014/11/la-3eme-edition-ducalendrier-homoerotique-orthodoxe-prone-la-tolerance-sociale.html
Sexy Orthodox Priests Strip Down to Fight Homophobia
November 10, 2014
Remember the Orthodox Calendar that got us all hot and bothered last year? Good
news, guys: it's back for 2015. And just like the last version, this new edition will have
you on your knees in prayer!
For the unfamiliar, the Orthodox Calendar is intended as a challenge to Orthodox
stereotypes as well as homophobia and repression within the Orthodox Church. The
theme of this year's calendar is S.A.L.I.G.I.A., which stands for superbia (pride),
avarita (avarice), luxuria (lust), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (anger), and acedia
(sloth) -- the Seven Deadly Sins. The calendar creators explain:
The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim. These
priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is NOT
one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Yet in the words of many in the Orthodox hierarchy, LGBT people have suddenly
become the worst kind of sinners -- an omen of the impending end of the world. What
about wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony?
Of course, it's unclear how many of the models, if any, are actually Orthodox priests - the calendar creators will only say that they're members of the Orthodox Church,
which gives quite a lot of wiggle room -- but once you see how gorgeous they are you
won't really feel the need to ask questions. And as an added bonus, this year -- for
the first time -- the calendar comes in regular and X-rated versions.
Check out some more photos (click to enlarge), and a teaser video, after the jump.
Original Post:
Naked, gay ‘priests’ calendar causes stir
Marketing 101: hot naked men dressed like priests a surefire way to
draw attention.
November 10, 2014
This 2015 calendar would make next year’s Dilbert calendar blush and is so steamy it
might cause some to run to confessional about a little lust issue.
Original Post: http://www.mydaytondailynews.com/news/lifestyles/naked-gaypriests-calendar-causes-stir/nh4rc/
November 7, 2014
A calendar featuring naked Orthodox Catholic priests aims to battle homophobia from
within the Orthodox Church.
The Calendar follows a theme of the Seven Deadly Sins. According to the OC’s
The OC 2015 edition pays tribute to social tolerance, in reaction to the Orthodox
hierarchy’s medieval views. According to them, LGBT people have suddenly become
the worst kind of sinners – an omen of the impending end of the world.What about
wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony? Maybe we’re missing
something, but the last time we checked, homosexuality was not one of the Seven
Deadly Sins!
Check out some of the steamy photos from the 2015 calendar below
Original Post: http://www.thegailygrind.com/2014/11/07/orthodox-priests-posenaked-calendar-fighting-homophobia/
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
November 7, 2014
A calendar featuring naked Orthodox Catholic priests aims to battle homophobia from
within the Orthodox Church. The Calendar follows a theme of the Seven Deadly...
The post Orthodox Priests Pose Naked for Calendar Fighting Homophobia appeared
first on The Gaily Grind.
Original Post: https://www.mygay.net/channels/2014/11/07/orthodox-priests-posenaked-for-calendar-fighting-homophobia/
Le calendrier orthodoxe, un calendrier pas très catholique
October 15, 2014
Dans la désormais longue série des calendriers sexy 2015, un nouveau venu a fait
son apparition et il risque de faire beaucoup parler de lui. En effet ce dernier met en
scène des membres de l’Eglise orthodoxe, dans des poses carrément aguicheuses.
L’édition 2015 de ce calendrier orthodoxe très spécial est intitulée "S.A.L.I.G.I.A.," ce
qui correspond aux initiales des sept péchés capitaux en latin: Superbia, Avaritia,
Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia.
Nouveauté de cette année, le calendrier est disponible en deux versions,
« classique » et « non censurée ». Une information qui laisse présager quelques
photos sulfureuses ! De plus, un making-of des shootings est également en vente en
DVD, sur le site du calendrier orthodoxe.
Le premier de ces « Orthodox Calendar » a été publié en 2012. Il met en scène des
hommes membres de l’Eglise orthodoxe nus ou semi nus. Crée par un collectif
principalement implanté en Roumanie, il a pour but de lutter contre l’homophobie
dans des zones où la religion orthodoxe est prédominante. Ses créateurs apportent
une touche d’humour et provoquent un certain questionnement social dans des
régions qui ont parfois encore bien des efforts à fournir en matière de droits des
homosexuels. L’Eglise orthodoxe n’est pas réputée pour être très ouverte aux
personnes LGBT.
Pas sûr cependant que les membres du clergé orthodoxe soient plus enclins à
accepter les couples de même sexe après avoir vu ces photos de charme. Espérons
que les fidèles soient plus ouverts!
Quelques extraits de l'édition 2015 du calendrier orthodoxe:
Original Post: http://www.mygaytrip.com/actualites-gay/sexy/3558-photos-lecalendrier-orthodoxe-un-calendrier-pas-tres-catholique/
Des chrétiens orthodoxes publient un calendrier hot et sexy contre
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
October 26, 2014
Pour la troisième année consécutive, un groupe de chrétiens orthodoxes publie son
calendrier hot et sexy. Celui de l'année 2015, destiné à la luttre contre
l'homophobie, a pour thème les sept péchés capitaux. Il est disponible à la vente
depuis la fin du mois de septembre. Son nom ? "S.A.L.I.G.I.A." : superbia (orgueil),
avaritia (avarice), luxuria (luxure), invidia (envie), gula (gourmandise), ira (colère) et
acedia (paresse).
Les modèles photographiés sont des mannequins (aucun d'entre eux n'est
ecclésiastique) qui sont des membres gay-friendly de l'Eglise orthodoxe et qui croient
à la liberté d'expression, la tolérance, l'égalité et les droits de l'homme.
L'homosexualité est très mal acceptée dans la plupart des pays de l'Est qui sont
majoritairement orthodoxes. La Russie, dirigée d'une main de fer par Vladimir
Poutine, mène une chasse sans pitié aux homosexuels. Une véritable homophobie
L'édition 2014 du calendrier "Orthodox Calendar" était consacré au mariage pour
Le spot de promo de l'édition 2015 est un véritable petit bijou esthétique. De quoi
donner envie d'acheter le calendrier (une excellente idée à l'approche des fêtes de
fin d'année !) et de porter un regard différent sur la religion. Et aussi d'aller un peu
plus souvent à la messe...
Original Post: http://buzzly.fr/des-chretiens-orthodoxes-publient-un-calendrier-hotet-sexy-contre-l-homophobie.html
24 GAY
Le calendrier 2015 de l’Orthodox Church
Octomber 22, 2104
Le calendrier 2015 de l’organisation Orthodox Church qui combat l’homophobie
présente la 3ème série baptisée Saligia. Il s’appuie sur l’histoire de prêtres sui
estiment que les unions entre personnes de même sexe ne sont pas un signe de
l’apocalypse contrairement à ce prédisent certains orthodoxes russes. Comme le
précise l’annonce du calendrier 2015, « ces prêtres posent avec humour pour
rappeler au monde que l’homosexualité n’est pas l’un des 7 péchés capitaux et, en
fait, que Jésus-Christ n’a jamais considéré l’homosexualité comme un péché ». Tout
est dit.
Le calendrier 2015 de l’organisation « Orthodox Church » est disponible sur le site :
Original Post: http://24gay.fr/le-calendrier-2015-de-lorthodox-church/
To μήνυμα των “Orthodox Priests”
Octomber 18, 2014
Για 3η συνεχόμενη χρονιά κυκλοφορεί το Orthodox Calendar (OC 2015), με τις
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
φωτογραφίες του να γίνονται πιο αποκαλυπτικές και πιο προκλητικές από ποτέ.
Τα μοντέλα από τη Ιταλία που απεικονίζονται ως ορθόδοξοι ιερείς- έχοντας τραβήξει
τα βλέμματα του κόσμου από το 2012- αποφάσισαν να πετάξουν ακόμα και τα
λιγοστά υφάσματα που είχαν επάνω τους, μεταφέροντας το δικό τους μήνυμα ενάντια
στο μίσος.
Το φετινό ημερολόγιο είναι προσανατολισμένο στη Ρωσία και στις πρακτικές μίσους
απέναντι στη LGBT κοινότητα.
Original Post: http://www.avmag.gr/av/50458/to-minima-ton-orthodox-priests/
Nude Priests In Homoerotic Orthodox Calendar
October 18, 2014
Orthodox Calendar is the title of wall calendars and videos first published in
2012, featuring nude and semi-nude photographs of members of the Orthodox
Church. The calendar is the brainchild of a group composed mostly of
Orthodox eastern Europeans of the former communist region. The primary
goal was to create the very first organised global effort against homophobia in
the Orthodox Region. At the same time, the calendar takes an ironic approach
to the Orthodox Church itself, which in recent years has been embroiled in
artist repression, questionable behaviour and homophobia.
Through their unconventional and bold images, Orthodox Calendar’s creative team
seeks to counteract the negative and outdated influences of most of the Orthodox
Church leadership. While recognizing that change might not come quickly to the
official Orthodox Church position, Orthodox Calendar nonetheless believes that at
least it can encourage people to reflect and realise that there is an urgent need for an
update in values as part of the modern society.
The team behind the Orthodox Calendar first met in Bucharest during a shooting in
summer 2010, and from this meeting was born a friendship and an exchange of
viewpoints and ideas and a creative collaboration. They created stories featuring
some of their members striking a pose and openly standing for who they are
underneath the priest’s clothing they wear; regular people with passions,
preferences, interests and desires.
The first series in 2013, called "For freedom of speech, unity and tolerance" tells the
individual story of 12 intensely masculine young men and their guests representing
different parts of Eastern Europe. All are open-minded and believe that it is important
to be perceived as individuals committed to diversity and acceptance against
homophobia who reject contempt and violence. Disrespect for gay human beings
weakens thousands of children and adolescents, promotes risk-taking, and increases
vulnerability to HIV and those steeped in silence, shame and secrecy.
The second series in 2014, called "LOVE IS LOVE – ORTHODOX OR NOT!" pays
tribute to gay marriage. It’s the story of young gay couples from Eastern Europe
sharing a common dream of one day being able to wed their beloved at the altar of
their local Orthodox chapel.
The third series (#OC2015) called "S.A.L.I.G.I.A (Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia,
Gula, Ira, Acedia)" pays tribute to social tolerance. The story takes place on the right
bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where some priests believe that samesex unions are NOT a sign of the coming apocalypse, contrary to what Russian
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim. These priests set out, in a humorous way, to
remind the world that homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that
Jesus Christ never even referred to homosexuality as a sin!
Yet in the words of many in the Orthodox hierarchy, LGBT people have suddenly
become the worst kind of sinners - an omen of the impending end of the world. What
about wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony?
Starting today, anyone can discover #OC2015 wall calendar pictures by simply
ordering on-line from Amazon or directly from their store at www.orthodoxcalendar.com/shop. The price for the classic wall calendar is €18.99 and the explicit
version is €34,95. The "Making Of" DVD is priced at €16,99.
Original Post: http://www.thegayuk.com/magazine/4574334751/Nude-Priests-InHomoerotic-Orthodox-Calendar/8936130
Naked gay Orthodox priests strip off again for 2015 calendar
October 17, 2014
The Orthodox Calendar has returned, with men who may or may not be Orthodox
priests posing in compromising positions.
The 2015 calendar, which features Romanian Orthodox Christians, has been
unveiled, and is available to order.
This year’s edition will be the third time the calendar has been produced, and
organisers claim it is “still the only organized global effort against homophobia in the
Orthodox region.”
A release from the calendar’s producers reads: “The story takes place on the right
bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where some priests believe that samesex unions are NOT a sign of the coming apocalypse, contrary to what Russian
Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim. These priests set out, in a humorous way, to
remind the world that homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that
Jesus Christ never even referred to homosexuality as a sin!
“Yet in the words of many in the Orthodox hierarchy, LGBT people have suddenly
become the worst kind of sinners — an omen of the impending end of the world.
What about wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony?
Original Post: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/10/17/naked-gay-orthodox-priestsstrip-off-again-for-2015-calendar/
Steamy “Orthodox Priests” Fully Disrobe To Spread Powerful
Message In 2015 Calendar
October 17, 2014
Makers of the annual Orthodox priest calendar are upping the ante for 2015,
releasing some of the raciest and most risqué images in the calendar’s three-year
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
The hunky Italian models posing as Orthodox priests have provided the calendar with
global attention since 2012, so this year, calendar organizers are stripping them of
what little clothing they had in previous years and using the appeal to push a very
strong message against hate.
The theme of the calendar’s upcoming 2015 edition is “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.”, and HuffPo
reports it has “a distinctly Russian angle.” In a preview video below, familiar images
of Russian intolerance play while a muscular Orthodox priest disrobes.
More on that theme:
“The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim,” one of the
calendar’s organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post.
“These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!”
The Orthodox Calendar team, he added, is “still the only organized global effort
against homophobia in the Orthodox region” and as such, organizers and models
“are more enthusiastic than ever to work on this new series illustrating the ancient
sins forgotten by a declining church obsessed with demonizing” the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Censored and “X-rated” versions of the 2015 Orthodox Priest calendar, as well as an
all-new “making of” DVD, are now available for purchase online.
Original Post: http://www.queerty.com/steamy-orthodox-priests-fully-disrobe-tospread-powerful-message-in-2015-calendar-20141017
Naked gay Orthodox priests strip off again for 2015 calendar
October 17, 2014
The Orthodox Calendar has returned, with men who may or may not be Orthodox
priests posing in compromising positions
Original Post:
Naked gay Orthodox priests strip off again for 2015 calendar
October 17, 21014
The Orthodox Calendar has returned, with men who may or may not be Orthodox
priests posing in compromising positions.
Original Post: http://lgbtv.co.uk/2014/10/17/naked-gay-orthodox-priests-strip-offagain-for-2015-calendar/
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Steamy 2015 Orthodox Calendar uses naked 'priests' to battle
October 17, 2014
The (NSFW) Orthodox Calendar is back for its third year - hallelujah! - and for 2015
it's focusing on the seven deadly sins, pointing out that homosexuality is not one of
OMG that promo video! You have to watch until the end.
" The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow,
where some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim," explain its
creators. "These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that
homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never
even referred to homosexuality as a sin!"
Titled S.A.L.I.G.I.A. - which stands for Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira,
Acedia, the Latin names for Pride, Avarice, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth - the
calendar's motto is “Social Tolerance: Support it! Encourage it! Deal with it!”
As the "only organized global effort against homophobia in the Orthodox region", OC
is doing something positive for the LGBT community and you can do your part by
buying your very own copy. You know, take one for the team and force yourself to
look at gorgeous hunks for 12 months. *sigh* Life can be hard.
Original Post:
A more provocative Orthodox Calendar 2015
October 17, 2014
This year’s Orthodox Calendar is decidedly more provocative. How do I know this?
The calendar that features barely clad men with chiseled bodies arrived at my house
while I was away on business.
OC maintains that their unconventional and bold images are used to counteract the
negative influences of most of the Orthodox Church leadership and challenge notions
of sexuality. You can learn more about this group and purchase the 2015 calendar
Original Post:
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Steamy 2015 Orthodox Calendar uses naked 'priests' to battle
October 17, 2014
The (NSFW) Orthodox Calendar is back for its third year - hallelujah! - and for 2015
it's focusing on the seven deadly sins, pointing out that homosexuality is not one of
OMG that promo video! You have to watch until the end.
" The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow,
where some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim," explain its
creators. "These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that
homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never
even referred to homosexuality as a sin!"
Titled S.A.L.I.G.I.A. - which stands for Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira,
Acedia, the Latin names for Pride, Avarice, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth - the
calendar's motto is “Social Tolerance: Support it! Encourage it! Deal with it!”
As the "only organized global effort against homophobia in the Orthodox region", OC
is doing something positive for the LGBT community and you can do your part by
buying your very own copy. You know, take one for the team and force yourself to
look at gorgeous hunks for 12 months. *sigh* Life can be hard.
Original Post: http://www.dose.ca/2014/10/17/steamy-2015-orthodox-calendaruses-naked-priests-battle-homophobia-gallery
Homoerotic 2015 Orthodox Calendar Pays Tribute To Tolerance,
Sexy Priests: WATCH
October 16, 2014
No matter your beliefs, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar will have you on your knees
giving thanks for these heavenly priests. The calendar, now in its third year, takes a
stand against homophobia in the church and this year’s theme pays tribute to social
Emphasizing that homosexuality is not one of the seven deadly sins, this edition is
named after the Latin mnemonic S.A.L.I.G.I.A. (Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia,
Gula, Ira, Acedia — Pride, Avarice, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth) and bears the
tagline, “Social Tolerance: Support it! Encourage it! Deal with it!”
According to a press release:
The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim. These
priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is NOT
one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
For the first time, the calendar is available in classic and explicit versions — the latter
understandably costs a few more Euros — and there’s also a making-of DVD. Maybe
someone should grab a copy for the Vatican to help them make up their minds on the
Then again, I don’t know how this unorthodox use of a cross will fly with Francis:
Check out some photos from the 2015 Orthodox Calendar, S.A.L.I.G.I.A., (and the
promo trailer) below:
Related: 2014 Orthodox Calendar Features “Priests” In Blasphemous Positions
And if you play your holy cards right, you could even meet His Hotness, Father Silas,
and be involved in next year’s shoot:
You can pre-order your copy of the 2015 Orthodox Calendar here.
Original Post: http://m.newnownext.com/homoerotic-2015-orthodox-calendar-paystribute-to-tolerance-sexy-priests-watch/10/2014/
Orthodox Calendar's theme for 2015 is the seven deadly sins—and
homosexuality is not on the list
October 15, 2014
There really isn’t a better way to combat bigotry than with audacious humor. When
you’re throwing shade (I’ve been wanting to use that phrase since I saw Paris is
Burning) at the Catholic Church for its homophobic cattitude, you have to be a little
more creative since it’s, you know, a really, really old institution and potentially
anything will offend it. You want your offense to be a bit more highbrow, maybe even
glossy? Orthodox Calendar has you covered.
The group behind OC (not to be confused with Orange County) is comprised mostly
of Orthodox Eastern Europeans from formerly Communist regions. The six “young
creative talents” met in 2010 in Bucharest. An experimental photo shoot with priest's
clothing led them to realize who they are underneath the cloak, “regular people with
passions, preferences, interests and desires.”
So if anyone is going to stage sexy, slightly pagan photo shoots of men getting to
know each other Biblically on Vatican-inspired sets, who better than Orthodox
photographers and artists?
As their creator says, “The primary goal was to create the very first organized global
effort against homophobia in the Orthodox Region. At the same time, the calendar
takes an ironic approach to the Orthodox Church itself, which in recent years has
been embroiled in artist repression, questionable behavior and homophobia.”
Orthodox Calendar launched in September 2012. Met with a positive reception, OC
has continued producing calendars—and they know their audience. “Our buyers tend
to include gay communities, as well as women, liberal believers and those interested
in avant-garde photography as art or social commentary.”
To be fair, the Catholic Church is trying to make small steps towards LGBT equality.
At least they’re acknowledging that a change in attitude—or at least addressing the
LGBT community in something other than negative terms—might be long overdue.
There's still debate over just how progressive Pope Francis really is. On the other
hand, we might be underestimating how long it might take to reform a religious
institution that’s been around since 110 A.D.
While we watch the clergy move like sand through an hourglass the size of Cristo
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Redentor, let’s discuss the calendar’s theme!
In 2013, the theme was “freedom of speech, unity and tolerance.” The calendar told
the individual stories of 12 intensely masculine young men and their guests
representing different parts of Eastern Europe. All are open-minded and believe that
it's important to be committed to diversity and acceptance against homophobia" and
to "reject contempt and violence.”
The calendar for 2014 is called "LOVE IS LOVE – ORTHODOX OR NOT!” and pays
tribute to gay marriage. “It’s the story of young gay couples from Eastern Europe
sharing a common dream of one day being able to wed their beloved at the altar of
their local Orthodox chapel.”
For the 2015 edition, OC explores sin in a calendar called SALIGIA (the Latin
acronym for sins). The calendar's website offers hints of the images but keeps most
of the eye candy under wraps for now. But the seven deadly sins will be highlighted.
Gluttony, for example, rendered as a naked man in a red blindfold reposing with a
barely eaten apple in his hand. “These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind
the world that homosexuality is not one of the seven deadly sins,” OC creators said in
a statement about the calendar.
With past calendars compared to the work of David LaChapelle and Pierre & Gilles,
you know they're not only suggestively tasteful but also avant garde enough to
discuss with your artsy friends. Also available is a DVD of the making of the calendar,
which is reason to rejoice, hold up our chalice, and give thanks to oppressive entities
that foster such creative and titillating backlashes.
You can order the 2015 calendar here. I guess we know what Pope Francis is getting
for Christmas.
Original Post: http://dot429.com/articles/5296-orthodox-calendar-s-theme-for-2015is-the-seven-deadly-sins-and-homosexuality-is-not-on-the-list/
Romanian ‘Orthodox Priests’ Calendar 2015 pays tribute to social
October 13, 2014
In what’s quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Romanian team behind the
controversial “Orthodox priests” calendars is offering a steamy way to ring in the new
As in the 2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of
hunky models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography. This year’s
edition is called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.,” featuring photos that pay tribute to social tolerance
while staying true to the ecclesiastical feel of years past, with a distinctly Russian
“The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim,” one of the
calendar’s organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post.
“These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
homosexuality as a sin!”
The Orthodox Calendar team, he added, is “still the only organized global effort
against homophobia in the Orthodox region” and as such, organizers and models
“are more enthusiastic than ever to work on this new series illustrating the ancient
sins forgotten by a declining church obsessed with demonizing” the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
Original Post: http://www.cathnewsusa.com/2014/10/romanian-orthodox-priestscalendar-2015-pays-tribute-social-tolerance/
October 11, 2014
So we know that rowers like to get naked for a good cause, but we didn't expect the
church to strip down for equality! But that's exactly what the Orthodox Calendar
(OC) is all about. They've been selling sinfully sexy calendars since 2012 in an effort
"to create the very first organized global effort against homophobia in the Orthodox
Well bravo, good sirs!
Order your 2015 calendar at the OC online shop — and, oh yeah, they have an Xrated version, too.
Original Post: http://www.gay.net/video/2014/11/10/orthodox-priests-get-nakedfight-homophobia-—-amen/
Anche nel 2015 l'Orthodox Wall Calendar sfida l'omofobia
organizzata della Chiesa ortodossa
October 11, 2014
Anche quest'anno l'Orthodox Wall Calendar torna a denunciare l'ipocrisia dei religiosi
che hanno una doppia morale e che non esitano a puntare il dito contro le unioni gay
pur essendo protagonisti di comportamenti assai meno morali.
La storia raccontata dalle immagini parte dalla riva destra del fiume Moskva, nel sud
di Mosca, dove alcuni sacerdoti credono che le unioni tra persone dello stesso sesso
non sono un segno di un'imminente apocalisse come sostenuto dal Patriarca
ortodosso russo Kirill. L'acronimo che accompagna l'opera (S.A.L.I.G.I.A.)
preannuncia già un viaggio fra i sette vizi capitali, sottolineando come l'omosessualità
non rientri fra questi e come Gesù Cristo non abbia mai parlato dell' omosessualità
come di un peccato.
Eppure, nelle parole di molti esponenti della gerarchia ortodossa, le persone lgbt
sono improvvisamente diventate i peccatori peggiori... motivo per cui il calendario si
domanda che fine abbiano fatto l'ira, l'avarizia, l'accidia, la superbia, la lussuria, l'
invidia e la gola.
A tre anni dalla sua nascita, l'Orthodox Wall Calendar risulta tutt'ora l'unico sforzo
mondiale contro l'omofobia organizzata nella regione ortodossa. «Il nostro team
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
creativo -dichiarano- è entusiasta di lavorare ad una nuova serie di scatti che
illustrano gli antichi peccati dimenticati da una Chiesa in declino, ossessionata nel
demonizzare la comunità lgbt».
Nella sua edizione 2015 l'opera è disponibile nella versione classica e in una
versione esplicita, il tutto corredato dalla possibilità di gustarsi il dvd con
l'immancabile making of del servizio fotografico.
Original Post: http://gayburg.blogspot.ro/2014/10/anche-nel-2015-lorthodox-wallcalendar.html#ixzz3PxpnTEam/
Apropos Of Nothing: Take A Look Inside The Sexy Orthodox Priest
Calendar 2015
October 11, 2014
A couple of weeks ago we posted the preview video for this year’s Orthodox Priest
calendar. Now a site called Metropotam, from the calendar’s home country of
Romania, is giving us a look inside the calendar, which as you can see above and
below, is extremely sexy.
This year’s calendar, called ‘S.A.L.I.G.I.A.’, pays tribute to social tolerance,
illustrating the ancient sins forgotten by a declining Church obsessed with
demonising the LGBT community’. It’s coming in two editions, one a mildly titillating
scantily clad version and an even more risqué ‘explicit’ edition – we’re presuming
these pics come from the latter.
You can click here to buy your copy, and this year there will also be a ‘making of…’
DVD you can get your hands on. Click on the pics below for a closer look. (And just
in case you hadn’t guessed, these aren’t real priests, just guys from an orthodox
background posing as them).
Original Post: http://www.biggaypictureshow.com/bgps/2014/10/apropos-nothingtake-look-inside-sexy-orthodox-priest-calendar-2015/
Romanian ‘Orthodox Priests’ Calendar 2015 promotes social
October 10, 2014
The Romanian team behind the controversial “Orthodox priests” calendars is using
the 2015 edition, their third, to promote a message of social tolerance. As in the
2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of hunky
models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography.
“The third series (#OC 2015) called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A” tells a story that takes place on
the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where some priests believe that
same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming apocalypse, contrary to what
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim. These priests set out, in a humorous
way, to remind the world that homosexuality is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins
and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to homosexuality as a sin“,
according to the product description on the main page.
OC (Orthodox Calendar) is the title of wall calendars and videos first published
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
in 2012, featuring nude and semi-nude photographs of members of the
Orthodox Church, according to their branding. The calendar is the brainchild of
a group composed mostly of Orthodox eastern Europeans of the former
communist region. The primary goal was to create the very first organized
global effort against homophobia in the Orthodox Region, say the producers.
Every edition of the Orthodox Calendar gets a reaction from the press, including this
year’s edition which was featured on Huffington Post. This year, the OC team
released, for the first time ever, the calendar in two editions (one of them
uncensored) and produced a Making-of DVD.
The Romanian Patriarchy refuted the calendar and the producers’ claims in the past,
saying the models are merely “posing as Orthodox priests” and that the product is
“indecent” and created with an “obvious intention to calumny and defame Orthodox
ministers and desire to promote and justify their own ideology.”
Original Post: http://business-review.eu/featured/romanian-orthodox-priestscalendar-2015-promotes-social-tolerance-71558
Ortodoxie cu "patratele". Cum sa promovezi toleranta cu ajutorul
nudurilor in biserica
Octombrie 10, 2014
Un nou calendar in care apar barbati care "joaca" rolul unor preoti ortodocsi despre
care se spune ca ar fi romani a fost publicat recent, dupa ce calendarul de anul trecut
tema s-a axat pe subiectul gay a starnit controverse puternice.
De data aceasta, tema calendarului pentru anul 2015 se invarte in jurul tolerantei
sociale si protagonistii s-au fotografiat nud in biserica, inconjurati de icoane si alte
simboluri bisericesti importante.
Sub motto-ul S.A.L.I.G.I.A cei care au creat calendarul vor sa transmita ideea ca
homosexualitatea nu este unul dintre cele 7 pacate capitale si, de fapt, Isus nici
macar nu s-a referit la homosexualitate ca fiind un pacat.
Noul calendar poate fi cumparat de aici sau de aici, in varianta cenzurata sau
necenzurata. Este pentru al treilea an consecutiv cand cei de la "Orthodox priests"
fac aceste calendare cu imagini controversate in incercarea de a combate ideea
promovata de biserica rusa ortodoxa ca homosexualitatea este un pacat care atrage
dupa sine Apocalipsa.
De asemenea, creatorii reitereaza faptul ca acest calendar nu are un scop religios, ci
este o forma de exprimare artistica.
In calendarul 2013 au aparut barbati imbracati in haine de preot, pictorialele fiind
realizate in diverse spatii. In una din fotografii apare un anunt in limba romana, cu
mesajul "Father Daniel has a simple plan to collect enough funds from his
church to help needy children in his village. But the size of some men's
projects have made his jaw drop".
Original Post: http://metropotam.ro/La-zi/ortodoxie-cu-patratele-cum-sa-promovezitoleranta-cu-ajutorul-nudurilor-in-biserica-art1533938839/
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
2015 Orthodox Priests Calendar's Steamy Images Revealed (NSFWish)
October 10, 2014
Don't hate the sinner!!
Images from the sexy 2015 Orthodox Priests Calendar "S.A.L.I.G.I.A." have been
released and this year we think they've outdone themselves!
You've seen the steamy preview video, now check out how sinfully delicious out
favorite priests will be throughout 2015... (NSFW-ish)
You've seen the steamy preview video, now check out how sinfully delicious out
favorite priests will be throughout 2015... (NSFW-ish)
Original Post: http://instinctmagazine.com/post/2015-orthodox-priests-calendarssteamy-images-revealed-nsfw-ish/
S-a lansat noul calendarul ortodox cu BĂRBAŢI GAY pentru 2015
Octombrie 10, 2014
Cel mai controversat calendar pe 2015 a fost lansat. Aşa-zisul calendar ortodox cu
preoţi dezbrăcaţi este disponibil la vânzare.
După ediţiile din 2013 şi 2014, calendarul din 2015 prezintă 12 fotografii cu modele
masculine în ipostaze homoerotice lângă simboluri şi iconografie creştine.
Oficialii Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane au declarat la apariţia primei ediţii, din 2013, ca
asemenea proiecte sunt menite sa “defaimeze preotii ortodocsi, din dorinta de a
promova o anumita ideologie”.
Citeşte şi Un calendar religios pune pe jar Biserica Ortodoxă. "Preoţi" cu muşchi au
pozat dezbrăcaţi GALERIE FOTO
Ediţia pentru 2015 se numeste "S.A.L.I.G.I.A." şi doreşte să crească toleranţa socială
faţă de homosexualitate, păstrând ideea clerică din ultimii ani.
"Povestea are loc în zona râului Moskva din Moscova, unde unii preoţi consideră că
relaţiile între persoanele de acelaşi sex NU reprezintă un semn al apocalipsei care va
veni, contrar spuselor partiarhului rus Kirill. Aceşti preoţi încearcă să reamintească
lumii că homosexualitatea NU este unul dintre cele şapte păcate de moarte şi că, de
fapt, Iisus Hristos nu s-a referit niciodată la homosexualitate ca la un păcat", a
declarat unui dintre organizatorii calendarului pentru Huffington Post.
Echipa "Calendarului Ortodox" îşi doreşte să lupte cu homofobia în rândul clericilor
În această ediţie, calendarul poate fi achiziţionat şi sub formă clasică sau
necenzurată, fiind disponibil şi un DVD de "Making Of".
Original Post: http://www.romaniatv.net/s-a-lansat-noul-calendarul-ortodox-cubarbati-goi-pentru-2015-galerie-foto_175854.html#ixzz3PxrRXlbx/
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Romanian ‘Orthodox Priests’ Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social
October 9, 2014
In what’s fast apropos an annual tradition, a Romanian group behind a argumentative
“Orthodox priests” calendars is charity a erotic approach to ring in a new year.
As in a 2013 and 2014 editions, a 2015 Orthodox Calendar facilities 12 months of
hunky models distinguished homoerotic poses alongside eremite iconography. This
year’s book is called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.,” with photos that compensate reverence to
amicable toleration while staying loyal to a ecclesiastical feel of years past, with a
clearly Russian angle.
Take a demeanour during one of a images from a calendar here, afterwards
corkscrew down to keep reading:
“The story takes place on a right bank of a Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests trust that same-sex unions are NOT a pointer of a entrance apocalypse,
discordant to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill might claim,” one of a calendar’s
organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post. “These priests
set out, in a humorous way, to remind a universe that homosexuality is NOT one of a
7 lethal sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to homosexuality as a
The Orthodox Calendar team, he added, is “still a usually orderly tellurian bid
opposite homophobia in a Orthodox region” and as such, organizers and models “are
some-more eager than ever to work on this new array illustrating a ancient sins lost
by a disappearing church spooky with demonizing” a lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) community.
For a initial time, a calendar is accessible in both a “classic” and “uncensored”
version, while a “Making Of” DVD is also on a way. Check out a DVD shave above
and a photos below, afterwards conduct here for some-more information.
NOTE: As in prior years, a calendar is not dictated to be used for eremite purposes.
It is a work of artistic countenance and domestic and amicable explanation
compelling a modernity and impetus of persons concerned in a Orthodox Church.
Original Post: http://rahafonline.com/?p=37776/
Romanian ‘Orthodox Priests’ Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social
October 9, 2014
In what’s quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Romanian team behind the
controversial “Orthodox priests” calendars is offering a steamy way to ring in the new
As in the 2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of
hunky models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography. This year’s
edition is called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.,” with photos that pay tribute to social tolerance while
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
staying true to the ecclesiastical feel of years past, with a distinctly Russian angle.
Take a look at one of the images from the calendar here, then scroll down to keep
“The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim,” one of the
calendar’s organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post.
“These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!”
The Orthodox Calendar team, he added, is “still the only organized global effort
against homophobia in the Orthodox region” and as such, organizers and models
“are more enthusiastic than ever to work on this new series illustrating the ancient
sins forgotten by a declining church obsessed with demonizing” the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
For the first time, the calendar is available in both a “classic” and “uncensored”
version, while a “Making Of” DVD is also on the way. Check out the DVD clip above
and the photos below, then head here for more information.
NOTE: As in previous years, the calendar is not intended to be used for religious
purposes. It is a work of artistic expression and political and social commentary
promoting the modernity and dynamism of persons involved in the Orthodox Church.
Original Post: http://news.georgiaworld.com/romanian-orthodox-priests-calendar2015-pays-tribute-to-social-tolerance-2/
Sneak Peak: Homoerotic Orthodox Wall Calendar 2015
October 9, 2014
S.A.L.I.G.A. is the third Orthodox Calendar which aims to fight homophobia in the
Orthodox region.
The images are confronting but set out to remind the world that homosexuality isn't
one of the seven deadly sins and that Jesus Christ never referred to it as a sin.
Check out the shots and clip below and let us know what you think.
You can also order your own copy of the calendar at OrthodoxCalendar.com/shop.
Original Post: http://www.dnamagazine.com.au/articles/news.asp?news_id=23099/
Romanian 'Orthodox Priests' Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social Tolerance
October 09, 2014
In what's quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Romanian team behind the
controversial "Orthodox priests" calendars is offering a steamy way to ring in the new
year. As in the 2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features...
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Original Post:
Romanian ‘Orthodox Priests’ Calendar 2015 Pays Tribute To Social
October 09, 2014
In what’s quickly becoming an annual tradition, the Romanian team behind the
controversial “Orthodox priests” calendars is offering a steamy way to ring in the new
As in the 2013 and 2014 editions, the 2015 Orthodox Calendar features 12 months of
hunky models striking homoerotic poses alongside religious iconography. This year’s
edition is called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.,” with photos that pay tribute to social tolerance while
staying true to the ecclesiastical feel of years past, with a distinctly Russian angle.
“The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of Moscow, where
some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the coming
apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim,” one of the
calendar’s organizers, who asked not to be identified, told The Huffington Post.
“These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!”
The OC team, he added, is “still the only organized global effort against homophobia
in the Orthodox region” and as such, members “are more enthusiastic than ever to
work on this new series illustrating the ancient sins forgotten by a declining church
obsessed with demonizing” the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
For the first time, the calendar is available in both a “classic” and “uncensored”
version, while a “Making Of” DVD is also on the way. Check out the DVD clip above
and the photos below, then head here for more information.
NOTE: As in previous years, the calendar is not intended to be used for religious
purposes. It is a work of artistic expression and political and social commentary
promoting the modernity and dynamism of persons involved in the Orthodox Church.
Original Post: http://wn.com/romanian_'orthodox_priests'_calendar_2015/
Homoerotic Orthodox Wall Calendar
22 Сентябрь 2014
Третий выпуск гомоэротического православного календаря http://www.orthodoxcalendar.com/(как звучит!) вновь вдохновлен российскими реалиями, которые,
надо полагать, впечатляют мир своей дикостью.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Команда ОС, единственная организация, которая предпринимает глобальные
усилия в борьбе с гомофобией именно в странах, где придерживаются
православия, придумала на этот раз вот что.
Итак, где то на юге Москвы, на правом берегу Москва-реки, несколько
священников уверовали, что однополый секс Не является знаком
надвигающегося апокалипсиса, в противовес тому, что заявляет патриарх
Эти священники решили юмористическим путем напомнить миру, что
гомосексуальность Не является одним из 7 смертных грехов и о том, что Иисус
Христос никогда даже не упоминал гомосексуальность в качестве греха!
Но в словах православных иерархов геи вдруг стали худшим из грешников мрачным предзнаменованием конца света. А что же тогда гордыня, скупость,
зависть, гнев, похоть, обжорство и уныние?
О том, насколько задорным получился календарь, можно судить по этому
Original Post: http://gaykvartal.com/blog/49/entry-1875-homoerotic-orthodox-wallcalendar-2015/
Homoerotic Orthodox Wall Calendar 2015: S.A.L.I.G.I.A.
September 19, 2014
The third series of Orthodox Wall Calendar called “S.A.L.I.G.I.A.” pays tribute to
social tolerance. The story takes place on the right bank of the Moskva River south of
Moscow, where some priests believe that same-sex unions are NOT a sign of the
coming apocalypse, contrary to what Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill may claim.
These priests set out, in a humorous way, to remind the world that homosexuality is
NOT one of the 7 deadly sins and in fact that Jesus Christ never even referred to
homosexuality as a sin!
Yet in the words of many in the Orthodox hierarchy, LGBT people have suddenly
become the worst kind of sinners — an omen of the impending end of the world.
What about wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony? Three years after its
creation, OC is still the only organized global effort against homophobia in the
Orthodox region. Our creative team along with our gay-friendly guests are more
enthusiastic than ever to work on this new series illustrating the ancient sins forgotten
by a declining Church obsessed with demonising the LGBT community.
Starting today, anyone can discover #OC2015 wall calendar pictures by simply
ordering on-line from Amazon or directly from our store at www.orthodoxcalendar.com/shop. The price for the classic wall calendar is €18.99, our explicit
version is €34,95 and our “Making Of” DVD at €16,99.
For thoses of you who have shopping pages, please to contact the OC team directly
at [email protected] to get an update on the upcoming launching of all
related products.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Original Post: http://www.2bmag.com/homoerotic-orthodox-wall-calendar-2015-s-al-i-g-i-a/
Calendrier Orthodoxe 2015 : les nus les plus impressionnants des
prêtres pro-gays
September 18, 2014
Il n’y a pas suffisamment d’émoticônes sur Whatsapp pour exprimer notre émotion
après avoir appris que le Calendrier Orthodoxe 2015 était enfin disponible. Quel
merveilleux blasphème !
Si hier, nous vous présentions le calendrier des Dieux du Stade, dans lequel posent
les joueurs de rugby les plus virils de France, aujourd’hui, nous avons le plaisir de
vous annoncer qu’un autre de nos calendriers préférés de l’année est enfin
disponible. Il s’agit du Calendrier Orthodoxe, avec des photos de nus et semi-nus
des membres de l’Eglise orthodoxe.
L’objectif principal de ce calendrier est de lutter contre l’homophobie dans la
religion orthodoxe tout en proposant une approche ironique de l’Eglise orthodoxe,
qui est tombée dans la répression, dans les comportements suspects ainsi que dans
l’homophobie au cours de ces dernières années.
Pour le moment, seules la couverture et la vidéo promotionnelle du calendrier ont
été diffusées. Et quelle vidéo ! Elle nous donne tout simplement envie de passer de
l'autre côté de l’écran de l’ordinateur pour enlever la pancarte “censuré” qui cache les
parties intimes du pasteur canon dans le plus simple appareil.
Petit à petit, il se défait de ses vêtements, alors que sur les murs de l’église
apparaissent des images de violence contre des activistes gays dans le monde
entier. Et la manière dont il parcourt son torse avec le crucifix en fer nous laisse
sans voix…
Cette troisième édition est sortie sous le nom de ‘SALIGIA’ (Orgueil, Avarice,
Envie, Gourmandise, Colère et Paresse), et raconte une histoire située au bord de
la rivière Moskva, à Moscou. C’est là que des prêtres pensent que les unions
homosexuelles ne sont pas synonymes d’apocalypse, à l’inverse des Russes. Et
curieusement, « l’homosexualité ne fait pas partie des sept péchés capitaux »,
Et comme toujours, il existe une version “X” ainsi que le DVD de la séance photos.
Si vous souhaitez découvrir ce qui se cache à l’intérieur, rendez-vous sur le site web
Original Post: http://www.ragap.fr/actualite/mode/calendrier-orthodoxe-2015-les© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Calendario Ortodoxo 2015: los desnudos más impresionantes de sacerdotes
pro gays
September 18, 2014
Si ayer presentábamos el calendario de los jugadores de rugby más potentes de
Francia, ‘Dioses del Estadio’, hoy anunciamos que por fin llega otro de nuestros
favoritos de cada año. El Calendario Ortodoxo, con fotografías de desnudos y
semidesnudos de los miembros de la Iglesia Ortodoxa.
El objetivo principal es luchar contra la homofobia en la religión ortodoxa, al
tiempo que ofrece un enfoque irónico a la Iglesia ortodoxa en sí, que en los últimos
años se ha visto envuelta en represión, comportamiento cuestionable y homofobia.
Por el momento solo ha trascendido la portada del calendario y el video
promocional. Y qué video… Nos dan ganas de arañar la pantalla del ordenador
intentando quitar el cartel de ‘censurado’ cuando aparece ese tremendo pastor
Poco a poco se va despojando de sus hábitos, mientras en las paredes de la Iglesia
aparecen imágenes de violencia contra activistas gays en todo el mundo. Y la forma
en que recorre su pecho con el crucifijo de hierro no tiene nombre…
Esta tercera edición aparece bajo el nombre de ‘SALIGIA’ (Soberbia, Avaricia,
Lujuria, Envidia, Gula, Ira y Acedia) y cuenta una historia que tiene lugar en la
zona de Moscú del río Moskva. Allí, algunos sacerdotes creen que las uniones del
mismo sexo no son un signo de Apocalipsis, en contra de lo que los rusos pueden
pensar. Y curiosamente, “la homosexualidad no aparece en estos siete pecados
capitales”, explican.
Y como siempre, hay una versión de pared, una versión ‘X’ y el DVD de la sesión
fotográfica. Si quieres ver lo que hay en su interior, ya puedes adquirirlo en la página
web oficial.
Original Post: http://www.ragap.es/actualidad/belleza-y-fashion/calendarioortodoxo-2015-los-desnudos-mas-impresionantes-de-sacerdotes-pro-gays/859944/
Sacrilicious! The “Orthodox Priests” Are Back With A New Calendar
September 17, 2014
They’re back!
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
For the third year, the “Orthodox Priests” are back with a new calendar to fill us with
sinful thoughts. You can order the 2015 Calendar, the “Explicit” 2015 Calendar, and
the making of DVD at their site. The theme of this year’s offering is Social Tolerance.
So, are any of these guys actual priests? Well, the promo opens with the disclaimer
“We consider irrelevant the true identities of these men.” So … okay.
Original Post: http://www.thebacklot.com/sacrilicious-the-orthodox-priests-are-backwith-a-new-calendar/09/2014/
Gay calendar : orthodox calendar, a unholly calendar
June 12, 2014
In the long series of the 2015 gay calendars, a newcomer has just popped up and it
may do some buzz. Indeed it features members of the Orthodox Church, in rather
raunchy poses.
The 2015 edition is entitled “S.A.L.I.G.I.A,” which stands for the initials of the seven
deadly sins in Latin: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia.
This year, this gay calendar is available in two versions, “classic” and “uncensored”,
which suggests some sulphurous photos! Also a making-of of the shootings is for
sale on DVD on the orthodox calendar website.
In the long series of the 2015 gay calendars, a newcomer has just popped up and it
may do some buzz. Indeed it features members of the Orthodox Church, in rather
raunchy poses.
The 2015 edition is entitled “S.A.L.I.G.I.A,” which stands for the initials of the seven
deadly sins in Latin: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia.
This year, this gay calendar is available in two versions, “classic” and “uncensored”,
which suggests some sulphurous photos! Also a making-of of the shootings is for
sale on DVD on the orthodox calendar website.
Original Post: http://www.boyzfeed.com/gay-calendar-orthodox-calendar-unhollycalendar/
No cabe duda que uno de nuestros calendarios favoritos es el The Orthodox
Calendar quien año con año combina de forma única el erotismo y la religión con
sesiones fotográficas sobresalientes con las que desean promover la tolerancia
social hacia los homosexuales por parte de la iglesia.
‘Este calendario se hace con el objetivo de recordarle al mundo que la
homosexualidad no es uno de los 7 pecados capitales y de hecho que Jesucristo
nunca se refirió a la homosexualidad como un pecado’ declaro uno de los
organizadores del mismo. El calendario está disponible en dos versiones, la
censurada y la normal, en ambas incluye un DVD del detrás de cámaras de la
realización del mismo.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Original Post: http://ellavaderodelasmunecas.blogspot.ro/2014/10/religion-yerotismo-en-orthodox-calendar.html?zx=24e0dae1d9a42fad/
2015: The Year of the Naked Priest
The Catholic Church has come quite far in recent years – thanks mostly to the
progressive attitude Pope Francis has shown toward women and members of the
LGBTQ community.
However, I doubt most of us expected to discover the 2015 Orthodox Calendar that is
available in both classic and explicit versions… That’s right – you can now buy a
calendar featuring naked priests (members of the Eastern Orthodox Church) good
looking enough to encourage even the most deviant members of society to thank
Jesus well into the new year.
Now in its 3rd year, this edition is focused on a message of acceptance – pointing out
that homosexuality is NOT one of the seven deadly sins. To hammer this point home,
the calendar’s producers gave it the name S.A.L.I.G.I.A: Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria,
Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia (for those who don’t speak Latin, that’s — Pride, Avarice,
Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth).
Funny, based on watching a few hours of Fox News, I thought the Seven Deadly
Sins were Abortion, Homosexuality, Liberalism, Feminism, Taxes, Being Muslim, and
Feeding the Poor, but I guess I misheard?
Anywho – regardless of your gender or sexual preference, if you are even slightly
attracted to ripped Catholic dudes, this calendar (and its making of DVD) are a mustadd to your Christmas list – though you may not want to ask your Great Aunt Carol.
The Calendar can be purchased at Orthodox Calendar.
Original Post: http://bluenationreview.com/2015-year-naked-priest/
Orthodox Calendar (OC 2015)
Για τρίτη χρονιά κυκλοφορεί το Orthodox Calendar [ http://www.orthodoxcalendar.com ] ένα ημερολόγιο που προκαλεί, με στόχο -όπως λένε οι δημιουργοί
του- να στείλει μήνυμα υπέρ της κοινωνικής ανοχής, ισότητας και δικαιοσύνης.
Στο ημερολόγιο προς αποφυγή κάθε παρεξήγησης διευκρινίζεται ότι δεν μετέχουν
πραγματικοί ιερείς
Οι «Ορθόδοξοι ιερείς» από τη Ρουμανία εμφανίστηκαντο 2013, με ένα ημερολόγιο
που συνδύαζε τις ομοφυλοφιλικές πόζες ανδρών με τη χριστιανική θρησκεία.
Ακολούθησε ένα δεύτερο το 2014 και μόλις παρουσιάστηκε το τρίτο για το 2015.
Το φετινό ημερολόγιο είναι αφιερωμένο στη Ρωσία και στην άσχημη συμπεριφορά
της απέναντι στη LGBT κοινότητα.
Το φέτινό ημερολόγιο αποτελεί ένα απο τα πιο αποκαλυπτικά και πιο προκλητικά
ημερολόγια της σειράς Orthodox Calendar
Στόχος του ημερολογίου, όπως τονίζουν οι διοργανωτές του, δεν είναι να
χρησιμοποιηθεί για θρησκευτικούς σκοπούς, αλλά είναι μια καλλιτεχνική προσπάθεια
με πολιτικό και κοινωνικό μήνυμα.
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com
Δείτε το trailer για το promo του ημερολογίου
Original Post: http://www.gayhellas.gr/gh/orthodox-calendar-oc-2015/
© 2015 www.orthodox-calendar.com