Teacher Workbook


Teacher Workbook
Section One:
Seasonal Clothing
1. Which clothes do you wear in wintertime? Write in English the names of all the
winter clothing you can think of. If you know the French names for some of these
articles of clothing, write them as well.
2. Did you recognize some of the winter clothing in the animation? Which ones? Write
their names in English. If you know their names in French, write them as well.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 1
3. Below you will see the winter clothing that was discussed in the animation. On the
line next to each picture, write the name of the character (Élise or Miguel) that the
clothing belongs to. View the animation “C’est l’hiver” as often as you need to.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 2
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 3
1. On the lines below, write in English the articles of clothing you are wearing today.
Can you recall any of the French names for these articles? If you know the French
name of the clothing article, write it on the line next to the English word. If you do
not know the French word, use the Glossary to help you.
2. Look at the images on the left. Draw a line from the image to its name from the list
on the right. If you cannot remember the name, use the Glossary to help you.
la blouse
la casquette
le chandail
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 4
la chaussure
la chaussure de sport
la chemise
le gilet
le jean
la jupe
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 5
le pantalon
le pull
la robe
le t-shirt
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 6
3. Listen again to Track 1 on the Module 2 CD. Use the conversation you
hear to complete the chart below with the words in the box. Listen
carefully for clothing items that were liked and preferred by our two
characters. Some words can appear more than once.
les casquettes bleues
le pantalon noir
le t-shirt gris
le pull vert
la blouse rose
le chandail noir
les casquettes jaunes
le t-shirt rouge
les chaussures blanches
la jupe noire
Je préfère…
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Je préfère…
Pg 7
4. Look at the two pictures below. Decide which of the two you prefer and write a
sentence using the verb Préférer. Follow the model.
Je préfère le t-shirt vert.
le t-shirt
le t-shirt
la jupe noire
le jean noir
le pull violet
le pull gris
de sport
de sport
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 8
5. Record yourself reading the three sentences you wrote in number 4.
Submit your recording with the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 2, Number 5.
6. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Bingo de
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instruction on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 9
1. Think about all the clothes you have in your dresser and your closet. What are the
top three colours that you wear most often? Write your answers in French on the
lines below.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 10
2. Below you will see two characters, a boy and a girl. On the right, you will
see a list of colours that are numbered 1 to 10. Listen to Track 2 on the
Module 2 CD. As you listen to each description, you will hear the colour
associated with each article of clothing. Write the number associated with
each colour on the proper article of clothing. For example if you hear: Le
pantalon est vert. Put the number 9 on the pants.
1. blanc
2. bleu
3. brun
4. jaune
5. noir
6. orange
7. rose
8. rouge
9. vert
10. violet
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 11
3. Look at the pictures below and write a sentence describing the colour of each article
of clothing. Follow the model.
Model :
La casquette est verte.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 12
4. Take out the cards from Day Two and play another game of Bingo de
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 13
1. The weather outside often helps us decide what to wear. Summer clothes are most
often different than clothes we wear in winter. On the lines below, make two lists of
clothes: winter clothes and summer clothes. This may be done in English or French.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 14
2. Look at the vocabulary pictures below then listen to Track 4 on the Module
2 CD. Write the numbers 1-13 under each picture to match the order in
which they were listed. The first one is done for you.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 15
3. Open the Glossary at the back of Module Two. You will find various articles of
clothing that could be worn in spring, summer, fall or winter. In the chart below,
name five pieces of clothing you would wear for each season. Be sure to include the
correct article: le, la or les.
Le printemps
4. Pick an article of clothing that is not in the Glossary. Take out a French/English
dictionary and follow the directions given in the Module to help you find the French
translation. On the first line below, write the English word and then on the second
line write the translation you found. Be sure to use the correct article le or la with
your new French word.
5. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Les
catégories (Categories).
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Les catégories 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 16
1. Look through your closet and pull out any article of clothing that has a label on it.
Read the label. Is it written in French and in English? Check a second article of
clothing and a third. Do they all have bilingual labels? On the line below, write how
many articles of clothing you checked and how many had French and English labels.
2. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the verb Être: est
or sont.
a. Le maillot de bain ____________ jaune.
b. Les mitaines ____________ vertes.
c. Les sandales ____________ brunes.
d. La tuque ____________ rouge.
e. L’imperméable ____________ bleu.
f. Les lunettes de soleil ____________ roses.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 17
3. Below you will find various pictures of clothing and colours. Pick one article of
clothing and one colour then write a sentence. You need to write two singular
sentences using le, la or l’ and the verb EST and two plural sentences using les and
the verb SONT. Follow the model. Remember to use the chart on Day Three to
help you spell the colours correctly.
Le pantalon est bleu.
Les jupes sont violettes.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Le t-shirt est rouge.
Les mitaines sont jaunes.
Pg 18
4. Record yourself reading the four sentences you wrote in number 3.
Submit your recording with the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 5, Number 4.
5. Take out your cards from Day Four and play another game of Les
catégories (Categories).
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Les catégories 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 19
1. Look at the nouns in the sentences below. How would you know if they are
masculine or feminine?
Le manteau est noir.
La tuque est violette.
Les bottes de neige sont rouges.
L’habit de neige est brun.
2. Look at the pictures below. On the first line, write the name for the article of
clothing with the proper article: le, la, l’, les. On the second line, write the pronoun
il/ils or elle/elles that you could use to replace this noun. The first one is done for
le manteau
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 20
3. Look at the pictures below and read the sentences describing them. Notice the
noun. Is it masculine or feminine, singular or plural? Once you have answered
these two questions, rewrite the sentence using the correct pronoun: Il or Ils, Elle or
Elles. The first one is done for you.
Elle est bleue.
La tuque est bleue.
Le maillot de bain
est jaune.
Les mitaines sont
Le débardeur est
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 21
Les t-shirts sont
Les bottes de neige
sont noires.
L’habit de neige est
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 22
4. Look at the images below. Now listen to the sentences on Track 6 on the
Module 2 CD. Match the sentence with one of the images. Write the
letter from next to the image by the matching sentence numbers below.
The first one is done for you.
Hint: Listen for vocabulary words, pronouns il/ils or elle/elles, verbs Est or Sont and
colours to help you do the matching.
Sentence 1: d
Sentence 2: ______
Sentence 3: ______
Sentence 4: ______
Sentence 5: ______
Sentence 6: ______
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 23
1. It is important to remember that when something belongs to you and you want to
express that in French, there are three words that you can use which have the same
meaning as MY in English. These were seen many times in French 4. Can you
remember what they are? Write them on the lines below.
Hint: If you can’t remember them, you may want to look through your Grade 4
Modules, ask a friend or use a French /English dictionary.
2. Look at the pictures below. Each of the characters is dressed for a different season.
Pretend that you are them and on the lines below each picture, describe three
things they are wearing. Start each sentence with the correct possessive adjective
mon, ma or mes. Use the Glossary to help you with spelling and gender for the
articles of clothing. Follow the model.
Mon t-shirt est vert.
Mes lunettes de soleil sont noires.
Ma casquette est bleue.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 24
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 25
3. What is your favourite time of the year? In the box below write the name of the
season you like best then beneath it, draw five articles of clothing you like to wear
during this time of the year. Colour them. Then write a sentence for each article
you drew. Use the sentences in number 2 as models.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 26
4. Record the five sentences you wrote in number 3. Submit your recording
with the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 7, Number 4.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 27
1. Listen again to Track 8 on the Module 2 CD. Part way through the dialogue Miguel
names the clothing Alex is wearing in the picture he sent to his cousin and Justin
names the clothing he is wearing in the picture he is sending to Alex. What pronoun
did Miguel use to describe Alex? What pronoun did Justin use to describe himself?
Write these on the lines below.
Miguel: _______________
Justin: _______________
2. Look at the three words and pictures below. Next to each rewrite the article and
noun using the indefinite articles un, une, or des.
le débardeur
les shorts
la tuque
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 28
3. Listen to Track 9 on the Module 2 CD. Fill in the spaces with the missing
pronouns, verbs and nouns that you hear.
L’été, _______ porte des shorts bleus.
Il _______ un t-shirt vert.
Il porte des _________.
_______ porte une casquette bleue.
Il ________ des lunettes de soleil noires.
L’hiver, je porte un ________________ bleu.
_______ porte des bottes de neige noires.
Je _______ une tuque rose.
Je porte des ___________blanches.
Je porte un foulard__________.
Le _______________, elle porte des pantalons noirs.
Elle porte un t-shirt ____________.
Elle ____________ un pull rose.
_______ porte des bottes de pluie violettes.
Elle porte un _____________ violet.
L’automne, _______ portes des pantalons bleus.
Tu portes un ________ jaune.
Tu ___________ un pull gris.
Tu portes des chaussures ____________.
Tu portes une ______________ bleue.
_______ portes un manteau noir.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 29
4. Think of each season and one article of clothing you like to wear. Complete each
sentence describing an article of clothing, using its colour. Follow the model.
L’hiver, je porte des bottes de neige noires.
L’été, je porte un débardeur jaune.
Le printemps, je porte un imperméable rouge.
L’automne, je porte un pull vert.
a. L’hiver, __________________________________________.
b. L’été, ____________________________________________.
c. Le printemps, _____________________________________.
d. L’automne, _______________________________________.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 30
Are there some clothes that you have to wear but that you
don’t like wearing? Why?
Are there some clothes that you would like to wear more
often? Which ones? Why?
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 31
1. Read the questions and answers below. On the line next to the answer, write Vrai
(True) or Faux (False). If the answer to the question is False, then write a more
appropriate answer on the second line. If the answer is True, simply move on to
the next question.
Qu’est-ce que tu portes quand il fait froid?
Je porte un foulard.
Qu’est-ce que tu portes quand il fait chaud?
Je porte un habit de neige.
Qu’est-ce que tu portes quand il pleut?
Je porte des bottes de pluie.
Qu’est-ce que tu portes quand il neige?
Je porte des shorts.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 32
2. Listen to Track 11 on the Module 2 CD. You will hear a question related to
weather and what you would wear in that situation. Look at the articles
of clothing below and choose an appropriate one to answer the question.
Write your answers on the lines below. Follow the model.
You heard:
Qu’est ce que tu portes quand il fait chaud?
Possible answer : Je porte un débardeur.
un débardeur
des shorts
un habit de
des bottes de
un pull
des pantalons
un manteau
un maillot de bain
un imperméable
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 33
3. Take out your cards from Days Two and Four. Play another game of
Bingo de vêtements and Les catégories (Categories).
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 and Les catégories 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 34
1. Miguel and Isabelle are leaving for a vacation with their families over the Christmas
Break. However they are going to two different places. Miguel is going to Hawaii
and Isabelle is going to Alaska to spend time with relatives. They are both very
excited yet they will wear and pack very different articles of clothing.
Choose, from the vocabulary words given on Day Two and Day Four, articles of
clothing Miguel and Isabelle would wear. For each character, write two sentences
with the verb Porter and the given pronoun, naming articles of clothing they would
wear. Include colours.
Then pick a holiday spot where you would like to go and draw yourself in the box
given below and add the name of your holiday destination underneath it. Next
write two sentences describing what you would wear. Follow the model.
Il porte un pull gris. Il porte des pantalons bleus.
Elle porte un pull gris. Elle porte des pantalons bleus.
Je porte un pull gris. Je porte des pantalons bleus.
Il porte ______________________________________________.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 35
Elle porte ____________________________________________.
Je porte _____________________________________________.
2. Record the sentences you wrote in number 1. Submit your recording with
the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 1, Day 10, Number 2.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 36
3. Take out your cards from Days Two and Four. Play another game of
Bingo de vêtements and Les catégories (Categories).
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 1 and Les catégories 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 1: Seasonal Clothing
Pg 37
Section Two:
Sports Clothing
Think about the sports which are popular at school, in your
town and among your friends. These sports might be team
sports, individual sports or simply something you do with
your friends for fun. On the lines below, write in English
the names of these sports.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 1
1. a. In the animation, Yvan and Isabelle discuss various sports. On the lines below,
write in English the names of the sports they mentioned. If you recognize some of
the sports in French, you can write them as well. View the animation again if you do
not recall them.
b. Did you notice what pieces of equipment Yvan uses when he skateboards? Write
them in English on the lines below.
c. Do you practice a sport which requires that you wear some protective equipment?
Explain in English what the sport is and which equipment you need.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 2
1. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Les catégories
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instruction on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Les catégories 2 online.
2. The players on the next page are dressed for various sports. In the boxes beside
each picture, name the equipment in French that they are wearing. Then under each
player, name the sport in French that that they will play. Remember to use the
proper articles le/la/les. Check the Glossary if you need help.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 3
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 4
3. Record yourself reading the following lists of equipment for soccer and
skateboarding. First read the sport and then name the equipment used to
play this sport.
Le soccer :
le maillot, le short, les protège-tibias,
les chaussettes, les chaussures à crampons
La planche à
roulettes :
le casque, les protège-coudes,
les protège-poignets, les protège-genoux,
le pantalon d’entraînement
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 2, Number 3.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 5
1. What three pieces of equipment was Isabelle wondering about? Write the French
names on the lines below. Make sure to use the proper article le, la or les.
2. How would you answer the question Qu’est-ce que c’est? for each of the pictures
below. Remember to use C’est...when the answer is singular and Ce sont…when the
answer is plural. Follow the model.
Model : Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Ce sont les protège-genoux.
les protège-genoux
C’est le casque.
le casque
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 6
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
le gant de baseball
les protégépoignets
le maillot de bain
le protège-gorge
les protège-épaules
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 7
les chaussures à
3. Listen to Track 14 on the Module 2 CD. You will hear the question Qu’estce que c’est asked for each of the questions below. Circle the picture that
matches the answer you heard. Follow the model.
Model: You heard: Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est le casque.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 8
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 9
4. Play another game of Les catégories (Categories) with the cards from Day
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
This time make sure to ask the proper question and give the proper answer as you
place the pieces of equipment with the right sport.
For example, if you pick Le hockey as the sport and pick up the shoulder pads, ask:
Qu’est-ce que c’est? then answer Ce sont les protège-épaules.
Next pick up the helmet and ask: Qu’est-ce que c’est? and answer C’est le casque de
If you have access to a computer, play a game called Les sons et les images 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 10
1. What sport(s) do you play? What sport(s) do you do? Using Je joue and Je fais write
two sentences answering the questions above. Use the chart on Day Four of the
Module to help you.
2. Look at the pictures of sports below. Choose whether it is a sport you play or a
sport you do and write the appropriate sentence next to each. Follow the model.
Model :
Je fais de la danse.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 11
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 12
3. Write two riddles. First choose one sport you play and another you do. Fill in the
first sentence with the correct sport. Then under each, list all the equipment you
need to play this sport. Not all spaces need to be filled. Use the Glossary to help you
with spelling.
Je joue au_________________________.
Je fais ________________________.
J’ai besoin (de)_____________________.
J’ai besoin (de)_________________.
4. Record yourself reading the riddles you wrote in number 3. Do not say the
sport, simply list the equipment needed. See if your friend or teacher can
name the sport.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 4, Number 4.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 13
Are you starting to feel comfortable with the new sports
vocabulary? What have you been doing to help you
remember these new words? Write your answers in
English using complete sentences.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 14
1. Look at the two pictures below. Next to each picture, you will see a sentence with
the missing verb. Can you remember how to say “wear” in French? If you are
unsure, review Section One of this Module then complete the sentences with the
proper verb.
Je ___________ mon t-shirt rouge.
Je ___________ mon t-shirt jaune.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 15
2. Write the sports equipment listed in the box under the correct heading in the chart.
Some of the equipment belongs to you and the rest belongs to someone else. Look
carefully at the possessive adjective mon/ton or mes/tes to know which is which.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 16
3. Listen to Track 17 on the Module 2 CD. Justin and Élise are discussing the
sports they play. Justin names the equipment he puts on to play soccer
and compares it to the equipment his friend, Élise, puts on to play
baseball. In the text, you will find missing pronouns (Je or Tu), missing
possessive adjectives (mon, ton, mes, tes) and missing verbs (joue/joues
or mets). Fill in the blanks with what you hear.
____ joue au soccer. Tu _______au baseball. Je_______ mon maillot. Tu mets
_______ maillot. Je mets _______ short. _______ mets _______ pantalon
d’entraînement. Je _______ mes protège-tibias. _______ mets ton gant de baseball.
Je mets _______ chaussettes. Tu mets _______ casque. _______ _______ mes
chaussures à crampons. Tu mets _______ chaussures à crampons.
4. Play another game of Les catégories (Categories) with the cards from
Day Two.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Les catégories 2 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 17
1. Do you remember the pronouns from Module One? Look at the pictures below and
name the two missing singular pronouns.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 18
2. Listen to Track 18 on the Module 2 CD. Next to each picture, complete the
sentence with what you hear. The first one is done for you.
Elle met ses protège-poignets.
_________ met _________ casque.
_________ met _________ chaussures de danse.
Il _________ _________ gant de baseball.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 19
_________ met _________ pantalon de hockey.
_________ met _________ protège-coudes.
_____ _________ ____ lunettes de natation.
3. Review the various sports and equipment that were listed on Day Two in the
Module. Complete the first sentence with your choice of sport. Remember some are
played and some are done (Day Four). Then name something you need for this
sport and two pieces of equipment you wear to play or do this sport. Notice that the
pronoun changes with each new sport. Follow the model.
fait de la natation.
a besoin de ses lunettes de natation.
met son maillot de bain.
porte ses lunettes de natation.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 20
Il joue au ___________________________________.
Il a besoin de___________________________________.
Il met ____________________________________.
Il porte _____________________________________________.
Je joue au ____________________________________.
J’ai besoin de ___________________________________________.
Je mets____________________________________________.
Je porte _____________________________________________.
Tu fais ______________________________________.
Tu as besoin de__________________________________________.
Tu mets___________________________________________.
Tu portes ______________________________________________.
Elle fait ______________________________________.
Elle a besoin de__________________________________________.
Elle met____________________________________________.
Elle porte_______________________________________________.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 21
1. Look at the two sentences below. Say both of them out loud. What is the difference
between the two? Write your thoughts in English on the lines below using complete
I put on my helmet.
Put on your helmet!
2. Listen to Track 20 on the Module 2 CD. Circle the word phrase (sentence)
or ordre (command) next to each depending on what you hear. The first
one is done for you.
Hint: Listen for the verb and the intonation of the voice.
a. Phrase
b. Phrase
c. Phrase
d. Phrase
e. Phrase
f. Phrase
g. Phrase
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 22
3. Below you will read sentences. Can you change them into commands? Add an
exclamation point or simply use a period. Follow the model.
Model: Je mets mon gant de baseball.
Mets ton gant de baseball.
Mets ton gant de baseball!
Je mets mon maillot
de bain.
Je mets mes chaussettes.
Je mets mes chaussures à
Je mets mes patins à roues
Je mets mon
Je mets mes
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 23
4. Take out the cards for Les catégories from Day Two.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to
play with the following variation.
Have your partner pick a sport and put the card down in front of them as they name
it. Next pick up a piece of equipment needed for this sport. Give a command to your
partner to put it on. Your partner will then take the card and say that they are
putting this piece of equipment on. Look at the example below.
Your partner picks up the card for hockey and says: Je joue au hockey.
You pick up elbow pads and say: Mets tes protège-coudes.
Your partner takes the card and says: Je mets mes protège-coudes.
You pick up a second piece of equipment and do the same. Continue until all
the equipment for hockey is chosen.
Change roles and play a second time. Continue until you are both more
comfortable with the vocabulary.
If you have access to a computer, play a game named Choisis bien 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 24
1. Read the following prepositions of place: sur, sous, dans, derrière, devant. You have
seen these prepositions in Grade 4 and in previous lessons. Can you remember what
each one means? Look at the five pictures below and notice the location of the
skates. Under each picture, place the correct preposition to say where the skates
are located. The first one is done for you.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 25
2. Look at the pictures below and complete each sentence with the correct preposition
from the list below. The first one is done for you.
Mon pantalon de hockey est dans le sac.
Mon maillot de bain est ________ la table.
Mes chaussures à crampons sont ________ la chaise.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 26
Mes patins sont ________ la garde-robe.
Mon maillot est ________ la chaise.
Mes gants de hockey sont ________ le sac.
Mes protège-genoux sont ________ le sac.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 27
3. Listen to Track 22 on Module 2 CD. Look at the three pictures given and
circle the one that matches what you hear.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 28
4. Look at the three pictures below. In each picture the helmet is located in
a different place. Record yourself saying where the helmet is located in
each picture. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Follow the model.
Model: You will say: Le casque est devant le sac.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 8, Number 4.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 29
1. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions that follow. Use the correct
preposition sur, sous, devant, dans, derrière and remember to change Mon/Mes to
Ton/Tes in your answers. Follow the model.
la table
le sac
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
la chaise
la garde-robe
Pg 30
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 31
Model: Où est mon casque. Ton casque est sur la table.
Où sont mes protège-genoux? Tes protège-genoux sont devant le sac.
Où est mon maillot?
Où sont mes
Où est mon gant
de baseball?
Où sont mes
Où sont mes patins?
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 32
2. Look at the picture above and listen to Track 24 on the Module 2 CD. You
will hear a question (Où est….? Où sont…? Où se trouve…?) asking where
a certain piece of equipment is located. Then you will hear an answer.
Look for that piece of equipment in the picture and see if it is located
where it is said to be. Then circle Vrai (True) or Faux (False) for each
question/answer. Hint: Listen for words such as sur, sous, devant,
derrière, dans.
3. Use the picture above and ask three questions about the equipment. Then answer
each question. Remember that you need to use the correct form of the verb Être;
EST for singular subjects and SONT for plural subjects. Follow the model.
Où est mon casque ? Or
Où se trouve mon casque?
Ton casque est sur la table.
Où sont mes protège-genoux? Or
Où se trouvent mes protège-genoux?
Tes protège-genoux sont devant le sac.
b. _____________________________________________________?
c. _____________________________________________________?
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 33
4. Record yourself reading the three questions and answers you wrote in
number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 9, Number 4.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 34
1. In the space on the next page make a poster for your favourite sport. Make sure to
include all the equipment you wear when you play. Complete the appropriate
sentence below and write it on your poster.
Je joue….
Je fais…
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 35
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 36
2. Look at your poster and make a list of the equipment you included. Use the proper
article le, la or les.
3. Choose two pieces of equipment above and write a sentence using the format
below. Make sure to use the proper possessive adjective Mon/Mes.
Je mets
4. Choose one piece of equipment from number 2 and pretend that you can’t find it.
Write the correct question using Où est…? or Où sont…? and the proper Mon/Mes
possessive adjective on the line below. Then answer the question using one of the
prepositions of place: sur, sous, derrière, devant, dans.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 37
5. Record yourself reading your responses for numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Submit your recording with the Workbook.
Here is an example of what your recording may sound like:
Je joue au hockey.
Je mets mon casque de hockey.
Je mets mes protège-épaules.
Où sont mes protège-coudes?
Tes protège-coudes sont sous la chaise.
Start your recording by saying:
Je m’appelle (give your name).
This is Module 2, Section 2, Day 10, Number 5.
6. Take out your games cards from Day Two and play the three variations of
the game Les catégories.
Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of Module Two for instructions on how to play.
If you have access to a computer, play Les catégories 2, Les sons et les images 1 and
Choisis bien 1 online.
Module 2: Clothing
Section 2: Sports Clothing
Pg 38