

iv2splus INFONET
Verkehrsinfrastruktur, VIF2011
Entwicklung von MAssnahmen zur Vermeidung von FehlverhalteN an
EisenbahnkreUzungen mit Hilfe der VERkehrspsychologie
The objective of the project is to develop cost-effective measures (education,
awareness-raising, roadside infrastructure) with the help of experts and road traffic
participants to reduce misdemeanour at level crossings. Traffic psychological
research methods will be adopted.
Project coordination
A systematic overview of misdemeanour and its causes (depending on the
level crossing safety system) is the basis for the development and evaluation of
safety measures in expert panels and focus groups. The result of the project
is an Austrian-specific manual with validated measures. In addition, a
performance profile for a mobile detection tool is developed to measure
misdemeanour on specific level crossings.
KFV - Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit
Mag. Eva Aigner-Breuss
Tel.: +43-5-77077-1242
E-Mail: [email protected]
Project partners
Level crossing accidents are not in the public eye because of their frequency, but because of
their severity: In 2010, 51 road users were injured and 13 killed in 62 traffic accidents. The
risk of a fatal accident on level crossings is 12 times higher than on other roads. The vast
majority of these accidents are caused by misdemeanour of road traffic participants. Only full
barriers can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Due to the associated high financial
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
D.I. Christian Stefan
and technical costs, there is a need for cost effective alternative solutions that complement
the existing level crossing safety systems. Methods used in traffic psychology will help
to develop such additional safety measures tailored to the specific level crossing safety
Technische Universität Graz - Institut für
Fahrzeugsicherheit (Member of Frank
Stronach Institute)
Dr. Ernst Tomasch
As a first step, an overview of level crossing accidents and their causes with focus on
misdemeanour of road traffic participants will be given. Existing national and
international safety measures (education, awareness raising and roadside infrastructure) will
be taken into account. In an interdisciplinary expert workshop those with the highest
potential will be
identified. In the next step, misdemeanour and safety measures at level crossings will be
discussed in focus groups (selected road traffic participants from different regions in Austria).
Each focus group will deal with a group of level crossing safety systems, due to the fact
that both the behaviour and the activities vary depending on the category of level crossing.
Results of the group discussions led by traffic psychologists are a) a causal,
Austrian-specific model for
misdemeanour at railway crossings and b) a compilation of promising safety measures.
Tel.: 43-316-873-30313
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +43-050-550-6329
E-Mail: [email protected]
The actual potential of the collected measures will be determined in simulations with
an accident reconstruction programme. The previous results will be analysed and specified in
an additional workshop. Outcome of the project is an Austrian-specific manual of
measures focusing on concrete measures with broad applicability along all dimensions of
road safety activities (education, awareness raising and roadside infrastructure). In addition,
the findings will be incorporated in a performance profile for a mobile behaviour recording tool
which can be used at specific level crossings.
Quelle: iV2plus Vernetzungsplattform der FFG (www.ffg.at/verkehr) und des Bundesministerium für Verkehr,
Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT), Abteilung Mobilitäts- und Verkehrstechnologien (Abt. III/I4)

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