08 Septembre 2013


08 Septembre 2013
Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
Le 8 septembre 2013 – 23e DIMANCHE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE C
S’asseoir et réfléchir - Jésus nous invite à devenir ses disciples. Cet appel est
exigeant et sérieux: il s’agit de lui accorder la première place dans nos cœurs en le
préférant à tout.
Revenu des offrandes
Intentions de messes
de la part de
18 août – 3 0720,62$
Sam 7 sept Action de grâce
Louise Fortier
Grand merci !
Mar 10 sept Pour la chirurgie du 12 septembre
Carmel et Rudy Klassen
Together in Action
Mer 11 sept † Daniel Buteau
De collègues:
13 686.48$
Bernadette, Gracia, Claudette, Phyllis et Madeleine
Amassé à date
Jeu 12 sept Pour Bernadette et sa famille
Jocelyne Wandler
18 août – 10 989.00$
Ven 13 sept † Marjorie Sharegan, maman de Roberta Houle Club de l'Amitié
Levée de fonds – pour
Sam 14 sept † Jacques Pelletier
Famille Herzig-Boyer
les projets capitaux
Samedi 7 sept
Ministres prochains
Dimanche 8 sept
Objectif 40 000,00$
18 août – 42 495.90$
Jean-Luc Damas
Yvette et Laurent Dion
Christiane Chako/Claudette C. LECTURE
Diane et Yvon Benoît
Chito Jaraiz
COMMUNION Berthe Richard/Yvette Gourdinne
Rachel Desroches/Gerry Fijal
Messe mémorielle pour
Samedi 14 sept
Ministres prochains
Claudette Carbonneau
Jean-Luc Damas/Louise Fortier LECTURE
Gaston Launière
Dimanche 15 sept
Monique et Robert Liddiard
Adeyemi Ige & Roseline Cyr
Claire Lamarre/Selina Kruchten
Clara Gingras/Gracia Gagnon
Maurice Pagé
(3 juillet 1956 – 20 juillet 2013)
Le samedi 21 septembre à 11h,
il y aura une messe mémorielle
pour Maurice, le fils défunt de
Bernadette Pagé.
Merc 11 sept
Dim 15 sept
Mar 17 sept
Mer 25 sept
Calendrier paroissial
Rencontre des Dames de Ste-Famille à 19h. Veuillez Noter le changement de DATE
Messe au parc Fish Creek suivie du brunch des C de C.
Réunion du comité des finances à 18h15.
Réunion du conseil paroissial à 18h15.
Messe au Parc Fish Creek
Le dimanche 15 septembre, l’abbé Noël va célébrer deux messes: la
première à l’église à 10h30 et la deuxième à midi dans le coin
Glennfield du Parc Fish Creek; « l’Abri A». Pour apprécier la nature de
l’automne et la confraternité de notre communauté, le Conseil Paroissial
vous invite à cette messe en plein air qui sera suivie du brunch des
Chevaliers de Colomb au Parc Fish Creek.
Notez bien les détails et venez en grand nombre! SVP, avisez le secrétariat de votre intention d’y
 Sur la Macleod Trail, direction sud ou nord, prenez la sortie Bannister Rd SE. L’entrée du Parc est
en face du stationnement de McInnis & Holloway, soyez attentifs car l’accès est facilement manqué.
Suivez le chemin jusqu’au stationnement Glennfield Area A.
 Chacun devrait apporter sa chaise et sa bouteille d’eau!
 Apportez aussi, des jeux pour les enfants, même vos bons souliers de randonnés, des cahiers de
chants : tout pour s’amuser en groupe et en famille.
 Une carte routière pour se rendre à l’abri réservé sera placée au site web et quelques copies
dures seront disponibles à l’entrée de l’Église.
Album de photos de la paroisse
Il y a déjà quelques années, que nous avons fait un album de photos de notre paroisse.
Notre communauté de Ste-Famille a accueilli depuis ce temps de nouvelles familles et
aussi à l’abbé Noël. Cette année, la paroisse aura 85 ans! Pour toutes ces bonnes
raisons, un photographe viendra du 7 au 10 octobre pour prendre les photos de nos
paroissiens. Veuillez contacter le secrétariat pour prendre rendez-vous.
Message pour les servants de messe
Si vous désirez être acolyte ou si vous voulez des informations concernant ce ministère, s’il-vous-plaît
envoyez un courriel à Lucie Herzig et Charles Boyer à l’adresse suivante [email protected].
Il y aura une pratique pour tous les acolytes (nouveaux et anciens) un dimanche avant la messe. La
date vous sera communiquée par courriel. Merci!
Messages des Dames de Ste-Famille
• Il me fait plaisir, au nom du Conseil des Dames de Ste-Famille, d’inviter toutes les femmes
intéressées à joindre le mouvement de la Paroisse à la première rencontre de la rentrée le mercredi
11 septembre à 19h au sous-sol de l’église. N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d’information.
Berthe Richard, présidente
 Les rencontres des Dames de Ste-Famille auront lieu à 19h le 2e jeudi de chaque mois.
 Le chapelet sera récité dans la pièce de St-Joseph tous les dimanches à 10h.
Coin de poésies et dictons
Un sourire
Un sourire ne coûte rien et produit beaucoup,
Il ne peut ni s'acheter, ni se
Il enrichit celui qui le reçoit sans appauvrir celui qui le
prêter, ni se voler,
Car c'est une chose qui n'a de
Il ne dure qu'un instant, mais son souvenir est parfois
valeur qu'à partir du moment
où il se donne.
Personne n'est assez riche pour s'en passer,
Et si toutefois, vous rencontrez quelqu'un qui ne sait
Personne n'est assez pauvre pour ne pas le mériter,
plus sourire,
Il crée le bonheur au foyer, soutient les affaires,
soyez généreux donnez-lui le vôtre,
Il est le signe sensible de l'amitié,
Car nul n'a autant besoin d'un sourire que celui qui
Un sourire donne du repos à l'être fatigué,
ne peut en donner aux autres...
Donne du courage au plus découragé
Auteur inconnu
Inscription à la paroisse et aux ministères
Nouveaux et anciens ministres, inscrivez-vous. Découper et placer dans le panier de quête.
NOM: ____________________________________________________________
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance (optionnel)
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
Nom de famille
Anniversaire de naissance
ADRESSE : ________________________________________________________
NUMÉROS DE TÉLÉPHONE : __________________________________________
ADRESSE COURRIEL : _______________________________________________
Ministères auxquels vous désirez participer
 le samedi
 le dimanche
 Accueil  Lecture  Eucharistie  Chant  Musicien  Acolyte  Bibliothèque
 Liturgie des enfants  Compter la quête  Comité des finances  Conseil Paroissial
Je désire une boîte d’enveloppes pour mes offrandes.  Oui
 Non
Inscrivez vos commentaires ou des informations supplémentaires à l’endos de cette inscription SVP.
Save the Dates and mark your calendars for the Fall Programs. I am happy to share this information
with all those interested in the programs being offered by our diocese.
Halina E. White, Program Coordinator & Consultant
Health Care Apostolate, RC Diocese of Calgary
Ph: 403-218-5508 Fax: 403-264-0526
[email protected]
[email protected]
September 21, 28 and October 5, 2013 8:30 - 12:30pm – AB Pastoral Care Association
Fall Pastoral Care Course: “May I Sit with You Awhile?
Rocky Mountain College
4039 Brentwood Rd. NW
Cost: $50.00 for APCA members, $60.00 for non-members.
Registration: Karen at E-mail: [email protected] or call 403-253-7946
Saturday, October 5, 2013 - Workshop - How to Forgive….4 Steps to Forgiving`
Location: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 400 Edmonton Trail
Presenter: Celia Ryan - Celia is a Clinical Social Worker, Thanatologist, and Grief Therapist.
Celia is temporarily in Calgary (from the US) and offers workshops and training.
We are pleased to have her present this Fall to share with us her extensive knowledge and
experience in these areas
Registration 9:00 am Presentation: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Registration fee is $40.00 which includes lunch.
Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501.
E-mail: [email protected]
October 18, 2013 - White Mass for Health Care Professionals and Pastoral Care Ministers
October 18, 2013, 7:00pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral, Bishop Henry Presiding
More information to follow.
October 25 (Fri. 5:45 – 9:30pm) & October 26 , 2013 (Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm), and
November 1 (Fri. 6:30 – 9:30pm) & November 2, 2013 (Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm)
Bereavement Education Program
Location: FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219 -19 Ave. SW
Registration fee is $75.00 and includes a manual
Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Saturday, November 9, 2013 - Bereavement Coordinators Workshop
Topic: “How to Develop/Enhance a Parish Bereavement Support Program
Location: FCJ Christian Life Centre, 219-19th Ave. SW
Registration: 8:30am
Presentation 9:00am – 2:00pm
2:00 - 3:00pm - Updates from Parishes and Health Care Office.
Registration fee is $25.00 which includes lunch. Please call 403-218-5507 or (403) 218-5501.
E-mail: [email protected]
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call me at 403-218-5508 or
E-mail [email protected]
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for
September 8th 2013, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Palio -- Diocesan Family Country Fair
The Fair, which is scheduled for Saturday September 14, 2013 is fast approaching. This fun filled family day
happening at the Strathmore Rodeo Grounds will recognize our Diocesan Centennial. It will feature an open
air Mass with Bishop Henry, a keynote address by Bishop Henry, the running of the horses, baseball games
and children's activities. A complimentary pancake breakfast is planned at 9am for the first 500 attendees.
Purchase your tickets at your parish or at the gate. See www.palio.ca for details. If you wish to volunteer on
the day of the event contact Malcolm Bennett at [email protected] or at 403-863-2150.
Office of liturgy
A Day with the Psalms - Workshop for Cantors. The workshop will offer both spiritual and practical
formation for singing the Responsorial Psalm. Cantors of all abilities and experience are invited. Saturday,
September 21, 2013 (registration 9:30am, workshop 10am - 3pm), St. Martha's Church, Lethbridge (355
Columbia Blvd W, Lethbridge, AB). Note that earlier advertising said the workshop begins at 9am. Saturday,
September 28, 2013 (Mass at 9am, registration 9:30am, workshop 10 am - 3 pm), St. Luke's Church,
Calgary (1566 Northmount Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta). Please bring a bag lunch.
Registration Fee: $25 [includes two books]. Registration Deadline: Sept. 9, 2013. More information at
Media Art in Liturgy - Roman Catholic Vision. We are all familiar with the use of screens in worship to
display song lyrics. Love it or hate it, this is not the most Catholic use of media in worship. The more Catholic
use of media in worship is media as liturgical art. This year’s Western Conference of Liturgy takes place in
at St. Gerard Church, Calgary; Friday October 18, 7pm and Saturday October 19, 9am – 3pm with
Catholic theologian, liturgist, and media producer, Dr. Eileen Crowley. We invite you to come and engage in
this critical reflection upon of the meaning of liturgical participation and the use of media in Catholic liturgy,
especially liturgies in temporary spaces and outside of Mass. The conference also offers participants an
opportunity to explore photography as a spiritual practice. The cost of the conference this year is low, only
$50 (early bird) or $60 after the early bird deadline and it includes lunch. For more information and
registration details visit the conference website http://wclcanada.wordpress.com/.
Religious Education Office
The Diocesan Catechetical Certificate Program will be offering Level I, of its three level programs, starting
on Saturday September 28th at the Catholic Pastoral Centre. Each Level has six Saturday morning
sessions. The program was designed to give lay people the necessary catechetical background to feel more
confident in the following areas of parish ministry: Sacramental Preparation, R.C.I.A., Youth Ministry and
Parish based Catechesis for both adults and children. The program is an excellent opportunity for faith
enrichment and updating oneself on the Catholic faith including Scripture, Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer, Social
Justice, Vatican II and more. For more information and registration call the Religious Education Office at: 403218-5501.
Health Care Apostolate
The Alberta Pastoral Care Association will be offering their Fall Pastoral Care Training program for lay
visitors at Rocky Mountain College, 4039 Brentwood Road NW, Calgary starting Saturday September 21st
for three consecutive Saturday mornings from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. The course fee is $50.00 for members
and $60.00 for non-members. This is an inter-denominational training program preparing people for the
Ministry of Pastoral Care in the church. To register or find out more information call: Karen at 403-253-7946
or email: [email protected].
Social Justice Ministry
Flood Relief - The Diocese of Calgary is accepting financial donations to assist the recent flood victims. The
Diocesan financial outreach will target in particular the situations in High River, the Siksika Reserve, and the
needs of the Calgary Food Bank. We want to especially be sensitive to the needs of the poor, the disabled,
the elderly, and those who have little or no voice and are likely to fall through the cracks. Donations can be
made as follows:
- by sending a cheque payable to the "Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary", earmarked
Flood Relief fund" and sent to the Pastoral Centre (120 - 17th Ave SW,
Calgary AB T2S 2T2).
- Online donations using PayPal or credit cards are now being accepted by clicking on the
“Donate Now button” on our diocesan website. After stating the donation amount, you will be
asked where you would like to direct your donation. Please put "Calgary Flood Relief fund."
Thank you for your generous contributions!
CCCB & CCODP Joint Solidarity Campaign for Crisis in Syria – Our Holy Father has recently asked that
Catholic charitable organizations cooperate in providing humanitarian aid to Syrians, who have lost their
homes, are displaced, or are refugees. In response, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and
Development and Peace have partnered together for a special joint emergency campaign for the
Syrian Crisis, which will continue throughout the summer until Sept. 14th. This solidarity campaign will
assist the most vulnerable. The Diocese of Calgary is currently accepting donations for this appeal. Donations
can be made as follows:
- by sending a cheque payable to your parish earmarked "Syrian Relief Effort"
- by sending a cheque payable to the Diocese earmarked "Syrian Relief Effort" and sent to the Pastoral
Centre, 120 17th Ave S.W., Calgary AB T2S 2T2
- Online donations using PayPal or credit cards are now acceptable by clicking on the Donate Now button on
our diocesan website and directing the funds to “Syrian Relief Effort”.
Life and family Resource Centre (LFRC)
“For Better & For Ever…” Marriage Preparation, a program offered by the LFRC of the Calgary Diocese.
This program consists of a 2 hour Monday evening orientation session and a Friday evening/Saturday day
session. Upcoming Dates for 2013:
Weekend Sessions
September 16
October 4 – 5
October 21
November 8 – 9
November 18
December 6 - 7
For more information or registration contact 403-218-5505 or email [email protected].
Retrouvaille, a lifeline for troubled marriages. The next Retrouvaille weekend is September 13-15, 2013. For
information: www.helpourmarriage.com . Call 403-282-9531 or 403-540-8642.
Transitions, a 15-week program for the newly separated or divorced, will run every Tuesday from 7:00 –
9:00 pm starting October 1, 2013. Call 403-218-5505 for more information or to register.
Effective Co-Parenting, a 5-week program for separated/divorced parents that teaches helpful
communication skills. Scheduled to run every Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm starting October 2.
Call 403-218-5505 for more information or to register.
The 2013 “A Song for Rachel” takes place on Friday, October 18, at St. Joseph’s Parish, 640-19 Avenue
NW Calgary. Contact the LFRC at 403-218-5505 for ticket reservations.

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