Strong seasonal temperature variations in Neptune`s atmosphere


Strong seasonal temperature variations in Neptune`s atmosphere
Strong seasonal temperature variations in Neptune's atmosphere
Extrait du Observatoire de Paris
Strong seasonal temperature
variations in Neptune's
Date de mise en ligne : samedi 1er septembre 2007
Observatoire de Paris
Copyright © Observatoire de Paris
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Strong seasonal temperature variations in Neptune's atmosphere
For the first time, astrophysicists from JPL and CASS, California, and LESIA,
Observatoire de Paris, have made resolved maps of the temperature on Neptune. Mid
infrared images of Neptune, taken with the VISIR instrument on the VLT at ESO, reveal
strong inhomogeneities in thermal emission, with high temperatures at the south pole,
enhanced by seasonal variations. These high temperatures allow the tropospheric methane
to escape into the stratosphere, solving the puzzle of the high abundance of CH4 there. In
spite of its large distance to the Sun (30 times the Earth-Sun distance), Neptune is therefore
the site of a high climatic activity.
Figure 1 : Cartes de la température sur Neptune, prises les 1-2 septembre 2006, avec le nord en haut, et le pôle
sud évident en bas de chaque image. Des étoiles sont également montrées pour la comparaison et la calibration.
La longueur d'onde de chaque filtre est indiquée sur chaque image. © VISIR/ESO. JPL. LESIA. CASS. Cliquer sur
l'image pour l'agrandir
This is the first publication of spatially resolved thermal images of Neptune at wavelengths sensitive to
temperatures near its tropopause (temperature minimum) which are substantially influenced by seasonally varying
solar input. The images show the south pole of Neptune at this level (near 0.1 bars / 100 mbar pressure) is
extremely warm, generally consistent with the fact that it is late southern summer and this region has been in
sunlight for close to 40 years.
In fact the temperatures are so warm that methane (CH4) gas, which should be frozen ("cold trapped") out of the
stratosphere above this level, can leak out through this region of warm temperatures. This solves a long-standing
problem of identifying the source of Neptune's high stratospheric methane abundances. It also means that
methane could be migrating northward from the south polar leak if Neptune's stratospheric circulation is vigorous
enough. If the warm temperatures at the south pole are, indeed, seasonally driven, it means that methane will be
leaking out of a warm *north* pole in about 80 years, during Neptune's northern summer. This sort of migration has
Copyright © Observatoire de Paris
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Strong seasonal temperature variations in Neptune's atmosphere
some similarities to the seasonally driven hemispherical migration of CO2 on Mars, although
primary constituent of Neptune's atmosphere (those are molecular hydrogen and helium).
methane is not the
Figure 2 : Variations latitudinales de la température moyenne à une pression de 100mbar dans l'atmophère de
Neptune. Cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir
Another unexpected result was the detection of a discrete warm region near 65-70 degrees S latitude in
emission from methane and ethane gas at higher levels in the stratosphere. This region was definitely not at the
pole itself, unlike the temperature peak deeper down. Observations in 2005 at Keck and recently in 2007 at
Gemini/North showed no such region.
See also : Paris Observatory Press Release INSU Press Release Astronomy & Astrophysics Journal Press
Release ESO Press Release
Evidence for methane escape and strong seasonal and dynamical perturbations of Neptune's atmospheric
temperatures G. S. Orton (JPL, Caltech, USA), T. Encrenaz (LESIA, Obs-Paris), C. Leyrat (JPL, Caltech, USA),
R. Puetter (CASS, California, USA), A.J. Friedson (JPL, Caltech, USA) Astronomy & Astrophysics, Letter
published on 18 September 2007
Thérèse Encrenaz (Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, et CNRS)
Copyright © Observatoire de Paris
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