Newsletter March 2013 - Association Femmes d`Europe Association


Newsletter March 2013 - Association Femmes d`Europe Association
Bulletin d’information n° 3
Présidente d’Honneur
Madame Margarida Barroso
Newsletter no. 3
Un mot de notre Présidente - A word from our President
Chères amies,
Dear Friends,
Que ferez-vous le 22 mars ? Vous avez certainement
souligné dans votre agenda, à cette date, les mots
« Charlemagne 14h30 Assemblée générale annuelle ".
Lors de cette réunion vous pourrez rencontrer des
amies autour d’une tasse de café, choisir vos
représentantes au Bureau exécutif - pour les mandats
proposés - donner votre point de vue sur le montant
de la prochaine cotisation et le budget pour les
Projets, qui devront être votés ce jour là. Votre
participation est donc très importante pour la vie de
notre association. Je vous invite à renvoyer au bureau,
bien à temps, le formulaire d’inscription, ou de
procuration, au nom d’un membre effectif, pour l’établissement
des listes règlementaires.
Are you doing anything in particular on the 22nd
March? The words “Charlemagne 14h30 Annual
General Meeting” are surely underlined in your
diary for that day! At the meeting you can have
coffee with friends, choose your representatives
for the Executive Bureau and/or give your
opinion on the annual subscription amount and
on the budget for projects due to be voted on that
day. Taking part in the AGM is therefore very
important for the life of our Association. Please
send back the forms - confirming your
attendance or nominating a proxy to vote on your
behalf - to the office as soon as possible so that we can draw
up the regulation lists.
Si vous souhaitez assister à la procédure d’enregistrement des
présences, à la distribution des procurations, être assesseur pour
le décompte des bulletins de vote, n’hésitez pas à le demander
au Secrétariat.
If you would like to take part in the running of the meeting registering attendance, distributing proxy papers, counting
votes – do get in touch with the Secretariat.
Vous allez voir dans ce bulletin que les deux candidates à la
fonction de Vice–présidente Presse et Communications se
présentent conjointement. La charge pourrait se répartir entre
elles, dans le cadre du mode de fonctionnement du Bureau
exécutif régi par le règlement intérieur, pour que ce bénévolat
ne devienne pas trop pesant dans cette époque d’évolution
rapide des moyens de communication.
You will see in this Newsletter that we have two candidates
for the post of Vice-President, Press and Communications
who are presenting a joint candidature. The workload can be
divided between them, in the framework of the working
practices of the Executive Bureau as laid down by our
internal regulations. This will ensure that the work does not
become too onerous for one volunteer in this age of rapid
evolution in methods of communication.
Le « Club Photos Sainte Alix » a passé deux jours au Bazar de
Noël. Il en résulte une merveilleuse collection de photos,
offertes dans ce numéro, qui reflètent le bel esprit de notre plus
grand évènement de l’année. En votre nom, j’adresse des
remerciements très chaleureux à l’équipe des photographes et
au Club Sainte Alix pour leur grande marque de sympathie à
l’égard de nos objectifs et leur générosité personnelle.
The “Club Photos Sainte Alix” spent two days at the Bazaar.
The result is the splendid collection of photos you see in this
issue which captures the spirit of our biggest event of the
year. On your behalf I send warmest thanks to the team of
photographers and to the Club Sainte Alix both for their
support of our aims and their personal generosity.
Que faire d’autre en mars ? Le jeudi 7 mars quatre voix
masculines veulent nous éblouir à l’Ambassade d’Islande grâce
au Groupe AELE. Le dimanche 10 mars, théâtre allemand aux
Facultés Saint Louis, organisé par les Groupes Autrichien et
Allemand, tandis que le jeudi 14 mars il y aura le « Bazar de
Pâques » pour partager les traditions de plusieurs groupes.
Finalement, le jeudi 28 mars, nous pouvons rejoindre, pour la
deuxième fois ce mois-ci, le Groupe AELE qui propose des
visites guidées de la superbe exposition « Yves Saint Laurent »,
à l’initiative de la banque ING.
What else is on in March? On Thursday the 7th there is a
concert at the Icelandic Embassy featuring four male voices
organised by the EFTA Group. Sunday the 10th sees German
theatre at the Facultés Saint Louis organised by the Austrian
Group, while on Thursday the 14th there is the Easter Bazaar
featuring seasonal specialities and decorations from several
countries. Finally (for the second time this month ) we can
join the EFTA Group on Thursday 28 March when they
propose a guided tour of the superb Yves Saint Laurent
exhibition at the ING Bank.
Ma vive gratitude à toutes celles qui organisent nos rencontres
avec tant de passion et de dévouement et mes amitiés à vous
With my warmest gratitude to all those who organise our
events with such passion and devotion and cordial greetings
to each and every one of you,
Imm. C.E. av. de Beaulieu 9 - 1160 Bruxelles ●  + 32 2 660 56 96 / fax + 32 2 675 48 19
Office Hours: Weekdays from 10 am to 1 pm
[email protected][email protected] ●
Compte Bancaire ING 310-0708191-80 ● IBAN BE 47 3100 7081 9180 - BIC BBRUBEBB
Bureau Exécutif
Marie-Anne Dage
Secrétaire Générale
Annik Verougstraete
VP Projets
Walthera Hudig
VP Manifestations
Nadja Allgeier
VP Presse & Communication
Florence Sauquet
Lilian Damstén
Ont participé à ce numéro
Equipe de rédaction
Karen Englander
Florence Sauquet
Mise en page
Karen Englander
Maria Fornasier
Tamara Jeynes-Tchoumakoff
Nora O’Brien
Mary O’Higgins Mooney
Emilie Ramaer
Marylyn Holmes
Trix Hilbers
Luciana Pasca Raymondo
Bernadette Ulens
Margot Wall
Natasha Konidaris
Florence Sauquet
Jane Gill
Dorothy Gillette
Béatrice Heilbrunn
Claudi Koettlitz
Brigitte Matut
Martine Millet
Maura Neligan
Nina Timar
Nadja Allgeier
Tamara Jeynes
Françoise Peres
Nina Timar
Lourdes Gutierrez
O.I.B. (Commission européenne)
Un mot de notre Présidente
Projet du Mois
Assemblée Générale
Cérémonie des Projets
Bientôt – Coming Soon
Gala Irlandais
Echos du Conseil – janvier 2013
Nouvelles Internes
Les textes doivent être envoyés au plus tard le 12 du mois qui
précède la publication, exclusivement par e-mail avec images et
photos en annexe, à :
Karen Englander [email protected].
Texts, images and photos must be sent by email attachment,
before the 12th of the month prior to publication, to:
Karen Englander [email protected].
Le Bulletin est envoyé gratuitement chaque mois, à l'exception des mois
de juillet, août et décembre, aux membres de l'Association Femmes
d'Europe a.i.s.b.l. La rédaction se réserve le droit de résumer ou de
modifier les textes soumis et ne peut garantir leur publication à une date
donnée. Textes et illustrations de toutes les publicités sont sous la
responsabilité des annonceurs.
The Newsletter is sent free of charge each month, except July, August
and December, to the members of the Association Femmes d'Europe
a.i.s.b.l. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to cut or edit
material and cannot guarantee publication on a particular date. Texts and
illustrations of all advertisements are the responsibility of the
Tarifs des insertions publicitaires :
1 page = 100 €
½ page = 65 €
¼ page = 30 €
Info publicité : Natasha Konidaris
 02 687 85 35
[email protected]
[email protected]
Florence Sauquet
[email protected]
 02 673 65 78
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Purchase of an electric minicutter for treatment
of cleft lip or palate children – Bandung, Indonesia
Imagine being born with a harelip or a cleft palate in a remote village in Indonesia. Your parents are poor and
rather ashamed of their handicapped child. Because they do not know that reconstructive surgery is possible.
The child grows up with an enormous inferiority complex, ridiculed by other children. Without treatment, a life
of misery and poverty lies ahead.
Fortunately, in 1979 a foundation for the care
of cleft lip and cleft palate patients was set up
in Bandung: YPPCBL, a non-governmental
and independent social organisation.
group of doctors at the Medical and Dental
Faculty of Padjadjaran University decided to
help underprivileged cleft patients by
offering charity operations all over Indonesia.
Every month the YPPCBL office in Bandung
receives about 35 requests for free treatment
from parents. Operations are also carried out
outside the city of Bandung in order to reach
as many patients as possible, giving them the
opportunity of a normal life within their
community. The organisation offers a multiDr Ida Astuti using minicutter
disciplinary approach, working in a team of
oral surgeons, orthodontists, dentists,
paediatricians, ear, nose and throat specialists, psychologists, speech therapists, anaesthetists, laboratory
assistants, nurses and social workers.
The working unit of the Foundation YPPCBL is the Indonesian Cleft Center. It has a network of contacts tracing
children with cleft lip or palate. The local authorities are asked to confirm that the parents cannot pay for an
operation. The Cleft Centre has a team of about 25 doctors, specialised in cleft surgery, who are willing to
perform operations for free all over Indonesia. Every remote area has a simple health care centre where the
doctors and nurses are trained in post-operative care. The parents are made aware of the importance of speech
lessons after surgery, in order to allow the children to be accepted again in society, restore their self-confidence
and lead a normal life.
The Indonesian Cleft Centre is treating about 1,000 patients a year and,
in order to make surgery more efficient, they wanted to purchase an
electric minicutter. This medical instrument prevents bleeding, increases
safety and shortens operation time. In order to continue with this
important voluntary work, the Foundation is largely dependent on
private funding and therefore applied to our Association for a donation.
The Administrative Council approved the project in June 2012 and the
necessary funds were transferred to the Cleft Centre in Bandung. The
minicutter was purchased and has proved to be a big help for the doctors
working with it. By reducing operation time, it means less stress for
surgeons as well as for patients and it can be easily transported for use in
other hospitals.
Electric minicutter – essential for
Increased safety and speed
Emilie Ramaer
Dutch Group - 03/2013
Projects Presentation Ceremony
25 January 2013
From the exotic East of Mongolia to the rugged South West of Bolivia we witnessed the fruits of our fund raising
efforts in a colourful presentation of projects. To a fairly packed audience, in the press room of the Berlaymont,
President Marie-Anne Dage inaugurated the Ceremony. She thanked Vice-President Walthera Hudig and the members
of the Projects Committee, the members of FdE and the Commission for the various facilities extended to our
Association over the years. She welcomed the Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science - Mrs Maire
Geoghegan-Quinn who expressed her admiration for the range and scope of the projects undertaken by the
Marie-Anne Dage
Walthera Hudig
Ms Maire Geoghegan-Quinn
Ms Elaine Slattery
Walthera Hudig thanked the Commissioner and speakers. She outlined that in 2012 the organisation spent €348,000
on 76 projects worldwide, 55% of which was spent within the EU, giving priority to women and children.
Eight projects were presented, complemented by short films and slides. From a disadvantaged area in Limerick,
Ireland, Elaine Slattery, Manager of Céim ar Chéim (step by step) reported on the progress achieved at the Moyross
Probation Workshop. Young adults and young parents with the aid of catering and IT equipment are being inducted in
the basic skills of reading, writing, cooking and general personal development. Former offenders with training in
photography, woodwork and painting have graduated towards meaningful working careers.
Mr Jean Raquet
Ms Ellitah Bere
Mr Evert van Essen
Prof Dr Raoul Rottiers
M. Jean Raquet, President of l’Association El Almanecer, introduced a project from Tarija, Southern Bolivia. To
ensure the safety of children in this mountainous area of low employment a perimeter wall for a kindergarten
playground was built. The crèche used by 50 families of working mothers is close to a very busy and dangerous road.
Mme Ellitah Bere in colourful African dress spoke of the ravages of HIV in Zimbabwe leaving grandmothers to care
for their orphaned grandchildren. A grant of 1,500 chickens to 30 grandmothers working in three groups of 10 in three
different locations has proved to be a sustainable and diversified poultry farming business.
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Mr Evert van Essen, President of the Regional Food Bank Foundation Zaanstreek (one of 100 regional Foodbanks in
the Netherlands) thanked our Association for the funds which helped purchase a second-hand refrigerated delivery
van. The van will be used to distribute 300 food parcels weekly to people in desperate need of help. The food is
supplied by supermarkets, thus eliminating waste.
Mrs Sophie Andersen
Dr Stéphanie Hoeffelman
and Mongolian assistants
Mrs Claudine Dumez
Mrs Elaine Slattery
and Jeffrey Fitzgerald
Prof. Dr. Rottiers, a Medicins sans Vacances volunteer, spoke of a diabetes pandemic in urban areas in Central Africa.
Poor diet, poor hospital infrastructure and a lack of awareness of the proper treatment have had serious consequences.
Our Association’s funds have helped equip three hospitals in the Bukava region of the Congo Democratic Republic.
About 1,000 patients benefit from this project.
A hippotherapy centre in Hoeilaart has helped autistic children, adolescents and adults suffering from a range of
disabilities, physical, mental and social. For those unable to ride, due to reduced mobility, a horse and carriage which
seats eight passengers was bought. Mrs Sophie Anderson, co-founder of Equité a.s.b.l., highlighted the positive results
of this therapy which treats 150 people each week.
Costumed and singing ladies from
Mongolia: Dr Baasansuren (right) and
Mrs Khishig-Erdene Gonchig
HE Ambassador Tamàs Ivàn Kovàcs
of Hungary with Marie-Anne (centre)
and Walthera
Mrs Sophie Andersen (left) and
Mrs Ellitah Bere
A request from Extrême, a Belgian charity, to buy an ultrasound scanning machine to help avoid infant and maternal
mortality in Mongolia was granted. The theatrical presentation made by Dr Hoeffelman with the aid of two ladies from
Mongolia in traditional costumes was enlivened by a song on the flight of migratory birds: like nomads they come and
they go.
The Versichel Legacy helped fund a boarding school kitchen in Maram, N.E India. This project was introduced by
Claudine Dumez, Founder and President of Enfants en Inde. A film illustrated the school, past, present and to be
completed. Education of young girls from very deprived backgrounds has progressed and school attendance has risen
from almost zero to 90 %.
The session was closed by Vice-President Walthera Hudig who thanked all members, speakers and sponsors, the
Commission, the Hommes d’Europe for their support and patience and the interpreters. A treat of multi-national dishes
and drinks awaited the participants. It was a splendid occasion which gave meaning to the fundraising efforts of the
Association and highlighted the informed and thorough work of the Project Committee.
Nora O’Brien
Irish Group
Sister Birgitta (left) and Sister Gemma from
Petites Sœurs des Pauvres (Marolles)with Nora O’Brien
Projects Committee (l. to r.): Silvia, Jane, Rolende, Marilena
Walthera, Bernadette, Nicole, Françoise, Angela – Well done!
(l. to r.) Mr Augusto Bonucci, Fabrizio Carisi and Mr Moury
(l. to r.) Gerda de Munck, Nadja Allgeier, Mamiek Damijati
(l. to r.) Mrs Slattery, Mrs Bere, Walthera, Mrs Dumez, Mrs Andersen, Marleen Goossens,
Prof Dr R.Rottiers, Mr van Essen, Dr Hoeffelman, Dr Baasansuren, Mr Raquet
(Photos: Nan Nieuwstraten)
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Le Groupe Autrichien, avec l’aide du Groupe Allemand,
vous invitent cordialement à une
Matinée Théâtrale Germanophone
Wie dem Herrn Mockinpott das Leiden
ausgetrieben wird
Farce de Peter Weiss
Présentée par le groupe Bab-Là
Dimanche 10 mars 2013 à 15h30
Facultés Universitaires St. Louis,
Rue du Marais 107, 1000 Bruxelles
PAF : 26 €
Le spectacle sera suivi d’une petite réception en présence des acteurs.
Inscriptions avant le 6 mars : [email protected]
[email protected]
 02 688 26 27
 02 767 62 23
Paiement à verser au compte de l’Association BE47 3100 70819180 – BBRUBEBB, avec la mention « Mocki » ainsi que
votre nom tel qu’il est dans l’Annuaire, votre Groupe et le nombre de places souhaitées.
Nathalie Samson - 03/2013
Organisé par les
Groupes Allemand, Autrichien, Italien et Portugais de
l’Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
au profit de ses projets humanitaires
le 14 mars 2012 de 11h à 16h
Drève du Duc 50, 1170 Boitsfort
Dans une ambiance conviviale nous vous présenterons des décorations et des
œufs de Pâques, des spécialités de pâtisserie sucrées et salées à déguster sur
place et à emporter. C’est aussi une occasion de rencontrer des amies autour d’un
léger lunch.
Sofia Bostyn
 02 343 71 06
Maria Fornasier  02 767 64 88
Edith Coelho  02 767 62 23
Renate Smith  02 688 26 27
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Grâce à la générosité de notre sponsor
le Groupe AELE/EFTA de l’Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
vous propose la visite de l’exposition
Jeudi 28 mars 2013 à partir de 16h*
Yves Saint Laurent, Paris 1969.
Photo : Jeanloup Sieff © The
Estate of Jeanloup Sieff
Espace Culturel ING
Place Royale, 6
1000 Brussels
Bus : 27, 38, 71, 95 (arrêt Royale), Tram: 92, 94 (arrêt Royale)
Métro : lignes 2 (arrêt Porte de Namur)
Train : Gare Centrale de Bruxelles
Grâce au partenariat de la Fondation Pierre Bergé - Yves Saint Laurent, ING présente un ensemble
exceptionnel de créations d’Yves Saint Laurent.
Couturier visionnaire audacieux, il a révolutionné les codes vestimentaires féminins, accompagnant
les mutations de la condition des femmes des années 1960-1970.
Yves Saint Laurent habille la femme libre qui travaille, voyage et revendique son rôle dans une
société changeante. Dorénavant, elle portera tailleur-pantalon, jumpsuit, marinière, caban et même
smoking !
La plupart des pièces sont exposées pour la première fois.
*Visites guidées en français ou en anglais, à préciser lors de la réservation. L’heure de votre
visite vous sera communiquée plus tard. Nombre de places limité !
PAF : 15 € (visite guidée par groupes de 15) – Au profit des projets humanitaires de notre Association.
Montant à verser, après réservation, au compte de l’Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
BE 47 3100 70819180 – BBRUBEBB, avec la mention « Yves St Laurent » ainsi que votre nom
tel qu’il figure dans l’Annuaire et votre Groupe.
Renseignements et réservations :
Tamara Jeynes-Tchoumakoff
 010 24 31 73 - 03/2013
[email protected]
Le Groupe Italien de l’Association Femmes d’Europe a le plaisir de vous inviter,
sous le patronage de L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, dirigé par Federiga BINDI et
l’Association socio- culturelle « Calabresi in Europe » au
CONCERT DE « l’ASTOR TRIO » - de Paola (Cosenza)
Vendredi 12 avril 2013 à 19 heures
à l’Institut Italien de la Culture
rue de Livourne 38 – 1000 Bruxelles
Trois solistes animeront la soirée avec un programme spécial, jeune et riche de surprises.
Leonardo VILARDI - Pasquale PROVENZANO - Maria Roberta FICARA
Programme :
Rachmaninov : Elegiac trio - E. Elgar : Salut d’amour - G. Donizetti : Lamentation à la mort de Bellini J Brahms : Danse hongroise n° 5. Et « Passion…Tango ! musique de Piazzolla »: « Les estaciones de Buenos
Aires » (Les saisons de Buenos Aires) Verano-Otono-Invierno-Primavera - Porteno - Oblivion - Libertango
Le concert sera suivi d’un cocktail offert par l’Association « Calabresi en Europe »
Renseignements et réservations :
Maria Fornasier
Nilla Cozzani
Berenice Vilardo Irlando
 02 767 64 88
 02 534 03 82
 02 646 72 75
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Participation : 20 €
Montant à verser après réservation (téléphone ou e-mail) au compte de l’Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
IBAN : BE47 3100 7081 9180 – BIC : BBRUBEBB avec la mention « Concert Astor Trio » suivi de votre Groupe et
de votre nom tel que repris dans l’Annuaire. Le paiement vaut réservation.
Agé de 29 ans il est déjà premier violon, depuis 2010, de l’orchestre SERRENSEMBLE. Il déploie une intense activité tant
comme soliste qu’en formation de musique de chambre. Il a fait l'objet de nombreuses distinctions lors de concours nationaux
et internationaux. Il a participé à un concert donné à Rome pour le Pape en l’Eglise Santa Maria Maggiore et en la basilique
de Saint Pierre au Vatican, avec l’orchestre Conservatori di Musica Italiani. Depuis janvier 2006, il fait partie de l’Orchestre
Scarlatti de Naples. Le CD « Brise de Mer » (« Feuilles de l’album » de Ruggero Leoncavallo) en collaboration avec
l’association musicale Il Tritono lui a apporté une grande notoriété.
Son curriculum vitae riche et varié est difficile à résumer en quelques lignes. Depuis l’année 2000, il est premier violoncelle
de l’orchestre « l’Arlésienne » de Roccella Jonica. Il collabore aussi avec le Maestro Eugenio Bennato. En 2004, il a remporté
le concours de musique de Chambre de Zumaia (Espagne) et a reçu le Prix de la Critique. Depuis 2005, il est « executive
manager » de perfectionnement musical. Fortement sollicité, il joue toujours dans différentes formations de musique de
chambre et, depuis 2007, il enseigne à l’Université de Messine et donne des cours d’éducation musicale et violoncelle dans les
écoles d’Etat.
MARIA ROBERTA FICARA : piano et clavecin
Cette jeune femme, par son activité, son engagement, sa préparation et son génie porte haut le nom de l’Italie et de sa région,
la Calabre. Elle est licenciée en science et technologie du son et elle est enseignante titulaire d’une chaire de piano (SMIM
d’Amantea-Cosenza). Très jeune elle a débuté une carrière de concertiste en Italie et également à l’étranger (Emirats Arabes
Unis, Tunisie, Turquie). Elle a à son actif des enregistrements pour des chaînes de télévision en tant que pianiste et aussi
comme critique musical. Elle est une compositrice connue, pour piano solo, quintette pour instrument à vent et a réalisé de
nombreuses transcriptions phonétiques. Madame Ficara collabore avec les maisons de production cinématographique « On the
Road Production » et Unistar srl à Rome.
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Groupe Multinational
Mardi 16 avril 2013 à 14h
« Maladresses Parentales, s’en sortir et ne pas reproduire »
par Jean Closon, kinésiologue
Comment identifier et mieux comprendre les
‘Maladresses Parentales’ qui nous touchent
et nous influencent tout autant que nos
Jean Closon est l’auteur d’un ouvrage sur
ce qu’il appelle l’un des fléaux les plus
récurrents à l’origine des blessures
émotionnelles : qu’il s’agisse d’une réflexion,
d’un geste ou d’une simple pensée, l’enfant,
au travers de sa propre perception et
sensibilité, peut mal interpréter l’information.
Il se sent alors traité injustement, incompris,
humilié, rejeté, trahi…
Un goûter, au cours duquel vous pourrez dialoguer avec le conférencier,
vous sera offert à l’issue de la conférence.
Adresse : B19 Business Club, 19 Avenue Van Bever, 1180 Bruxelles
Participation : 23 €
Paiement à verser au compte de l’Association : IBAN : BE47 3100 70819180 – BIC :
BBRUBEBB, avec la mention « Jean Closon », ainsi que votre Groupe et votre nom tel
qu’il est repris dans l’Annuaire.
Renseignements et Réservations :
Bernadette Ulens
Muriel Nacar
 02 762 96 37
 0475 824 263 - 03/2013
[email protected]
[email protected]
Le Groupe Italien de l'Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.,
avec le support de la Banca MONTE PASCHI Belgio, organise un
Tournoi de Bridge duplicate
Mardi 23 Avril 2013 à 14h00
dans les salles de la
Avenue d’Auderghem, 28 - 1040 – Bruxelles
Remise des prix et sandwichs vers 18h00
Le tournoi sera organisé par Monsieur Didier Peers de Nieuwburgh.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous revoir très nombreux.
Le comité organisateur :
Margherita Bonucci, Angela Carisi, Bianca De Palma, Daniela Napoli, Luciana Pasca Raymondo
Au profit des nos projets humanitaires.
CARTON REPONSE à renvoyer avant le 10 Avril 2013 à
Daniela NAPOLI
Rue d’Oultremont 20, 1040 Bruxelles
 0475 782 535
[email protected]
Luciana PASCA
Avenue Delleur 16, 1170 Bruxelles
 0475 427 641 [email protected]
Partenaire : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..
Tournoi Duplicate ………….x 40 € = …………….…...… €
Soit un total de ………..…......€ à verser au compte de l’Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. :
BE47 3100 70819180 - BBRUBEBB, avec la mention : «Bridge du Groupe Italien du 23 avril 2013».
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
The Irish Group gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following sponsors:
Culture Ireland, Microsoft, Ingersoll Rand, The Nickel Institute, The Worldwide Ireland Funds, An Bórd Bia, Diageo - 03/2013
celebrating the Irish Presidency of the E. U.
This April 24th we will experience renowned Irish musicians THE CHIEFTAINS, who will be giving us a marvelous mix of
airs, tunes and melodies. For over fifty years this group has been reaching far beyond the shores of Ireland with universal
appeal and musicality as fresh as springtime – at once timeless and modern, evocative and sensitive, playful and profound.
Arias and jigs, reels and rondos, rock and pop, dirges and dramas – they can handle them all! They have made music for
films and have accompanied singers as disparate as Pavarotti and Sting. They are incredibly versatile in style and are not
afraid to shock purists. Although very well known for Irish idiom, with fiddle, harp, flute, uilleann (elbow) pipes, tin whistle,
and the redoubtable “bodhrán” (hide-covered drum), they can also enchant with a symphony orchestra or enliven a classical
jazz concert.
Having garnered no less than six Grammy awards, they have been officially honoured as Ireland’s Musical Ambassadors and
have performed before Pope John Paul II. They have even rocked the cosmos; Paddy Moloney’s whistle and Matt Molloy’s
flute were taken into space by NASA astronaut Cady Coleman who played them to the outer ether from the International
Space Station. Truly, their music is “out of this world”!
The core members of THE CHIEFTAINS - leader Paddy
Moloney, with Kevin Conneff, Matt Molloy and Sean Keane
- are household names in Ireland. On this special night, The
Chieftains will be joined by:
Jon Pilatzke: Originally from the Ottawa Valley of Ontario,
Canada, Jon has been stepdancing and playing the fiddle for
three decades and is the three-time winner of the Canadian
Open Stepdancing Championships. For the past eleven years,
Jon has been ecstatic to step dance and play fiddle all over the
world as a permanent fixture with The Chieftains.
Triona Marshall: Trained as a classical harpist, Triona was
principal harpist with the RTE Concert Orchestra for five years
up to 2003, when she was invited to play as guest harpist for
The Chieftains. Since then she has performed solely on the
Irish Harp playing as both guest harpist with The Chieftains on
tours throughout the world and as a solo performer. Her deft
fingers on our national instrument produce music at once “spontaneous, delicately graded, and full of rhythmic vitality”.
Alyth McCormack: Born and raised on the Isle of Lewis off the Northwest coast of Scotland immersed in the culture of the
islands, Alyth studied classical singing and drama at the RSAMD in Glasgow. She has had the opportunity to tour such
places as: Germany, Spain, Italy, North America, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Ireland, Switzerland and others. With a voice
described as having “spun glass fragility belying a sinewy strength”, Alyth is one of the most exciting singers on the Celtic
Nathan Pilatzke: Undoubtedly one of the most dynamic and energetic stepdancers ever to hit the stage, Nathan has been
performing for thirty years. Hailing from the Ottawa Valley of Ontario, Canada, Nathan started stepdancing at the tender age
of five. Since 2002, Nathan has been touring the world with Irish supergroup The Chieftains, visiting countries including
Sweden, Norway, China, Japan, Australia, and most of Europe and North America.
Tim Edey: Hailing from Broadstairs in Kent, Tim has played, toured and recorded both on record and TV with quite literally
a who's who of the Celtic and acoustic music scene. On the road worldwide since he was fifteen years old, Tim's earliest gigs
were with his guitarist father and Irish singer Enda McCabe. He then joined guitar master Ed Boyd's (Flook) band Red Ciel at
the age of sixteen, and toured UK and Scandinavia as a box player with them. He recorded his debut album at the age of
seventeen. Tim's compositions have been often recorded by others in the folk scene, notably the piece "Little Bird", which he
wrote for Sharon Shannon.
Shauna Ryan: World champion Irish dancer Shauna Ryan, who has been dancing since the age of four, will join the Pilatzke
brothers who stun audiences with their dynamic and unique stepdancing.
Pipes, Drums & Bikes will be the featured bagpipe band during the performance.
...Whence we can move out of the Flagey Theatre auditorium to a reception offering us Irish specialities as we clink our
glasses in a Gaelic toast: SLAINTE! (pronounced “slawn-tje”)
Edits by Michelle Findlay and Sarah Pidhirniak
(Photo: internet)
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
What are the Irish Musical Instruments?
The bodhrán (pronounced like baugh’rawn) is the heartbeat of Irish music. This ancient frame drum is
traditionally made with a wooden body and a goat-skin head, and is played by striking the drumhead obliquely
with the hand or with a double-headed stick called a cipín, tipper, or beater. In the most common style, the
bodhránist plays the basic rhythm with the lower end of the stick, and adds ornamentation with the upper end.
The flutes used in traditional Irish music are called concert flutes. These were the standard instruments
found in orchestras during the 19th century, prior to the introduction of Boehm system flutes circa 1843.
They are conical-bore, transverse flutes, typically constructed of blackwood. They are played using
'simple system' (keyless) fingering or 'old system' (four to eight keys) fingering. They have a more robust
and breathy tone compared to metal flutes.
The tin whistle is a vertical fipple-flute. The fipple is the duct in the mouthpiece that directs air to produce
sound. The first tin whistles of the 1800's were rolled plates of tin forming a tube, with a wooden block in
the mouthpiece carved to form the fipple. Today's tin whistles are made of metals including nickel-silver,
brass and aluminium. They have a range of two octaves, and are made in a wide range of keys. The tin
whistle is one of the simplest Irish instruments to play.
The fiddle had evolved, or devolved from the violin, which itself had evolved from an earlier bowed
instrument: the medieval fiddle. It is a beautifully made wooden box with curved sides, a neck and
four strings that are pulled over a bridge. The hollow box amplifies the sound that is made when the
strings vibrate over the bridge. The strings may be plucked or bowed. The box is often made of
woods such as cherry and maple with an opening to resonate sound. The bow is made out of a
special wood that comes from Brazil called pernambuco. The other part of the bow is made out of
the hair from a horse's tail. The major difference between the fiddle and the violin is in how they are
learned and how they are played. One learns to play the violin from trained teachers. The fiddle is
typically learned from anyone with a new tune. Another way to look at a fiddle is that it is a violin
with soul.
The traditional Irish harp's distinguishing features are its use of wire (usually brass) strings and
its resonating chamber carved from a single log (traditionally willow). The highly tensioned
strings are played with fingernails, producing a very clear sound. Today, many Irish harps use
gut or synthetic string and the construction of the chamber is also significantly different. Rather
than being hollowed out from one piece of wood, the soundbox is more likely to be fabricated
from sawn pieces of wood glued together which creates a different sound. Traditionallyconstructed Irish harps also tend to be smaller than modern models. Less than a dozen Celtic
harps survive from the medieval (pre-1700) period. The oldest is the one on which the 'official'
national emblem of Ireland is based: the Trinity College Harp. Also known as the Brian Boru or
O'Neill harp, this 15th century Irish harp is on display in the Long Room of Trinity College,
Dublin. Two other medieval harps are preserved in the Museum of Scotland: The Queen Mary
harp (15th century) and the Lamont harp (date uncertain).
The uilleann pipes (pronounced "illen" from Irish “uille”, meaning
elbow) were developed during the 1700’s in Ireland. They are also
known as union pipes, Irish pipes, or Irish bagpipes. The modern full set
of pipes comprises bag, bellows and chanter, drones and regulators. The
tenor or small regulator was added to the set in the last quarter of the 18th
century. It was spoken of as a recent addition, not yet in general use, in
1790 and it was the only one referred to by O’Farrell in his tutor for this
instrument which was published about 1800. The middle and bass
regulators were added in the first quarter of the 19th century.
Piping was at its zenith in pre-Famine Ireland. Thereafter the old dances
began to give way to the various sets and half-sets based on quadrilles and
the pipes were superseded by the melodeon and concertina. Towards the
end of the 19th century it seemed as if the Irish pipes were fated to follow
the Irish harp into oblivion. Fortunately, when the national revival, initiated by the Gaelic League, got under way in 1893, all
aspects of native culture began once more to be cultivated. Pipers’ clubs were founded in Cork (1898) and in Dublin (1900). - 03/2013
The UK Group will host a
Spring Lunch Party
with Bring and Buy Sale
on Friday 3 May in Overijse
from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm
Books, plants and home-made food for sale
Refreshments all day
Further details in the April Newsletter
More information from Jill Hawkes:
[email protected]
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Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
Approuvé lors du Conseil d’administration du 14 janvier et du 15 février 2013
Hiltrud Jäschke
Michèle Quatacker
Hermina Valkanov
Aba Luisa Hochschild Beeck, Reyes Redel, Maria Roldan
Riin Saluveer
Zsuzsanna Roka
Margaret Taylor
Donata Robiolo Bose
Maria Helena Cardoso de Bronett
Edwige Marcelle-Abena, Nathalie Masset, Marianne Mauroit,
Christine Meissner, Elisabeth Proost, Katharina von Kameke
lundi 11 mars
lundi 13 mai
lundi 22 avril
vendredi 14 juin
Les réunions ont lieu de 10h à 13h dans la salle C du BU 5
Due to the Editorial Staff’s unavailability in mid-April,
the DEADLINE for the May issue will be brought forward to:
Monday 8 April 2013 (instead of 12 April)
Please make a note in your Diary
Suite à l’absence de l’équipe de Rédaction mi-avril, la DATE LIMITE pour
le Bulletin de mai est avancée au
Lundi 8 Avril 2013 (au lieu du 12 avril) - 02/2013
Equipement de golf (usagé) de dame à céder à prix bas.
Marques Calaway et autre.
U. Thiele
 02 660 11 36
[email protected]
When Lotje moved to Brussels she immediately joined the Association
Femmes d’Europe aisbl and became involved in its many activities.
Joke Hattinga van ‘t Sant, treasurer of the Association at the time,
“When I met Lotje for the first time in December 1986, I realised that she
was very special. She was an active member of Femmes d’Europe; warm,
enthusiastic, convincing and straightforward are words that come into mind
when I think of Lotje. She believed in the mission statement of Femmes
d’Europe and after talking with her, one could do nothing else but join the
“After being on the Administrative Council for many years, representing the
Dutch Group, Lotje became a member of the Executive Committee as VicePresident (1991-1993). Her position was not always easy, straightforward as
she could be at times. But she always had the future of the Association at
heart. I am sure that all who knew her well will agree that Lotje was a truly
good person.”
Marie Synadino (Shushu), who, as President of the Association, worked with Lotje on the Executive
Committee, remembers her during those marvellous, early years: “Lotje was extremely nice, hardworking,
competent and faithful, one could always rely on her”.
Emmie Gooze Zijl, representing the Dutch Group together with Lotje in the late eighties, remembers: “Lotje
was a very driven member, who took her task seriously and coordinated all our activities such as our projects,
the Christmas Bazaar and the Rijsttafels”.
After returning to Holland, she came back to Brussels every year for the Rijsttafel and the Bazaar, offering a
helping hand in the Dutch book stall and seeing her friends, with whom she had stayed in touch.
With fond memories we think of Lotje as an active, social and cheerful friend.
Her friends
Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.

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