
Phone: +33 669 740 780 / Email : [email protected]
To attain a research position in a world-renowned research institution, focused on understanding human impacts on marine
life and investigating management solutions
Ph.D. in Marine Sciences
The University of Queensland & CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Brisbane, Australia
Thesis: “The population biology and ecology of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi in eastern Australia”
Supervisors: Prof. Mike Bennett, Assoc. Prof. Anthony Richardson, Dr. Kathy Townsend and Dr. Scarla Weeks
Bachelor of Science with Honours (class I) in Marine Sciences
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Euro American Institute of Technology, CERAM, Sophia Antipolis, France
Honours Thesis: “Influence of the zooplankton community composition on the occurrence of manta rays at North
Stradbroke Island, Australia”. Supervisors: Prof. Mike Bennett, Dr. Kathy Townsend and Dr. Scarla Weeks
Couturier L.I.E., Jaine F.R.A and Kashiwagi T. (2015). First photographic records of the giant manta ray Manta birostris off
eastern Australia. PeerJ 3: e742 9
Presence of giant manta rays in temperate areas was associated with warming waters and fluctuations in current circulation as a
result of climate-driven changes
Jaine F. R. A., Rohner C. A., Weeks S. J., Couturier L. I. E., Bennett M. B., Townsend K. A. and Richardson A. J. (2014).
Movements and habitat use of reef manta rays off eastern Australia: offshore excursions, deep diving and eddy affinity
revealed by satellite telemetry. Marine Ecology Progress Series 510, 73-86 (citations = 7)
Shows that the reef manta ray occupies a wide range of habitats from inshore to offshore environments to exploit productive
hotspots and travel long distances
Couturier L.I.E, Dudgeon C., Pollock K., Jaine F.R., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson, A.J. ( 2014).
Population dynamics of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi in eastern Australia. Coral Reefs , 33, 329-342 (citations = 4)
Shows that the reef manta ray is long-lived and can display long-term site fidelity (>30 years). Adult mantas have a very high
survival probability between years and seasonal abundance of individuals within the study area fluctuated between years.
Couturier L.I.E, Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and
Nichols P.D. (2013). Stable isotope and signature fatty acid analyses suggest reef manta rays feed on demersal
zooplankton. PLoSOne 8, e77152 (citations = 11)
Shows that reef mantas do not feed exclusively on pelagic zooplankton and may exploit offshore deep and/or demersal food sources
Rohner C.A., Couturier L.I.E., Richardson A.J., Pierce S.J., Prebble C., Gibbons M.J. and Nichols P.D. (2013). Feeding
ecology of whale sharks Rhincodon typus inferred from stomach content and signature fatty acid analyses. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 493, 219-235 (citations = 9)
Shows that whale sharks may primarily exploit mesopelagic and demersal preys
Couturier, L. I. E., Bennett, M. B. & Richardson, A. J. (2013). Mystery of giant rays off the Gaza strip solved. Oryx - The
International Journal of Conservation 47, 480 (citations = 1)
Highlights the potential fisheries impacts on the survival of an endangered Mobula species in Gaza, Palestine
Couturier L.I.E, Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Pierce S.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B., Weeks
S.J. and Nichols P.D. (2013). Unusually high levels of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in whale sharks and manta rays
and food-web implications. Lipids 48, 1029-1034 (citations = 6)
Highlights that the diet and trophic interactions of giant planktivores is more complex than previously assumed
Couturier, L. I. E., Marshall, A. D., Jaine, F. R. A., Kashiwagi, T., Pierce, S.J., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. J., Bennett, M. B.
and Richardson, A.J. (2012). Biology, ecology and conservation of the Mobulidae. Journal of fish biology 80, 1075-1119
(citations = 37)
First review on the group highlighting important knowledge gaps and conservation issues. Fishing pressures (targeted and bycatch) were
identified as an important and impending threat to the survival of Mobulidae species considering their very conservative life histories (late
maturity, low fecundity).
Bustamante, C., Couturier, L. I. E. and Bennett, M. B. (2012). First record of Mobula japanica (Rajiformes: Myliobatidae)
from the south-eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records 5, e48 (citations = 2)
Known distribution range extension of a Mobula species in temperate waters
Jaine, F. R. A., Couturier, L. I. E., Weeks, S. J., Townsend, K. A., Bennett, M. B., Fiora, K. and Richardson A. J. (2012) When
giants turn up: sighting trends, environmental influences and habitat use of the manta ray Manta alfredi at a coral reef.
PLoS ONE 7, e46170 (citations = 15)
Shows that the abundance of reef manta rays was influenced by season, wind speed, moon phase and primary productivity at an
important aggregation site in eastern Australia
Lydie I E Couturier
Couturier, L. I. E., Jaine, F. R. A., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. J., Richardson, A. J. & Bennett, M. B. (2011). Distribution, site
affinity and regional movements of the manta ray, Manta alfredi (Krefft, 1868), along the east coast of Australia. Marine and
Freshwater Research 62, 628-637 (citations = 20)
Shows that reef manta rays aggregate seasonally at several sites along the east Australian coast. Provides the f irst empirical
evidence that the species undertakes large-scale seasonal migrations along the coastline likely linked with the East Australian
Current circulation patterns.
In review
Couturier L.I.E, Newman P., Venables W., Jaine F.R., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson, A.J. ( in
review ). Habitat use and residency of Manta alfredi at a key aggregation site in the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Ecology
Progress Series
Shows the strong site fidelity displayed by tagged reef manta rays to aggregation site and that their occurrence had clear diurnal
patterns, which suggests that individuals move to other areas during the night
Armstrong A. O., Armstrong A. J., Jaine F. R. A, Couturier L. I. E., Uribe J., Weeks S. J., Townsend K. A., Bennett M. B.,
Richardson A. j. ( in review ). Prey density and tidal phase influence foraging of reef manta rays at an aggregation site on the Great
Barrier Reef. PLoS One
Shows that manta rays have a critical prey density threshold triggering feeding activities. Size and composition of zooplankton did not have an
effect on feeding.
Google Scholar metrics
total citations: 118
h-index = 7
m-index = 3.5 (h index/ # of years since PhD)
Citations per year
Journal reviewer
Environmental Biology of Fishes; Marine and Freshwater Research; PLoS One; Journal of Marine Biology and
Oceanography; Journal of Linnaean Society; PeerJ; Marine Biodiversity Records
Project Manager and research assistant, Project MANTA, The University of Queensland, Australia
Communication, promotion of citizen science, data collection and management, field work coordination
PhD candidate with Project MANTA, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Elasmobranchs, Mobulidae, movements and distribution, population dynamics, feeding ecology, habitat use
Field work at Lady Elliot Island and North Stradbroke Island in addition to data collection through citizen science
Research assistant for the Bennett Lab, Project MANTA, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Data collection and management, field work coordination
Monitoring and tagging (PIT tag, acoustic tags) of spotted eagle rays Aetobatus narinari, Sarasota Bay,
Florida. USA. Project Leader: Kim Bassos-Hull, Mote Marine Laboratory
Photo-ID and citizen science development for Manta spp. in Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia. Project leader:
Helen Mitchell and Peter Bassett, Aquatic Alliance
Internal acoustic tagging on leopard sharks, Stegostoma fasciatum at North Stradbroke Island , Australia.
Project leader : Chris Dudgeon, The University of Queensland
Photo-identification and tissue biopsies on whale sharks Rhincodon typus , and zooplankton sample
collection at Mafia Island, Tanzania. Project leader : Chris Rohner, Marine Megafauna Foundation
Dissections and morphometric measurements of Mobulidae spp. at Kwa-Zulu Natal Shark Board, Durban,
South Africa. Program leader: Geremy Cliff
Photo-identification and deployment of acoustic telemetry equipment on manta ray Manta spp. at Tofo
Beach, Mozambique. Project Leader: Andrea Marshall, Marine Megafauna Foundation
Deployment of experimental equipment in the field for the study of coral-algae interactions and dynamics
in Moreton Bay, Australia. Project Leader : Ian Tibbetts, The University of Queensland
Maintenance of an aquarium system and feeding of fish used in behavioural studies at the University of
Queensland, Australia. Project Leader : Lexa Grutter, The University of Queensland
Assistant Lecturer (ATER, marine biology and ecology), Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography,
Université d’ Aix Marseille, France
Full time teaching position. Coordination of undergraduate (Licence) and graduate (Master) courses in Ecology and Marine
Biology. Tasks include writing and delivering lectures, organising and managing practical courses, marking assignments
Lydie I E Couturier
Graduate student supervision (assisting), Mike Bennett Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, The
University of Queensland, Australia
Provided training and supervision support for BSc (Hon) and PhD students in Prof. Bennett Laboratory
Academic Tutor (marine ecology), School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia
Teaching of high school and undergraduate students during practical courses and fieldwork and marking assignments
UQ Research Scholarship and UQ International Research Tuition Award
Passion of Paradise Travel Award to participate to ASFB/OCS Conference, Adelaide
Graduate School International Travel Award by The University of Queensland (research trip to Africa)
Passion of Paradise Travel Grant to participate to Sharks International Conference, Cairns (June 2010)
Project AWARE grant for marine conservation activities and community education and awareness
Research expertise
Population ecology and biology, trophic ecology, pelagic
predators, zooplankton ecology, fisheries and conservation
Technical and laboratory skills
 Acoustic telemetry (internal & external tagging and receiver
deployment) & satellite telemetry
 Underwater photography
 Photo-identification and laser-photogrammetry techniques
 in-situ environmental data collection (CTD-F, chl- a )
 Underwater sampling techniques (quadrats, transects,ROV)
 Fatty acid and stable isotope analyses (GC-MS)
 Stereo and optical microscopy
 Zooplankton: sampling methods, species ID, Zooscan
 Animal surveys (direct collection, netting, fishing lines)
 Tissue biopsy and preservation, behavioural observations
Marine vertebrate dissection
Scientific reading and writing in English and French
Teaching secondary and tertiary students
Public engagement with science project (citizen science)
Research project promotion: Public talk, production of
informative poster, newsletters, flyers, creation of website,
social media
Oral and poster contributions to international conferences
Reviewer for scientific journals
Project management
Logistical & administrative coordination of research projects
Working with and designing protocols
Data management and analyses of complex datasets
Writing of grant applications and scientific publications
Team work and team leadership
Public engagement and citizen science
Implementation and coordination of field activities
Deployment and maintenance of scientific equipment
Training of volunteers and team members in organisational
tasks, scientific methodologies and field activities
Language R, Program Mark, PRIMER
Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, ImageJ
Microsoft Office Pro, Endnote, Mendeley
Other training
ADAS Scientific diver with NITROX (Australia)
QLD Recreational Marine driving licence (Australia)
Marine Radio Operator’s VHF (Australia)
French – native
English –fluent
Spanish –intermediate
Introduction to R workshop at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Speed monitoring in science communication at the University of Queensland
R basics, Statistical modelling and Programming
Science communication, public relation, career orientation
Program MARK workshop at CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia ( participated in the organisation of the workshop )
Closed models, open models and robust design models
R workshop at CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia
Program MARK 1 day workshop, Melbourne, Australia
Australian Marine Science Association student workshop at Moreton Bay Research Station, North
Stradbroke Isl. Field work training, data analysis, scientific writing, science communication
Plankton workshop at Moreton Bay Research Station, North Stradbroke Isl
Communication in Science, Econnect Communication, Brisbane, Australia
R basics, packages, statistical modelling, Graphics, programming
Closed models, open models and robust design models
Zooplankton sampling methodologies, zooplankton identification
Effective communication, public speaking, use of media
Lydie I E Couturier
Australian Marine Science Association student workshop at Moreton Bay Research Station, North Stradbroke
Isl. Field work training, data analysis, scientific writing, science communication
ADAS Scientific Diving course at the University of Queensland
Queensland Recreational Marine Driving License , Brisbane, Australia
CMAS/FFESSM Dive Master (3 stars), Juan Les Pins, France
Field work training
Oral presentations
Couturier L.I.E, Dudgeon C.L., Pollock K.H., Jaine F.R.A., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson A.J.
Structure and dynamics of an unexploited population of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi. In 27 th International Congress on
Conservation Biology . Montpellier, France, August 2015
Couturier, L. I. E., Marshall, A. D., Jaine, F. R. A., Kashiwagi, T., Pierce, S.J., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. J., Bennett, M. B. and
Richardson, A.J. Status of knowledge on the Mobulidae and conservation issues. In 2015 Annual Symposium of the Fisheries
Society of the British Isles, Theme: Biology, ecology and conservation of elasmobranchs. Plymouth, UK. July 2015
Couturier L.I.E, Newman P., Venables W., Jaine F.R., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson, A.J.
Habitat use and residency of Manta alfredi at a key aggregation site in the Great Barrier Reef. In Sharks International
2014 . Durban, South Africa. June 2014
Couturier L.I.E, Dudgeon C.L., Pollock K.H., Jaine F.R.A., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson A.J.
Structure and dynamics of an unexploited population of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi . In 17th European
Elasmobranch Association Conference . Plymouth,UK. November 2013
Couturier L.I.E, Dudgeon C.L., Pollock K.H., Jaine F.R.A., Bennett M.B., Townsend K.A., Weeks S.J. and Richardson A.J..
Population dynamics of the reef manta ray Manta alfredi in eastern Australia. In Oceania Chondrichthyan Society .
Brisbane, Australia. September 2013
Couturier L.I.E, Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Pierce S.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B.,
Weeks S.J. and Nichols P.D. Fatty acid analysis suggests that demersal zooplankton are an important dietary component
for whale sharks and reef manta rays. In Australian Marine Sciences Association . Gold Coast, Australia. July 2013
Couturier L.I.E, Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B., Weeks S.J. and
Nichols P.D. Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses show reef manta ray snack on surface zooplankton and feast on
demersal zooplankton. In Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 9 . Okinawa, Japan. June 2013
Couturier L. I. E., Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Pierce S.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B.,
Weeks S.J. and Nichols P.D. (2011). Unusual fatty acid profiles of manta rays and whale sharks with high levels of
omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid. In International Postgraduate Symposium in Biomedical
Sciences. Brisbane, Australia. September 2012
Couturier L. I. E., Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Pierce S.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B.,
Weeks S.J. and Nichols P.D. Unusual fatty acid profiles of manta rays and whale sharks with high levels of omega -6
polyunsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid. In ASFB/OCS 2012. Adelaide, Australia. July 2012
Couturier, L. I. E., Marshall, A. D., Jaine, F. R. A., Kashiwagi, T., Pierce, S.J., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. J., Bennett, M.
B. and Richardson, A.J. Status of knowledge on the Mobulidae and conservation issues. In ASFB/OCS 2012. Adelaide,
Australia. July 2012
Couturier, L. I. E., Jaine, F. R. A., Townsend, K. A., Weeks, S. J., Richardson, A. J. & Bennett, M. B. Local site fidelity
and regional movements of the manta ray, Manta alfredi , along the east coast of Australia. In Sharks International.
Cairns, Australia. June 2010
Poster presentations
Burgess, K.B., Couturier, L.I.E., Marshall, A.D. & Richardson, A.J., Weeks, S.J. & Bennett, M.B. Manta spp. as secondary
consumers of a δ 13C enriched food source. In Sharks International 2014. Durban, South Africa, June 2014
Couturier L.I.E, Rohner C.A., Richardson A.J., Marshall A.D., Jaine F.R.A., Townsend K.A., Bennett M.B., Weeks S.J. and
Nichols P.D. Demersal zooplankton as an important food source for Manta alfredi? In Sharks International 2014. Durban,
South Africa, June 2014
Couturier, L. I. E., Newman, P., Jaine, F. R. A., Bennett, M. B., Townsend, K. A., Richardson, A. J. & Weeks, S. J. (2011).
Residency, site fidelity and habitat use of the manta ray, Manta alfredi, at Lady Elliot Island, Australia: Application of
mixed effects models on acoustic telemetry data. In Fourth International Science Symposium on Bio-logging. Hobart,
Australia. March 2011
Jaine, F. R. A., Couturier, L. I. E., Weeks, S. J., Richardson, A. J., Townsend, K. A. & Bennett, M. B. (2011). The
Capricorn Eddy: a driver of the movements and occurrence of manta rays Manta alfredi in the southern Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. In Third Oceania Condrichthyan Society Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. September 2011
Jaine, F. R. A., Couturier, L. I. E., Bennett, M. B., Townsend, K. A., Richardson, A. J. & Weeks, S. J. (2011). Going with
the flow: horizontal movements of the plankton-feeding manta ray Manta alfredi and links to dynamics and productivity
of the East Australian Current. In Fourth International Science Symposium on Bio-logging. Hobart, Australia. March 2011