my favorite star is charlotte gainsbourg


my favorite star is charlotte gainsbourg
Name of your favourite star + Photo
my favorite star is charlotte gainsbourg
Fais des phrases en donnant les indications suivantes:
1. Réponds aux questions suivantes:
How old is she/he? Has got 39
Has he/she got brothers and sisters? Have got 3 sister and 2 brothers
Has he/she got pets? I do not know
Where does he/she live? In francia
What does she/he like to do?
2. Find three photos of your favourite star and describe him/her
(Utilise BE ou HAVE+GOT)
Hair: black hair
Eyes: black eyes
Size: 1,80
Face: roud face
Nose: big nose
3. Find three other photos of your favourite star with someone else and describe the
photos using « next to », « behind », « between », « in front of »
(Trouve trois autres photos de ta star préférée et décris la photo en utilisant "next to",
"behind", "between", "in front of"....)
4. Find any other information on your star and write it.
(Trouve d'autres informations sur ta star préférée et écris des phrases simples pour les

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