Prof. Dr. Toni Huber - bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende


Prof. Dr. Toni Huber - bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende
Informationen zu Prof. Dr. Toni Huber, Mitglied der ARGE Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung seit
Juni 2012
Full Professor and Chair of Tibetan Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin (since 2003)
Central Asian Seminar
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Humboldt Universität Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
[email protected]
Tel. G 030 2093-66081
Fax G 030 2093-66084
Prof. Dr. Toni Huber
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete:
Ethnologie und Kulturgeschichte Tibets und des
Laufende Forschungsprojekte:
Jagdkultur und die Rolle von Wildtieren in tibetischen
Kultur und Geschichte himalayischer
Hochlandgesellschaften in Arunachal Pradesh
Tibetisches Pilgertum
Volkskultur tibetischer Gemeinschaften im heutigen
Ost-Tibet (Amdo)
Entwicklung, sozialer Wandel und Umwelteinflüsse auf
dem tibetischen Plateauund angrenzenden
himalayischen Regionen
Curriculum Vitae:
1993: Ph.D. Canterbury University, Neuseeland
1996-1997: Gastprofessor für Tibetologie, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, U.S.A.
1997-1998: Forschungsstipendiat der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung,Berlin
1999-2003: Senior Lecturer in Religionswissenschaften, Victoria University,Wellington,
1986-heute: Feldforschungen mit tibetischen und kulturelltibetisierten Gesellschaften in
Zentraltibet, Amdo, Changthang, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh und Nepal
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen:
2012: (Hg. mit Stuart Blackburn) Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalaya
(Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers), 375 pp. ISBN 978 90 04 22691 3
2008: The Holy Land Reborn: Pilgrimage and the Tibetan Reinvention of Buddhist India
(Chicago, The University of Chicago Press), 500 pp. ISBN-10: 0 226 35648 5; ISBN-13: 978
0 226 35648 8
2008: (Hg. mit Fernanda Pirie) Conflict and Social Order in Tibet and Inner Asia (Leiden,
Brill Academic Publishers), 210 pp. ISBN 978 90 04 15817 7
2007: (Hg. mit Rinzin Thargyal) Nomads of Eastern Tibet: Social Organization and Economy
of a Pastoral Estate in the Kingdom of Dege (Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers), xii, 222 pp.
ISBN 978 90 04 15813 9
2002: (Hg.) Amdo Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture During the Post-Mao Era
(Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers), xxiii, 313 pp. ISBN 90 04 12596 5
2000: The Guide To India. A Tibetan Account by Amdo Gendun Chöphel (1903-1951)
(Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives), xi, 162 pp. ISBN 81 86470 255
1999: The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain. Popular Pilgrimage & Visionary Landscape in
Southeast Tibet (New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press), xvi, 297 pp. ISBN 0 19
512007 8
1999: (Hg.) Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Culture: A Collection of Essays
(Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives), xi, 403 pp. ISBN 81 86470 22 0
Aufsätze, einzelne Kapitel und Buchbesprechungen:
2012: "The Changing Role of Hunting and Wildlife in Pastoral Communities of Northern
Tibet", In: Hermann Kreutzmann (Hg.), Pastoral Practices in High Asia. Dordrecht/New
York: Springer, 23pp.
2012: (mit Stuart Blackburn). "Introduction", In: Toni Huber and Stuart Blackburn (Hgs.),
Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalaya. Leiden: Brill, pp.1-10.
2012: "Micro-Migrations of Hill Peoples in Northern Arunachal Pradesh: Rethinking
Methodologies and Claims of Origins in Tibet", In: Toni Huber and Stuart Blackburn (Hgs.),
Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalaya. Leiden: Brill, pp.83-106.
2011: "Blutrache", In: H. Zappe (Hg.), Von der Lust am Unbekannten. Humboldts Erben auf
Forschungsreisen. Berlin: Panama Verlag, pp. 86-93.
2011: "Pushing South: Tibetan Economic and Political Activities in the Far Eastern Himalaya,
ca. 1900-1950", In A. McKay and A. Balicki-Denjongpa (Hgs.), Buddhist Himalaya: Studies
in Religion, History and Culture. Proceedings of the Golden Jubilee Conference of the
Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 2008, vol.1. Gangtok: Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, pp.
2010: "Relating to Tibet: Narratives of Origin and Migration among Highlanders of the Far
Eastern Himalaya", In: S. Arslan and P. Schwieger (Hgs.), Tibetan Studies: An Anthology.
PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International
Association of Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Andiast: International Institute for
Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, pp. 297-335.
2010: "Pilgrimage in Tibet", In: V. Raguin, D. Bangdel and F.E. Peters (Hgs.), Pilgrimage
and Faith. Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Chicago: Serindia, pp. 94-107.
2009: "Review of Matthew T. Kapstein. The Tibetans. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006", The Journal
of Asian Studies, 68:3, pp. 970-972
2007: "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore: A Response to Martin A. Mills",
The Tibet Journal, 32:1, pp. 73-78
2007: (mit Tina Niermann). "Tibetan Studies at the Berlin University: A Brief Institutional
History", In: P. Maurer & P. Schwieger (Hg.) Tibetstudien. Festschrift für Dieter Schuh zum
65. Geburtstag. Bonn: Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, pp. 95-122
2007: "The Anthropology of Tibet and the First Tibetan Anthropologists", In: Nomads of
Eastern Tibet: Social Organization and Economy of a Pastoral Estate in the Kingdom of Dege
(Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers), pp. 1-15
2006: "Review of On the Margins of Tibet; Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier,
Ashild Kolas and Monika Thowsen, Inner Asia, 8, pp.297-299
2006: "The sKor-lam and the Long March: Notes on the Transformation of Tibetan Ritual
Territory in Southern A mdo in the Context of Chinese Developments", Journal of the
International Association for Tibetan Studies, 2, August, pp. 1-42
2006: "A Critical Edition of the Guidebook to Lapchi ( La phyi gnas yig)." Journal of the
International Association for Tibetan Studies, 2, August, pp. 1-38
2006: "Pilgerreisen in Tibet", In: Tibet - Klöster öffnen ihre Schatzkammern. Essen:
Kulturstiftung Ruhr/München: Hirmer Verlag, pp. 41-47
2005: "Gewalt in tibetisch-buddhistischen Gesellschaften", Mitteilungen des Museums für
Völkerkunde Hamburg, Neue Folge 36, pp. 429-461
2005: "Antelope Hunting in Northern Tibet: Cultural Adaptations to Wildlife Behaviour", In:
A. Boesi & F. Cardi (Hg.) Wildlife and Plants in Traditional and Modern Tibet: Conceptions,
Exploitation, and Conversation. Memorie della Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del
Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Milano, 33, pp. 5-17
2004: "Territorial Control by "Sealing" (rgya sdom-pa): A Religio-Political Practice in Tibet",
Zentralasiatische Studien, 33, pp. 127-152
2004: "The Chase and the Dharma: The Legal Protection of Wild Animals in Pre-modern
Tibet", In: Wild Animals in Asia, (London, RoutledgeCurzon), pp.36-55
2003: "Where Exactly Are Caritra, Devikota and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy
and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet", In: A. McKay (Hg.),The
History of Tibet. Volume II The Medieval period: c.850-1895. The Development of Buddhist
Paramountcy, (London, RoutledgeCurzon), pp. 392-424, Reprint.
2003: "Review Article: A Skeptical Note on the Newly Discovered Writings of A mdo dGe
'dun chos 'phel", The Tibet Journal, 28:4, pp. 95-100
2002: "Introduction: A mdo and its Modern Transition", In: T. Huber (Hg.), Amdo Tibetans
in Transition: Society and Culture During the Post-Mao Era (Leiden, Brill Academic
Publishers), pp. xi-xxiii
2002: "Ritual Revival and Innovation at Bird Cemetery Mountain", In: T. Huber (Hg.), Amdo
Tibetans in Transition: Society and Culture During the Post-Mao Era (Leiden, Brill Academic
Publishers), pp. 113-145
2002: "Review of Pelerins, Lamas et Visionnaires. Sources Orales et Ecrites sur les
Pelerinages Tibetains, Katia Buffetrille", IIAS Newsletter, 27, pp. 40
2001: "Shangri-la in Exile: Representations of Tibetan Identity and Transnational Culture",
In: T. Dodin and H. Räther (Hg.), Imagining Tibet: Perceptions, Projections, and Fantasies
(Wisdom Publications, Boston), pp. 357-371, Translation.
2001: "Review of Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity,
edited by Melvyn C. Goldstein and Matthew T. Kapstein", Anthropological Forum, 12:1, pp.
2001: "Review of dBa' bzhed. The Royal narrative concerning the bringing of the Buddha's
Doctrine to Tibet, Pasang Wangdu and Hildegard Diemberger", Acta Orientalia, 62, pp. 280286
2000: "Review of Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, Teil 12 (Die mTshur-phu
Ausgabe der Sammlung Rin-chen gter-mdzod chen-mo, nach dem Exemplar der
Orientabteilung, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin- Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Hs or 778, Volumes 34
to 40), Peter Schwieger", The Tibet Journal, 25:4, pp. 94-97
2000: "Constructions of Space and Place in Tibetan and Himalayan Societies", Asia
Quarterly, 8, pp. 13-14
1999: "Putting the gnas back into gnas-skor: Rethinking Tibetan Buddhist pilgrimage
practice", In: T. Huber (Hg.), Sacred Spaces and Powerful places in Tibetan Culture: A
collection of Essays (Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives), pp. 77-104
1999: (with Tsepak Rigzin), "A Tibetan Guide for Pilgrimage to Ti-se (Mount Kailash) and
mTsho Ma-pham (Lake Manasarovar)", In: T. Huber (Hg.), Sacred Spaces and Powerful
Places in Tibetan Culture: A Collection of Essays (Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works and
Archives), pp. 125-153
1999: "Review of Melvyn Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon: Tibet, China and the
Dalai Lama", Journal of Buddhist Ethnics, 6, pp. 110-113
1999: "Review of A. MacKay, (Hg.), Pilgrimage in Tibet", The Tibet Journal, 24:2, pp. 68-71
1998: "History of a Tibetan Bon-po Monastery: The Bya-dur dGa'-mal Tradition of A-mdo
Shar-khog", Acta Orientalia, 59, pp. 179-227
1998: "Review Article: Foreigner at the Judge's Feet" The Tibet Journal, 23:3, pp. 78-92
1998: "Response to Dr. Martin A. Mills Comments", (Huber T. and P. Pedersen), Journal of
the Royal Anthropological Institute, new series 4, pp. 784-786
1998: "Review of Schuyler Jones, Tibetan Nomads: Environment, Pastoral Economy, and
Material Culture", Folk: Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society, 40, pp. 199-201
1998: "Review of P. Richardus, Tibetan Lives. Three Himalayan Autobiographies", Journal of
Buddhist Ethics, 5, pp. 453-457
1998: "Review of F. Korom, Constructing Tibetan Culture. Contemporary Perspectives",
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 5, pp. 78-85
1998: "Review of Summer Carnahon and Lama Kunga Rinpoche, In the Presence of my
Enemies. Memoires of Tibetan Nobleman Tsipon Shuguba", Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 5,
pp. 453-457
1997: (with Poul Pedersen), "Meteorological Knowledge and Environmental Ideas in
Traditional and Modern Societies: The Case of Tibet", Journal of the Royal Anthropological
Institute, new series 3, 3, pp. 577-598
1997: "Frühe Drikungpa Yogins am Heiligen Berg Tsari", Vajra Klänge, 3, pp. 26-31
1997: "Ritual and Politics in the Eastern Himalaya: The Staging of Processions at Tsa-ri", in
S. Karmay and Ph. Sagant (Hg.), Les habitats du Toit du monde (Nanterre, Société
d'ethnologie), pp. 221-260
1997: "Colonial Archaeology, International Missionary Buddhism and the First Example of
Modern Tibetan Literature", in P. Kieffer-Pülz and J.-U. Hartmann (Hg.),
Bauddhavidyasudhakara: Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th
Birthday (Swisttal-Odendorf, Indica et Tibetica Verlag), pp. 297-318
1997: "A Guide to the La-phyi Mandala: History, Landscape and Ritual in South-Western
Tibet", In: A.W. Macdonald (Hg.), Mandala and Landscapes (New Delhi, D.K. Printworld),
pp. 233-286
1997: "Shangri-La im Exile: Darstellungen tibetischer Identität und transnationale Kultur", In:
T. Dodin and H. Räther (Hg.), Mythos Tibet. Wahrnehmungen, Projektionen, Phantasien
(Köln, DuMont), pp. 300-312
1997: "Green Tibetans: A Brief Social History", In: F. J. Korom (Hg.), Tibetan Culture in the
Diaspora (Wien, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), pp. 103-119
1997: "Guidebook to Lapchi", In: D. Lopez (Hg.), Religions of Tibet in Practice (Princeton,
Princeton University Press), pp. 120-134
1997: "Review Article: Art of Rock Paintings, Administration Comission of Cultural Relics
of the Tibetan Autonomous Region", The Tibet Journal, 22:1, pp. 83-86
1997: "Film Review of Die Salzmänner von Tibet", Director: Ulrike Koch, The Tibet Journal,
22:4, pp.115-117.
1996: "Buddhism: Overcoming Degradation?", In: J. Veitch (Hg.), Can Humanity Survive?
The World's Religions and the Environment (Auckland, Awareness Book Company), pp. 2139
1996: "Review Article: Literal or Literary? Reflections on New Translations of History's
Mirror (Per K. Soerensen's Tibetan Buddhist Historiography and McComas Taylor and Lama
Choedak Yuthok's The Clear Mirror), The Tibet Journal, 21:4, pp. 58-67.
1995: " Review of Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year, Hugh Richardson", The Tibet Journal,
20:1, pp. 125-128.
1994: "When What You See is Not What You Get: Remarks on the Traditional Tibetan
Presentation of Sacred Geography", In: G. Samuel, H. Gregor and E. Stutchbury (Hg.), Tantra
and Popular Religion in Tibet (New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan), pp. 39-52
1994: "Why Can't Women Climb Pure Crystal Mountain? Remarks on Gender, Ritual and
Space in Tibet", In: P. Kvaerne (Hg.), Tibetan Studies (Oslo, Institute for Comparative
Research in Human Culture), pp. 350-371
1992: "A Tibetan Map of lHo-kha in the South-Eastern Himalayan Borderlands of Tibet",
Imago Mundi. The Journal of the International Society for the History of Cartography, 44, pp.
1992: "Some 11th- Century Indian Buddhist Clay Tablets (tsha-tsha) from Central Tibet", In:
Ihara Shoren and Yamaguchi Zuiho (Hg.), Tibetan Studies (Narita, Naritasan Shinshoji), pp.
1991: "Traditional Environmental Protectionism in Tibet Reconsidered", The Tibet Journal,
16,3, pp. 63-77
1990: "Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche Chökyi Lodrö (eine kurze Biographie)" Vajra-Klänge, 1,
p. 12
letzte Änderung : 02. März 2012