Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht


Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Technische Fachhochschule Wildau / Modulbeschreibung
Seite: 1 von 1
English Private Law (EPL)
Sprache/ Pflicht oder Wahlpflicht
Englisch / Wahlpflichtmodul – Spezialisierung International Law
Semester / Angebotsturnus:
2. Semester / Jährlich im Sommersemester
Prof. Dr. Jörg Peter
Lehrform / SWS:
Vorlesung, Übung / 6 SWS
Workload (Präsenz-/ Eigenstudium):
90h / 150h
Klausur (FP)
Credit Points: 8
Lehr- / Lernziele (Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen):
Die Studierenden kennen und verstehen
The English Legal System in general, the working of case law (precedents), the formation, contents etc. of
contracts, tort law, company law and partnership law
Sie erwerben die Fähigkeiten, zu beurteilen
The underlying concept of contract when negotiating a contract with a partner from a common law state,
esp. the UK
The legal risks in the main areas of private law when dealing in a common law country, esp. the UK
A. English Legal System
I. Introduction
II. Common Law and Equity
III. Doctrine of binding precedent
IV. Rules of interpretations
V. Civil courts
VI. Human Rights Act (relevance for private law)
B. Contract Law
I. Formation of contract (1. Offer and acceptance, 2. Consideration/deed)
II. Contents of contract
III. Standard form contracts, esp. exclusion clauses
IV. Void or voidable contracts (1. Mistake, 2. Misrepresentation)
V. Discharge of contact
VI. Breach of contract and remedies
VII. Privity of contract
C. Tort Law
I. Trespass (1. Trespass to goods, 2. Trespass to lands)
II. Nuisance (1. Public nuisance, 2. Private nuisance)
III. Negligence
IV. Rylands v. Fletcher
V. Vicarious liability
D. Company Law
I. Kinds of companies
II. Ltd.
III. plc
E. Law of partnerships (overview)
Atiyah, P. S., An Introduction to the Law of Contract, newest edition
Bermingham, Vera, Tort in a nutshell, newest edition
Bermingham, Vera, Tort nutcases, newest edition
Birks, Peter (ed.), English Private Law Vol. I and II, newest edition with supplements (reference book)
Davies, Paul, Introduction to Company Law, newest edition
Duxbury, Robert, Contracts in a nutshell, newest edition
Hannigan, Brenda, Company Law, newest edition (very detailed)
Harpwood, Vivienne, Modern Tort Law, newest edition
Jewell, Michael, An Introduction to English Contract Law, newest edition
Kidner, Richard, Casebook on Torts, newest edition
Markesinis, B. S./Deakin, S. F., Tort Law, newest edition (very detailed)
Mc Kendrick, Ewan, Contract Law, newest edition
Rose, Francis, Company law in a nutshell, newest edition
Ruff, Anne, Contract law nutcases, newest edition
Shears, Peter/Stephenson, Graham, James’ Introduction to English Law, newest edition (for an overview)
Slapper, Gary/Kelly, David, English Law, newest edition (for an overview)
Treitel, G. H., The Law of Contract, newest edition (very detailed)
Weir, Tony, Tort Law, newest edition
Wörlen, Rainer, Introduction to English Civil Law Vol. 1 and 2, newest edition
Erstellt von: Prof. Dr. Jörg Peter
Version 1.0
Erstellt am: 20.01.2009